Anderson on Intel's GameOn - Blaming the developers

image: intel_logo After previous articles once again Europe Team Dignitas is represented at Intel's GameOn website. This time with Estonia anderson (reload) speaking out what we all have in mind and posting comments on crossfire for a while on the portal where new games meet and developers should be interested in as well.

As critique on the games released in the past 2 years he is addressing the game developers for not coming up with anything worth a competitive game with a serious chance to reach a bright and long future - not a single release that has all the pc gamers need:
- competitive features
- dedicated servers
- mod & anti-cheat support
- etc.

Compared to previous beloved titles such as RtCW, Enemy Territory or Call of Duty 4 where you had have everything you need to come up with clan wars immediantly after it's release.

Quote by AndersonLet me illustrate. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was the first major FPS title to introduce peer-to-peer matchmaking and that one change alone enflamed the PC community. In total, over 250 000 signatures were collected to replace the system and introduce dedicated servers. First Person Shooters (FPS) on the PC have generally always been based around dedicated servers and they form the backbone of many FPS communities. They allow users the freedom to control a variety of settings; different rule sets, player limits, custom maps, mods, etc. For me, it’s abundantly clear that, with peer-to-peer connections, competitive gaming cannot survive.

:: Read the article: Are developers listening to gamers?
:: Source
It wasnt wrote by anderson he just gives his name to this...

Of course it was written by me, and our proofreader Moyes do miracles
Keyboard Radar Hack pic @ Killerboy's column <3
A bit messy but nice.
i feel trolled
anderson <3
They're focusing to heavy on the graphics that they mostly forget about gameplay at all. I think everybody can agree on the fact, that graphics are the most irrelevant thing when it comes to games in general. People are tweaking it afterwards anyway to get the most fps possible and that results in graphics that look just like the games in 2001.

Focus on gameplay instead of the looks of a game!
"People are tweaking it afterwards anyway (...)"

Competitive gamers do that, casuals usually not. Casuals are like 90 percent of all gamers, so we as comp. gamers dont matter to any developer (in most cases).
idd casuals are the majority, but pr0s are the gentry of gaming...
i agree that grafics arent that important, but only people who wants to play a game competetively - because it has a nice and entertaining multiplayer, will fight for every fps they can get with tweaking gfx and so on. they wont buy a new pc worth 1000€+ just to play the games on decent quality.

for the rest and its a fact that the majority of gamers, play a new game just to get overwhelmed by new grafics to say "Oh Ma God! This Looks Fucking Insane Real!" Exactly those people wont care to much about tweaking options, except in one direction: high, higher, highest! on the other hand companies want to make money and they earn more money with selling good-up-to-date-looking games, and not with addvertising a decent multiplayer. since those people wont give a care if the mp is good or not. they will play 20h of singleplayer and uninstall the game afterwards - but they spend the 40/50€ for it.
Are developers listening to gamers?
Without reading the article: Yes [but only sometimes xD]. I can remember someone from Splash Damage or id Software contacted me and we talked several times about changes and additions (not only gameplay) to the just released first beta of ET: Quake Wars. Although the game should be released months later, ESL had already a nice planning: They've talked and agreed with Activision about prizes, I became MLA and could built up my admin staff even before there was a public beta where you could think about hosting a decent cup and ESL made it possible for me (my admin staff) to talk with the developers.

But in general anderson should be right for blaming (most) of the developers.
thanks for killing ETQW
intel logo doesn't really make sense in this article :/
Intel's GameOn website
so you seem to think i wasn't able to recognize this or what?

just because this has something to do with intel doesn't mean this is an appopriate image
Nice read :)
good stuff reload ; >
QuoteWriter: Hendrik ’Anderson’ Kinks

Mwuahaa, sure he is. All he did was image: My-name-is-reload-and-I-approve-this-message
Is that you meez?
meez? wtf u on?
i think he meant the fellow in the picture!
< reserved >
await retarded comment by meez
it was a massive pain to log in to crossfire on this internet connection but your bitterness provided incentive

considering everything covered in this article was common knowledge atleast 5 years ago i have absolutely zero interest in discussing it

suck a dick
i know right, its some kinda takeover

image: Peace-symbol

peace out man
image: snap-cards

want to play some card games?
moar hits for dignitas' site, wp!
inb4 hippie
Very nice write up.
True true.
Been said many times before though.
good article !
QuoteFor me, it’s abundantly clear that, with peer-to-peer connections, competitive gaming cannot survive.

Why would a developer want you to play their title for 10 years? they want you to buy the new one coming out next year - competitive gaming is not high on the list of priorities when it comes to game development, money is.
Monthly subscription is the way to go for fps on pc! In the end, if developers deliver a good game, it works out better for them. I guess developers are just to scared to take the risk... QL was a step in the right direction, although it was a low risk project since the game was already there ofc. I just hope ql becomes profitable so we can see some necessary chance.
true, but then there is less potential for modding I think - so unless they get it very right the competitive scene will just be in the same position.

QL has the bonus that they do seem to listen to their competitive players, afterall - like SC2 (that does exactly the same) it is geared purely for competitive play rather than 'pub fun' which most team FPS games are seemingly becoming.
Thing is that they have to listen to the competitive scene because they are the ones that keep playing. If they dont get it right people will stop their subscription right? So win win :) although true you dont have the freedom you would normally have if they go ql's way
gaming dead zomg
Totally agree on the bad company 2 part , bcuz of that I didn't get an award on ESL :(

stupid skillboosting polaks
Anders0n the best !
like they would care :)
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