image: 30ivm6r

Reminder: All team captains have to pm essAh to gain further information about the tournament page and the private irc channel.

As announced in Giant Gaming's Team presentation, we are willing to held an ET Cup starting in November. Other than in Dignitas' Sunday Cup, our cup will be in Groupstage mode. In the past days Giants Gaming organized some prizes to show the effort we are willing to put into the ET community. As main prize we offer 350 Euros cash, plus 5 mousepads for the winners sponsored by ZOWIE!. We have invited the 16 best ET Teams at the moment to fight for the money. The Cup is sponsored by ZOWIE Gear.

Tournament Information:

Tournament Mode: Groupstage / Playoffs
Game Mode: ET 5v5 Stopwatch
AntiCheat: SLAC
Teams: 16
Mappool: Goldrush Supply Radar Adler Bremen
Admins: essAh msh100
Homepage: Giants! Mainpage / Giants! Tournament Arena
IRC: #Giants / #Giants.ET.Cup


200€ + 5 ZOWIE! Mousepads

Invited Teams:

EuropeGiants: Clown ZaK- kapaa freeze crumbs
EuropeEpsilon: R0SS sqzz XyLoS mAus hayaa
Europeecwinners: dialer wiaderko perfo teKoa chry
Europestrongerthanhate: frozz cls rimi nuggan miNd Squall Komar
Europemvp-eSports: Frag'Stealer zMk numeric razz Jinosta
EuropeWinFakt!: Player isEN slajdan euruz spho
EuropeTAG: Lightning aphesia Leonekke butchji urtier biqq
GermanyeWave: rockstAr monkey anim kARN4J Rizk
GermanySpeedlink: kresti FLoPJEHZ Bl4d3 stownage duKe_ potter
SpaingZcon: Winghaven Rad!fz WeZor Gengis magico
Poland1stCav: dolar boski errol miks Czarek
EstoniaSquad.ee: JyrkZ mant subbi Raull walle
Netherlandsoverload: saKen joshua Kevin Boss crook boNg s1LENT phyzic
DenmarkzZz/Rage: Lazio hell griim Eirik Kamz
United KingdomTeam Dignitas: Anderson drago JaKaZc Iron olBaa senji
United KingdomAero Gaming: Al1 Jere uNDEAd Lun4t1c toxic Sup3r

Group A:

Europe Epsilon
Europe ecwinners
Germany Speedlink
Spain gZconGroup B:

Europe GIANTS!
Europe MvP
Europe strongerthanhate
Poland 1stCavGroup C:

United Kingdom Team Dignitas
Europe TAG
Denmark RAGE-Gaming
Europe WinFakt!Group D:

Germany eWave
Estonia Squad.ee
United Kingdom Aero Gaming
Netherlands Overload

For a bit more excitement, the groups will be published step by step.
Info:Groups are not seeded. Just created random equal groups.


Matchweek 1: 31st October - 6th November
Matchweek 2: 7th November - 13th November
Matchweek 3: 14th November - 20th November
Matchweek 4: 21st November - 27th November
Playoffs Kick-off: 28th November - You will have one week to schedule and play the match.

Best of luck to all participants and have fun spectating to all viewers !

image: bw_100

Giants Gaming, 25th October 2010
2nd btw glhf :)
nice, gl all!
how about Group D :PP
ewave, squad, aero, ovr
why not dignitas?
looking great ;) gl to all!
Great news, cant wait
Good luck, sounds cool.
where are dignitas ?
just mvp is fine :))
dignitas vs impact should be an epic final
GIANTS could be in there instead of dignitas , it's a possibility
Hopfully mvp! :P
Needs erAse.
lololololo fanboy!
Common logics :w
ZOWIE.. great products.
where is Finland dickheads ?!

didn't see chance to sign up?
you guys won to much money online
whats the line up of dickheads?
not gonna win some euros this time
banner isnt ET :x

but nice cup !
Nice to hear. Good luck to all teams! :)
Supposed to be secret and u put up flags? Retard lmao
congrats made urself look like asshole with posting groups like this !
better than EC, omg
"16 best".......
KRP? c=3:D?

QuotePoland1stCav: dolar boski errol miks Czarek


Group B:


The suspense is killing me.
I hope that's not the only you can find?:D
No, but I couldn't be arsed to copy/paste more.
gl with ur cup
very nice :)
playoffs single or double elim? first 2 per group go through?
double elim + first 2
sounds nice, gl.
group D secret, nice flag...only 2 german teams and the other one is in group A...who oh who...
e: same for pl flag in group B :))
nice gl guys!
can't wait to see the groups.
what are zowie mouse pads?
When I played in nou, Zowie supposedly sent to us mouse pads and headsets... It took half a year and I still have nothing... true Filus?
they did send it all to claimax, because he showed me a pic. Zowie did deliver, Claimax kept everything for himself ofc ofc...
oh so I should blame claimax, not ZOWIE :D ?
Kinda, he was too lazy for it.
yes, but he sent me 30e for CC7 xd
fucker, never received anything:D from any competition yet :P
blame bass "thief" saken
Where are our money?
first you need to win something :)

Silver Esports Heaven SteelSeries Tournament ( 6 x SteelSeries QcK Heavy ) 2009
Silver ESL EMS V ( €150,- ) 2010
Bronze ESL EMS IV ( €100,- ) 2009
silver silver bronze, no wins :P
Winning something like money or mousepads is still winning:)
Real Name:
Age: 40 ( 1 January 1970 )
Flag: Netherlands
Country: NL
Gender: Male
Function: Member
Registered: 22 October 2005
Member For: 5 years and 5 days

Status: Online
Viewing: Checking out IronicfromSaiko

First of all, you ignorant selfish bastard. The stuff they promised and that was even signed with a contract arrived 6 months late with 30% of the stuff they should have sent (to centraL, not me). Then I recieved the package, 6 headsets, 6 pads. By that time JOSHUA had quit nOu already (just for the infos so he had nothing coming to him).

And I didn't keep anything to myself, 4 of the pads and headsets traveled to RIGA, to our Counter Strike team (centraL's orders, but i guess it's all my fault again). a headset and a pad went to the next nOu ET team squad, jyrkz and mant and that's it.

And it was all out of reach for me. As for the lansupport I was promised by centraL AND zowie AND scythe, I got nothing out of nOu but I paid zMk 30 euros, centraL over 70 euros (for shirts and co which never arrived) and all I got back was flame from our previous ET team (you) for not delivering promises, though you know perfectly well that the promises were delivered by centraL and I was just the messenger who eventually ended up giving his own money for flame. (btw, when i told you i didn't get paid in time, you can ask Estonia mant and Estonia jyrkz that i am still waiting for that money, over 5000 euros by now, it's in court in sweden and stuff)

just for the information.
What I remember was that you said you didn't have to money to send it away to everyone when you received it. Because your boss didn't want to pay you already. "fucker, never received anything:D from any competition yet :P " that was more about the esl money than about the nOu stuff. But atleast I was still in I think when you received it. ( not 100% sure )
but I think you still should have send it to the nOu lan guys instead of mant jyrkz etc.
i still haven't got paid from like january of 2010 as i said, i disappeared around march or april cause i found anpther job where i needed to work my ass off to pay all the debts i had colleced within the months.

And I didn't have control over the nOu things, first of all centraL forbid me to send them right away and 2nd, he was the one who onwed the stuff and told me where and how to use it.
BTW, meanwhile for the lan money too, centraL had recieved coolers and all kinds of stuff from Scythe which he sold and used the money for poker and travelling while I used my last pennies to pay for zMk and the site hosting.
then tell me, how come you ignore US (nOu) lanteam ever since lan? And that makes me a selfish ignorant bastard?!:DDD We supported the team and trusted nOu way too much, you showed pic even of the gear, YOU HAD IT. Same with the tshirt stuff and moneys. It was promised a long time ago already.... Me and lettu joined nOu because of those promises, without it we wouldn't have go to the lan... Yet you and central both said yea yea money will be there in 1 week 1 week more even on the lan event itself kept saying yea maybe today etc. tshirts weren't finished on the day before lan... logo missing or smth... and now you re saying central payed for tshirts?:D so now tell me why you kept on promising, instead of saying: ok we apperanlty can't support you guys, So if you guys are going to LAN, it will be for you without _ANY_ support. Blaming everything on central is aswell kinda pathetic. You knew what was going on... yet you didn't do anything with it. Having such problems like working for a company and not being able to get monthly paid... says enough about you, father... :D
First of all I never ignored you after lan, I was there for 1.5 months. 2nd of all, I paid my last money I had to zMk, who apparently needed it the most. The promises I said were all from centraL and I only promised to pay the money since centraL promised I would get it all back. And I paid for the t-shirt's. And since I was around the ET scene for some time I really hoped to get the money, pay you guys as I promised and then get it back later, but as it seems our company went bankrupt and there's a big problem about it even now. And what does it say about me when I have a job where suddenly everything goes shit, what should I do, I have a family to keep up, then I have you guys who I needed to send money and I even needed to send it to centraL. never the less, I got all the shit on my back and all the stains on my name.

The problem with zowie stuff raised when suddenly the signups were close and the nOu lan team (then without you and lettu) didn't even have 5 guys to go to the lan.
And I had the gear, but telling everyone I kept/sold it is just dumb.

And I take the blame for promising and promising, but it's exactly what I heard from my work, centraL and an email from Scythe (who later sent what they did promise to centraL who sold them in the estonian hinnavaatlus forum)
simple thing: no money = no motivation = the reason why I was all the time drunk on cc7 :D = no good results
I know and I will not say another word about your performance on lan since playing with only promises can be demolishing.
Sounds like zeroE =D
+ the mere fact you question my capabilities as a father and compabilty to provide for my family shows how stupid you are. Here in Estonia you don't really have a chance, when you lose a job you are fucked unless you are a highly qulified professional which I am not. So i stayed there and worked for over 12 hours a day, came home, dealt with you guys, with my family and fell to bed, next day, same way. I had absolutely nothing in my power to do and but wait and promise as I was promised. Later when I had the chance to move and get another job I instantly did it and started repaying my old debts which had risen from being without a paycheck for over 3 months. So please.
from what I know Its exactly what zak said, claimaxz is one hell of mother fucker and dont think Zowie has anything to do with that

That sucks :D
epsilon again no plzz!
gl to the teams, gl zZz and monkey :)
Looks cool, have fun everyone :)
Well done essah.
nice job, but fuck off if we're going to be in one group with dignitas again =D
happy now ?
I am, atleast new teams to play offis against :P
squall sth?
ga werken joh ;)
lol even pauze^^
nice banner essah =)
why are not 1stcav and dignitas in the same group .. could be epic : D
If any team wants to drop out, PM me or Matias, As dickheads will take the spot and roll all in its path ;)
Giants dropping out in groupstages, great.
No EC Mice? :(
Nice cup, and some nice prizes as well. gl :)
money involved, maybe Netherlandsovr will play serious now
how can TAG be seeded 2nd when they arent even in the ET top 10 atm?
Info:Groups are not seeded. Just created random equal groups.
plz do explain me how you can make random equal groups.
ill delete this comment in a second to test this new delete feature.

edit: no wait i'll just edit it.
dunno maybe according to the present shape
Every team plays different against a team.
try to focus, use your english
English? =O
omfg epsilon for the 3rd time :$

P.s:kresti gonna roll you :PP
Nice, although the way of publishing groups was just :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Epsilon will win this :)
Dignitas second.
Winfakt third :D
gl slajdan<3
go go e-wave
Rage lineup is wrong, im replacing Lazio as rifle
Lol'd @ Group B.. would be nice if polaks could win 1 round at least
there are Poland teams that could actually do it :x
not 1st cav
Epsilon will take it easily. Go gav
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