NationsCup XIV Groups

image: jrck0h

image: cb_text_small3

The groups have been officially published and consist of 8 groups; each group has 4 teams, thus resulting in 32 teams this NationsCup.

The first matchweek begins in three days, the 23rd of January, and lasts until the 31st. Be sure to challenge your opponents as soon as possible; not doing so will lead to forced matches.



The group stage will consist of three matchweeks:
  • First matchweek - 23.01.2011 – 31.01.2011
  • Second matchweek - 31.01.2011 – 07.02.2011
  • Third matchweek - 07.02.2011 – 14.02.2011


During each matchweek two different maps will be played:
  • First matchweek - supply / frostbite
  • Second matchweek - radar / adlernest
  • Third matchweek - sw_goldrush_te / karsiah_te2

ClanBase Enemy Territory wishes the best of luck to all participating teams!

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image: detailsblack123 Groups
image: detailsblack123 Main NationsCup Page
Belgium will rape faces
Group B - group of death imo.
nah, estonia, finland croatia and sweden will win their matches easly 4-0. dont think theres any group of death :)
Not so bad :D
nice groups =)
Group A - Finland / Croatia
Group B - Estonia / Sweden
Group C - Netherlands / Spain
Group D - United Kingdom / Czech Republic
Group E - Poland / Canada
Group F - Germany / Italy
Group G - Belgium / United States of America
Group H - France / Switzerland


Finland vs Sweden 4 : 2
Estonia vs Croatia 4 : 0
Netherlands vs Czech Republic 4 : 0
United Kingdom vs Spain 4 : 2
Poland vs Italy 4 : 0
Germany vs Canada 4 : 0
Belgium vs Switzerland 4 : 0
France vs United States of America 4 : 2


Finland vs Estonia 4 : 2
Netherlands vs United Kingdom 2 : 4
Poland vs Germany 4 : 0
Belgium vs France 4 : 0


Finland vs United Kingdom 4 : 0
Poland vs Belgium 4 : 2

Bronze Final

United Kingdom vs Belgium 4 : 2

Grand Final

Finland vs Poland 5 : 3
Italy over Iceland? hmmm!

E: Who ever said it will be A vs B in the playoffs? ^^
Anyone ! I make bet. Good game in perspective.
Finland vs Poland 5 : 3

hahahahaha :D Finland will walk over every Nation rofl.
having hard timeS with med+ clans at the moment :-)
pracs are pracs. im sure u lost some pracs vs unexpected opponents during MM/f5 times too, still won ec 3 times.

just cant picture you having tough games with teams like poland n stuff
there was only one Team Poland that was as strong as your crazy team fintard. but they lost final against estonia. now cup is yours.
what about double elimination bracket?
Austria will make the group stage!
Group A - Finland / Norway
Group B - Estonia / Sweden
Group C - Netherlands / Hungary
Group D - United Kingdom / Denmark
Group E - Poland / Canada
Group F - Germany / Iceland
Group G - Belgium / Austria
Group H - France / Switzerland
Hungary instead of Spain.. not going to happen i'm afraid.. ;p
its my 1st 2 of group, get out of my internet


btw, ye, I agree, but want to believe
just keep dreaming, someday it will happen! ;p
Hungary Hungary

it already happend :)
Nice Lion!
A - Finland / Croatia
B - Estonia / Sweden
C - Netherlands / Spain
D - United Kingdom / Czech Republic
E - Poland / Romania
F - Italy / Germany
G - Belgium / United States of America
H - France / Switzerland
Thanks for the support! =)
no group of the death
no fun.
group B

who wait : S
go dutchies, guess we'll meet the brittish fags :D
easy group for Romania...if this would had been last year :D
dont know tbh. ask foamea
unknown atm
Lu Romania Body
Romania FoaMea
R00NNY pro!
lol u got real chance to be 2nd just need to beat canada ;)
xD have fun doing that
you should came back before NC insted of chilling.. :D
Estonia Sweden bb Portugal xdddddd
austria belgium from usa group lol
gl poland!
Team belgium win this NC look at this wonderfull team
pokals... pokals everywhere!
Greece Like in euro 2004 !
Do you still rage about this ? :D
in like 2004 years again ,...
i was in greece when they won was nice ;P
I was there also ! In my village, what a great fest that night honestly ^^
idd, + i got alot of free stuff ;)
No japan ?! :o Why ? :(
Has team UK been announced?

Edit: ah other news! Gl UK - you shouldn't drop a map with that group.
nice taking estonia and sweden in same group, just to fuck with me. dont wanna choose team :S
I have word from captain Estonia Raul.
He commands you to play the Estonia vs Sweden game on eestis' side.
werent you suposed to be banned from playing in the next nc?
C T M :_D
bunch of easy beats in our group ... :}D
Biggz don't worry mate. We got group B easy. Can't see us losing a map
Why not 4 groups with 8 countires each and the first 3 maybe 4 qualifies?
Would be much more fun imo
would be 7 Matches.

7 Matches = 7 Weeks (1 per Week)
7 Matches = 4 Weeks (2 per Week), but many NC-Teams wont do that imo, cause of other cups in ESL/CB
That would be a stupid move - teams that would know they can't make it to the next round would most likely forfeit their games :/

and it would make a long schedule and clash with next EC/OC and ppl lose interest
It would be 2 weeks longer I think.
Why don't they do that now? There are some groups where some countries have no chance to get the 2nd place.
cause teams might surprise :x there are enough lotto maps
And they can't surprise if there are 8 teams in each group?
well yes but its harder 8D
why are you replying your self?
fail click >_>
that's what they say
but one group with 5 teams, and not playing qualis would be nice idea.
For the cup length it wouldn't matter but the point of qualifiers is that they're given to some weaker teams so the weakest teams get eliminated. No one wants to watch one-sided games:)
i understand if there will be 3 or 4 weakest teams eliminated in qualis, but this year we had like every year Columbia, ultimate weak China and UA. After elimitanions only China is out, and teams like Columbia, Ukraine, Greece or Slovakia are still in the tournament so there will be still a lot of one side games. this year eliminations was total crap(kicked turkey so only 3 teams + every team won 1 match + Lion helped UA a little by breaking rules in match against COL) so imo it would be fair to let all play. Every team from 5 team group should just once play 2 matches in a matchweek(it wouldnt be a big deal for them imo).
1. Finland Finland
2. Germany Germany
3. United Kingdom United Kingdom
4. BelgiumBelgium
5. Poland Poland / Sweden Sweden / France France / Netherlands Netherlands

Hahaha, really? no Estonia Estonia? Estonia was 2nd last Nc and before that they won vs the prolly strongest lineup of poland and they did it with mant and raul and co. :D:D

So estonia will be 2nd or 3rd this NC
ye nvm forget them xD
get your facts straight nigger

ma niisama lollitan lolz :PPP
last year they didnt win against the strongest. 2 years ago they luckly did(and those lineup could be a little bit stronger if Xannah and Frag'Stealer would play instead of Wrobel and dialer). and the last year NC was one of the lowest nc ever.
Slovakia vs Czech Republic

Same as hockey :D
fair groups
nice groups!
balanced groups, nice seeding!
great chances for Austria, i hope you guys make it!
this time we can make it :)
If it is soccer, I would say Group C is the group of death xD
Group F imo :p
Only Spain and Netherlands are good there.

In football there would be no other good countries against them.
Really hard group for Belgium
At least I get to play to mAus, plz don't use backups.
yesteday i bet mAus becouse he dont think and is are my idole
A: Finland/Norway
B: Sweden/Estonia
C: Netherlands/Spain
D: United Kingdom/Czech Republic
E: Poland/Canada
F: Germany/Iceland
G: Belgium/Austria
H: Switzerland/France

Group winner first 8)
A: Finland/Croatia
B: Estonia/Sweden
C: Netherlands/Spain
D: United Kingdom/Czech Republic
E: Poland/Canada
F: Germany/Iceland
G: Belgium/Austria
H: France/Switzerland
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