EC XXII with the invites

image: 31507r6

This season's EuroCup has the longest discussion ever. Clanbase Supervisors, led by Poland Homer, making EC qualifiers for the 3rd time in a row, have talked about the amount of clans which should play in the cup's groupstage and clans that should receive a qualifiers very long. As usual, some clans were not questionable but filling in last spots brought way more uncertainty than in the previous seasons. Finally, when we came with a solution we believed was good, one of the teams we wanted to invite, unfortunately called it a day bottoming up our preparations. After a last-minute meeting, we are ready to present direct invites and qualifers for EuroCup XXII.

At the beginning, please let me explain how the system works. We will have 2 direct invites, 6 high-qualifiers invites and 16 mid-qualifiers invites.
  • Directly invited teams will be automatically put into poule 1

  • 6 high-qualifiers teamsteams will be split up into 3 pairs. The winners from these pairs will create a winner tournament which will be played as a 1day cup on 1 map. The losers from the pairs mentioned previously will create a loser tournament which will be played as a similar 1day cup on a 1 map. (Clan A vs Clan B on goldrush, clan B vs clan C on supply, clan C vs clan A on radar). The best 2 teams out of the winner tournament will be put into poule 1.

  • 16 mid-qualifiers teams will be put into 8 pairs. By that way we will have 8 winners and 8 losers. 8 winners will create 4 pairs. The winners from winners will join poule 3. The losers from winners will join poule 4. Now, we lets focus on 8 losers' situation. They will also create 4 pairs. Winners of losers will join poule 5 while losers from losers will be eliminated and will fill in one of the spot of Premier Division of OpenCup Fall 2010 in each group.

After such qualifiers, we will create a groupstage with 5 clans in each group (4 in total).

  • sw_goldrush_te
  • radar
  • supply
  • bremen_b3
  • adlernest
  • karsiah_te2

Qualifiers schedule:
  • 20-26 Sept - 1st round of qualifiers
  • 27-30 Sept - 2nd round of qualifiers + 1day tournaments
  • 30 Sept / 1 Oct - groups announced

If both/every team is ready for a 2nd round earlier than 27 Sept, they are allowed to play it. Both clans pick 1 map from mappool. You are not allowed to pick the same maps in 2 games.

A player is not allowed to play for 2 clans in EuroCup Qualifiers. If a player that has played for a clan that didn't make it to EuroCup wants to join a clan who is in EuroCup, he has a 1 matchweek pause (unless he has played first game and second no - means he served is break). If a player that has played for a clan that made it to EuroCup, he has a 2 matchweek pause (no exceptions in 1st/2nd game). If a player that has played for a clan that made it to EuroCup wants to play for a clan from OpenCup Premier league, he is not allowed to.

image: 24fmes0

image: 1zgb4lh

  • Europe zeroE.mvp – Europe fuzion
  • Europe two4two – Europe stronger than hate

  • Germany energy wave – Czech Republic inteRaction
  • Europe WinFakt! – Spain Gamerz Connexion

  • Europe Wonderland – Poland High5
  • Poland dwukropekha – Europe ICTUS

  • Poland 1stCav eSport Club – United Kingdom vibe
  • Europe TAG – Poland blurred vision


CUP PAGEimage:
polish mafia
image: fanatic


polak correcting english mistakes, once in a life time
too bad, i actually speak pretty decent englishm8 :(
decent is not enough for teaching ;x
i kinda meant fluent, including slang, normal english and technical one

you cant overenglish me, im sorry :(
smartass :)
not really :( my team tends to call me pretty much the opposite :<
one can...
In the context he wrote that in, fluent is the correct word to use. Way to go, douchebag.
more vocabulary from tv series, douchebag.
Aww, too mad to think of a proper comeback? I'm not surprised.
where be suVi ? this EC awful :(
inb4 mad nerds
lowest EC ever
so this is pretty much the list of the final standings ? ^^
lol :D worst decisions ever made...

only teams i can understand from the mid-seed are:

energy wave
1stCav eSport Club

I see what you did there
u sound mad
Nice to be underdogs :D
What's wrong with sth?
nothing, actually..

just forgot to put them there
good arguments, anything else you forgot to add?
cba to explain it... just RLY retarded putting a team in there who is still searchin for players + changing the lineup everytime
like us i believe.
hate to say it, cuz i love my die hard shrapnels idler and only polak with hitboxes, and i doubt you care either way, but i dont think you're EC skill :( not sure why you got quali :x
a good argument would be that their skill is just too low for ec. they would all be good oc premier teams :P
why did u reply that to me ? reply it to killerboy..
told him alrdy :D
hey, im not the wnb trying to teach guys over internet even though own english skills are weak
good job
gl hf teams
I thought Xylos quit ET and only plays offline
i don't care cause i won the headset :P
too many Poland teams :d
Did you like the Invite show people? ;)
wheres Poland rebellion?!
i am very sad ;(
tejket izi, rl gonna reloaded
no Finnish teams, the fuck?
polar bears broke most of our internet cables ;x nothing we can do untill summer 2011
slaaaaaaaaaac :P
are you sure it wasnt slac???

:$ just kiddin :$
maybe it was :P ull never know ;)
if it was because of slac, i dont even wanna know :P would ruin my image of you guys :)
ive played 3 times with slac, all matches were for ladder #1

vs you (bf)
vs sleepers
vs savak

go check these and make your guess :P
the fuck dude? stop saying the fuck, i do that shit.
i would love to see zhe lineups :(
two4two – stronger than hate

epic match is epic
You have € 40 on sth
Possible win: € 129.6

No Finns, this is my chance. :PPP
exactly what i thought :D
EC, here we cum
One olba is enough to stop evil cartoon-watching nerds from reaching their dream. :PPP
didn't you win one already?? :D
I kind of did, but not since I've been playing with SNB! :D
ah ye, well gl then ;)
gl und hf
if jaka gets replaced by night during this season + impact will play without player changes, top3 will look like this:

1. dicknitas
2. impact
3. ec winners

waiting for epic battles
please like ecwinners will play more than 3 matches

i c wut u did thar
night wont be back before next summer :D
lol dignitas direct invite :D
If crossfire had the like button of facebook I would definetely press it right now on this comment!
letting ecwinners participate again after the stuff they pulled last time is a ridiculous joke

wiaderko should be banned from this community.
hahaha xD
come on, its never perfect...they did ok job. i wouldnt give quali to fuzion though, simply 2new.

no, just no
true, tag also not.

and ecw is dunno, a maybe, although personally I wouldnt give it to them.but then again, if they play seriously they can easily be top3.
yes , IF they play so... which i doubt after the last EC
even if they play with cvops they are better than your team, stop whining
what the fuck :DD that makes no sense at all, didnt talk about my team did i ?
its ok for me to play OC , at least i can end up better than in EC ..

giving a chance to a last minute team which players acted rly retarded in the last EC is just pointless..
all this whine only because of your team didnt get in, dont try to act like u dont care :D
come on, thought u r a "ok" guy, but seems like u r not...
ive left ictus a few days ago although i was pretty sure they would get an invite. they almost didnt prac at all, which was my reason to join a more active clan.

i had the choice , and its ok like that. some of the decisions are still unfair and not based on anything which is usually required by the admins.

good night, off2bed
come on, thought u r a "ok" guy, but seems like u r not...

just checked your comments on this thread and its pretty obv that u care... too bad u cant realise it by yourself


no, just no

cba to explain it... just RLY retarded putting a team in there who is still searchin for players + changing the lineup everytime

lol :D worst decisions ever made...
off topic...
we just don't share the same opinion about "quitting serious gaming" (if such things exist on et ...), that's all =)
what? ive quit serious gaming, browsing xfire has something to do with this? :o
ofc not! but arguing about EC, who deserves an EC quali or not etc, rollicking silent ... ^^
I wouldn't even try to care about it if I was "inactive" ! see my point ?!

and I'm about to play again, who's gonna rape the shit out of me with his rifle from now on ?
cu when its 6on6 again :P
I care about the decisions, but not about the decision ur team wont play EC.

ALTHOUGH we surely would ve deserved it as much as fuzion, sth, iR ..
and it seems like u r up for flaming , so just hf :) i will enjoy my sleep now.
search another victim
im not looking for flame war, i just think its deserved that ur in oc
Some people just can't face the fact that they ain't going to play EC.

I mean I would rather play OC and win it than play EC and barely reach the playoffs.
I thinkk they will play, but that doesnt matter

but then again, its ridiculous that they got a high qualifier. Its understandable to give them a mid quali because of the LU, but using arguments like HB is new so they didnt get a quali after giving a high quali to ECW is pure hypocrisy.
To be fair, highbot simply are not as good as most of those teams. They've got some good players but why not just play OC + get far than get raped in EC.
I never even spoke about HBs skill

they're fine in OC imo (atm, they might get better after praccing 24/7 for a few weeks) but I just wanted to destroy the argument of "HB is a new team so they didnt get a quali", because it makes no sense
Ah, fair enough.
In the last EC, shit lu played because they didn't have a proper 5 + they didn't want to play as a mix and would of given a forfeit loss if they didn't play that day.
sth should be in OC 2nd as well <3
With this cronoob lineup, yes.
:P I'm just stating it cuz you werent even arsed to change "Fall 09 to Fall 10" @ CB!:-D
Damn, busted =D

But tbh, we could field a gazillion line ups that would be able to win half of the teams in these mid qualifiers :P
Not taking in to account that qualifiers are not only given to random skilled people put together ofcourse.
yea i know,but now it just looks like you dont have any kind of lineup ?:D
Why the TAG hate? :(
where's snogard dragons?
put all low teams to oc premier and play the ec with only 8 teams
Change it if you can't come up with decent teams.
can you show lineups? dont know half of the teams (too much multigaming sh*t is going on :p)
Was thinking the same, a lot of teams got picked up by multigamings lately, I don't even know where zZz is playing?
Yeah, I agree. Tried looking them up on the CB page, but found that too much work.
fuzion, really?

looks like most teams that'll end up in group 4 are no better than OC Premier.
System6 will deliver

-hey wait a minute wtf ?
:h second league winner into EC, gratz :D:D:D:D:DDD
they arent in yet
they shouldnt even play qualis: /
Just like Team-AoW/SPEEDLiNK ;~)
Pointed out the former team of AoW jumped from 2nd Division (winner!)/Premier participant to EC (nice performance!)
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong : - )
well, basicly you are right but dont compare us to the polish team because thats a different story what they had and i dont expect them to finish top 10 anyway ;)
(23:10:27) (powelcheck) no qualifier for noTeamplay?
(23:10:32) (powelcheck) the fuck guys?
(23:10:39) (powelcheck) they messed with the wrong guy, seriously.

(23:30:45) (powelcheck) 1 german team and 5 pl teams awesome (; and teams without a lineup are getting a qualifier
(23:31:10) (powelcheck) me t0mmy and timen playing since years together and we placed 1st and 1st on the last 2 l4f and explain why 5 poland teams? 2 of them are unknown or shit.
(23:31:30) (powelcheck) so i gtg work tomorow we care we play also OC (;
omfg powel is humm3l? :X:D:D:X::X
hai weka
Want to play EC? We still need a german since zerender chickened out!
ho hipe, I felt like TAG has some hard feelings against germans lately :-S
TAG doesn't have hard feelings towards germans, we love them!
I heard you were hustling irl now. No time for ET anymore :(
good joke :>
i hate u all with your fakeposts :o
karsiah_te2... shit
I know 4 teams in EC :)
don't lie, you know us :s
don't lie, you know us :s

epic comments
We've beaten 3-4 of the EC teams and still I think we deserve a OC premier spot.
And the only map humm3l's team can play is supply where they are actually raging, on all other maps they are as skilled as a 4th division team.

Quit the whine and lets paly!!
you are not even close to premier spot nor EC. You should fullhold on goldrush and u shouldn't win supply for few seconds vs mix :D
cu at ec quali oh wait
sorry but i got 6 :) bv, vibe, :h, high5, fuzion, winfakt.

+ bv, :h & high5 did rage quit, cool story about polish players in this community tho :p
we ragequitted? when
i call it rage when theres 4 minutes left on grush and u are still trying to get tank and quit, problem officer? and i cant get screen of that round coz u quited and cba to watch demo :P
if you consider getting kicked as ragequitting, then yes
1 guy left in ur team and other 4 got kicked after that, wasnt it like this? u even said "sorry he cant play like this" or smth
riseye had really bad screen problems, he just bought a new one and it seemed kinda broken... whole screen was grey or something...

nothing personal really :(
yes youve beaten vibe with 2 tryouts and we all didnt play since oc final last season

gz :_D
it was our 1st prac with that lineup also with no special tactics, gz:_D
we dont even have proper tacs anddidnt play with our full lineup for a single time ,yet.. so thats proper bullshit :)

but still i prefer OC for once..
For once, out of those many mistakes the CB did in the past I like the decision regarding the STAR's team. :D

Other than that, looking at the sign ups I suppose reading the CB Tournament guide whould help some of the admins to notice that this is called Euro Cup and not Poland vs. Europe cup. By the amount of sign ups from each country 5 polish teams are WAY TOO MUCH for one EC.

(For nubs: WHERE U SEE 5??? => zeroeE.mvp, seriously polish. Even four is too much)
I don't have insight in the scene but when those polish teams are the only teams worth playing the eurocup, why should he take in other team just because they're not polish? :O
Whats the best Polish team? Is the best team worth to play EC? If yes = direct invite, if no qualifier against another med+ team.
Who is 2nd and who is 3rd?

in this situation it would have been 1 polish direct invite to honour the communities acitivity in EC + 1 polish qualifier.

Now you have an active community in germany and finland with many teams active in CB but no1 (or SL) representing them.

Back in the day when proper Supervisors were active, those explained such things properly :d And those euro cups have been awesome back in time... + When u run a hosted cup, you can read the guides saying exactly this :D
AngryKid :)
Overall its decent, but i can understand some ppl's arguements e.g. star. I think the old country/region format was decent, but doesnt entirely mean that there has to be only 1 team from 1 region/country. I think that the amount of polish teams/players in this EC is ridiculous, especially as some of them could have easily been replaced.

Also how have you actually done the qualifiers? I mean giving EC Winners a high qualifier when they have just formed their team, hardly pracced and their lineup isnt as strong as previous seasons. Yet you have a similiar team as wonderland, which has a better lineup and also pracs more - but they get a mid qualifier. However, neither team probably deserve a high qualifier. You could even argue someone like zeroe deserve a high quali cos of activity. Did you rank the teams for both high and mid qualis - just a question :P.

Overall not much wrong.
Totally agree on the ECW part
+1 to you & chosen.
what you say is Yazuka getting owned?
Was thinking the same, how they deserved the high qualifier when they trolled the community last season..
I haven't replied earlier because of lack of time. So, let's go.

I don't think that the country/region rule was good. The best teams weren't playing by that. If I had to follow it, I would need to invite TurboApinat from Finland because their community is relatively big in ET scene.

Secondly, you say that the amount of polish teams is ridiculous and they could be easily replaced. Tell me who should get their spot then and I will reply to you. Besides, if you haven't noticed, all of them would probably lose their 1st games by that way of qualifiers which would bring EC with 2 Polish teams from the biggest and the most active scene of ET, which isn't much I think.

ECW > zero.E because ECW has already achieved something as a team (hai 2nd place @ EC 2 seasons ago). ECW > Wonderland also (using EC 2nd place argument again) because I know that Wonderland wasn't really praccing (gifty not available if I'm not mistaken). Their recent EMS performance (lost to and their death showed that I was right. Yes, I tried to rank teams from high and mid qualis - as you can notice - the best teams from mid quali received the weakest opponents, so that they should have easily secured their spot in EC.
BAN ALL POLAKS FROM ET :DDDDDD fuckface homer :)
Germans raging on polaks. Good stuff.

image: mona
im the best polak you have ever played with!
That's a fact ! <3
true! send me a few bottles of this shit beer you bought and i drunk one after one and you were like what the hell?:D
image: Hertog-Jan-oud

Cheers mate! :D
ye, it is what i drunk !:P
yeah fuzion, i'm your fanboy <3
gl to the teams !
Eze for vibe
need lineups
ow shit, Homer did it again...

Why Polandbv got quali if they are not even OCP worthy? Seriously, they gameplay base on hunter killing 1/2 of opposite team... And we all know hes got caught on using et bot...

And Poland:h ... Since when CB is promoting cheater united squads? OK Jadol is clean... and now we got swiruz [busted] ska [busted] fanatic [hes shit, OC 5th max] and hassan ]dunno whos he, i know he plays 3o3 with Jadol]

Seriously Homer, u did it again... Dont force polak teams into EC...
agree, invictus takes them down all.
zapomniales nas pocisnac !
tuakurat nie ma co cisnac ... gracie dlugo nawet cos tam wygrywacie... ogolnie to pizdy jestescie, ale przy obecnym stanie tzw sceny et, nie widze lepsiejszych kandydatow
no i jeszcze gramy 8 godzin dziennie
to mialem na mysli piszac gracie dlugo...
first time i agree with you. congrats.
when i stop trollin and act like a mongol im quite nice and intelligent person, u know
I dont know anything about hunter's team but they played "decent" against dignitas #)
i guess hunter had good day
Aynway, reply to you first comment. Most of the time getting a qualifier is more like based on your teams' reputation. You need time to build that up, even if your team beat some better team you wont get qualifier. Need attention - sadly - and respect.
bv got reputation from times when the squad was edain fixer hunter and some other really good players... now its full of randoms...
no ogolnie to widze ze masz lepsze pojecie o bv, niz ja - typ ktory gra od tu od poczatku. nic tylko pogratulowac skilla. chyba cie pojebalo jesli myslisz, ze homer dajac nam to quali bral pod uwage poprzednie lineupy.

tak w ogole to wozisz sie jakbys byl chuj wie kim. a prawda jest taka iz nigdy nic nie ugrales - jedyne co pamietam to jak loilem was po trzech na lanie. nie wiem czy pomoze ci to w koncu poruchac, ale nasz klan to nasze zmartwienie. nikt na pewno chujowi nie bedzie tlumaczyl kto i po co gra z nami, za kogo, ani dlaczego.

a co sie tyczy huntera, to te opowiesci o haksowaniu mozesz wlozyc miedzy bajki. screen z pova jakiegos anonima, na ktorym ma rzekomo hunta we friendliscie? zajebiscie, tylko to troche za malo zeby dostac bana gdziekolwiek poza xfire.

swoja droga nie zdziwilbym sie gdybys to ty byl tym cwelem, ktory chcial go upierdolic w taniej sensacji. hitsu - jebany hipokryta: nagle sie znalazl obronca starego skladu, wielki przyjaciel edaina, fiksera, curseda, errola, dialera i kazdego kto gral z nami przez przez niecale trzy lata. jak bedziesz gral tyle co ja, to tez moze pierdolniesz quali (naprawde powazna sprawa XD), a narazie to spierdalaj.
kurcze, widze ze et syriusz biznes :XD
if there would be more stable teams in this game it was more easyer :)
where is wck? :(
ec winners all the way
oh shit :D polaks invasion.. this ec will be remembered as zeh "biggest average latency" & "most blanks" new lowest ec ever haz been formed. das wassup kids
what the fuck is this shit about?

same as hummel:

where the hell is our invite?! what the fuck.
CTN going EC? :x omg!
in my days EC used to have some class
epic comment :DD
gotta agree with you there mate :)
forget the word some
gl Europe w0nd3rland
i dont get it!!!!

snogard got no EC-quali spot due to the cheating case( i understand that)

but why got :h and quali spot then...( one got already busted ... and other are way more obvious)

same rules for everyone !!!!
everyone who ever thought that dragons are clean should be banned from crossfire lol
and same goes for :h
was los bekommst jetzt nen ego boost?
ne tut mir leid, find es nur recht witzig :)
hast wohl was missverstanden.. is kein witz sondern pure wahrheit
wenn du das meinst :)
ich meine es nicht sonder ich weiß es :) zudem wird man euch eh nie auf lan sehen wo ihr es beweisen könntet :)
finde ich wirklich intressant, erzähl mir doch noch ein wenig mehr :)
:h invited :DDDDD

/exec wow.exe
yes too much poland
I see too many polack teams lol where are the lineups btw?
:D every season the same story goes on, people are not satisfied for the qualis.
are you ? mouahhahahahahaha
dwukropekha - cpl

where is wck :o
All those polish teams are better than STAR. For once the CB Admins showed some bawwlls and you are still crying : )))
sry aber da haste einfach unrecht :) aber ist ja deine meinung...
lol fuck homer into his anus plz. :DDDDDDDDDddddddddd
into his anus?
fuzion ?? xD are you kidding me ?
:h is going to win
only 2 teams left :(
i even logged in to comment :DDDDDDD
Poland dwukropekha
Poland 1stCav
Czech Republic inteRaction
Europe fuzion

Now seriously im happy that i quited et, this game must be seriously dead if such a teams playing in EC. Since 4 years i was playing and i never saw such a shit.

image: wtf_is_this_shit
atleast its obvious you havent learned english SINCE 4 years ^^
whats wrong with my comment?
how old were you when you started playing ? really 4?
i was 66 yo, still u didint reply to my question
since vs for.
say what nigger?
yes i do son of baggage handler not my fault some poor czech faggot cant answer a single crap
use brain before clicking "reply" button
haha johny gtfo
Ye because siL, vANQ, Sinnu, Matias, Jalo dont deserve EC... Funny man is funny.
no whine about this time :), seems decent :P
how could it be that hax5 is allowed to play with their past (or even present) activities...

there would be a lot of better and >proven< teams outside of PL that had been missed

let the online cup begin again, lets gather more online achievements
synek - ale najebany to do mycia - dziekuje dobranoc
its fun to see 5 polish teams in qualifier spots (or 4) and 1 german team (energy-wave) but whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat where are the germans in energy-wave? nice to see that they're using german flag...ok the clan is german... Oo
i talk about qualifier...
like SL arent in quali
they cant drop out so its like a direct invite, not a quali
still quali.
lowest EC ever.
I thought that EC XXI was lowest. :/
10 Teams with a european flag, I smell corruption! Explain yourself Homer! How dare you!?
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