tMoe vs SL Tonight!

image: winterseasonbannersmallIf last nights thriller at Stamford Bridge wasn't enough midweek entertainment for you then tonight's ET match should be just the trick. Poland and Germany renew rivalries in this clanwar between To Make Odds Even and Speedlink.

The match is the grand final of the ESL 5on5 Winter League and is the second time the two sides have faced off in the tournament. Back then it was Poland tMoe who came out on top putting them in the winner bracket for tonight's game. Germany SpeedLink will need to squeeze out two wins tonight if they're to be crowned champions of ESL. tMoe don't fear that happening as Poland fanatic was full of confidence for tonights game:

Quote by fanaticIt won't be our 1st game against speedlink (counting both offi and praccs) so we are quite aware of our opponent's quality. I think we prepared well for the game and we are ready to take on stars like snoop and gifty. We will take it in 1 game without losing a map.

Teams: Poland tMoe vs Germany Speedlink
Time: 21:15 CET
Shoutcast QuadV
nice :)
nice ;)

gl both
nice to see tosspot casting a game again :)
He only casts when chelski win a match...
without losing a map? sorry boys, don't think so.
did u say sth?
yes, izi bash
I trust in them :) even if they lose. (lost in that case :))
yeah so fucking easy on both maps ;)

Hope you gonna do so well on the upcoming Lans aswell! GL :)
Oh the irony :D
Haha, I knew I was right :D
in your face!
not really. I still trust in them ;p
he means it literally I guess
I meant it literally too, without guessing even
You know what you mean :)

I wanted SL to win :(
gl jungs :)
gl both

tosspot epic shoutcaster

evilynn mad
hope you will be able to speak properly :p
Should be fine, he said it wears off after 3 hours plus tMoe are still playing a third map v UK so will probably start late anyway :)
i know :>
nice :)
gl tMoe, but SL will prolly roll over you. :(
we rolled them, like always, you failed
And i'm glad I did. :)
ska the coolest goldrun ever :D!

well played

nice to see germans pwned by polaks rly well done. now time to prove skill in EC and @LAN.

Quote of a day:

Quote by TosspottMoe is like cookie, a small cookie(...)
I think I said they crushed Speedlinks first stage on Supply like a cookie
a small cookie
tMoe made fewer mistakes and had better team play in general. Thanks for the cast Toss!
sl lacking teamplay, eg no1 stayed behind duke at the end and the medics got fragged leaving the engi alone against 2 axis. But great game.

why does every polish player/tmoe player treats every victory, as mediocre as it was, like they've just proven that they invented warm water?
they won the main online competition which is running at the moment. If you wouldnt get excited about that id ask why you are even playing.

I wasn't saying they can't be proud about their accomplishment, just be abit modest about it and don't act all ego towards your opponent, some respect is in order. By mediocre victory I meant that their winning was more due to sl not performing as expected than anything else. Some tmoe players played a great game ofcourse.

And no offense to ESL, but usually the competition is less stiff in ESL. I'm pretty sure I played final or semis with bF/nkNn or ictus, I don't even remember, let alone being that excited about it ;). But I guess that's just me, I never bothered to follow my clan's progress through any competition.
there's not been any respect in a long time (sure there's some exceptions but majority are one hundred percent douchebags when it comes down to respect and how to act)

And yeah different reactions are expected. You might not care about your own team or a cup but here you are following others' teams progress. Not sure what that means though.
I care about my team...
I just play every game I play to win a game not to win a competition, so to me it matters little at which stage I'm playing. I didn't mean any disrespect to people who do, those are the people who made me able to play competition because I would never arrange a war or participation in a cup myself. And I just watched the game because I saw it appear on "now live".

Perhaps some respect is lost, but from what I've seen most people at the higher echelons know eachother and treat eachother with some respect. I just hate any form of nationalistic boosting or egotistical behaviour and I can't help myself but to comment on it. I'm very proud of being flemish but I will always try to give credit where credit is due, nothing more nothing less :)

EDIT: anyways, great games, I just hope they will be abit more likeable if we get to see more of them.
not every! in my opinion it was fun game and sl played well!
that's what this game is all about! :p
you are the only one from your team who wouldnt have to go into my gas chamber :) Be proud.
crook so mad because polaks invented warm water that he invented ice-water to cool off the warm water which got invented by polaks winning ESL league competition.

on a serious note :

I think getting rid off stownage/flopje and now kresti aswell has made their teamplay go down down down down downnnnnn
crook so mad he gonna beat your ass at lan!
kresti left by himself, we didnt "got rid" of him
I know :p

but am I right ? :p
ofc its different, specially if you always play with a different 5th

but there is no motivation to prac atm for no competition so we gonna take a break for like 1 month
Quote by wallethey won the main online competition which is running at the moment. If you wouldnt get excited about that id ask why you are even playing.

Wasn't there?
it's over, so wtf are you talking?
just what duke said, i left by myself, just missed my old buddys , and iam not really active atm so :p, just hanging around with my new team and playing time to time :p, to bad SL is not improving i really wish them the best :)
well I still think the possible skill snoop & gifty brought to speedlink fades away compared to the teamplay that has disappeared ;p
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