ESL EMS VIII Announced

image: newsbanner

ESL have announced their Major Series event for Season VIII, some decisions have been made that have left both Call of Duty 4 and Enemy Territory out in the cold.

image: honsmall Heroes of Newerth (5on5): €5,000
image: csssmall Counter-Strike: Source (5on5): €3,000
image: codbosmall Call of Duty: Black Ops (5on5): €2,500
image: tmnfsmall Trackmania (Team mode): €2000
image: quakelivesmall Quake Live (2on2 TDM): €1,000
image: pes2011small Pro Evo Soccer (1on1): €750
image: fifa11small FIFA (1on1): €750

Decisions made to remove two of the most active games from EMS are extreme, especially in the same season. CoD4 being replaced by the nowhere near competition ready release of Black Ops. Team Fortress 2 has also not been added to the list of games, leaving many wondering what the decision process is behind moving some titles, other than Black Ops being fully money related.

I would urge users who would like EMS to be played in either or both competitions to voice their opinions over at the original ESL News Post or face a rather boring season ahead at ESL.

props to GunRu5 for spotting it
where is haxball?
ET or gtfo :PP
aren't u retired :S? plx stfu bout ET
no, I think your troll-o-meter is broken
where is snakes and ladders?
wtf, sense? this makes none.

good spot gunny:)
ET or gtfo :PP
2 best games out, zlololol
wtf fuck you
ET or gtfo :PP
QuoteDecisions made to remove two of the most active games from EMS are extreme, especially in the same season.

ET was one of the most active games at ESL? This is completly new for me. Games like DoD:S or others were even more active and bigger..But I will stop writing now and watch Dortmund again...
the top 16 which were in there were all active during this season, it's just a shame -.-
all we need is EMS for ET. The other competitions are not active anymore :Z
is that because of the money in EMS??
Nope its just the 2nd best competition out there.
Dont think so?

Day of Defeat: Source - 15 leagues
Enemy Territory - 20 leagues
its not about the number of leagues
yea ofc :) but to just make a decision without warning, isn't the best process imo :(
agree, however the decision was made some time ago already, its just us who wasnt informed...
any idea on why it was made? ladder activity? (:S) or is it the rumor that ESL were paid to remove some titles?
quoting kafux: 'like played games at esl, uniquie visitors on the page ( compared to'

and about the rumour i wouldnt know anyway. Think about it, I got the info about EMS like 45 minutes ago when I came home. Later than some users.
:/ either way its not great, I really hope there is a chance for changes in these decisions. :<
At least for once in your life agree when ESL make a stupid decision. Its so annoying when ppl are working behind the scenes making lans, new tournaments etc and one of your longest supporters just all of a sudden pulls the plug after one of the most successful ET EMS tournaments ever. They have stuck with ET for so long they should carry on supporting it while it carries on growing in terms of competition(s)
"At least for once in your life agree when ESL make a stupid decision."

when did i say i like and understand this decision? i love et as much as you and the rest of us and i am the last one at esl who would ever think about removing et from ems...
From what I've gathered from your comments and responses you seem to be a hard working and passionate admin. I respect that, as I find your way of dealing with haters much better than Killerboy (Sorry man, I usually don't mention names and I actually think you're pretty cool as well) or any Crossfire admin, whose immediate response in a matter like this would most likely have been "Fuck off." Pretty sure I'm going to get a "Fuck off" for this as well, which will only prove my point :P

Anyhow I must agree with R0SS and previous speakers, I don't think that this move made by the ESL was especially thought through. The ET ladders in ESL won't get more attention from the ET community, because it's easier to use the Clanbase ladders. The ESL homepage is flawed which has now finally resulted in a renewal of the code! Woo! I don't know if there are other games which are far more active than ET on ESL, but I would most likely believe that they are that active because they get far more support and coverage. The ET community is in comparison to many other communities small, but we're on an uprising and we can shout loudly. Do you really blame the ET community for not being active enough? I'm pretty sure that all this drama will prove a point. Hopefully.
"From what I've gathered from your comments and responses you seem to be a hard working and passionate admin."

Sorry, but "my time" has been over already. I am admin for 5 years now and I have to do too many things for university. That is why I am not active enough to help how it would be the best for both sides, ESL and ET. But I help whenever it is needed. I had several qry on irc with questions about rules, rescheduling or maps today. I also remember one asking me why the ESL page did not accept his team logo. I told him why and I resized it for him. This is nothing special and nothing what could bring ET back to EMS, but sometimes even the small things can make the difference - especially if we have friday evening and most of the users and admins are not online. And sometimes I have to write comments on crossfire. I do this for more than five years already and I think I will do it also the next five years. But it should be enough for now. I watch Bundesliga again and if I have enough time, I will reply to your other points :)
can you try to explain to me why anyone here should give a FUCK about this shit? oh man so many changes gonna be made it'll make ESL awesome in 2011 I ALMOST PEED MYSELF IM SO EXCITED I ALMOST WANNA GO SIGN UP FOR ESL. but....oh wait....dont care, no EMS with ET.

so you thought you'd get some hits on ESL before telling us the league wont support ET anymore? squeezing that little bit of extra $$$ out of it, kudos to you sir.
do you believe your own shit uve wrote there?
nope :-D

well a part of it, first we should care about site renewals and then they remove ET, which most people here care about...seems kind of weird to me, since the ET players wont use the site anymore if there's no ET? dunno. Just seemed off :-D alcohol makes you post weird things :-)
ye i know :D
Always told you ESL admins sucks and need to burn
you didn't tell me. :d
i did, sugi pula
thanks, but our job had nothing to do with the decision.
bad news -.-
ql tdm 4v4 or gtfo
5v5 killed EMS but atleast we still have the LANs! GO GO look to the future :-)
u should leave et for good future related to et ofc
ESL is shit anyway
these fuckers still owe me 80e
these fuckers still owe me 20eu : DDDD
Oh well, someone will just have to create a replacement! ;D
where is et?
ESL strikes again XD

p.s:Blackops is just too easy for me :$
hon 5k €!
(url) []

Quote, Game of the year

Viewer Peak - over 700
Listener Peak - over 300

One of the most competitive EMS seasons to date. The lack of coverage from ESL admins was frankly their own fault, hell if i knew ESL wasnt going to run another EMS i would have done newsposts myself. You cant blame the ET community, ladders are dead in every game now, the only activity on ESL from ET is EMS. Hell, teams used to play with a 200 euro prize pot. If ESL are going to venture away from ET then its a massive loss for them.

The amount of hits they receive from crossfire and gtv must be beneficial by itself. The fact they are moving onto black ops shows that someone is making the wrong decisions.
The fact they are moving onto black ops shows that someone

makes big money.
Thats the point! ESL isnt interested in wich game they support or how big are the comunities but only where the big money is to earn. To read here:

All in all the german text goes about sponsoring, money and getting older (now adult) hobby gamers with a job - so they can pay more MONEYYY, MONEYYY, MONEYYY $-$

Furthermore i wonder that for "Heroes of Newerth" (never heared about it) the bigest part of prize money will be paid out. So u can guess wich game creator paid them the most to push the own game with MONEY $-$.
if you've never heard of heroes of newerth then it shows how much you know about esports
imo its just a cheap replacement for Warcraft3 - but prolly coz u are 16 u was more playing GameBoy in this time.
its not a cheap copy of warcraft 3, since it has nothing to do with wc3, its a copy of dota, and it beats dota in all single way
and probably i played more time than you do, then dont say bullshit if you dont know anything
however - from what i see its the same kind of game like wc3.

I will not continue now that i started playing with a Comodore 64 and a Intel 386 - would be unfair coz i play longer than u even live and offtopic. :D
its the same type as dota, but yes

and i played comodore 64 too :P but not as much as these times :P :D
what if et teams put the money in themselves much like you pay to enter LAN and some of that goes towards the prize fund? would that be a better model and would the 'higher' teams be interested in that?
Possibly. There is already going to be big tournaments/cups held by various orgs anyway. See how it pans out.
hmm depends if there is the unity which 'bigger' leagues bring i.e. if there are lots of cups with 5on5 and 6on6 there could be a big split especially seeing the kinds of teams that have joined that revive.6on6 cup
Well the big orgs that support ET, i.e. Dig TLR Speedlink etc, will only provide 5on5 tournaments as they know thats what format the Lans will be.
ah true...talking of which wasn't there talk of a UK LAN at some point? :p thought evo was organising something but I may have heard wrong.
I am organising it :P Hope you can attend, dates will be released shortly with location. But roughly london in april. The more UK players, the more successful and regular we can run this lan.
count me in and normality will be in attendance most likely
Great, thanks a lot. I will keep everyone updated as soon as i finalise the details
its nice to finally have some details on a UK LAN :D keep up the good work
Thanks :P About time the UK community had its own Lan, but its likely a few EU teams will attend.
just for info, community has 95% fault there won't be another ems season again for ET.
It was the unic game making exception next to exception over and over regarding the ruleset. If you are more interested about the reasons reply to me or ask me, i'm glad to answer this.

PS: The coverage - Activity had nothing to do with this decision.
changing that shit.

I'd say this is a chance to get a 6on6 league going. Make it happen Lazio & co!!!!!!
:) Makes me smile, but hey we got atleast ten ET 5v5 lans incoming, im sure of it!

Bad for ET but who gives a shit.
20-30 lans and going up!
Yeah man, heard some rumours too. Krosan is on em, 5 different lans going to be announced during next week.
First ET from 6on6 to 5on5
2011 Quake Live even from 4on4 to 2on2

So we can guess what they kick out the next

only somehow for the "problematic Counter Strike" (wich has the same prob with too less teams) they fight yet - seems the ESL chief is addicted to it.
no cod4 and et = awesome
So....ESL doesn't give a shit about ET, where exactly is the news part? :o(
Massive fail. Available for Blacks Ops though and I hope perks and killstreaks are still enabled.
I want to drive the radio-controlled bombcar!!!
in the ESL-Building?
ET is dead :(
They forgot the best game ever...
Fuck you ESL cunts
Now ESL really proved that they are shit

HoN is going fat <3
This is so sad.

all about dem moneyz :'(
Hehe.. bye bye ESL. You will have fun with BO around.. hmm 4 months or 6. :).
5v5 dead, 6v6 to takeover
the move to 5on5 had nothing to do with this.
Crossfire should start thier own ladders, no?
cf should have its own leagues and ladders
avi as admin and supporter
+1 i expect it wouldnt be tooo hard to code it up
Well there has been cups from crossfire. If I dont remember wrong
yeh but i meant a full on ladder/league with divisions and seasons
Nice move ESL :-DDDDDDD
No money for fins:(
I doubt that
get it back esl and get me as active admin tho

haters gonna hate
next time u will see a nice application from me :)
may be, i really doubt i will accept it.
Im just waiting for an post that you need some people ..Im really active & i know the rules cause we got the most matches as ET team in the ESL + i allways pushed the esl in our community..
stay tuned the following days.
cheers ESL bros
dickheads & f5 still missing money from season 5 & 6, eventhough I've send hundreds of emails to the head admins who are only saying like "yea gimme ur bank details will do it asap or haven't got the money from sponsors yet"

don't have that problem in the future, thanks esl!
fail season.
Quotenowhere near competition ready release of Black Ops

Sims 3 has more competition potential than this piece of code.

Wise decision ESL, can't wait to follow more e-football(lol) and this cool game.
which fifa?
needs some et!
what a retarded decision
COD BO doesn't yet have a promod, there are no skilled teams and they decide to move from COD4 to BO? Can't get it.
If it's what they call "2011 changes" then they better come back to their 2010 way of managing ESL.
They're on the way to loose two communities which means less premium accounts and a bad e-reputation. Smart move indeed...
no ET, changing QL team format from 4on4 to 2on2 and replacing CoD4 with CoD:BO ; that seems like pretty cruel april joke to me. But maybe they are doing good thing, less ppl to participate in EMS = less dissappointed ppl by unpaid checks
naps. nice idea to get attention of 13y old kids who like to play football games.. also cod:bo is ridiculous due its simple console clone style to pc.

football pes+fifa = epic
no ql 1n1 = epic
no cod4 = epic
no et = epic

ql 1on1 is part of IEM, so it cant be in EMS
oh ye u forget but it doesnt change anything tbh :)
it does change a lot, since games which are included in IEM cannot be part of EMS at the same time...
HoN with bigger prizemoney than CS:S? What the fuck is wrong with them?
CS:S is dead man, go for HoN
I suppose because CSS is featured in many other competitions with alot bigger prizemoney its probably better spend into other games here. Just an idea, nothing from ESL.
a disappointment
ESL can kiss my ass
ET or gtfo :PP
no ESL no league for banned CB users
wow 5v5 made ET awesome :-)
nothing to do with 5on5.
There will be something worth playing for in place of EMS this year, I promise this.
EMS is online, why would we replace it with an offline tournament?
for loads of extra fun? :-)
when will it be announced
black ops? is the cmmod/promod out already?
return ET
is ESL going to follow CB to the fail section ??
seems like 5on5 is killing the off - line scene, luckily we can attend and/or spec lans every week
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