STAR is ready

image: star_et1

Dear Crossfire,

After 7 month break me and Turkey FiREBALL decide to give a comeback once again,we are praccing since 2 week's intern to see how it goes and we perform really well vs known teams in practice games. Well we decide to play under the name of STAR.ET you can find us anyway in the HIGHBOT Community Channel, we are motivated enough to play 3-4 times per week and we are looking forward to pracc vs some good teams.
In my oppinion Speedlink will be direct invite to EuroCup for Germany, we hope that we get a qualifier spot to show everyone that we have the potential to play EuroCup.

We are only active in the ClanBase competitions, thats basicly the main focus this Saison.

STAR.ET 5on5

Germany Daniel 'humM3L' M. (Captain)
Turkey Fatih 'FiREBALL' H. (Mainplayer)
Germany Marco 'caTchEr' A. (Mainplayer)
Germany Sebastian "asmogan" J. (Mainplayer)
Germany Patrick 'leask' K. (Mainplayer)
Germany Sascha "criatura" B. (Backup)

STAR.ET 3on3 Winner of ET 3v3 OpenCup Fall 2008.

Germany Daniel 'humM3L' M. (Captain)
Turkey Fatih 'FiREBALL' H. (Mainplayer)
Germany Thomas "kReSti" M. (Mainplayer)

Active in the following Competitions:

ClanBase EC/OC 2010.
ClanBase 3on3 OpenCup.
ClanBase 5on5 Ladder.
LAN Active.

Visit and Contact us in #HIGHBOT q STAR\humM3L or STAR\FiREBALL
never bet on highbot

Quoteno internet
no just no :P
good luck buddys! you are the best!
love ya, cheers!
gl hf jungs :)

e.fatih owner
returning for ec again, receive ec, and fail hard as always 8D
we have the potential to play EuroCup
no just no
isnt fireball playing for the dragons?
caTcher :PP
Good luck humm3l and Asmogan, hopefully you'll get good results
gl humM3l
oh lord have mercy on my soul :-(
gl hf guyz ;)

ec-quali ? we will see ;)
hf marco :(
gl catcher :)
I saw fireball coming back 2 weeks ago in some 2 week team.
perfect for STAR vs DRAGOOOOOOONZ EC qualifier
that would be shit :D
more like sL vs star :P
yeah could be also that dragonz gets direct invite and those will battle each others
direct invite into oc :P
You seriously think that youll get direct invited to EC ? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DD
Please not again...
always thought thats a girl
It's not?:(((
actually iam still not sure :DDD
ist sowohl in der story wie auch in echt ein männliches wesen :)
gl humm3l:)
hows the gym progress? im thrilled to see updates
gl humM3l & fireballll
Catcher :( gl
gl hummi fatih scatty cria kresti :>
give it up on eurocup :) pwn oc prem
gl guys!
gl guys :)
omg highbot omg
gl :D
Now that's a double plus one chance for Velerion to compete against the Crème de la Crème!
highmacs with a new name..cant be....
it ain't new : p
gl aSmö :>
"I will be missed you"
highbot: playing since 2002 -> playing 24/7 -> still didn't reach top level = EPIC FAIL
highbot again ? :/
hummel needs more lunch money!
alles gute asmo und catcher :_P
gl TurkeyFiREBALL
gl asmo :D

Hummel you're hilarious :)
thieves & fags, gtfo
good luck :)
gl orgasmo
what the fuck is speedling?
dude, i get it that u cant speak english at all but you could at least write the teamname correctly.
speedlink direct invite? :-\
gl ;PPPpP

ketchup ftw.
oh plz, why cant you guys just roll over and die alrdy?
gl guys :)
your backupplayer is better then some guys as main player =)
this shit again ?
Good luck guys :) hope youll do good ^^
fuck this EC blabla talk ..

you all suck .. (the whole community that is!)

nice banner, yo !! ..
the team that never achieves anything :)
but main point is having fun anyway
gutglück dem team und dem marco :)
viel glück Scatman, caTcher & cria.
viel glück Scatman, caTcher & cria
viel glück Scatman, caTcher & cria

Look marti we've gone back in time!

gl asmo&türke (:
gl for t3h Sachsen asmogan and caTcher ;)
gl assi, äh asser :D
vater is ready
Fuck around with Humm3l thats a bad move
good luck hummel!
Wieso dann STAR?
HIGHBOT = STAR dont care

gl daniel und fathi btw thomaz gl im 3on3 :)
hf jungens
geh ab marco
gl but EC? :XD
eh alles hurensöhne.
Armer Catcher. :(

Aber Hanf und Julasch mein Freund!
summ3l and the english skillz
I smell epic fail, as usual

Just rename to Highbot...ftw
nice team gl catcher
asmogan <3333
Too bad there aren't any polish players to rip off in the lineup. ;>
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