Sleeperz going to Rage

image: 74605HMP2025Founded in February 2008, the Enemy Territory team Sleeperz went a long way up to
the top of the scene. Starting as newcomers back then, the team can now be called a
Top5 team in Europe, being also one of the most stable teams around. With numerous EuroCups and ESL Major Series's they have been taking part in, the allstar team now prepares for another season and can once again exhibit a step forward.

The team has been taken up by the Dutch based gaming organisation Rage Gaming that is already host for a professional Call of Duty 4 team (recently ranked top7 in Europe) as well as the fourth coming UK ESL Pro Series CSS team. With the support of Rage we can expect the team to attend all the upcoming LAN events for Enemy Territory. The deal can also be seen as a first success of the recently started Project Phoenix which aims to give ambicious teams the chance to play for professional gaming organisations.

With the new found home and the soon to be starting season, the team was also forced to make a lineup change. As the initially planned addition of twidi could eventually not be realised due to internet problems, the team searched for a replacement and found that in form of former Colt45 leader Kamz who will now complete the Rage.ET lineup.
  • Belgium Rage Lazio
  • Norway Rage Eirik
  • England Rage Griim
  • Estonia Rage hell
  • England Rage Kamz

QuoteAlready having Enemy Territory in sight for a few months the oppertunity to pick-up this Enemy Territory team came in the form of rockit manager Bo. After a few days of consideration, me and my staff decided to add Enemy Territory to the Rage-Gaming organization. I want to thank bo for contacting us and a warm welcome to the team! - Netherlands RG`dGR

QuoteWe're glad to be joining a successful and established MGC like Rage-Gaming. With this move, we'd like to improve further on our online results as-well attending on the upcoming LANs. We hope that this move and our performances will inspire further MGC's to invest some effort in other Enemy Territory teams. Further thanks to RG`dGR & Project Phoenix for making this move happen. - Belgium Lazio

FIRST oh Kamz, you failed to pass the first 2 weeks :( <3 gl all! <o/

Rage suVi would fit :p




nice lu,,,,,.gl
:) gl eirik
Kamz aka Hype aka b2k aka rtcw hacker.... hes a fucking flooder, flooring irc everyday!
welcome back kamz, and congratz to sleeperz, project phoenix and rage :)
whats there to wb, where did he go?
He was inactive for 3 weeks, must have been exhausting :P
this must have been hard on kamz
loverly! new EC winners here for sure!
Nice site! And even nicer to see that more MGC's are picking up ET teams :)
nice, gl
good luck!
Another good name in ET , congratz and GL!
gl dudes
nice org, nice team. Good luck!
gl guys and Richard! :)
Kamz :)
Goodluck Guize! :)
should of took vokki, gl though
best of luck gents wont be the same without me huh? ;)
image: timwestwood

"You got that right."
gl zZz

lolz kamzZz
gl guys, do ET proud :}
gl Manjeet Singh
gl to the team. well done all!
gl kamz & cigo :)
kamz friend
i like where this is going :)
jaa rage vai?
well deserved :)

too bad I couldn't be a part of it, but glad to see you found a good replacement. all the best for you guys in future!
Cheers, sucks about the net. :((
thx twidi, u'll be missed though <3
Kamz finally in a team which he truly deserves
Gl guys :) nice to see sleepers keep going on ^^
wow very nice! good work bo mate :)
I thought kamz was inactive :p
and none of the teams wanted f5.. well gl!
Quote stable
f5 would've been stable if we had smth to play for, asked like all mgc's out there, only 4Kings was able to provide us support but they said ET doesnt have enough events

now it's too late
stable => get a good MGC

not :

get a good MGC => stable
can u tell me how sleeperz have been stable?
as far as i know their first OC winning lineup was something along: lazio eirik w3st griim suVi someone?

with change to 5on5 + minor lineup changes (1 guy at a time like every half a year) but still having 3 of those people in their lineup is kind of stable.

as compared to f5 who had 2 from masculine mans you came from dignitas (?) lepari from inactivity and olbaa from bb (?) in short: a typical mix like old sth lineups ...

i might of course be wrong about this but thats my general picture here.
we all played in same nationscup team before we made f5 and so what if we weren't praccing every day, we still played all major online tournaments and won them.

it's not like some good mgc will take a "stable" ET team if they always finish out of the prizes, dunno what the players told RAGE but the fact is that it's not very smart to take a team in a game like this if they won't get any money back. and guess it's not really good publicity for the mgc if some random teams with pathetic names (for example dickheads) beat the shit out of their team with knowning that the other team ain't praccing.
kind of lame of you flaming us cuz you couldn't get a mgc urself :)

and to correct you;
have won 2 oc's, 3rd @ ESL Masters, and 4th @ EC

not 3 ec titles, but if you look that we maintained playing stable and winning enough with the players we got, thats enough for us :)

& random team like dickheads will probably be made out of EC winning players :P
so wouldn't call that a random team + it's to be seen if they'll beat us.
u meant ESL Major Series? ESL Masters doesnt exist (there were ET Masters but it had nothing to do with esl)
yup ESL Major Series then :)
Im not flaming you, just stating some facts. it's great that big mgc's pick ET teams up and hopefully you can prove me wrong by finishing top-3 in ec or so, but just now cant see it happen since kamz joined your team, imo he won't bring anything good for the team (no hate). too bad twidi couldn't play with you guys, he would bring a lot of experience and brains to the team.
ur just looking at it wrong with looking for "skill" or "achievements" as the main reason why we got this MGC. Most of the MGC's know zero bout ET.

We just had a good presentation, good contacts & good timing.
and above that we're a "topteam" in ET & stable.

and yes twidi would've been great too bad it didnt go through, so up to kamz to prove he can do the same or better :)
see my comments.

there is more to the decision in "what team do we pick" or "do we pick a team at all" then just their EC placement.

People often forget that the money they want to have (in form of LAN support) does have to come from somewhere. and it does not just appear. its not like "you won a Eurocup? here have 500 euros. win us a LAN and then gtfo!"

(simply put)
did you tell about dave being gay in your presentation? :p
was the opening line :P
so youre saying you are gay aleks?

and there is nothing he need to prove to u
no im not mad
k :> than glad i think
i don't know what places they made in which eurocup or anything. and i have to admit that it would have been wiser for a MGC to take f5 ofcourse, in the sense that you are/were winning those online tournaments. but seeing as a MGC wants a team to win many prizes and therefore "get much prestige" it wouldn't be smart to take a team that will fall apart after 1 LAN.

for example junglebrothers who got into epsilon, won 1 LAN got into H2K and went inactive.
this does not help h2k, epsilon, the ET scene nor did it actually benefit the players really. here ofcourse i do not know if H2K was not able/willing to provide further support (except the name and a bouncer or something), but the point still stands.

the team was created before that LAN. it won that lan. it disappeared. same goes for F5. just exchange LAN with "Online tournaments". My guess is that if F5 had shown up in Antwerp (and probably won it :_D) you might as well be playing for another big MGC now, who could maybe offer support for further LANs.

Im not saying that lineup did not deserve a big MGC (&support) im just saying that you did not proof you were worthy of it.
make a 1 year contract with the mgc, that will keep you stable. had it with buttonbashers and it worked out.. too bad they couldn't support us for 3rd event.

sounds simple. is not (always). guess you got "lucky" with buttonbashers there. on the other hand BB took a team that consisted of how many people who had won how many previous LANs ?
I mean, h2k didn't make a contract with the players. it was supposed to be for one lan or so.. but anyway too tired to talk gn8 :d
nice avoiding my point about the BB lineup :P <3
I don't even know :-D, yeah it might help a bit.. but the main reason we got there was tosspot as a manager
In BB it kinda helped that I wanted us to have an ET team, the contract wasnt really the defining issue - though perhaps it kept you guys stable?
yeah I know that u made it all possible (thanks for that btw). but was just saying that the contract with full support to lans was a really nice motivation booster
from my point of view, in last year and the half, fins were much more stable, zZz was involving too many players, its just "coincidence" that this lineup consists of players which were playing for this team 2 years ago. I would say that f5 are twice as proven to be worthy of good MGC than zZz, especially in the last year. I am saying that zZz dont deserve it, but I am also not saying they do, for me they are basicly new team with colorful 6on6 history, not proven of anything yet.
f5 is x2 better than any team in ET so no shame in that
well, i meant it in terms of stabililty or smth, in last seasons zZz was like TAG, there were some core players but they barely played together at one time and team worked with addition of stable "mercs", I hope u mean what I am trying to say, i didnt mean to be offensive nor rating teams just by looking at achievements/how strong they actually are (if we were looking at how strong teams are there wouldnt be any discusion over here :) )
Think there is no point in discussion our stability, and everyone who does so obviously shows their lack of knowledge about the team.

the fact is we have been around for over 3 years ? playing "stable", yes sometimes people go inactive, but we managed to replace them and stay competitive.

stable is not => playing with 6 players for ever
stable => being able to maintain your team's playstyle & skill when other players decide to retire & especially sticking together after you finish/get eliminated from competitions which is where most teams fail
griim, eirik, lazio and me have always been a core to the team, 4 of us have played all the major tournaments we've been decent at, been really fucking awesome and fun and i hope i can continue playing with these guys for a really long time and continue having fun every time we prac :D
where were you last EC then edmund???? its your fault they took suvi and i still hate you for it!
dave has always been the gay of your team :p
true that, most of the fun has come out of that :D
i wouldnt agree with that :-D
suvi only played this last season with them and I think that was their worst season yet

that's what you get when you play with suvi
unfortunately but true :D
I did warn you
they have been at lan allrdy .. i wouldnt trust sample + ensam too as a mgc^^
we have been stable - always 3/4 players of the lu stayed playing in a team, and in my eyes f5 are/were also a stable team. Too bad they couldn't get an mgc willing to sponsor em
Probably because of the way you come across. Sleeperz are all great guys and great players. They obviously approached the MGC in a respectable way and listed all of their positives, rather than going to an mgc and saying hey we won ec 2 times we are megalolskill. With the upcoming lans in ET, with it running alongside COD4 and other skilled games, there are various other ways orgs make their money instead of just winning EC/Lan.
you should've seen our presentation text, all mgc's said it's a really good text. but they just werent interested in ET or no money
Times change, just stick together and I swear we can find you an mgc as well (or better stay in rockit ;p)

Back then I'd say your demands were simply set way to high and the eSports scene wasn't ready for ET (sounds silly I know). Espacially AEF changed that a lot as many managers saw the ET crowd along the CoD4 players.
Presentations and Text dont often mean everything, many teams will do their research and if they see some of your friends work on CF they'd run a mile. Additionally MGC's will normally ask around the community they're about to join, before CC events I get a lot of messages from MGC Managers about certain teams and whether they're stable, nice guys and good for their organisation. Managers want to know that the money they're about to spend (which in ET is often their own personal cash, not 100% sponsor cash) is going to be a good investment.
You wanted full support for f5, which is quite unreasonable for a team that has never been to a LAN before. You don't even see that kind of support in CoD4 or any other game for that matter. I think you expect too much without willing to put your own money in it first. Blaming eSports and its mgcs for not having enough money is a lame excuse.
It's not unreasonable imo, if there was a cod4 team with achievements like this they would find a mgc in 1 day. many mgc's were interested of us.. but after research they said ET doesn't have enough events. some said they don't have money for another team. but none of them said that they wouldn't take us if they wanted an ET team.
Ok but you're still expensive. I hope you do get supported, but it's unlikely in ET and maybe being happy with a bit less can give you more options.
well now it's too late since f5 quit
Doesn't matter, you can always make a new team or join another :P
Got any plans?
no I quit playing for now, might come back a few weeks before next lan if I have money
Well the mgc's are going to venture into ET right now, so maybe it's best to start praccing now? There are some projects set up to promote ET (not just phoenix), so hopefully there's a bright future ahead!
doubt he needs praccing :p
agree -_- expecting full LAN support for an ET team from finland is rather hilarious of you ask me, even for a team like this which will probably do well on LAN
i dont do trolling, it's pathetic.

guess by what i am saying you should be able to tell i'm serious:P
ok had to be sure :p
you really do reply bloody fast :P
Come on, it ain't that fast :p
The support they will get for lans will be so much lower than what you needed for f5.
"much lower". u can fly with like 100e there and back to london from finland if not cheaper (cc8 in london I guess?). and mgc's normally take like 20-40% of the winnings so f5 would be cheaper than zzz actually! :D

and for belgium lan only lazio is cheap there!
did you just call me cheap ?
you one cheap bitch :P:P

just joking m8 :P
id agree on the cheap part!
id agree on the cheap part!
Big MGCs take between 0 and 15% fyi.
name me some mgc's with 0-15%

but I guess it depends what game the mgc's are supporting since in ET, their sponsors don't really pay money for the team, as tosspot said it comes from their own wallet that's why they want smth back.
Oh yeah I was referring to MGCs in other games, such as dignitas and the big ones (fnatic, SK, mTw, mibr,...)
well in ET it's 20% min.

epsilon first wanted 40% but they changed it in the contract to 50%
Well dignitas took 15% for AEF iirc.
Ah ok my bad.
god you reply fast, that's just sick
When you're as bored as me in a government facility where your colleagues are all older than 50, you learn to be fast :P
Congrats, nice lineup and a great org for ET.
nice (:

Our WoW Guild was called Rage. Nice name actually. :]

gl lazio & eirik!
sounds familiar, full name? (if it was a GvG guild)
PvP guild. and just <Rage> was at the beginning of classic on some random german server :P

had nearly all the rank 11 and above of that server in it...
wtf kamz is doing there ? :DDD
Congrats but question since Kamz is banned from crossfire events what will u guys do?
Really nice to see such a good org in ET, well done project phoenix.
Fingers crossed that Toss will lift that ban given that Kamz has seemed to have turned over a new leaf. We'll see, though.
I wouldn't wait up
Read down, sir!
And while we're at it fingers crossed that North Korea declares democracy and science discovers an infinite energy source.
lol this comment was full of win hahaha
What?! No cure for cancer?!
infinite energy? heeeellooooo? ;p
black hole gives infinite energy
Apparently your understanding of physics is the same as your ET skill level: LOW.
fuckin faggot troll, how do they work then?? haha just kidding, i already know they sit up there in space with nothing better to do than generate energy cuz they are lonely little bitches who have final fantasy refrences as their names. if you dont like infinite energy, why the fuck dont you read a book about black anus?? GO BACK TO JACKING OFF TO SOME FUCKIN ANIME CHARATERS LIKE RIKKU OR PRINCE PEACH, BITCH!! GO FUCKIN IMAGINE UR SELF FUCKIN PRETENDING TO SKI WITH MARIO AND LUIGI, FUCKERS!!!

Oh yeah I stoped reading physics at C level, and you??
i dont get the final fantasy thing, black holes are final fantasy references?
only newfags calls out newfag therefore I wont call out newfag
We'd try to get him with us, otherwise we'll replace him for lan
Even I would have been a better choice than Kamz! :) gl guys
Travel costs are just a touch higher for you, though. ;)
He'll use pauz' discounts nbd.
Based upon Kamz appearence at AEF and the fact the community is completely willing to turn a blind eye to his past Crossfire would be willing to offer Kamz a community service deal to allow him to CC8. It would involve a lot of good work for the community, including coverage and volunteering.

However if hes not willing to put in what would be a lot of work, I'd start looking for another player.
btw cc8, dont let it be in London, because u would have much less germans, polaks and so on there :p

i know some guys see a positive point in that but i think if it's rly in London there will be max. 16 Teams^^

There won't be no CC8 in London...
There will be many North Americans if it is in London.
rockstArrr for example!

oh wait...
Uh I already talked to Bliss Ouch Common Elusive Special
Nice, let's hope it's in the UK and you get sponsored then :D
Just need alea or AXCESS.
Special can pick it up.
bliss wont go, elusive doesnt care about et, ouch wont now hes moved, chris and special would though to see me :)
already talked to them.. they are 100% in
haha il belive it when i see it :D
many equals 1 or 2 teams and now think about how many european teams won't come due to that change.
dude reaching london is way easier, get 20 euros and catch a plane ffs u german
i have to pay 90€ alone for the control, its since the first september in ger^^
less polaks? half of them fucking live over here anyway
how many of thwm plays et?..
gimme full lan support and I will be carrying u on my back :)
so biased ^_^
Its a Crossfire event and he has done A LOT of negative things to Crossfire - Its not bias there are simply two parties involved and this one of the sides.
I understand your point of view but I also fear that you'll be too stubborn to accept other opinions surrounding this issue. People can change you know.
The proposition we make will be public once both parties have agreed - how about that?
Why do you always act so defensive? :[
Wasn't a defensive comment was trying to be compromising
Control Krosan would you
Nobody can control Belgium, Holland tried and failed!
And now they're wanting to come back to join and benefit from us. HA NO WAY HOSE!
that is actually a fair deal, make him earn his stripes. I like that!
world is not going around tosspot lans, u know...
you're a funny guy, you know that?
lol wat
good luck RAGE.zZz
GL guys ! :)

Good luck! Always nice to see an org involved with ET. I have a feeling we'll be seeing much more of that, and not just because of Project Pheonix ; )
tee ell arr
hell :)
Go eirik, i thought that kamz was inactive? :P
good luck
Best of Luck! :O)
gl lazzio pwn em all
thx chhhmp
rumors say you got pwned by snogard dragons today ;)
german nerds got rolled :P
well done bo and mrlin ;D and gl to zZz
GL aleks dave eirik ed + paki :D
gl guys, especially lazio & eirik :>
Best newswriter here on cf is Germany rockit bo
my ex cod4 team is in RAGE :(
the one that played good at aef?
don't think, was a russian squad who finished 2nd on cod4 NC and won some major russian lans
Guess thats the other rage org ->
yes eurphoia dropping bombs
gl , a really nice and stable team :(

kamz aka faf la rage
même moi j'ai pas suivie là
^1rage^0.^7Lazio good job on this one matey, good luck!
I know what you're thinking..."those tags would've looked better with my name" ;)
he's thinking of food.
top 5 ?: P

gl kamz <3
gl kamz pwnah!
have fun hell =)
nice pick up :D
dave rage hahahahaha :D

oooh nice bruvs! hope you'll do great! and maybe c u @ LAN!
"Founded in February 2008" not really, it started as a 3v3 clan @ early 2006.founded by me & xcN.
and i had the honor of playing with u in the 5o5 team. I'll never forget that <3 ^^
yeh old good times,6v6 team btw :)
idd, in ye olde days it was still 6o6 :)
good timez :)) and look now.. kamz in team xDdDD
I played against you in one of your first matches ever together

makes me somewhat of a legend
ive joined pumus and snoops disQonnect clan back in 2004 or smth, makes me legend gg wp close one
Gl boys nice to see Rage picking up an ET team.
We will come with something to, stay tuned ;)
good luck guys, you deserve it :)
congrats and good luck, look forward to seeing some ETTV games :)
ets :) sõjas näeme raisk!
fitting name :-ppppp
gl eirik m8 :)
GL guys! Hope is goes well :)
Good luck
Good job guys, great to see kamz in aswel! :)
I found the hidden message :) dave gay :P
should have taken Aleksanteri
cs superstar but strangely enough uses same smileys as clouver :/
true, his smiley arsenal is inspired by clouver :o
You seem to know a whole lot about lans without having been to any. Neither have you been in any respectable mgc.

Oh wait... It's Mind, how unexpected...
Cause each and every reply you make to me is some random whine or flame. Let's say I'm used to it.
Good luck Kamz mateee :)
good luck all
Slim Charles is out of the game!
Just ignore him, he's put on some lan and now he's everyones buddy and knows everything :'(((((

e-dick just got bigger! 8===========D
Helju.. :>

tsau, mis teed.. :d
:D, wowin tegelt :)
gl & hf Hype & Eirik
RaGe was an old Italian team in RtCW, their tag was awesome ;)

gl guys!
how come =)
the sex obviously
i like farmers, i think theyre dirty
hmm ok, interesting......
afterwards, if I'm not wrong, some of them changed their tag into (88), which was less awesome my dear farmertje ....
Oké Francois, oke!!!
rage are a great org, i hope you do well would show ET teams in a good light for other orgs.
imo dont fuck them over :D

gl Eirik
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