EuroCup XXII - Playoffs

image: mszmoo

The first match week of the Clanbase Eurocup XXII is nigh and we have some nice matches coming to an ETTV near you soon! The current top teams are still represented, but will they be able to fulfill their duty against the underdogs despite their numerous lineup and name changes?

The four groups have produced a total of 8 clans which will be fighting to the death in the elimination playoff tree. Please find the correct version of the EuroCup XXII - Playoffs below.

image: eurocup

First match week
  • United Kingdom Team Dignitas vs United Kingdom Aero
  • Europe e-wave vs Europe Giants
  • Skandinavia sth vs Europe RAGE
  • United Kingdom Impact vs Europe mvp

Playoff Rules
  • 1. A playoff match is played at least on 2 maps. Both clans select a map from the map list before the start of the match and inform the cup admin at least 30 minutes before the match is set to start. The admin will not announce maps until both teams have confirmed their choices with him/her. In case both teams have chosen the same map, the second map will be selected with the conventional method of map elimination, preceded by a cointoss. The admin will choose which map is played first.
  • One SW round will be played on each map.
  • The admin will choose which map is played first. (The map which is played first is usually the first map to be announced by a team.)
  • Each team will decide on which side to start on the map chosen by their opponent.
  • Round wins are added to determine the score: the team that wins a SW round receives 2 points; if both teams fail to set a time in a SW round, both teams will get 1 point. So possible scores after the two first maps are: 4-0 3-1 2-2.
  • In case the game is tied, an extra SW round is played on one of the remaining maps from the maplist. Teams take turns eliminating maps. The winner of the coinflip eliminates the first map, followed by the other team until one map is left to be played. When a map is selected, the team which didn't have final pick chooses who attacks first
  • Clans are forbidden to chose the same map, previously selected in their two most recent playoff games.

I wish everyone the best of luck and an enjoyable competition.

bracket is good looking :p
epi and dig in the 'grand final' me thinks
very easy bracket, cu@UB final Impact
dignitas vs impact final...too predictable
you should consider using BBCode to make your news look any good
Are the map rules still being applied? e.g. you choose sd in round 1 so you cant choose it till UB final.
Yes, straight from clanbase site
who said you will win 2 times?!
Finland miNd creating a newspost for cb? wat?
for cf* mind and kamz are actually best contributors here atm
well kamz is contributing in order to be allowed to play next lan, but why mind? :D
trustee status!
wheres ecw?
brackets look a bit wrong, teams shouldnt play anyone they played in the groupstage until winners or losers bracket final. CB always seem to mess that up :D
lol okay. Bibuy mVp. :PP
haha sweet :P
mind posting :D the fcuk
Anything for my lovely community :)
i always tought slim charles=slarto :OO
thats HenrytheCruel or somethin
d vs i at semi-finals?
wonder how far we will get :S
how far will you go? :p
cc8 for free
well that's a bit off topic now :(
do you know about this? if you do I will have to kill you and if you don't I will tell you then kill you.
nope, fill me in will you? :D
Epsilon (Impact)
Epsilon (Impact)
who passes to UB Round 2, not who wins EC -_-
Final: Aero vs sth
Hell yes :D
where gZcon?!? :$
where TAG??
gl e-wave! keep ur record clean :D
hehe gratz on brackets aero hehe
dignitas vs GIANTS should be interesting, though dignitas has the refreshed lineup now so they probably will win this time, we'll see.
Dignitas plays Aero
Some of us ignore the games we don't care about and look at the next round :P

(Ofc here I am assuming GIANTS will be e-wave, which I think they will, though e-wave certainly are getting better.
some1 wants to be a trustee :D!!!!!
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