First SLAC Bust List released

image: 6qun1c

Today, SPEEDLINK proudly presents what you waited for so long:

- The SLAC bust list! -

Quote by SPEEDLINK|chaplja
The current ban list consists cheaters caught during a period of a bit more than a month. Although rumours were floating around saying 29 persons would be banned for cheating, unfortunately SLAC in start lacked certain detections and although there's 99% possibility those accounts were used for cheating, I've decided to wait a bit more as the logs don't make it clear whether it was triggered by a cheat or corrupted hardware. The accounts in question will be monitored and checked often, though. Now that the website is done and the whole system works fine, cheaters will be added to the list more often. However, as of a few days ago, a large number of public and some private cheats have been blocked from operating at all, which will probably result in lower detection rate as many attempts to cheat will fail.

The 100% caught players are:
SLAC ID Accountname

00000057 suzi CF // CB // CB // ESL
00000702 Adas CF // CB // ESL
00000704 Lenkas CF // CB // ESL
00000743 Mlody CB // ESL
00001205 solchanel CF // CB // ESL
00001209 zabaskilled CF // CB // ESL
00001376 abso CF // CB
00001381 ziger - N/A
00001534 rts CF // CB // CB // CB // CB // ESL
00002014 damagee CF // CB // CB // CB
00002120 bimgadinga CB // ESL
00002484 dAFFghanistan CF // CB // CB // CB // ESL
00000510 Absolwent CF // CB // ESL
00002628 vNm1 CF // CB // CB // CB // CB // ESL
00000075 DOCENTii CF // CB // CB // CB
00000348 roox CF // CF // CB // CB // ESL
00000492 Egoderko CF // CF // CF // CB // ESL

These guys will be banned. There are also 9 others who will be banned for creating multiaccounts and sharing an account in public:

SLAC ID Accountname

00000383 Butchji
00000486 cannonize
00000488 meez
00000490 xylos
00000495 tekoa
00000498 ferus
00000502 urtier
00000503 fireball
00000504 slarto

Source of the list can be found if you click here

Please do keep in mind, that you can pick randomly an accountname. This does not necessarily mean the real ones shared or registered multiple accounts. All accounts except the last 2 were created by this IP Finland PALE, last 2 = Germany

image: kudos_img_1

But this is not the end of the story yet: Because we made you guys wait so long to see first results of SPEEDLINK Anticheat, we decided to announce a small lottery.

image: kudos_img_2

The prize will be a Kudos Gaming Mouse by SPEEDLINK for all SLAC users playing with SLAC in the upcoming week. New users who decide to install SLAC may take part as well. The SLAC ID of the winner will be drawn with a random generator and contacted via e-mail.People caught cheating or creating multiple accounts to increase their chances to win a mouse will be excluded. Be sure the e-mail adress you registered with is in use!

Quote by SPEEDLINK|duKe_
Well what can i say?! The Kudos Gaming Mouse by SPEEDLINK is just a perfect addition to my other gaming equipment. With its 5000 dpi Laser Sensor, 9 programmable buttons and the weight system it was an easy one to customize it, so we had absolutely no problems to set it up at the Antwerp Esports Festival! Furthermore it is really great to play for hours without getting any problems because of the excellent ergonomic design and the extra wide mousewheel! So in my opinion, the Kudos Gaming Mouse is just a really nice allrounder and is a must-have for every ambitious gamer out there!

The mouse can be viewed here: click
SLAC page, if you decide to sign up: click
More information around Team SPEEDLINK: click

Thanks for reading.

Update: We found a winner. The lucky winner is fini from Norway who will receive soon his new mouse. Congratulations :)
Nahhhh second =D
Just polaks xd
i thought there would be some "known" ppl?
Always knew that

United Kingdommeez

cheated, admins do ur job and ban em from crossfire, CB & ESL too :)
fucking pricks :)
will be banned for creating multiaccounts and sharing an account in public:

It doesnt say they cheat.
as if "known" people were too stupid to use cheat with slac :XD

They just leave before SLAC coming... just remember who left the game recently
I'd say September probably has the highest amount of known people "leaving" than any other month in the year, due to it being the start of the academic calender and the fact that a lot of the known highskilled players are still in full time education.

Very little to do with SLAC.
No it's all SLAC!!!11
reassure yourself with it!
what kind of "known" players left so far?
Dunno, it's your job to found them
thats what KB said dont say...he told us something other than the truth???
thought the first one said "suVi" :p
thought or wanted to?:D
QuoteThese guys will be banned. There are also 9 others who will be banned for creating multiaccounts and sharing an account in public:

I assume you mean the guy who created those accounts will be banned (AdawolfA) considering I never made a SLAC account.
yup, exactly. The SLAC ID will be banned.
how does that stop him from just making another one ?

needs more ip ban :)
well for the exact banning procedure better contact Chaplja :)
In the FAQ, a hardware ban is mentioned as possibility. Dunno if he's actually doing that or something else though
please, don't write down the nicknames if it isn't them - might result in flame and whine against them...
Please do keep in mind, that you can pick randomly an accountname. This does not necessarily mean the real ones shared or registered multiple accounts.

That's what I wrote.
ye, where no1 reads it, just clarify that a twat created them and he will be recognized in the future as well, no need to ruin some1's reputation by the way some people might read that (:

other than that it's a great news, and that's why i majored it.
linking those account with the cf/cb/esl account would help here out. ;-)
I doubt the creator of multiple accounts added them to his cb accs recently... :)
ip matching my dear friend ;-)
ip what? :D
alright, what about proxy's my dear friend? :D <3 It would have been worth a try though, I agree :p
clearly to me is that one 'user' has created those accounts:

00000486 cannonize
00000488 meez
00000490 xylos
00000495 tekoa
00000498 ferus
00000502 urtier
00000503 fireball
00000504 slarto

and maybe even with the same ip and if you use a proxy there, you might have visited this site here as an logged in user and have been recorded to the log-files. :-)
I bolded the text - is it fine now? :)
Could just leave the accounts inactive in case any of us one day want to claim those accounts back. And yeah what csn said, doesn't make sense to list those usernames since they really aren't relevant.
I told them to let me put the CB accounts next to them but no...
who cares about cb accounts... :DD <3
PPl care about CB more than ESL :d. German site vs European site, guess waht wins?
so cb is german or what?
ESL is german site
ems is not german and the esl is a european site.
ESL is german site. Just look those translations,admins are germans. And it started out as german based site
and? the company behind the esl is a german company thats correct. nevertheless its a european league.
you say esl is german cause it was founded in germany and cb is european cause.... oh wait
ESL sucks. That's it.
like cb but need cb & esl accounts pls
that's why I requested the SLAC IDs with them. And I bolded the text saying that it does not necessarily mean the real ones are guilty.
well now we don't know anything about who cheated

we have a random number + a random fake name

if you want a bustlist put CB name/Crossfire name next to it
useless otherwise
Newspost will be edited as soon I get the info from killerboy.
add esl accounts from foamea 2 and im happy
no words...
This is what we waited for
00000492 Egoderko
unexpexted :D:D:D:D:D:DD::D
00000443 plz i wanna win mouse
who cares about the slac nicks?
link to cb accounts
when will the draw be for the mouse? :o
in 1 week :)
how long do i have to play ?

possible to connect on a slac server. connect my account for 5 min and disconnect again?

since im not palying wars anymore :x
~3000 registered ids, good luck bro
according to my calculations that means everyone has a chance of 15% to win it.

e: stop calculating your riflenades and win EC
0,0333333% tbh



Not everyone that registered will play with SLAC this week.
Not really sherlock since Deniz didn't get it SO CLEARLY IT WASNT THAT OBVIOUS.
you serious? ...
omfg its 0,03333%


tell me the solution. im gettin mad
ive luck with lotterys tbh :>

already won a lot of things :]
don't think so, mate ;)
can i win the mouse? please. im fun.
i dont fucking know anybody

well ye zaba thats it lol..
hahahahaha n1

hoping for the mouse :D
shit laser mouse which nobody wants =D
ich hab ne hp maus die beim pc dabei war ich könnte sie also gut gebrauchen :D
kk :D hab eh morgen geburtstag werd mir dann neues headset + maus zulegen :D
Laser gtfo
you mad caus laser is stylin on you!
anyone known? >_<'

so you mean,there are still some undetected private and public bots?
Is SLAC only blocking them or does it block them and add the user to the list?
Or neither of those two options? =(
afaik you cant even launch priva cheats when using slac
any official confirmation about that?
or at least an experts oppinion,anybody with a private hack,jetro or some1?
ive played with nexus, im not on that list, gg
He is an expert himself.
why are you so obsessed about me?
thats what I heard, chaplja can confirm

personally I haven't seen any suspicious shit when playing against slaccers
how do you know, if they are private?....
because everybody including cheatmakers are saying so
posting in an epic thread
this is not epic, this is crap, nobody knows who are them lol
Link SLAC id's with crossfire/cb/esl accounts pl0x
gg people with fake names what now ?
not fake, just shit people
Btw how com IcelandrNz is not on the list?

bs anticheat imo

u were 2 sec faster with the i deleted my journal

lucky u
I bet they are all polish
gimme that mAus :D:D
5000 dpi :OOO
yes 5000 dpi...very usefull!
i know it's useless but it sounds like "holly shit uber pro gaming 1337 high" :D:DD;D
This is pointless, you can chose a random name or a fakenick.
Like the ones above me said; CB-links would be more usefull cause now it could be anyone.
And who is the announced known player on this bustlist?
Killerboy trolling as usual :(
00002484 dAFFghanistan !!

i like the flag :)
it was satz

but apparently he got on the list cause of a failing anti cheat
actually if that mouse has the same sensor g9x,xai uses wich i think is possible 'this mouse i want now!!!!!!':pp
bad sensor with random positive accel

best laser sensor atm
laser maybe but overall far away from being best
and where is the valid evidence? seems i could be able to create random website and add random guids with accusation of " cheating"
Disapointment tbh, it's going to be Punkbuster without the lags. How will you be able to link the SLAC accounts to the corresponding player?
SLAC IDs are filled in on CB.
Real names?
was expecting mlody but with that proof i dont even know if its him
you promised some Netherlands who played on LAN
nah, was a miss understanding

SLAC logged Sa7z for having corrupt RAM.
But someone tryed to make it look like an bust XD
I thought I was waiting for this, but it seems I was wrong.
k i am not on the list
Quotesome private cheats have been blocked from operating at all

lol why, that's completely opposite to silent detection, let ppl use them and bust after that :/
I think it's good some of them are blocked. Decreases the chances of playing against a cheater.

Besides not all are blocked, the rest will get banned :P
well i dont mind them being blocked when they're caught when trying to launch bots so yeah
If they can't use them then they'll either give up or try one that they'll get banned with.

I don't see the problem.
the problem is that the bot coder can stop ppl from launching bots and making them busted when another SLAC detection update becomes active after the 1st user of bot becomes blocked
What's the difference? The cheats are blocked anyway so it doesn't mater if the coder warns them or not...
amount of ppl who are busted
1 who got blocked 1st or everyone who used it
wat... The cheats get prevented from being loaded, that means they don't get detected, so noone gets banned, they just can't use that cheat.

The main goal of SLAC is to lower the cheater numbers. Prevent cheats from loading helps to that goal just like banning does. + It's more secure when you think about it.
cheats get blocked by SLAC
1. another SLAC update
2. 1st bot user gets blocked
3. cheatcoder/automatic system warns every bot user and prevents them from launching it
4. cheatcoder fixes the bot in a few hours/days(it's UBEREASY since he can see when his cheat is not blocked anymore :/), makes it undetected(i believe that's possible to see if it is by analysing how SLAC reacts/looking at traffic it sends)
5. he updates bot and unlocks it for ppl to launch it again
6. SLAC banlist out, 1 bot usage attempt in it
what we get: 1 bust and rest customers staying not busted at least until the next slac update

cheats dont get blocked
1. another Slac update
2. bot users use their bots and all get logged by SLAC
3. coder notices that and finally blocks the bot freom usage(or he doesnt even notice it)
4. banlist out
what we get: lots of busted ppl
As I said before, the person who attempts to use a cheat that is auto-blocked does not get busted because he can't even cheat...

Besides, Chaplja said SOME. He's a smart lad, so I'm sure he only blocked those that aren't being updated anymore or that are most frequently used.
LOL what's the point of getting blocked and not getting logged that you actually tried to launch a bot, isnt that ehm.. totally stupid?

as for SOME yeah, i dont mind ppl getting blocked (and reported!) if only it's a rly outdated bot which isnt supported, as for frequently used no thx, since it could be like in my previous comment
No it's not stupid, as I said before, the main goal is to lower the cheating numbers.

Besides, it's more a side-effect of SLAC. Not really purposefully done as far as I'm aware.

It's simply because SLAC injects into ET.exe, whereas cheats like ETBot/RSHook etc would have injected in ET.

Since SLAC is already injected, ETBot etc can't be injected anymore thus can't be loaded AND OBVIOUSLY CANT BE LOGGED :D
technically speaking it's easily possible to inject a lot at once and the whole point of slac is catching and logging other injections/changes made to et.exe
dont start technical talk dude, everything is possible believe me

Anyway so you think it's okay to just block and not to block and ban for an attempt to use a cheat in competitive play? And you think that it will be more effective than the 2nd variant? That just makes no sense
well nvm, chaplja explained what blocked means, and why he did it, we kinda misunderstood it :D
Share it with the rest of us, cos I have the same feelings as you had.
I think it will something like this:

New bots will be silent detected and ppl baned for using them. Old bots, public will be blocked.
its blocked cause of the architecture of slac, not because the coder want to block hacks.
expected more cheaters :/
Agreed, posting the ID's/usernames is quite useless without actually linking them to the player who was using them. If I register the name "john" and cheat with it, get busted and banned, then people searching for john later down on the road (b/c he's looking for a team, or whatever) will come up with the ban, and he wont be able to get on a team – even though he is in no way related to person using the account.

It would be a really easy way to tarnish somebody's name, and make it hard for them to get on a team in the future.
well yeah, CB/CF profile links would have been good eventhough it's post by SL
Well, if you read Killerboy's comment above, he wanted to, but they told him that he couldn't... :/
Exactly, but theres no way they can sufficiently link a person with a ban if they take some small precautions (proxy etc.)

They say that there will be hardware ID bans, but in certain cases, plugging/unplugging certain USB devices can change your hardware ID.

Imo, I think it's going to be a system which will have large flaws over time.
All of them players have already been caught cheating by PB multiple times? Goodjob SLAC
Users caught for cheating have been banned from CB (12/120months):

00000057 suzi - //
00000702 Adas -
00000704 Lenkas -
00000743 Mlody -
00001205 solchanel -
00001209 zabaskilled -
00001376 abso -
00001381 ziger - N/A
00001534 rts - // // //
00002014 damagee - // //
00002120 bimgadinga -
00002484 dAFFghanistan - // //
00000510 Absolwent -
00002628 vNm1 - // // //
00000075 DOCENTii - // //
00000348 roox - //
00000492 Egoderko -

Full CB Banlist:

now i'll check who was the guy who made the multiple accounts (prolly pale)
obv someone who knows cannonize and slarto since thay dont rly fit in that list of nicks :ddd
it was pale i believe, i recall a story in which he asked someone for suggestions on "known players" he could use for account names
yes its him, 3 of those accounts have a german IP, maybe panse tried it as well, or one of pale's buddies.
why im not surprised to see so many polish flags in the bust list :D
teKen :D same dude who moaned for a clan 1-2 days ago ? :D

Dats the one yesyeyesyes
Thought the same :-)
thanks for that now i can make fun of poland.
absolwent is in 2 times
Where are ur friends ?
Multiple/Sharing/Public Accounts:

All accounts except the last 2 were created by this IP Finland (PALE), last 2 = Germany
There is some posibility to ban him from Slac? i means, forbid them to creat another account?

How will u prevent users from making new accounts with no end? Is there some kind of uniqueness check?

Being primarily a competition anti-cheat, making a new account is of no help. However, to fight multiple accounts, I'll make some player tracking stuff, but it won't be visible to public.
E.g. hardware guids that will be used only for helping with searching multiple accounts. Your real account guid will be unique and not based on any hardware/software/etc.
So it's unspoofable.
Where you get those info? are you the only one to see them or wtf?
No, it's a FAQ I made a couple months ago:
Ok, i miss it soz
i won the mouse

Anyone cheating with half a brain wouldn't be using slac, so small bust list is what I expected. Hopefully it will be feared and cb/esl will be free of trash.
dumbass polaks dared.

*waiting for a typical excusse from a polak saying that poland has a huge community and its normal*

once again its been proven that poland has a bigger amount of retards than any other place (perhaps afghanistan has a bigger one as i doubt that theres more than 2 players playing over there)anyway u cant trust em, fuck u polaks.

23 out of 30 are polaks, insane
too much info released imo, when a list comes out without certain names on - one coder knows they have an undetectable cheat.
And they wouldn't have otherwise? When their players can't join anymore because it says they're banned?

Sorry, but they'll find out either way, so why not?
biggest fail ever
i wonder if they gonna be banned in esl also ;p
banned hard
00002484 dAFFghanistan

haha pls foame ban this kanker nerds from esl 2 :D
flame indeed but many people didnt even believe it detected anything

so still alot of hope

good job tbh
What about screen to proof they're using cheat? that's the problem with slac, we don't have any proof!
malta flag is sooooo different compared to the polish one ^^
hahaha, gotta love your polack pics :DDD
they are old
we got St.Georges Cross for "rolling" (more like surviving xD) Germany (thanks to England in WW2 :P:P
we has an eagle :x
Always happy to help <3 :D
hahaha :DDD
ja pierdole maltanian made an epic fail
No man, I means how people can know if he really use some cheat or if chapaj decide to add him to the cheater's list? How can we know, if chapaj give all the busted, and if he don't hide his friends if they get bust?

We'll have those fears still he'll be the only one to have access of the db
he's not the only one that can see the violations list
Ok, all the Speedlink team have access, it's the same problem anyway, need more proof, i dont care about random polack, but imo it can have abuse really easily
get pb back, oh wait, need proof that nobody from pb is a friend of a hacker
You're a fucking moron? Pb is independent, they aren't sponsoring by a multi-gaming + they give a screenshot to proof a bust + free access to the db, so gtfo
no they don't they tell you or show you what cheat it was or how they got kicked, they only say for example: MULTIHACK <random numbers>
He has a point. Better try to find a counter argument.
Just imagine, if one of the speedlink team or one friend of chapaj, get bust by slac, you realy imagine he'll be add the the cheater db ? seriously... that's why PB organisation > Slac
That's only when PB Screenshot is on and afaik Chaplja is working on a screenshotsystem anyway...

PB otherwise just said 'banned for aimbot #030220422 or multihack #2424424 and shizzle
No, no one of the ET Team or anyone else of Team SPEEDLINK have any excess to the lists. That wouldn't be serious!
OH you prefer, only chapaj have access to the db and decide who is ban and who isn't? you're so pathetic man
If you would have read my comment more intent, you would have noticedd, that i said that no one of Team SPEEDLINK can watch this list. I didn't say that no one else besides Team SPEEDLINK can't watch it. So it is controlled by chaplja and some other guys, but no one else of SPEEDLINK! That wouldn't be serious!
you're little funny
just interested, have you managed to write his nick right AT LEAST ONCE in all your posts?

I mean, how fucking stupid do you have to be to not get it right when it's written right there in the fucking newspost
Stfu, i don't care if it's "chapja" or "Chaplja" it's the same, everybody know who i'm speaking about, so go away looking for attention whore, this is a real discussion.
how can anyone take you serious when you can't copy the word that's right in front of you, you're that stupid
Soz if i don't know exactly the name of the creator of Etace, go back to musculatureion and gtfo now
you don't have to know it, it's WRITTEN in the newspost

edit: sorry, just noticed this, go back to musculature?? what the hell :D
Ok, you got your attention, you're right, i'm wrong, gtfo now

e: Missclick on the correction of firefox.
attention? I don't need attention :) just pointing how stupid you are, still waiting on the "musculature" explanation

and what on the edit again, are you using google translator? :D
Yes and now you boring me, so go away seriously
oh I am sorry that I'm boring you, I'll write more and then you will not be bored because you'll be entertained by reading, is that ok?
If you write something interesting about slac in this thread, I'll be interesting
slac is made by chaplja
This is not interesting, everybody know it, give your opinion about this slac list, give your opinion about slac etc..
I don't think you knew it, you obviously think some chapaj guy made it
He just rename himself before you read it.
dont know any of those.
don't give a flying fuck
Ive heard about roox but that's it
polish cheaters always win.
Japa chamie jestes brzydki!!!
Japa chamie wal sie na cycki!!!
Signing up to SLAC for chance to win professional gaming mouse.. ! !
damn polaks havent changed, at ww2 nazis used them to try some lethal stuff on humans and shit, now we just tell em hey try this cheat out, you just gotta tell em that its undetected they will believe it anyway, then the happy polak goes and cheat, afterwards he gets busted and we know that we should not use the cheat:PP

then they wonder why we make fun of em..
100 % agree with You
100% agree with you.
100% agree with you.
Majority of Poles are using public cheats. People from other countries are buying private cheats so most of the time Poles are caught ;)
cuz they are dumb
nice commercial by duke :-))

EDiT : Where is the OC Prem skilled player who was on lan allready? :-((
yes its like if he gets paid, does he btw?
it was sa7z but he was wrongly accused and removed from the list I think?
OH Realmente interesante!
casek didnt get busted, SLACcasek doing the job
Yeah es como i Roll broski, thats how i roll :PpPppPP
u already bought some cool ass car with the money?:PP
this guy is ban for 1000000 years already, he doesnt give a shit if u know
Made a account that was used for testing haox, and it's not banned yet :PPP
does that mean esl will make slac mandatory now? bb United States of America cheatfags
omfg and we have to play against them :D
hf with spawnrape, they low w/ hacks and even lower without
lol @ community being disappointed about no known players cheating
yea we shud actuall be happy:PPP only polish trash is busted:P
expected way more, boring shit
Stop crying, SLAC is not yet forced when joining a server. When the server version will be released the cheater rate will decrease because they will fear being busted.

By the way, any date given for the server and the final version of SLAC?
apparently he's making a linux slac first.
If they are, then all the better to ban them.
You gotta keep in mind that many people don't have SLAC yet or don't use it (yet) because the server gives them that option.

Secondly, most common public/private cheats are prevented from loading and therefore those people cannot cheat with SLAC on and thus they don't get busted.

In due time I expected a bigger list than this.
I dont think roox has ever played clean, but apart from him no name sounds familiar.
Good job anyway.

omg i so want that mouse now after that quote. Real quote is real.
Is there any actual proof that this thing really works?
Well, the screenshot section will be online soon I think, maybe that will be more conclusive?
yeah, it keeps being poland the country with the biggest amount of busts.

theres no need of more proofs?
cuz real cheaters still out of reach this is a joke not fucking bust list :P
I know haha
Well since you were not busted.. no it does not work.
this thing should scan the whole computer and ban people automaticly just for having cheats
this mouse looks like a logitech g9 xD
That Grzesiek-guy played vs us on SLAC and had nearly 100hs on radar, really hoped to see him here (instead of me LOL)

Nice to see a working piece of software ^___^
YEEEAP :D I know this action xD I am Grzesiek but i not use hax :P
impressive list !!!!!111
Do not care.
SLAC shit gives my "computer" lag spikes ----> gayness. I dont like it
Where's FinlandSebastian?
70% are polaks :XD
Good job :)
in poland they don't have the money to survive but they do when there is a multicheat to buy
and btw this is why i stopped to play this shit game

70% cheaters

yes the game consists of 70% cheaters when theres not even 20 ppl on a bustlist out of 3000 users. . gtfo with your shit comments.
wait, you are that braindamaged guy who played etqw and wolfenstein? :D
brain damaged is someone that isnsists to play online vs bots thinking to playing vs persons but having the feeling everyone is cheating

If i have to play vs bots i play single player

This game is a bad copy of rtcw full of cheaters and pbblist is clean enuf
go play etqw @ wcg please
I enjoyed this outcome with a good glass of beer.
at 7 in the morning?!?
Why not :D
suppose its normal for you welsh people....
i opened mine before that, and im not welsh.
nerd party still going strong??

gaat die kanker lars mij lekker midden in de nacht bellen, heeftie het wel overleeft?
[13:14] Tw1zZt #Enhanced: thuis
[13:14] Tw1zZt #Enhanced: :DD
[13:38] dualinity: is het gelukt jongen
[13:38] dualinity: hoe ben je bij station gekomen
[13:38] Tw1zZt #Enhanced: lopend :Dd
[13:38] Tw1zZt #Enhanced: met remys kaart
[13:38] Tw1zZt #Enhanced: ging best goed
[13:38] dualinity: : DDDDD
[13:38] Tw1zZt #Enhanced: twel een half uur telaat op eerste schooldag
[13:38] dualinity: nog naar school gegaan?
[13:38] dualinity: : DDDDDDDDDDD
[13:39] dualinity: halfuur
[13:39] dualinity: is niks
[13:39] Tw1zZt #Enhanced: idd
[13:39] Tw1zZt #Enhanced: en ze kon wel om mijn verhaal laggen
[13:39] Tw1zZt #Enhanced: ze dacht echt van die komt e cht met een kankersmoes aan
[13:39] Tw1zZt #Enhanced: en ik stond gewoon 10 minuten te lullen van wat ik allemaal gedaan ha d: D
wat een pussy... :D
ze zal er idd enorm om gelaggen hebben :X ik lach de ballen uit mijn string
als je ballen in eerste instantie al in de string paste is het een teken dat hij te groot is.
same o0 belde my om 1 uur ofzo, tering mogool
Its a true story!
docentii.. told you idiot :p
they didn't get me!
lols, don't know a single person on that list :D
bunch of Poland polacks, unexpected...
Absolwent :DdDDd
only polak busted w00t w00t
fritsie! Even you flaming "us" nowadays? :P
SLAC detects only public bots, what about private bots like etBot ?
why are you so interested about it, friend? :DD
nah, i'm just curious
he has got some prv etBOTs !
you cant start them together with slac
someone tested it or its only theory?
you cant test it because both use point to ET.exe to be able to start, that is what chaplja or killerboy said.
polacks polaks polaks more comments about polaks

image: Kyle_Moar
so this is it? -.-
expected !
omg fireball I didnt know you were cheating!
holy crap i need to reinstall slac again :DDDD

E: HOLY CRAP, 95% are PL XDDDDDDD (unhaxpacted :D)
Can chaplja sign the box for the winner?
who's the LAN guy then?
i dont see why those busts should be considered as real and great success...

who would be dumb enough to just start his hacks with that program running? All those busts were probably tryouts to bypass it...
at least it seems like adawolfas palehook should not be able to bypass it atm...
Was thinking the same, only a total retard would cheat while using slac..
this list is totally wasted man
great job, i expect some more known ppl next time, when slac will be forced into leagues...
man, all those guys did was trying to bypass it... sooner or later some guy like ada will make it (hopefully not)... but guess why pale made so many fake accounts... certainly to test what consequences it will have and to understand how it works, dont you think so?

solchanel is a cheat coder, he had created a PB version (undetected) and he released it on, first it was him only who tried it on SLAC, then his teammates and his friends started using it, it wasn't a cheat designed to bypass SLAC, it was just a cheat he made for PB which worked on SLAC as well, they obviously didn't know it was detected because they kept on giving it to more polaks and they were cheating together everyday, i even talked to dAFF and told him if he has any slac proof cheats /q me, he said he doesn't and when i asked him about zaaba and suzi and other polaks he told me "they my mates, they dont cheat 100%" so i'm pretty sure they didn't try to bypass it, they were just using the bot on SLAC because they taught they are undetected since they never got kicked or banned.
i dont want to call all that stuff shit, but the only success i can see is, that obviously many guys were scared of trying some hacks with it and they didnt start them. It could have been way more busts but so far they were intelligent enough to wait.
those polaks who all got the hack from that one guy were just plain stupid to use a tool, they dont even know anything about. (thanks to slacs silent detection)
longterm it will prolly just put in some delay until undetected hacks will be available again.
but i highly doubt that it will rain busts from now on.
And somehow that was the point that misled the community. All people were just excited whom to see on the bustlist but actually the only purpose of slac should be preventing as many guys as possible from even trying their cheats.
well there's loads of skilldrops already, guys like pds searching medskill wars all of a sudden etcetera :)
weeks before slac we played him when he played with playmate and infernal and he totally outaimed us...
made more than 70hs on delivery at an acc of greater than 50...

for a guy who never cared about et, just plays random 1day cups and who has never been in a decent team, i doubt that he has been clean. but your right, now he became so average
1.first daff is fucking liar who have -5000 honor
2.second solchanel aka sol is fucking noob coder child who said me "slac is shit i can cheat on this" I answered "ok i want to believe you" 2-3 weeks have passed and he ENJOY BAN so sentence "sol coder" made me smile: D
3.nice job fuck cheaters
4.thx 4 google translate

following your idea, why should we even bother? every anticheat is gonna get bypassed... its just matter of time...
Where is my name :O(
image: 2wqbwxt

(Larry Clark - Kids 1995)
epic movie
to SPEEDLINK|duKe_ : wtf are doing with ur 5000DPI retard? u play ET.
in what game u need it?
good point.
it's a commercial.. do you seriously believe he wrote that himself and is actually using the mouse?
lol ofc not -.-
i always thought there is only a few cheaters :D and now the real bustlist pls
real bustlist? how often do you find a war where most people use SLAC and did you keep in mind that not that many cheats has been added yet?
oh ok if you wanna keep winnig you should find "slac on" praccy but im talking about clanwars when there is some polish team(unexpectedly) which whining about using slac when they are already on server and yes im talking about cb ladders,cups when there is slac forced and answer is no :D there arent cheating ofc and i dont think that slac is problem for netcoders and hope for another belgian genius with his post of private bust screenshot
u said that there are 21 guys I see only 17?
great success :D
yo! still playing? :)
why does my anti-virus report SLAC as malware after the update? so now i cant use this shit:I
yes u can, turn off your anti-virus during the game
Nice :) Keep it up
awesome list. not
For a list of people who cheated while having SLAC enabled OUT OF THEIR FREE WILL this is quite grand
I just rofled at Dukes quote, sounds like topshop..
btw: will there be fixes for the lags/mouseissues?
Poland is clean now thx
kurwa nothing new, I knew about 12 form 17 ppl on this list...I'm totally disappointed;/
I must fuckin agree with you man..
Z ktorej wsi jestes ? jak juz piszesz to pisz jak czlowiek.
z norweskiej
A przed emigacja ?
QuoteHowever, as of a few days ago, a large number of public and some private cheats have been blocked from operating at all, which will probably result in lower detection rate as many attempts to cheat will fail.


nice work though keep it up.
ahh slarto no :(
Where the heck is that "known" Dutch guy you talked about. Killerboy you trash. :(
As if people are actually pissed off that they aren't 'known' people busted. I think this is a good thing personally. Losers.
jAck still not busted '':D''
i dont understand the second list -.- share id ?
made by PALE for tests
more unknows plz !
im sorry but dignitas who?
Good Job.
Btw when will ESl ban them cause so far i see ClanBase have banned them already so congrats to CB.
ESL it is time to start working on it also.
Me neither, even if I would want to, I won't have anyone to play with. Though I guess it wouldn't entertain me anyway ;)

Where are you going, working abroad?
Nice, finally some proof =) Will these slac ID's be banned from servers that are going to stream SLAC?
any idea when thats going to happen?
after tje linux client is release
Okidokie, thanks :)
im not sure that only this polaks were idiots and only they cheated with SLAC

image: ja_zdziwienie_ok
U can see the dumbness of your country by that list, if NL has a dumbass per 10 guys, u have 9
imo its like 4-5, not 9 ;f
so its official now... it FAILED
all that time, all that effort, all those people testing it. and only like 10 peeps got busted playing a single public bot.
i kniw it would be a failure.. BB ET
That's seriously not funny :x
dude, it's a beta without serverside...what did you expect? :D:D
all that hype around it and on ly 9 busts?
its just funny how all of you people hope for it to be a joke...
all this bhate i receive stateing the obvious.
9 (!!!!) UNKNWON bans within months.. thats worse than pb.. WAY worse

ps: slac doesnt need serversided software to work. only to force people to use it.
You're retarded aren't you?

1. A lot of cheats get blocked by SLAC so those cheats can't be used and therefore those users can't get banned either since they can't cheat.

2. Only windows users on ETPro can use SLAC. Most players playing ETPro don't even use SLAC, not even for pracs.

3. It is forced by CB and ESL, but as I said before, you don't have to use SLAC to play pracs or go on public servers.

Now PB then...

PB works on ALL mods and thus has a wider playerbase.

PB does NOT block any cheats, thus it busts those people (or not) that SLAC already blocks.

PB gives lag and doesn't update anymore.

Once the Linux client, the serverside files and the new bots from nC get rolling, will we see a nice bustlist.
1) im not saying PC is good, its absolutely absolete.

2) SLAC blocks cheats. so what? if you wonna cheat you get a cheat thats not blocked by slac.

3) "not even in prac" lold about that.... ("Not even" xDDD). u must be retarded cause u state urself that its required in CB and ESL so ur arugmentation lacks some coherence between point 2 and 3
Do you even know what a prac is? Prac is short for Practice. It means you play a war to practice. It means it isn't official. It means it isn't ran by CB or ESL.

Seriously, you seem to know little about this game, the community and SLAC.

The reason those people won't switch cheats is because the cheats that aren't blocked are easier to detect + they paid money for the cheats they're using and thus are waiting for an 'update'
and thats the point!
do u think anyone known would risk getting busted cheating while having slac on?
how about u use ur mind every once in a while?
i rly dont think that all cheaters stoppedc cheating.
srsly guys how can u be that naive?
as if all of those hunderets of cheaters stopped only because some dude developed some stuff.
as if they did not want to try if slac actualy works (retards like junky and so on).

just naive
dude if you think its a fail, than believe in it....BUT PLEASE...stop wasting our time -_-. The future will tell us what gonna happen..
angry nerds doublepost cauz they expected more and want to convince people that its not the failure it obviously is.
its not, u think besides polaks ppl is dumb enough to start cheating with slac even if it hasnt been tried to bypass yet? ppl aint daring to cheat with slac on yet u retard.
I guess the haxers are just scared to try it. At least the ones that have clearly haxed vs me have been really scared to use it
angry nerds doublepost cauz they expected more and want to convince people that its not the failure it obviously is.
elaborate on that.
is 9 busts good for all the resources put into it?
is there any valuable (known) ban?
is speedlink satisfied and will continue the project?
or does this failure mean that SLAC will disappear soon ?
lmfao you cannot even count, how can anyone take you seriously.
ok, i didnt count. couldnt be bothered.
but the interesting part is: you dont try to defend that thing...
you seem to know our hopes were crushed
Quote by ArtstAr on 09/09/10, 17:58:25 PM | Replypointless replying to cripples, bye.
you failed. live with it, frustrated nerd
00000702 Adas CB // ESL
00000704 Lenkas CB // ESL
two bunches of cheaters so? don't expect anything from ahk and ownAge
League: Miscellaneous
You have € 20 on cz AHK
You and many other AHK fans lost
im going to watch they after i'll go back home O.o
wow so exciting, so much known nicks there
Hey Oh Lets go !
90% of banned players are from Poland

kk, gj
Czech Republic COMPACT

You are a part of the list !!!

dwa slowa podsumowania

jebany Killerboy

zapraszamy do nas na mistrzostwa w pilce :D

Poland bb windows/linux, hello mac !
sn4ke, maTze, nikesports, ffgg, erikisiru, elues, naga, criatura, Kane, sanji, trojan, Agn, matan, arci, rOOt, myrmidonsqkr, znajda, mihas, chumbawamba, SkullBreaker, Kendle, Absolwencik, Canni, body, cpu

rofl :D
nic sobie nie zrobil z bana :DDDDDDDDDD
Co mial sie rozplaakac bo dostal bana w internetowej gierce ? :DDDDDDDD
Widocznie ET nie jest dla wszytskich calym zyciem :)
dla niego widocznie jest.
Raczej nie bo ma w to wypierdolone :)
ma tak wypierdolone ze zaklada po raz ktorys kolejne konta na tej stronie,zmienia guidy i robi wszystko co potrzebne by grac w gre nazywasz wyjebaniem ?:D to jest choroba
Brak persektyw ;)
Skoro nie jest to na chuj innym niszczy przyjemnosc z gry ?
Na to pytanie ci niestety nie odpowiem :)
Heh wlasnie , no nic trudno taki jest swiat, niektorzy kiedys zmadrzeja niektorzy nie =)
Pojebow jest dosc na tym swiecie. Wiec nie ma sie co stresowac :)
hehe, I'm jealous, you'll have a nice winter and still earn money, while I will have -15 outside :))
well u busted Poland polaks whitch were already busted on every bustlist in the past :/
will be there a list of users who will try to run blocked hacks?
will be there an english?
for you for sure :)
oh filus, you so english :P
nothing bad with my english :)
Well, actually it's, will there be a list and not will be there a list. :P
oh my... there is actually one more thing, lets see if u can figure it out :)
there was nothing wrong u retard
<insert fail pic>
There's everything wrong. Tere Enrico :D
Tead ka kes ma olen :D?
ikka ja , sul nimi profiilis ju :D
all ppl are gettin mad, but u dont understand that rox etc. will still play with hax. It's nice to see cf carin so hard :> btw. gnajda will be back soon (:
so it's a confession?
nah u know i've never cheated :) oh and btw. nice to see u (i still remember wars vs u, was nice i have to admit it :>)

EDIT : I forgot to say that it's just senseless to whine so hard about ppl (slac list) who cheat all the time and they just don't care about it.
nice to see you too :)
Lol nice !! slac fonctionne donc c'est pas de la daube puis frenchement a mon avis la liste et plus grande ^^
haha i lold about all people whining these unknown busted polaks, I bet 99% of u dont even know who they are. and what is more, these busted guys totally #care tbh, they've cheated for years and will still cheat anyway
"known players"

Hold the press, roox is a cheater?!
holy shit, most of this guys from haxlist, r my ex-clan mates and people with I'm playing some random mixes ;[ maybe I should start to hax either?:D I'm playing with rly proper company I see... ;D
Polaks busted is busted polaks.
raze mate, hows it going???
hahaha wtf is this shit
all those busted cheaters hv been known for long time
expected as hell
lol its real stupid if u do it wiht SLAC xD
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