Crossfire 3.2 Launches

Crossfire 3.2 Launches

As part of the series of incremental site upgrades which will culminate with Crossfire 4.0, Crossfire 3.2 has been launched. Those of you who saw my sneak preview journal yesterday evening will be aware of what is new, but to those of you who did not, here is what we have changed:
  • Cheaters will no longer be banned. Banning cheaters is great in theory, but the sheer volume of duplicate accounts which are created at the click of a button is testament to the fact that, in reality, it is an unenforceable policy. With our new policy we hope to strike a balance between making it clear to the community if someone has been caught cheating, and giving the cheater enough of an incentive not to create a duplicate account. Instead of banning cheaters we are introducing a new tagging system whereby there will be two types of tags -- red and orange. Those caught cheating will incur a red tag, which will be visible both on their profile (alongside further details) and behind every instance of their nickname. Those caught knowingly playing with Crossfire-tagged cheaters will incur an orange tag, which will be visible only on their profile. Those with red tags will not be allowed to play at Crossfire competitions, nor will they be able to create clans, post movies, or post in the recruitment forum. Other than this, their account will function as normal. A publicly viewable database listing those who are tagged is available here. A more comprehensive ignore feature will be added in a future Crossfire upgrade, and it will allow users to decide for themselves if they want to ignore tagged users.

    The tag lengths will be as follows:

    3 months for playing with cheaters; 6 months for cheating on a public server; 12 months for cheating in a clan match. Repeat offenders will get time-and-a-half.

  • Spammers will no longer be banned. Those who persistently post spam, racism, adult material, or other disallowed content will have their posting rights temporarily revoked. During this time, they will still be able to use the site ordinarily. Bans will only be resorted to in extraordinary situations. As a result of this new policy, most of the ban list will be cleared.
  • Report functionality for comments, content and users. This will enable users to report users for cheating, general rule-breaking, or otherwise, which should help Crossfire staff to run the site more efficiently. These rights will be revocable.
  • Soft-deleting. Prior to 3.2, all deleted content disappeared into the ether, but, from now on most -- and soon all -- deleted content will be soft-deleted, instead, which means that deleted content can be restored. This will also make site staff more accountable for their actions, as it is now possible to see what was deleted, who deleted it, and when they deleted it.
  • Extensive administrator logging. Practically every administrator action will be logged, increasing accountability.
  • New userlevels. The following user levels will exist as of 3.2: Member; Tagged; Restricted (posting rights revoked); Trustee; News Writer; Moderator; Anti-cheat Administrator; Administrator; Head Administrator; Developer. This will help us run the site more efficiently, as the work will be delegated. This differs to the free-for-all that currently exists!
  • The return of the search function!
  • The return of the ajax inbox updater!
  • Plenty of other cosmetic changes and bug fixes that you'll probably discover at some stage, too.

Given that we are clearing most of the ban list in an attempt to encourage users to stick to one account, I kindly request that anyone with a duplicate account (or ten!) report them so that they can be deactivated. This can be done by messaging either an administrator or head administrator on the members page, or by messaging an operator in #crossfire on QuakeNet. Nobody will be punished for having duplicate accounts if they report them to us.

On behalf of the Crossfire staff I'd like to express my gratitude to Netherlands 4drenalin3 for making all of this possible. A big thank you also goes to Belgium krosan for his organisational work behind the scenes, and to Malta Killerboy for his endless testing.

Until Crossfire 3.3, enjoy!
We made it ^^
oh yeah, lets report all the time and make them work even more
now i wanna see how cheaters are marked!
nice btw...
wow, you got a nice red triangle, how can i get the same stuff? :o
nice yeee
Awesome :)
and now go tag some cheaters like Gokusan and FlexicaN.

I have proofs. PM
Quote by solReport functionality for comments, content and users. This will enable users to report users for cheating, general rule-breaking, or otherwise, which should help Crossfire staff to run the site more efficiently.
You didn't actually understood he was being sarcastic? :P
reported for telling shit
Says who?

oh yeah, a person who talks shit all the time:ppPPppPP
Was during 3.1, everything was allowed back then!
reported you already mate ;-)
Reporting me for what?
Don't worry, it won't take to long:)
I will report you for false accusations. :(
haha m8:PPPP im just fucking around! wannabe my m8 too?
PM me the proofs.
when i clic krosan/kb/4dr on your newspost it asks for a pw?:S
I like the tag system, encourages activity and works as a deterrent for cheaters :>
good job
very nice:)
The red and orange coulours in the profiel from cheaters reminds me to the jew star

the only difference being, jews as a nation did nothing wrong. cheaters as a category of people - they all did.
Nice work, guys. :)
can i delete comments
yes i cann
the search LOOK IT WURKSZ!!
very nice guys. Plans to add some extra skins? And what does the trustee function mean exactly?
friends of admins will be trustee ;)
Im a friend of Krosan and Seanza!
And what will happen if I click report next to ur name?
you get a report form check it out m8:)
I love the unbanning part
looks good, nice work
spammers gonna spam
I'm not digging that contribute in bold :(

Also, likewise with the previous version, if I click on a link externally for Crossfire it would ask me to login :-/
Why don't you guys go through the ban list there are more than enough fake accounts to delete.

e:HF flagging all the cheaters killerboy.
I'm doing that, checking banlist, seeing who's ban expired at CB, who should be unbanned, who should be tagged, and de-activating all fake accounts :)
Krosan/Sol what about the spaces between Add buddy, ignore and stuff in profile. :)
e: sometimes it "plakt" on eachother, sometimes it's a grey button.
And the grey button is ugly.
Could you make a screenshot?
Well it looks like it's not happening anymore, luckily. :)
Too lazy to make a screenshot, but there is no space between them.

QuoteAdd buddyIgnoreSend PM
is the "contribute" being 10x bigger then the rest a new feature or smth? I must admit its pretty annoying since i dont want to contribute anything at this point :)
didnt know that people gets annoyed that easily
Well i gets!
it's just bolded :) although i hate it too.
i love the stray tag ahahahahhaha
true a low+ that play with cheaters to win something is ridiculus
If you tagged someone for cheating in a public server, the link for the league appears. I think it's better to link it and display it like "Clanbase Profile" or "ESL Profile" instead of the whole link.
Nice idea with the Cheaters list. Well done guys, and thanks.
good job. think its ok to unban all the nerds, since they were around anyway. now we can make fun of them :D
Looking good, especially like the whole new cheater functionality and the admin soft deleting/accountability!
Looks great guys, I'm wondering what the trustee function is about though :-)
Good stuff, me likes :)
any possibillity to see who is a "spammer" or not? like the cheating tags or something?
They get 'Restricted' as status (instead of Member)
By the way, is chaplja getting unbanned?
QuoteNew userlevels. The following user levels will exist as of 3.2: Anti-cheat Administrator
is the delay time between comments decreased?
gratitude to 4drenalin3 krosan Killerboy
can i has status

discrimination of polish contributers!!!
cant find 3 lettered usersnames..

btw internal 500 error still here
What about plekter for making initial changes? Cunts.
No worries, i did next to nothing compared to this
that Contribute...cant look normal ffs?
tag me as noncontributer then !
Well done lads :)
The cheater icon image: cheater next to the nicknames is quite irritating in my opinion. :/
Remove report link from comment's with self-authorship.

edit: wow you're fast :)
thanks for this :D
lol, eternity
lol cheater
i'm sorry...
nice work :*
where is the function to ADD ALL CHEATERS to my ignore list? :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
imo every cheater should have a permanent tag in their profile
red triangle my ass... Robaciek doesn't even have one...
# Soft-deleting. Prior to 3.2, all deleted content disappeared into the ether, but, from now on most -- and soon all -- deleted content will be soft-deleted, instead, which means that deleted content can be restored. This will also make site staff more accountable for their actions, as it is now possible to see what was deleted, who deleted it, and when they deleted it.
# Extensive administrator logging. Practically every administrator action will be logged, increasing accountability.

awesome :)
I played with _shy & keran who cheated at public servers. Why am I not tagged?
admins are cheaterlovers !
you should be grateful to him for this :-/
nice, great work
I played with yuppie & piaskun who cheated at official matches. Why am I not tagged?
If some admin has a little spare time, would this person mind adding a '+1' and a '-1' next to every reply? For example, if a reply has a score of '-5', it will automaticly hide, includign all comments linked to the main spam comment.

This might keep the site clean from stupid comments and 'combo breakers'.

I wished they listened more to the visitors of the site instead of discussing within their own admin group. I had several other ideas in mind to improve cf.
Yeah thats not gonna work. See, cf has shitload of trolls and if you make a button like that, they'll just tap normal non-spam comments to -5 and hide them.
» Your search term is too short. Please use at least 4 characters.

Yey, my inbox thingy is back :)

And, thank you 4drenalin3, having seen the CF codebase I know that there are more work behind this than most people realize! Kudos!
Oh stop being such a nerd pretending you know what the fuck this is about! :D
I'm not pretending :{
QuoteThe return of the ajax inbox updater!

So we get updated Netherlands Ajax news in our inbox?

I like!
nice effort there with the tags, though you will need some people to constantly maintain this list. i guess killerboy alone has enough to do already ://
Why does the contribute has to be bold? Nothing against it, just wondering.
quite easy actually: to encourage as many people as possible to contribute

plus people should realize that this site needs some contributors. tosspot in the old days was one of the greatest contributors, but now isn't anymore. time someone steps up for him as a contributor.
I can't add members to a clan, mind fixing it?

1 of the 37 cool BRO!!!!
"This user is tagged until eternity for cheating on a public server." - naiz
Looks great :)

awesome update!
so that cheater tag disapears after a while? hmm... does that mean in a few months I won't even see anymore that someone cheated?
I'd prefer to have some sort of "user was banned in cb/esl for blablabla." and an extra field for "not allowed to participate in crossfire competitions until ______" instead of letting it disapear.

e: actually I think it would be better to show that info only in their profiles, cause those triangles all over the place are kinda annoying. especially since all those idiots are the worst spammers / trolls on cf
srsly that should be a good feature to you, if you came to that conclusion, because you could insta ignore all that those guys with those red trinagles wrote. but imo that's bs : )
instead cheat tag make a big label FAG!!!
oh how i remember the days where killerboy been admin was an april fools joke :O
when he was playing in eQual :-)
when liverpool was top 10 :-)
good job, although marking cheaters wont work - nobody wants to be marked and will therefore create a new identity anyhow in most cases.

It might be better to tag, provide as much detail as possible such as ip, guid, and make their profile uneditable for this duration so original country, email, name etc is intact
tagging won't work since retards likes that kind of attention, just look at the likes of alexl, quake and a few others here - they enjoy the attention given to them, and hell, they get quad hits than usually

it's a stupid idea
I'm not really liking this kind of attention, lol.
no, cheating is not mature
not always ^^
oh, thats interesting, what you say. would you elaborate? :)
For instance, i've cheated on a jaymod server called GOC, now i'm helping them to prevent cheaters to do anything, for example introducing them the new command !disarm, which completely disarms a player of all his ammo. which is a great tool against cheaters.

and other things, so in some way, cheaters can be mature.

another sample is chaplja.. you see him now helping the community. i hope other cheaters will follow his example ( not that every cheater needs to make a product like SLAC xD, that would be crazy :P )
I completely understand that people might grow out of cheating and start making some good.
My point was that cheating itself is immature. You cheated - thats wrong. Then after some time you started to help these guys, but that didn't erase what you had done earlier.
ehm yes it did, because no actual damage was ever done. or do you think that those jaymodders still cry that they were killed 10 times in a row without killing somebody? be serious, even though those guys are noobs, they at least are not such douchebags to go cry after being killed in a game..
The act of cheating itself is wrong, no matter what kind of damage is done.
He cheated on other players and that's enough. Obviously it's just a game and that's why nobody is going to sentence him a death penalty, but that's not the point. He did wrong.
Big step in right direction, well done, thanks :)

plz just change to "13 months for playing with cheaters;1 6 months for cheating on a public server; 112 months for cheating in a clan match. Repeat offenders will get time-and-a-half."
the red exclamation mark behind the journals make them look so important
good job guys
you should add a feature to ignore users who are marked as cheaters, and like completely ignore not how it is now with the ''+''
3.2 and still : Server Error in Application "CROSSFIRE_OFFLINE"

Internet Information Services 7.0
Error Summary
HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI process exceeded configured activity timeout
Detailed Error Information
Module FastCgiModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler PHP FastCGI
Error Code 0x80070102
Requested URL
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\\public_html\index.php
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
Most likely causes:

* IIS received the request; however, an internal error occurred during the processing of the request. The root cause of this error depends on which module handles the request and what was happening in the worker process when this error occurred.
* IIS was not able to access the web.config file for the Web site or application. This can occur if the NTFS permissions are set incorrectly.
* IIS was not able to process configuration for the Web site or application.
* The authenticated user does not have permission to use this DLL.
* The request is mapped to a managed handler but the .NET Extensibility Feature is not installed.

Things you can try:

* Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account.
* Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged.
* Verify the permissions for the DLL.
* Install the .NET Extensibility feature if the request is mapped to a managed handler.
* Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.

Links and More Information This error means that there was a problem while processing the request. The request was received by the Web server, but during processing a fatal error occurred, causing the 500 error.

View more information »

Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles:

* 294807

Tagging for playing with cheaters :-/
how gay
I don't like at all the way cheaters are tagged, for exemple in the journal sections. The red exclamation mark attracts the attention way too much.
I mean, if you're new on cf and see the journal section, you'll most likely check the attracting stuff, and thus the bullshit posted by cheaters.

I think their journals should be with something like .5 alpha / transparency in the list, so we see them as not important.
You could do the same in comments, while keeping a rather visible /!\
you should make it something like this :

- cheater makes a comment
- comment stays hidden unless you click on it ( like with the ignore function )
- that way most of them wont even be read/noticed by people
too harsh, insta new account
+1, listen to this guy
Parent :O i don't get it! + check his last comment :)
whats this:

QuoteThe return of the ajax inbox updater
Seems a bit silly to punish someone for playing with cheaters, after all they are doing nothing wrong.

In my case for example I play with some busted cheaters (ex cheaters, I think most are LAN proven at this stage.) But say they were to be caught just now, I don't think I'd be able to find new friends to play with. I don't play with them because they are good, it's becaus I like and enjoy their company.
ex cheaters don't count
pretty good stuff you did here
well done krosan & co
We need comment-counter.
Sol you a peice of cunt

msg me. new year biatch
good job
Nice really nice and good job
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