CB versus ESL

image: eslvscb
Eurocup or Major Series, Opencup or Fall League, MG or Mortar, forced netsettings or helmet protection. The eternal clash of the two major forces in competetive online Enemy Territory have had numerous conflicts and history implys it to contine forever. Will it?

Eventually not! Both high commands decided to settle this epic fight once and forever, this sunday at 19 CET. They send out their strongest and most experienced guerrilla troops to fight and immortalize themselves. A showdown of pure skill and game knowledge will be available for spectators around the world when the Clanbase ET Crew faces the ESL ET Staff in the Tobruk City Bank, the Würzburg grassland and eventually at the gates of a central european supply depot!
image: s_head

image: s_news

Europe Clanbase ET Crew

Israel LION
Poland szczurek
Poland Homer
Malta Killerboy
Belgium GoldoraK
image: s_news

Europe ESL ET Staff

Germany eiM
Poland Krein
Sweden kAviar
Austria joeyy
Romania FoaMeA
image: s_border_short

Date: 12th September 2010
Time: 19:00 CET
Maps: Goldrush, Radar, Supply

image: game21029
image: s_foot
We were able to catch up with both sides' commanders and aswell a neutral war correspondent to hear about the possible outcome of this warfare.

QuoteThis match reminds me much of Team Killerboy vs Team Homer, ESL have their own 'mAus player' and we will apply the same tactics we used vs Homer's Team in order to make Krein useless. Unfortunately GGL were not able to give us money to buy 1337 hardware, but they did sponsor us with playboy posters worth 2000$ so our motivation is quite high.
Eventhough the ET ESL team have Intel sponsoring them with over 9000€ worth of FPSBrain, we all know this is not a problem, since it will take some year(s) for it to arrive. The ClanBase management has also donated enough cash from their own pocket money for us to buy 5 POWERTHIRST drinks.

QuoteI could not be more proud of our subjects. I watched them being raised in our super secret guerrilla lab the last years. Their journey comes to an end now as they will fight side by side with me and bring this victory home.
As a personal note: If you mess with delivery you mess with me. So CB better prepare...

QuoteFor too long have the two mighty powers behind online competitive play battled it out in a most cruel and gruesome war. In a final attempt to stop the bloodshed the legions of the two giant forces will meet each other in a contest with no precedence. Without a doubt one of the biggest encounters in human history. Who will be victorious and who will inevitably bite the dust?
Not even God knows.

Tune in at matchtime, Sunday 19 CET!
noone bans delivery without punishment
haha + 1 thats why i like playing esl

deli <3
noone bans delivery without punishment
*LOL* come on kav! *LOL*
*LOL* come on kav! *LOL*
*LOL* Ali <3 *LOL*

spelar du fortfarande ET storkuken?
*LOL* vArgibaba <3 *LOL*

ja :D självklart! men jag jobbar mycket nu, och är inte hemma. Ska vara borta mycket i höst :-/

själv dååå?
hähä jag spelar fortfarande lite med grabbarna grus yo! men vi spelar mest på skoj, inget direkt allvar.

ps: jag är bäst
vet jag väl!!!
lol du fett gay bror
lål du är ju ett eckel bre
ey va ere du säjer bre ska knulla din mamma jag svär
All heil Clanbase, o7
Oh dear xD
too many news for one day
shit hits the fan
Np for Poland Krein
Probably one of the greatest ideas that both esl and cb had in a long time!
this reminds me of CB vs Warleagues ages ago

cb lineup was... mrozu adacore toxic lunachick adacore thalakos
wl lineup was... snuble giz yancho badboy resku splodge

http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&mode=item&id=272 :)
adacore must be superleet to clone himself toxic
haha, i mean angrykid :D
ye that's why warleageues won ;p
haha, no they never, cb won :D
:o prolly i only watched first map.. Wl won that one i thought? I remember I was in the admins channel at the time ready to ref some OC games or something...
gl goldoraK
gl eim <3
Ah esl is winning so far because they made the banner!
stfu !!

image: bet6d

bubu made
szczure karaj noobow
GL szczurek and kAviar! <3
sounds like mortal kombat !
low vs. low :D
Why is this mainnews?
it has two stars
so does your mom when i tear her a new asshole.
My friend, eiM here, is very pro, so please respect him!
I know! I saw him at cc7 with smurffffftang
but you didn't see me :((
I did, not knowing it was you xD only reason I knew krosan was cuz shaun told me :D
but i got there late, like saturday evening
the day my mousepad got stolen :'(
lol same day shaun's gear disappeared! damn polaks :o
ye and they even stole eujen's mx518 :(

funny thing is that this got stolen while i went to buy a beer for dialer :D i was 1 meter away from my stuff rofl
told you! polaks always travel in groups...like mexicans, filthy thieves!
smurftang rulez too
I know! he's my love, miss him :( had to liquor him up after your last 4-2
yeah I kinda failed at that one :D
you all kinda did lol
Shit is about to go down
lol easy for cb
krein will carry. GL to LION, KB and homer tho! :)
ESL beat CB admins in UT2004, so don't let us down!
np for esl
cb is like med- :S

easy for esl
Clanbase have killerujaa so be is roll them for easy honda.
izy 4 esl:-(
hf homie , killy and goldie
enjoy krein and foamea
"Unfortunately GGL were not able to give us money to buy 1337 hardware, but they did sponsor us with playboy posters worth 2000$ so our motivation is quite high."
now i know where our prizemoney went!
CB gonna get tonked
which config will be used ?
this is gonna be fun

lol, how funny is that? ESL are teh nazis!

*give it all Homer!
ye and CB = GGL = American :D
atleast someone notices
<3 long time no see :)
epic nerd war
izi for ESL
lol Israel LION :O) jew-rifle who was shooting from CP to roof on warbell (being allied) and scoring multikills

fun times, hf
unfortunately easy for PolandKrein :<

gl CB!
gl guys!
expected a fist-fight at lan tbh
noooooo we cool at lan, no fights :)))))

I even gave my keyboard to eiM for a match at LAN, we cool :)
wasnt a keyboard was your mousepad iirc
lol could be, i gave my keyboard to krosan, so i might have given you the mousepad, you were the lucky guy to use it last since it got stolen 1 hour before my match. :D
who knows, maybe I've taken it
This is even lower than Dignitas vs Lost Soldiers.
I rofl'd hard.
Hope SLAC is being used in this match! :)
izi for esl :D
ESL wil pwn CB
nobody cares
it's just you that don't care, reveem8. We're writting history here!
i dont care neither,such a bad joke something like this being on main news.
hehe, you're still mad because I didn't let you play with re+play in that match. :D
why the hell should i care about re+play?? XD

That just prooved(once again) how stupid you are
I was just joking, man. Jeez, too much negative energy comming from you.
ESL all the way :D
second that
Polandszczurek pokara!
idiots united, cant even make 1 global config, so instead we waste time and seek attention for a random war
Jij kleine pinda hatert
ESL prevails.
joyeeee make us proud :)
gl hess kav!!
Might just install ET for this epic battle. But I've heard TV rights have already been sold to 12 country's.
next match will be cf vs gtv
no offense, but why would people watch 2 random mixteams playing against each other? i would even prefer watching any random prac from some random med+ team over this ;o
Lion to go afk every 2 minutes
LION will rage ESL np4him
Goldrush, Supply????

CB crew can not play those maps......are not in the CB mappool!!

wtf, why didn't I picked =(
u mad cuz ure bad!?
easy win for cb
ez for ESL

nais banner xd
Foamea bringing home the gold.
this misses notorious :D
why u r not playing ?
i dont know :( they hate me :(
Uhm kb will take it :-pppPpPPPpp
LION for the wolf.
the outcome seems too obvious
it's the cold war

and no one gives a shit
easy bash cb. more polaks = insta win :D
this will define a new era.
lowest league match ever
go killerboy :p
i think this will be a good match :)
You have € 30 on ESL
Possible win: € 40.
good luck both
gotta love those lags?
Quote by Killerboy on 28/08/2010online competition = dead if this continues
so bad i was on my best ET day ever :)
I want to play this - no ettv this time
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