Impact vs mVp: A new rivalry?

image: cbec

So let me set the story for anybody living in a cave for the last couple of months..

United Kingdom Impact Gaming..

One of the top teams in ET right now, if not the top team (although the recently formed Finland dignitas team will have something to say about that). Finished 2nd at AEF lan and decided to take in Belgium mAus after lan, they then managed to surprise everybody and beat the old dignitas team and unfortunately, we will never know who would have won out of United Kingdom Impact and Finland Fintastic5 as they both shared the EC gold.

Europe Most Valuable Players..

One of the most active teams in recent months. Team is built on two scotsman and three poles, but now with a fin and belgian playing some part in the team. mVp have shocked many with their results and were beating United Kingdom Impact 2-0 in EMS until the match got ddos'ed and Impact got given the forfeit win.

Both teams play each other in CB EC XXII and ESL EMS VII for a chance to finally meet again. United Kingdom Impact no doubt favourites, very few expecting Europe mVp to take either match.

So without further ado, I bring to you my second video report for this years Eurocup ( previous - ).

Game Highlights -
High quality download -

I figured that although written match reports take time and effort and are nice to read. Wouldn't it be even greater to have it in video with subtitles? Like the highlights on match of the day .. Imagine if that was written, how boring would that be? So I decided to give it a go, little did I know it takes some effort. This one took me longer than the first one and is five minutes long so I hope you appreciate it and any feedback is welcome. I hope I encourage admins and moviemakers to spend effort for these kind of things aswell.

Keep ET alive!
Superb. I personally feel that this little video review thingy you've got going on could, potentially, boost interest in ET.

Keep it up.

However, less static cameras (more camtrace plzzzz) and more obvious subtitle text would be super.
Well done!
Polaks? Seriously? 'Poles' is too hard to write?

Great job mate, keep it up!
keep it up! gj
I must have missed it, but why did impact get a forfeit win after mVp also had problems of the ddos?
i THINK because mvp quit and didnt want to keep going or re-schedule.
causing impact to get the auto win.
not really:). Impact said they dont wanna play anymore and we agreed that there is not point of playing like this. We had one more day to finish the game. Unfortunately Ross (if I remember right) couldn't play the next day. After talking with FoaMea I agreed to give higher seed to impact just because they deserved it more.
Each team has decided to stop a match (not just us) and play it at another date. However there have been difficulties in establishing the new date so admins decided to give a forfeit for them.... ( sry for my enrglish : < )
aaah, well then.
your engrish is fine mate;)

well after someone manages to dos a match it end ups that you are having it the bad way while you were actually winning? that is shit...
oh well.

i ended up winning on that bet on :D
that video was nice but some text was kinda useless like blabla destroys the cp while we actually see it :(
like it matters ...
I agree, the text at the bottom was useless/pointless.
no need for it really. lol just means more work for kamz. lawl
yea what about some non-related with ET persons ? they have no clue whats going on there ;P i guess that kind of clips might boost interests of ET
effect is opposite.
why is that? You could say that about project phoenix clip (with all respect, it was just boring shit), this is kinda entertaining
i really like the highlights:D
should do it every EC match
If you want this to become serious, it may be better to write "poles" instead of polaks....
Really enjoyed it. And the text was informative for the too fast paced action for me.
keep up the good work, it was rly nice!
nice work - text placement being more central would be better imo, either top or bottom
That was actually pretty cool :) Thanks for that and keep it up :D
So without further ado, I bring to you...

very nice would like to have it @ any interesting match with great teams
nicely done kamz :)
impact suck!

but i love them :(
i feel the same way :D
well done
Rly nice idea Kamz ! It looks like "goals action' in a football match :) Rly pleasant to watch.
esl-match was better
gj tho
Really nice video, good to show ET to other games' people.

But please, next time, don't use such gay music ! :-D
nice idea, wanna see more now.
how do you have the time (though it might not take too much time if you know your way around making these) OR the interest in doing these kinda vids / coverage.

not judging or anything i'm just wondering..
Nice video kamz, enjoyed watching / reading, we should find motivated people to create some videos like that for important matches :)
It's nice, text is kinda sloppy and not so easy to follow together with the ingame action going on though.

But seriously, what's with you putting this sort of faggy music in every video you make lately :/
Kamz you are awesome!
chose more interesting matches
text is kinda annoying still imo :d, just make parts with text and parts with video, not both at same time (at least I'd like that)
great job tho :-)
ohh, nice sumup without watching the match , nice :)
good plant attempt by numeric
Goodjob Kamz!
very nice
really nice effort kamz!
Nice post, but you should have left out the last paragraph.
Good job, keep it up!
Thanks man, I'll try
nice :)
Why don't you just talk about the actions rather than writing them? Would make it so much easier to follow and much more professional imo. :/

Anyway: Nicely done.
well done kamz :D
shame you did this one instead of the esl match, that one was much better.

gj though
was hoping to watch the 4-2 for MvP but still nicely done!
absolutely pointless in my opinion

ppl seem to like it though, so gl with it
Well done Manjm8 : )
thanks didnt watch the game, but watched this replay! nice

edit: kinda annoying looking at text whilst trying to watch at the same time :)
n1 kamz, but I think some subtitles were to quick and there needs to be more time to look at the damage and maybe point out man of the match :)
Kamz you are awesome!
Thanks reAliZe_ for the music etc, once again, bailing you out! nice clip, way better than 1st :) xx
Hej kamz i have a great idea. maybe u should shoutcast your little movie instead of those subtitles cause its annoying to try to keep track of the subtitles... and watching a game whilst listening to your splendid voice is heaven.

Thank you very much
nice effort :o really liked the video
those highlights are the best thing that happened to ET in a long time :)
yes, What is the name of songs
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