Jere joins Aero Gaming

image: wetpng

Not so long after we joined United KingdomAero Gaming our fraternity has suffered from great loss. Our brother Lennert (also known as Belgiumchizz6l) forgot about old saying “bros before hoes” and went inactive. In other words he discovered love and now is spending his time with one lucky lady. However, this happy event left us with huge hole that needed to be patched.

With fall of team Europereprezent we managed to get our hands on one of Belgian finest, ex-player of such teams as BeneluxFriends in Force or BelgiumOverload – BelgiumJeroen “Jere” van G. , who will be joining us for upcoming EC/EMS season and some LAN events. With this addition we hope to achieve our goals both online and offline.

Quote by JereI'm glad to join this skilled and stable team. After AEF I was already almost joining the team, but Sup3r denied that with coming back from the army. A few weeks later reprezent wasn't really working out, so I decided to join the team to replace an inactive chizzel. I hope to compete with the best in upcoming online and offline events with this team. Thanks to Aero Gaming for the support!

Source :
gl mates

(tho the banner sucks)
lol webpage
KRP will roll easily
more interesting news pls
cu friday night m8s :P
Lun4t1C low- mAx.

E: xPERiA: ik own me broer in een 1on1.
backstab is normal in et
so u backstabbed reprezent or not? :?
chizz6l is still the man.
gll for the other guys
5th place team
nice :)
gl pwnertjes
goodluck jeroen!
nice lineup
gl Jere <333
Jere want to fight @ next lan
nice lineup and team, jere will be a nice addition.
nice comment, lol nice
nice comment, lol nice
Jere is the best choice you could make :) nice lu
gl ;)
gl jere clanhopper
gl puta!
LoLlOl JeRe NeW MerC To PalY AgAinsT wCK??????? pPpppPpp:
Nice, you've always missed a good rifle I think, hopefully this will make you not suck online. :P
thx speccy fuck
that's totally out of order, dude.
Do you play for bF? :S
why you mad though?
Think that's what makes us perform that well online :)
Good luck, nice team.
why didnt u take xperia back? gl :*
thought the same
they pmed me when they saw i was looking for a team again, said i was avi and i'd play rifle for them again if theyd want, then all the sudden it went all weird and i asked a few times whats up, then heard they're gonna take jere instead of me so thought ok, as for the internet beef Kamz, we just had different oppinions, i said i was willing to adjust, i have nor had a serious grudge against any of them ;p

anyway, i wish them luck ;D i just think on aiming positions such as gold last stage that they'll lack now :) further more i think jere's a great rifle.
we were going to take you, but your brother said "dont" :d
ok didn't expect that from him, 'brother' /o/
:) lunatic will have his arms broken for this betrayal :)
dus ik verwacht een pm @ IRC snel van jou maat
good addition, I guess :) gl
hopefully jere plays on saturdays as well.
thx for letting me know btw :) stabnerdjes :)
too low for EC now :(
undead from dignitas to randoms?!?!??!!?!?!

gl al1 & sup3r m8s
Nice pickup, gl Jere.

gl jerelow :P
haha thx joofie ;) hoest in het verre canada?
goedgoed, de stad en mensen zijn echt heel relaxt.. ik mis et zelfs bijna niet ;d

maar wel nice teampje zo denkz!
ik mis et bijna niet......

tering zeg
wat doe jij in canada dan :O
doe een deel van m'n studie hier :)
where are you in canada atm?

e: btw in a lot of parts of course it's more relaxed but places like toronto ect... are pretty busy and hectic
live in vancouver, and ye must say downtown is pretty busy and hectic indeed
Loool istie gewoon in canada xD
main news :)
nicest euroballs out there
jere pwnzor!
gl jere ownatro
no gifted....... no win
good luck!
wtf no chizz6l :o no lennert no win
gl jere (:
no gifted no win

gl anyway
looks like an improvement on paper
Jere will deliver , oh wait..
Good move, gl hf
bF = the blueprint for how a team should be
wasnt undead in dignitas?
What will happen to reprezent and its players now?
kapaa -> sth/cortana
Thanks Ensam :)
No problem Krosan :-)
krein in tag :P
Jere op main news gewoonweg :D Daar drink ek een tomatensapke op
hmm lekker lekker
cool story bro
me is better as rifle ;)
gl jere gay :) <3 ... not really serious for a multigaming that wish to become stronger

I don't know who's your designer but this banner really look like a beginner work, it's not professional

gl Jere tho :)
hey b3ck i understand what your saying.

i have noticed alot of comments about the site and just want to make peeps aware that this site is temp and we currently have a new one being built but these things take time and it is scheduled to be finished before end of this month but if i need things changing then it may take a little longer. regards to thats netherlands for but we are going to be changing it to .org once new site is ready
the mgc is fairly new, new site is coming up soon. Channa is working hard to get everything perfect :P
I can understand it :p And I also see that channa take my critics into account. That's a good point :)

GL for it tho :)
Stop switching your clans constantly, it's annoying.
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