NC XIV: LB Round 5

image: 33nyxcl

Tonight, at 22:00 CEST, team UK will face Germany in the fifth round of the lower bracket of NationsCup XIV.

The two teams are equally skilled, yet most people expect team UK to win; will the underdogs, who are Germany, succeed in beating the odds?

Team UK beat team Poland in the fourth round of the lower bracket last week while team Germany beat the Netherlands.

Shmoe and Baggiez stated the following:

image: s_head

United Kingdom Baggiez:
Last time I played UK vs. Germany in the CB NC was April 2006. The Lineups were:
United KingdomUK
United Kingdom Ste
United Kingdom marvel
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sheep
United Kingdom Baggiez
United Kingdom Novi
Germany butchji
Germany biqq
Germany riddla
Germany rAmiN
Germany urtier
Germany evil

5 years ago I was really nervous before this game, and after UK took the first round on braundorf I started spamming about the World Cup final '66 and how we were going to smash them.

Unfortunately for us, that Germany lineup had some amazing players and they subsequently raped us on the next 2 maps. 5 years later, razz and I will have our revenge.

image: s_foot
image: s_head

In my eyes, UK has been one of the top contenders all along. They got a top lineup, only weak point being the not existing rifle.

We know, this is going to be our hardest match so far. Although we beat the Netherlands again last week with some kind of b-lineup, we did not show our best performance and I am sure we can top that.

As always, I am quite confident. I know my players and their talent to shine when its crucial. We'll see if we can beat them again, like last season ;).

image: s_foot

Be sure to join the action as both owzo and eujeN will be shoutcasting!

image: s_head
United KingdomUnited Kingdom

United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom crumbs
United Kingdom Baggiez

Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany drago
Germany KRESTi
Germany s1LENT
Germany reAz
image: 2vc7p15
image: game25112
Tonight at 22:00 CET
Listen to owzo
Listen to eujeN
image: s_foot

hf mates :)
gl germany
very nostalgic story
nice story Baggiez, gl! :p
owzo, fuck yeah!

gl uk :D
bet on ger, don't let me down
im gonna get wet. o_O
why dont we get newsposts :(
no news about fin-be ? perhaps i'm blind
we are not as skilled as UK and germany boy :p
who is/was Novi? Never heard of him;O
I believe he was in 'LGND' at the time and when UK trials got going, he got chosen. Team-SoF who were the majority of the UK team at the time started playing with the UK boys alot and I think recruited Novi in SoF. I think he was a rifle..
Oki, thx tox <3
We never recruited Novi. We had me, Ste & marvel in the UK team at the time so jon (nGotie) couldn't be in the team as well (max 3 from 1 team). There were basically no others rifles so had to take Novi, who was basically shit. And yeah he was in LGND
close though!
Fuck me. Seen this 6 years later. Thanks for the good words mate, I'm glad you thought I was a premier talent in the ET Nations Cup scene. In all seriousness though, hope you are well.
omg reaz omg
the old nazi lineup looks amazing
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