More Brink Footage

Perhaps a touch slow to the post, but GameTrailers have released some ingame Brink Footage this past week. The footage was from PAX 10 which was at the start of September. The game was available for public playing at EuroGamer this past weekend in London, Crossfires very own United Kingdom Waki was there and gave the game mixed feedback (I'm sure he'll go into more detail in the comments).

In this video you can see a couple of interesting points, firstly it looks like SplashDamage are moving further towards fortress functionality (where SD came from) with more integration of more complicated functionality in the classes and the use of deployables. There are appear to be two methods of reviving which come at either the slow speed or one revive looks instant. Aside from that there do appear to be a number of XBOX COD Player centric features such as golden gun etc. Other points, you can change classes by going to a command centers instantly rather than respawning, 40 second Dyno's & 20 second respawn time.

Watch GameTrailers footage of Brink

Brink is penciled in for a Q1 2011 release date.
Ive seen this before i think
Video was posted on GT 5 days ago, hense why I said 'slow to the post'
after searching for a little while it looked a bit similar to some preview video that i saw. Not the same my bad. This looks oke but you'll never know for sure until you played it yourself :) This does have some ET elements in it and thats a plus. But the shooting could use some improvement
It's the console version , so I keep my hopes up for the PC version ;)
game looks good. Definately getting it
seen it, no point in that "reviving"
there is no instant revive, true

also. gameplay isnt quick enough i think
I don't mind it being slow, but what's the point in throwing a needle at them?!
Why can't I give all of them 10 needles and when they die, they just use it?
true, but then the classing system would be slightly boring
Needles are expensive in the future :P
The slowness might be related to the console version.. CoD4 for example is much faster on PC than on console, for obvious reasons.
cod4 is still TOO slow
another game with crap movement :(
Turn bobroll back on in your ET config and the movement is the same, didnt really see any strafing but then you wouldnt in a demo.

I dont think there is enough evidence to knock this game yet.
wasnt knocking the game but, even if i still didint play the game, its movement clearly looks like every COD/BF/MoH out there. Just check beggin's comment, he was there yet i noticed the cod movement without having played it.

The guy on the demo was surely running..still he was slow as fuck. Anyway i've become a q3 engine junky xD many ppl will love this game imo.

OH AND BOBROLL IS AMAZING! :D feels like being drunk on an et map : o
Isnt this video from the console version? and the different classes have different movement speeds. Hes playing soldier and i would quess that would be one of the slower classes.
Why is that? Soldier isnt carrying any heavy weapon, is he? Haven't read anything about different class movements. Tho im not talking just about the movement speed, but about the chance to run and jump through the map like every q3-based game.
movement speed is not definied by the class but by the classes weight - you get to choose between light medium and heavy - whilst the light obviously the the fastest person of choice , whilst he only gets to choose light weapons and has less energy and health afaik.
Who doesn't play with bobroll?
starting to look more and more like any other console fps
where they have bad aiming systems and a dumb combination of moving and shooting. But the game elements like the class and obj are good plus i think the smart feature should be nice
i agree whit everything u just sayed exept that "smart".. makes trickjumping too easy.

i still have hopes for tis game but i think those will b crushed before the game is released..
I actually do like it
I played it yesterday at eurogamer too. I was told it was a really old build, which was quite noticeable. But really, it is a good game and does resemble ET with a bit of CoD. Splash Damage have been ironing out the game for months now, and there's still months left. The damage system is identical to ET which is a good thing imo - you need a lot of bullets to get the kill. Apart from the SMART button, the movement is like CoD. I can't say by how much for sure since we were playing with 360 controllers on the PC. Having said that, the movement may be like ET. Just imagine playing ET on a console. It could work as a competitive game - people who like ET and CoD will feel right at home. Only time will tell.

But fuck me, was there hype for this game. We were queueing for 2 hours and the queue remained that long for the whole time we were there. The only thing that came close was the Medal of Honor line which was less than 30 minutes.

Some detailed write ups from ex ET/RtCW players:
Do I have to fuck you?
QuoteI love team based shooters so i will be a bias, I love tf2 and currently play global agenda alot

looks good tbh, might look into it when its released
quake wars
only the objective looks interesting.
I liked the sentry gun, but are there also ammo dispensers and teleporters?
Hope it feels as good as it looks.

inb4 thats what ur mom said jokes! :D
FPS-games on consoles makes me sad :(
Brink sucks.

dont need brink

need cc8 date
net of jij komt :3
cc8 is wss toch in engeland :3
ja maar als ze ff goede datum fixen kan het best goedkoop zijn om te vliegen hoor
Ik ga zowiezo!
als mijn budget het een beetje toelaat, ik ook
anders ga je in mijn koffer ofzeu
mensenhandel, nice!
we kunnen ook met de auto/boot
Ik vraag wel of ons mam wil rijden
ik moet haar nog steeds een keertje zien :D
a bit too love to play the sp though
don't really see how it's related to et besides the fact it has "itech" somewhere along its lines
it's a next gen title for the ET game line.
made a journal about it. :p
CF is whining as always but think of all those COD console gamers. Their minds will be properly blown after having played a game like that. It must be a little like the first times playing ET when you've grasped what depth it offers.
Some people mentioned that it doesn't appear to be "instant revive" but that's really up to the player. The medic just gives you an adrenalin needle and you can revive yourself when you want (so instantly if needed).

Looking good.
Yep that's right.
I'm wondering if theres gibbing too? (Yes, I realise this question might indeed sound stupid if you take into account that there is revieing, but oh well, just to be sure)

From what I've seen so far, I guess I'll check out Brink. Though I will not preorder it, since every game I decided to preorder the last years left me disappointed (Q4, ETQW, WAR). :/
Yes there is gibbing, you can see in the video one guy gets gibbed.
Looks pretty playable, if you can selfkill it'd be a modern ET. :P
yes you can selfkill aswell :P
i rather play cod then playing this crap
cod is crap
I'll definately be playing it on release! Hook me up!
Looks shit
hmm it looks pretty decent to me
looks good, revives suck tho.
lemme talk about what i saw

1) The LT throws the packets directly on the man. I really loved to put everywhere on the floor my ammo/medi packs. No more possible? I guess so, thanx to the s.m.a.r.t

2) Moves are really slow. The guy on the video is running...BUT IT'S SLOW AS HELL...

3) why so much iron sight? Again slows it down... We learned from wolfenstein.
What about an ignorant but funny shoot from hip with the famous sprint? too much skilled for pad users? meeeeh...

4)1+1: this game was made for consolles and then ported to pc (or maybe still ported...)It means... NO GOOD for us.

5) what about the netcode? It's supposed to be a mp game but atm noone said a single word about it. Will it be like qW ? from 0 to 800 constantly...

6)Automatic mg, flashbags, thousand weapons upgradable ... Only one word :CALL OF DUTY

7) when will softwarehouses restart to make games for pc? FPS are dead.

Please release sdk at day 1.
shows just how much you actually know about the game
3) A game without iron sights won't work these days, no argument about that imo
4) No, they have individual coders for consoles and PC, no porting
6) They want it to be realistic, of course they have more than 4 weapons.....
3) ET
4) They base PC game on console game
6) He's more talking about the upgrade aspect then the actual amount of weapons, though even that is kinda overkill imo
I'm talking about new games obviously
what if the new MoH would be with no iron sights? would you buy it?
I'd be more inclined than with ironsights, yes.
left for dead 2
ffs i would buy it. Ironsights slow the gameplay radically, it's sad that i can't play any multipalyer fps these days which would have decent gamespeed. thank god we still have ET and always will, every new multiplayerfps sucks ass, they are so fucking slow/boring/camper gay ass noobgames which requires 0 skill compared to old fps games. sry for my english
u r welcome, i just like helping people!
as a reply for 4)

Quote by from sd forumThere were 16 machines set up with a 2 group split, all running on PC with a 360 controller

enough fucking said
don't care what they've said, they had xbox controllers set up ON PC
keyboard + mouse requires more space, and I could say the whole event was mainly for console games
They did the same with the new Crysis a few weeks back :D
3) richard ham already told us that there won't be any ironsights if we decide to disable it by MOD, so it's all in the league admins hands to enable/disable it and for the server admins.
oh nice somebody kept following :D
netcode..months of development dude ..

1) this game aint ET
2) well its a slowpaced game so what, battle was intense / ok, besides... g_speed needs a simple mod.
3) iron sight is the way to go these days otherwise lets go play HL2 :)
4) ever played Halo or Resident Evil 5?
5) they are still developing how could the testers know they played LAN obviously
6) as somebody stated this game is a mix of CoD/ET, still: remember ETmain? wasnt much better.
7) since there already is videogame-streaming-software, that allows u to play Fear2 on a fucking iPad, i suppose the modern gaming pc is going to die some time.

also you can buy an adapter for the PS3 controller that works as a joypad but in fact is mAus ;) inste headshoots
netcode...months of development dude

Same went for QW.

ETMain was a shitload better then QW, etc though when you compare it.
just expect it to fail wheres the problem
there just is no game that will fit for everybody
Actually I had high hopes for ET:QW but they fucked it up.

The beta was alright and I could see potential, but they made it worse instead of better.

Same for wolfenstein, they never listen to what we have to say because they just want to sell more games. :<
because they simply dont care about a nerdish community with topplayer sickos who insult each other every living day and their opinions at all.
i dont mean nerd in a bad way here i love this community but still..
just dont expect too much and you might be blown away is what i say,
like a movie you go too and you KNOW its gonna be fuckin bad.
Quotebecause they simply dont care about a nerdish community with topplayer sickos

This is ET community, thus COMPETITIVE game community.

If developers don't give a shit about this community, why should we give a shit about their casual gamer oriented console ported piece of shit product?

You in your own stupidity are stating on of the most obvious reason why we shouldn't even talk about this trash.

Quotejust dont expect too much and you might be blown away is what i say

I expect it to fail, and I believe I indeed will be blown away by amounts of it.

Gosh, people like you. Go play some etqw or wolfenstein, or new cod with 1000 hats and 5000 shoes and don't be nerd.
Why did I even found this newpost. So full of rage now.
get a life dude
replying to youself... ur awesome :D
the guy talking who fell in love with ET QW, great!
Beggin wrote :
Quotepeople who like ET and CoD will feel right at home

Deffo gonna buy it now. Even though this video featured a console version , things like slow movement can be fixed prolly through server cmd or a small mod.

If we can try to make it work , this game can be really good imho.

Anyway , as long as there's not gonna be a last-minute epic fail ( remember Wolfenstein BETA) I'm gonna buy it

Avi for team :D
im 120% sure this game gonna be fail for most of pr0 gamers... developers make easy game for easy gaming right now, so they can earn more $$$ ...

Just how many good shooters have been released in last 5 years? By good i menat the ones with big competition scene and stuff...
cod2, cod4, quakelive and prolly css
quakelive is quake3 in browser, nothing new here

kinda same with css, just new engine and minor changes [and it was released 2004, almost 7 years ago]

it seems only cod 4 had succesfull competition
quake live was released 2004 wat?
css was released in 2004, not qL
imo quake live doing good atm. Yeah shooters have only few big competition scene but wth...Is there actually any other game genre with lots of its games having a "big competition scene?"
and ql is doing good, cause its q3... 10 years old game :-)
ql did good, until they released this new subscription thingy. it was enivitable though when they got zero money from ingame ads...
If we count that CoD1 is 2003 and CoD2 is almost like CoD1 and CoD4 runs almost the same engine as CoD2....nothing new in 5 years :D
I agree..and you just reminded me that ET and quake will never be replaced anymore...
im 120% sure that you don't know what you're talking about

sorry, u just got eliminated from further discussion...
says a polak :D
dont forget im smarter than 90% of cf community... when i dont troll i mean
then why post serious comments with braindead logic?
logic isnt brain dead... as i proved on exapmles, there wasnt single, competition succesfull game in last 5 years, except CoD:MW and BF ... but popularity of both is mostly result of being second[or 4th] installment of series...

I srsly doubt Brink will change it
again retard logic
any arguments or u just gonna reply to annoy me? :>
Firstly, CoD4 didn't have as much success because it was a successor, it's because it got major media attention. It proved that targeting a huge public while still upholding competitive possibilities works. IW was just being the retarded moneywhores they are by pushing that idea to the max to gain more market share for MW2.
Secondly, a game is never released with the competitive scene as primary target group. It's far too small for that. The only games that did this over the past months were HoN and QL. And they have a huge fanbase.
A new game always needs promods to be sculptured into competitive norms. You expect it to be in the initial release already. That's naivety.
you call it naivety, i call it realism... the game will be rejected by players if it wont have proper basics to play it competitively...

ps. cod also had big fanbase, marketing only made it bigger
cod1 had smaller fanbase than ET
cod2 had equal fanbase as ET

cod4 had 50 times bigger fanbase as ET

see the correlation?
i only wonder from where u took this data? :>
links im lazy fuck
there is no CoD league @ ESL, and it seems the activity in CB CoD ladders is actually bigger than ET...

but it got nothing with Brink tbh :D
CB is no benchmark for popularity, sorry.
it was my first league, sorry :]
u wont believe how many guys are playing cod6, it's jsut not the type of game we prefer though
only on public, competitive scene is (almost) dead.
Why the almost?
They play as much ladder games on CB as ET, so wouldn't call it completely dead for now.

Black Ops will be out soon so most probably it will surely be dead when its released.
Then we can all go play blackops with little wireless bomb toycars.
don't forget the remove controlled helicopters

thats way more than et, sry for esl source :d

If i add all the matches for the last 30 days, it's better than ET at the moment :(
Isn't that sad, game thats released year ago, sold BILLION of copies, biggest entertainment product launch ever. And we compare it to 8 years old game in terms of competitive activity.
shame on the developers
compared to cod4 noone is playin cod6
Looks interesting, however, we all know deep down inside we want ET Live!!!!

e: sorry for the 'oldskool-i-have-been-around-for-so-long' type of guys. For that matter: RTCW Live
as i already said in the old post with the same footage ...

- looks like ETQW w/o vehicles
- slow movements big fat minus for the sprinting ... so frikkin slow
- mapconcept / design

inb4 community split and 2 diffrent pro mods ... 1 with Ironsight and deployables / perks 1 without

ofc its just my opinion :3 still hope it will be successful ... just for mister ham and his beagles
Looks great ":D!"
Didn't like the look of the trailer either?
Looks like a TF2, ETQW and CoD incest child.

Showing the game with a gamepad on a PC says enough already. And that one of the lead designers found ET to hard and couldn't remember what weapon was bound to what button just gives me the rest.

I really feel sorry for saying ETQW was bad back then, because by looking at all those new releases (like MoH or the newest CoD, Wolf and possibly Brink) it was a really good game.
Never played ETQW it cause i didnt like the looks of it. I agree with you on the way this looks. However this game does have elements of ET and thats a start.

Obviously i don't oppose new games and i don't want a complete clone of ET either but the one thing that would be nice is a normal aiming system. Not some messed up console crap, and lets face it what kind of moron would claim to be a pro aimer on a console game anyway. Also the movement is like the rest and made for console. You cant run and shoot and for accuracy you need to stand still and use iron sight (again console = fail)

QuoteShowing the game with a gamepad on a PC says enough already. And that one of the lead designers found ET to hard and couldn't remember what weapon was bound to what button just gives me the rest.
lool xDDD

I will admit that for a newcomer ET is not a game to go pro in 2weeks unless you buy assistance. So making the game a little easier could not hurt but this does not go for the quote part tho. Thats
I totally agree.
Yeh I thought the same thing. When I saw videoes of Quake Wars (excluding the vehicles) it looked like a pretty decent game. Seemed to flow pretty decently, not as nice as quake 3 but then again what does..

It's funny when people saw Quake Wars they flamed it so hard for being a bad game, when games which have followed have been so much worse (no need to mention Wolfenstein).

I was playing Warsow the other day and I find it funny how that game just feels so much better than EVERY new game that comes out. It was put together for free and yet it is so much better than the newer engines which have been tried. Kind of sad that the game developers just pander to casuals who just want to see nice graphics.
wsw has the best insta mode, no doubt!
I concur ":D!"
4 4 4 7 1 9
kot kot kot c'est un oeuf
my prediction from when i first saw it: gonna be shit. will probably die as quickly as etqw and wolfenstein
You can tell that from looking at it.
just play starcaft 2 noobs
even ET looks more real
Like Herbal said "Play Starcraft 2". For some reason company like Blizzard keeps the old stuff and just adds little new with good thinking.

Companys that make shooters are trying to get normal people buy the game and its business, but they need much less perks, boots, jackets and different colors of weapon and little more effort to the gameplay and learning curve to make hardcore players buy and play the game.

I saw a trailers of Black Ops and sometimes I feel its a game for girls. "Make your own little pokemon with different tatoos and colors". Dont know am I the only one, but I never give a damm what my character looks like in a shooter. In RPG or MMORPG is different ofcourse.

Thouse games are fun on public for few months. In MOH beta I got bored in a week after getting like 25 killing streek with artillery and granades all the time. :( (im not even that good a player)
Seriously, you can't compare MOH or COD to a SD game. You might say that ETQW was shit because it was different but it was still a game you could spend a couple of hundred hours with simply discovering all the small bits.

I'm pretty confident that you'll get some serious longevity out of Brink even though it has got lots of shiney and consoley stuff to attract the masses.
Indeed you can't, at least MOH and COD games somehow stick to their roots, while SD always go full retard.

SD have never produced a good game. Prove me wrong.
Both ET and ETQW are good games yet not perfect. You may be right that they bring too much innovation into their games and don't give it enough time to ripe. Nevertheless I prefer a (flawed) game with depth over a boring and shallow shooter like COD any day.

There's nothing to prove, it's a matter of taste.
ET was almost carbon copy of RTCW, made by other studio, on engine made by other company.

ETQW was "innovative" continuation of RTCW gameplay, also made on engine by other company.

SD only can make maps, not ideas.
I am amazed of this blind faith in SD by ET community, reading here makes SD look like talented bunch of game developers, which they are not.
Blind faith on crossfire? Bullshit! It's mostly whine.
Meh. Read up on dev comments on the official forums and you'll get a grasp of the ideas they have.
I got a grasp of the ideas they have with Quakewars. Thats enough to see that they are incapable of anything.
Yeah whatever.
Good luck with it, probably generally well received by major gaming related websites, game with depth and many innovative ideas, with small flaws, for hat loving, achievement grinding console players that don't give a shit and will enjoy CoD8 or Halo4 in 2 weeks time.
Have a look at that interview. Especially the part about levelling up.

You hear unlocks and immediately imply grinding. It's none of that COD bullshit where you have to play a shitload of time with the same weapon to get an upgrade for it. It's not grinding but character progression. It's meant to not overwhelm the simple minds of the COD crowd but ease them into game.

It'll be interesting to see if the game catches on with the COD / Halo crowd or if it is too complex.
To be fair, FUZZ at least has a point about ET.

It was shear accident that it actually turned out to be good. :-D
Well I played ETQW from the day it came to stores. I liked the game. Specially the 4on4 infintry. Public was fun too, but only for few months and thats it.

Like I said in my statement. I dont care about perks, boots and tattoos that I can get when I kill 100 enemys. I care about the gameplay and that it is ADDICTIVE. Companys dont make addicitive gameplay they make addicitive rewards that you get if you play the game enough.

Let me give you an example a game like QL. There you get reward... but its just a reward. You dont get there some super rocket luncher. Rewards are hard to get in that game. Like CA 1vs4.

Ah sorry I write very short, because im in a hurry, but I hope you understand me. :)
The problem is that the modern gamer expects rewards and therefore they have to be in a modern game. They certainly don't make me play a game longer if the gameplay isn't deep.

With Brink I just hope that all the awards and stuff are an addition for the main stream crowd and not a replacement for proper gameplay. I do really like the character customization though. It's good to be able to recognize others not just by their names.
mixture of cod halo and quake wars?
no fops... ammo on solider
jumping over everything (=many, many ways)...
reveive system changed...
many more things that dont really sound good, such as fully customizable player skins
i bet there will be a command to make every skin look the same
there will have to be sucha thing for competetive play but it still shows that this game is developed for the console crowd.
What did you expect nowadays :D?
i woulnt be "disappointed" if it was just yet another mainstream release.
but they claimed that they want to "remake ET" and that guy came here to ask for our oppinions.
we never heard of any feedback playing any kind of role and all we saw after that point was more detail on s..m.a.r.t. movement and customizable stuff.
sounds to me like: "what they wanted is crap, lets sell it to console kids".
It wont be a et remake since i heard cod4 console fags talking about it in school
im a cod4 fag myself :>
ohhh youu :x
but im also wow fag :O
im pretty much an all fag.
and if i play cod4 once in a hile its simply because its easy as fuck.
you can search high and win... cant do that in ET :C
true but where is the competion then
well my teammates kinda manage to be lows themselfs so the competition is me VS 5 enemies
you so pro :D
no. cod 4 so simple...

id be down to play some ET aswell but my old mates kinda suck or play HoN or cod4 and i honestly cant be bothered to play with gr0ss and his nerdy friends.

well I still got hope for that x-real stuff
me 2. i would be quite interested in seeing that happen.
ET still for free with recent graphics.. that could renanimate the community with loads of new players.
Well it would only work if they build up some site where you have to register (quake live kinda etc.) so instead of some random et key you would get a unique slac-guid (guess it should work on xreal as well since it is the same source), so there would be 1 site that brings "pubbers" & "scrimmers" together. that way it should be easier to swap from pub to competitive scene, not like today where there is splatter-ladder and crossfire
1) no fops... ammo on solider
2) buffs...
3) jumping over everything (=many, many ways)...
4) reveive system changed...
5) many more things that dont really sound good, such as fully customizable player skins

1) It will be a small adaption
2) prolly configurable through commands
3) If this turns out to be fluent enough , why not ? May add some depth to the game and require some skill to perform (hopefully)
4) As far as I can see a medic gives the downed player a syringe who then revives himself nearly instantly , don't see a big problem there , refer to 1)
5) I can understand where you're going , however would be cool to see teams wearing customised outfit (think of sponsoring possibilities , might be good for organisations to pick up a team that can represent their sponsors in a new way , with something like brinktv or sth)

But one thing that bothers me atm is the slow rate of movement , however this can easily be changed through server cmd or a possible mod.

Now let's hope our computers can run it :o)
another ET:QW. will not get high hopes for this like i did with W: ET 2009
well movement/aim/gamespeed is weird console shit... but im looking forward to see them proving their promise to make the game more like ET movement- and speedwise on the pc version. atm im not so sure that they will put as much effort in it as it may need to become a decent replacement for et. lets see and hope for the best.
competitively this would need some work, looks build for public play - the game clock goes up when the first objective is blown - so 20-30minute defences? sounds like ET when it first came out. I guess the chances would be easy to implement early on if we kept it to the same structure in terms of how rounds work in terms of score / time.

4:25 looks like a gib there, could just be timing though ;)

also mentioned somewhere else, Im yet to see the game animation of this SMART system - its all well and good showing it from player POV but I want to know what it looks like when you want to kill a guy doing it - I'm imagining some freaky stuff right now ;)
Only 15% really wants brink in here :/
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