BRINK Release Date

image: gif_brink_release

In an official press announcement, Bethesda tells the release date of BRINK. The game will ship in North America on May 17, with Europe and Australia following later that same week on May 20.

Source: Bethesda press announcement
Already asked vacation time at work starting this date.
Lol :D fuzztrolololol
duh I ordered trip to states to get it asap !
Stupid americans always get the good things first FML
Still waiting for them to get skill
Europe got 7 Big 4 shows, more to come. USA gets only 1 Big 4 show.
Why it is released on USA first? it doesnt really make any sense
fat and greedy, must be supplied.
woo, gotta pre-order soon then
no demo, shows how much faith they have in there own game
they will release a demo version BEFORE the release, so just wait...
fucking NICE!
gonna fail like "wolfenstein"..
nothing can fail hard like wolfenstein!
im gonna go and get that from USA, HÄHÄ!!
Propably download it while drunk and play it few minutes just to realize the unutterable shittines of the game image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
doesnt look too bad .. all in all .. but would prefer to try out a demo
is there any demo or any good ingame video already ???
thanks for help

there r gameplay vids available on utube and other gaming sites. searching on youtube will b easiest :)
u really think this will be good?
no, i watched a video now -_-
looks like etqw

good games to play will stay: et + cod2
cod2? i would play's oldar makes u cooler
lol that is soon
Finally the date is announced.
Gotta love the haters already naysaying before they even played it.

Cheers to objective criticism !
I expect nothing, but am curious. Hopefully they release a multiplayer demo.
Don't think I'll buy it without a demo, but if ppl say it's good then I'll reconsider
ill try it and then if it deserves i will buy it
noone givem me money for free so i will do the same.

test ->like -> buy
or fuck off
already pre-purchased on steam, will have to wait 10 days till I get back from europe before I can play it by the looks of that release date though :o}(
It could be awesome but I hope there will be more gameplay videos soon.
multiplayer demo or le fu.
Is there going to be a leak prior to release? :O
european release on my birthday, I had my doubts but now I know its going to be awesome :)
Waiting for the demo. I don't have a lot of faith in anything built in iD Tech 4, especially a "1.0" version of something on top of it (QW did get better with patches, but it was too late).
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