zZz was stronger than STH

image: cbecxxii_big

Before the match began it was anyone's guess as to who would win, but after two maps the victor was unmistakable, as Europe Sleeperz put an end to Europe Stronger Than Hate.

You can read the whole match report here: zZz was stronger than STH

After the match I caught up with United Kingdom Kamz and Croatia Frozz, who were interviewed before the match as well, and talked about their team's performance and match analysis.

you can read the whole interview here: zZz vs STH: Post Match Interview

Stay tuned for tomorrow's match as Aero will clash against Dignitas!
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I find match REviews to be much more interesting than match PREviews tbh :)
I agree on that :) Newsposts that are written in a decent lay-out are always good to read tho, but that doesnt happen alot ;<
no rimi no win, obvious
kamz = win
zZz was stronger than hate..
since zZz is a team what consider out of more than one member, so "were" is the correct spelling here i guess
Depends on how u define it :) That wasnt the point here anyway, just wanted to suggest a better headline :)
It isn't better, "were" is more appropriate in my very educated and significant opinion.
jesus christ. thats not the point...
see the last word!

edit: btw, zZz (a team) was. zZz (five players) were.
good to see some proper coverage, nice lion!
would've been nice to see some proper playing also, not so nice sth (lost my e-money)
Best title ever
good title indeed, keep the good news up dude!
oh reminds me to the weird funny headlines some months ago :)
vote me potm :)
äänestän sua suurimmaks pudottajaks (skilldrop)
QuoteIn order to capture the West parts the Allied team divided into two groups of 3 players who attacked through the East, and two players who attacked through the Fake.

Nerds forced their 6o6 back?
sth got RAGEd?
A better title would be: Sleep is stronger than hate or smtn :D

Nice interview :)
they beat sth and lose to overload gg xD
No Eirik no win :<
The title should obviously be: zZz was Stronger Than Hate
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