The Last Resort making an Impact in ET

It has been known for quite some time that The Last Resort were looking to make their comeback in the W:ET scene but they were waiting for the right team to come along. Over the past few months, TLR's management have been having frequent discussions with Europe Team Impact who had previously left Epsilon.

Today, the silence is broken. The Last Resort can finally announce their official return to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory by bringing in a team that they see as most suitable for representing the name and wearing the tags.

The brand new TLR.ET lineup is:image: tlr

United Kingdom Ross "R0SS" Gracie
United Kingdom Gavin "sqzz" Butler
Italy Dario "XyLos" Azzarelli
Netherlands Robert "M1lk" Buijs
Belgium David "mAus" Herre

United Kingdom Paul "eVo" Sexton (Manager)

With this announcement, comes a lineup change due to Netherlands Jay "Hayaa" Bonhof stepping down from competitive gaming. His replacement is none other than Netherlands Robert "M1lk" Buijs, a player that steps out of a period of inactivity since this year’s Crossfire Intel Challenge 7.

Head over to the original newspost for more information, including R0SS' amazing statement!

nice to hear :).. ready to roll CB and ESL.. Lans also :)
Good luck :-}
nice, gl :) ps. do you organize a cup aswell :D?
best of luck x
about time someone picked M1lk up =d gl all!
nice to see multigaming picking ET team, when they are in ec wb final :))

ps: 1000 views in 30mins, @ 5:00 :xD
we are nerds what did u expect?
Sweet, good job Seanza :).
A solid pickup. Good luck. :)
get R0SS the fuck out of this team
idd, wakiyashi>r0ss
gl gav <3
omfg TLR!!! 8D
I hope m1lk still got his aim and coolness though..
Nice :)
Good Luck sqZz & CO:D
where's Finlandmystic ?
No offense , but they've been clanhopping alot lately ...
I'm sorry but I'm afraid you just earned a facepalm :)
wheres NIGHT? you will not win without NIGHT
what they get for support ?

Gl Seanza and the rest :)
why the hell you always ask about it? :D
I'm just curious :(
I've got 10eu :(
LOL Vincent give haxionj stuff , Dunno what he said think it was a handjob or something he said.

where do I sign up?!
haha wannabe xD you think you know him because you heard things about him ?

Go sit in a corner and cry :)
heard it from him
Where's Singh? :~>

good luck :)
gl idkfa'xylos :D
Nice gl guys
m1lk \o/
i am glad hayaa left the team
m1lk all the way !
Though I waited that completely new team wold have been formed.
gl special boys <3
Wat doe je dan noob!
why can't i see United KingdomeVo's name.

GL Tho!
its more appropriate for TLR to write the newspost not me
i think he meant why you aren't listed as their manager in the newspost?
lol ask seanza he wrote it :D
i think we've found a secret hater here! :O
nice :)
hayaa :'(
omg TLR omg!

wud have been gr8 if lineup consisted old players like wing clown matias.

but looking impact atm, looks perfect choice :)

gl !
Doesnt deserve main news page.
ah nice :) GL m1lk HF hayaa :)
Awesome, GL TLR!
Ross "R0SS" Gracie
Gavin "sqzz" Butler
Dario "XyLos" Azzarelli
Robert "M1lk" Buijs
David "Iris<3'er" Herre
about time this got announced :)

best of luck boys... love you x
gl ;)

special gl to sqzz mate ;);)
gl impact & seanza
fucking nice :)
OMG! Haha! :D
Tlr's gonna roll!
Sqzz!!!! <3
Disappointed to see Hayaa leaving the scene. Anyway, M1lk is a great player.
Have fun TLR.
n1 sean. gl guys :)
hayaa > M1lk
hayaa you noob, I ll miss our baserace games :(
TLR{ mAus / old times becomes new :-*
great pick-up, gl boys
m1lk pwner! gl!
Kyle "sqzz" Butler
congrats, hope it all goes well :)
well in lads gl gav and ross
Good luck!
wheres India SingH? :SS
I should have given him a shoutout for his efforts really! :D
gl gav
Where's United States of AmericaJustin Bieber?
CanadaJustin Bieber! he's canadian just like rossko and rockstAr and anim,i bet they're proud of him
nah hes a fag
stop lying mate! we all know you got posters of him!
gl sqzz ;-)
what happened to haya ?
gl to sqzz and ross tho
QuoteWith this announcement, comes a lineup change due to Netherlands Jay "Hayaa" Bonhof stepping down from competitive gaming.
thanks, didnt read sorry!
too bad a bigger lose than u guys expect!
gl guys
fuck yea GL
hopefully they wear proper tags again now.
Nice pick TLR and good luck lads.
still not gonna beat d
Great Move, seanza is working a lot for TLR lately.
Even when he was in Portugal on vacation he worked extremely hard for TLR.
Mztik should play with that group :P
facebook ftw
time for Anonymoussnb to make a comeback too ;)
good news to see the name TLR back in ET
Congrats :)

Hopefully we will see additional cups and support from this MGC

serious e-business is serious

gl iris<3'er and sqzz
R0SS my fav emo :]
maybe johnny could make a song for them?:O)
the pown must go on buys ;)

gl gáis
Go back to your wheelchair life!!
ok papi :(
what again?. :(
lol i'm too used to facebook, i actually looked for the "like" button :)
that has happened several times to me as well
Nice to know u like my comment Paul Sexton.

& nice to see you went back to managing eVo ;)
what are you laughing at??
gl ladies :) daviii goooo

gll ALL!
well done seanza
godo lcuk
Function: Semi-Admin

as a semi admin u gotta post news about what others do?:PP

boring if u ask me:PP
gl, hopefully you'll get more support than we did (nothing). wouldn't expect anything though.
OMG M1LK OMG !!?!?!?!?!?!!!!
2 weeks team!! :P

gl guys!
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