:h joins NORDIC-eSport!

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With recent win in ESL's Winter League 1st league Poland:h head hunters, formerly team of Polandto Make odds even gaming, started to look for a new home, so we could fight not only on online, but also offline battlefields. After some time of talks with various gamings we came across organisation with viking roots. It was DenmarkNORDIC-eSport, where from the first talk things were looking good. After few days of talks and negotiations, with both sides happy we joined their ranks and are now ready to fight for more trophies in 2011 under their name.

Change of home was not the only change we made though. After Polandska's recent departure due to personal issues we had to look for worthy replacement. We found one in person of Polandpalemki, current member of Team Poland and ex-member of such teams as Poland1stCav Esport Club and PolandFear Factory ATI. With such addition we are sure to fight with strongest European teams in upcoming EuroCup season.

DenmarkNORDIC-eSport.ET lineup:

PolandKamil "fanatic" Peplinski
PolandDawid "Voodoo" Wojciechowski
PolandSebastian "errol" Polskowski
PolandMaciej "sUPERsTAR" Trefon
PolandMateusz "palemki" Palma

PolandRobert "Robaciek" Niesluchowski (Manager)
PolandMilosz "KrolZ" Otrebski (Manager)

We're glad to see new organisation in Enemy Territory community and we hope that more gamins will follow after them as there are still many teams out there who deserve same chance as we got. Here's what team's manager and DenmarkNORDIC-eSport's CEO had to say.

Quote by RobaciekWe've been looking for organization to work with for some time now without much luck. We got in touch with NORDIC-eSport quite randomly thanks to R0SS and ever since I got a feeling this is the place for us. After few days of talks with Acker we got ourselves a deal and we are more than happy to join ranks of this fine organisation. We are looking forward to fighting under their flag in upcoming offline and online events and we hope that we won't dissapoint. Thanks to our sponsors: PENTIA, RAPTOR-GAMING, CustomData.dk, Meebox.net, Blue-Elph, SpeedGaming.pro, X-Shells, E-S.se - Please follow us at #NORDIC-eSport

Quote by Casper 'Acker' Ackermann, NORDIC-eSport's CEOIt is with great pleasure that we today are able to announce the Polish Enemy Territory team, formerly known as To Make Odds Even, in our gaming range. We have been in contact with the team for some time now and it seems like both parts share the same ideals regarding NORDIC-eSport's future and the future of eSport in general. The team will attend their first LAN event under the NORDIC-eSport name when they are heading towards the TLR eSports Challenge in July 2011. At the TLR eSport Challenge the ET team will wear our new 2011 shirts made by Gamersuniform - They will be awesome!. Last but not least, thanks to our sponsors PENTIA, RAPTOR-GAMING, CustomData.dk, Meebox.net, Blue-Elph, SpeedGaming.pro, X-Shells, E-S.se and please stay tuned to www.NORDIC-eSport.com and our facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/NORDIC-eSport/165463176812266 .

Site: http://www.nordic-esport.com/
Source: http://www.nordic-esport.com/news/450_NORDIC-eSport+Enters+The+Enemy+Territory+Scene+By+Adding+The+Former+tMoe+Side/
Even the English in the banner fails.
hifi superstar ! to jest to !
QuoteDawid "Voodoo" Wojciechowski
Sebastian "errol" Polskowski
Maciej "sUPERsTAR" Trefon
Kamil "fanatic" Peplinski
Mateusz "Palemki" Palma
Robert "Robaciek" Niesluchowski (Manager)
Milosz "KrolZ" Otrebski


hahahaha ;p
all the best my polish friends
I ALWAYS forget about that
Good luck :)
Good, these idiots were a disgrace to the tmoe tag.
Good luck, nice team to play against! :)
is it not a bit weird ska quits the moment you get a new lan sponsor. |
he didnt even know that Robaciek is looking for new gaming^^
true, im just saying its a bit weird ;) not saying he is dodging :>
he quit before that
exactly, they clearly discussed searching for lan support, then ska quits :|
if they were speaking about getting lan support it would have been months ago.
not suspect what so ever! ;D
dont ever write your real name on an esportwebsite

google is able to track you and if you re searching for a job in some months, then your new chef will probably google your name

oh wait.. poland and jobs :xD
Only nerds is checking name on google, i dont rly think chef will waste time on tracking name on google :D
my chef did so...he also checked my facebookaccount ;)

depends on your boss tbh. if he isnt thaaat old and a bit up2date, then he will check it. and i dont know if you want to let your boss know that you are playing this games in your freetime..
ye maybe facebook, i dont think he will care enough or not taking you to his job / company if you are "okay" when you had discussion for the job ( date )
who cares what someone does in their free time? o0
I guess he'd rather care if your posting pictures of your last party on facebook where you were dancing drunk and naked on a table with nothing on but a bra on your head...
Well its just safetier if you dont use your whole name here. You never know how your boss is. Maybe he is such a freak and googles your name, clicks on the 2nd page on your Crossfirenewspost, clicks on your Profile and sees your ragecomments with racistic pictures. I dont say that it will happen, but you never know...

I never thought that my boss could do that, but he did (with facebook). Thanks god i hadnt uploaded partypics there. Well, okay my boss is pretty cool and only 10 years older than me (29)....but not everyone can have so much luck. Id always be careful with the internet!
he was just trying to find some naked picture of you, hes a pedobear, dont worry.
it's normal that pimps check theirs bitches
thats why you organise trivium's bbqs and take off pants in front of gnida XD
thats why u own in autofellatio
A boss would deny you a job because you are playing a videogame on a competitive level?
if a recruiter has to go through 70 applications he will drop a good amount by random factors like this... it is possible that he sees this as an advantage aswell though.
It's not allowed to play games?
read comment above
Well I've heard that they search your name on facebook quite often, just to know what you're up to. But they won't go as far as looking on your cf profile and checking your comments.
simply the fact that you are playing an alike shooter will be rather negative to most "chefs" and thus could in the end cost you the job offer ;)
I don't see how playing games can affect your work performance.
it does not, yet most "older" people or even non-playing younger people rate gaming (especially shooters) rather bad and believe me it does have a negative effect for job offers :D
If your boss has to pick between you and an other guy and finds out that you play online games on a competitive level, he'll more likely be picking someone who seems more serious, cleaner, etc.

And imo, this does not go only for your boss, because you can come across many people who want to harm you and could use what they find on the internet as a threat against you..
ur german turk and dare to hate on polaks?

god ur either dumb or clueless
Agree with you ! And I don't get why people replying to you aren't aware of the risks...
The boss will see I can negotiate with foreign institutions, I can cooperate with other workers, I had bussiness departures...; D

oh wait...Turkey and jobs...searchin for work in German kebabs
quote fail?
alright, so you just made a racist comment, now what will your probable new boss think about that?
i self lord and master
good mgc, hf
thanks bro : )
nice, good luck :)

e: if you need some communication help with the danes, i could help you out
gl, palemki is a good pickup.
serious business
hassan sounds 1000000x better than superstar :D

gl. one of best(if not best) teamplay teams in Poland ec skilled history.
not even close =D
if FF would have such a teamplay they would be able to win EC imo.
ur stupid :D
he has his own world leave him alone :(
they always lacked motivation and pracc's at the end
yea thats what i wanted to say. if they would be 24h per day praccing nerds they could reach much more :)
congrats guys :) hopefully see you in july
gl krolz
who is superstar?
dunno who that is either :)
was some 3o3 player
lan + ska = unsolvable
actually he has already played @ lan, what about you? any enlarged, or not yet :D?
im not interested in random yerman lans, since im playin in eu team.. but unfortunately all major evebts were in exam time - so will be tlr challenge. oh just btw... idc if u believe or not :)

nor im playing in a team with sponsorship and 24/7 play attitude to become one of the best teams - which is a obvious goal of :h.. but right after sponsorhsip announcement he left the team, looks pretty much like early dodge dont u think so?
GL. Underrated team that has a lot of potential and a great org.
means a lot from mr. underratedoverrated :D
by great org he meant Poland blk
image: 7fc6f228b4051674e95dce78ccdc8ae7
fail? :b
ETQW would be worse ^_^
gl palemki ^^
too bad you have a cripple like robaciek as manager though, has to be said.

clan-manager who wouldn't even support his team at lan.
he found this gaming for us, not anyone else
it's not extremely hard. wouldn't be surprised if he just used the project phoenix template and sent it to them @ email.
I didn't finish making that template yet
even empty nutshells like realize (<3) can bag nice orgs, not extremely difficult
you go get one then :)
im not managing a team
you keep ignoring me at irc and crossfire, whats wrong with you?
sorry I don't usually reply to pm's straight away, I forget about them sometimes :P whatsup
find me on #iym I'll speak to you over there.
who said that he wouldnt go to antwerp with them(if there will be free menager spot for team) :).
aef isn't even announced yet. besides an org like nordic would prolly support the manager too.
isnt there menager spot for free?@TLR lan?
no, they pay a fee. (technically)

or he could just go as a spec.
Palemki !!!!!!!!!!
need pics of the shirts now!
cool, good luck !
good luck, you will fail
hai polaks , added you all on my facebook
A very nordic lineup.
You're omitting a shitload of determiners.
lol news
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