UPDATE: Frostbite Sunday

image: frostbite_sunday

Announcing a small one-day cup to take place on Sunday 10th of April 2011, this cup will mainly be seeing if some changes made to frostbite bring it back into top level competitive scene after recently being looked over in favor of Karsiah.

Two changes to the map have been made, there is now a flag in the position of the Allied CP for quick and easy spawn caps - this is an advantage for allies at the beginning of the game but means that Axis, who would normally always be on the back foot when defending, have a chance to give themselves a break if they can push forward and cap the flag. Another change is that the button on the big main door on back cannot be pressed anymore cannot be pressed by allies, it is axis only, if Allies wish to go through the backway they must plant the wall - not simply have one guy jump and press the button for people who cannot trick jump. Everything else remains the same, including the 25/30 spawn times.

The format of this one day cup as well will allow the admins for the upcoming eSports Challenge LAN get an idea on how long a group stage will take - from start to finish. The current schedule for the competition will be:
  • 18:30 CET - Check in (#FrostbiteSunday)
  • 19:00 CET - Group game 1
  • 20:00 CET - Group game 2
  • 21:00 CET - Group game 3
  • 22:00 CET - Semi Final
  • 23:00 CET - Grand Final & Third Place Game

Each group stage round will have Frostbite as the main map, as well as Radar, Goldrush and Supply - the decider map for all games of the group stage is Adlernest. For the playoffs each team chooses a map from: Goldrush, Radar, Supply, Adlernest - the decider map for the playoffs is Frostbite.

The competition will be 8 teams, with so far a number of skilled teams being interested. We are hoping for as skilled a team list as possible and so far the interested teams are:

Initial 8 Teams:
Belgium WinFakt
United Kingdom Power Gaming
Ireland UV-Gaming
Denmark NORDIC eSport
United Kingdom Next-Evolution
Netherlands OVERLOAd
United Kingdom Team Dignitas
Europe Queens


At the moment there is only a small prize pot, which is 50 euros, all of which would go to the eventual winner (to be awarded at TLR's eSport Challenge event, unless a non LAN team should win). If any more money were to come into the prize pot this would be spread across 2nd and 3rd place before the 1st place winnings would be raised (ratio 5:3:2 of prize pot).

We are lucky enough to have hosting done by the very familiar YCN-Hosting, who will give us the servers needed for this competition as well as being able to use TLR's quality cup system, which is very straight forward to use - to compete only one player needs to sign up their team to the TLR Cup page located HERE and they can add all players onto the roster. Only teams with 5 players in their roster all having proper SLAC ID's will be allowed to compete in the competition. The 8 teams playing in the competition will be announced no later than Thursday the 7th of April.

Please remember this tournament is mainly to test out the new frostbite and game times for consecutive games between 4 teams.

Thanks to Germany eiM for producing the script changes for Frostbite in the download as well as Latvia Clown and Germany urtier for conversations & ideas about changing of the map. Also anyone else who test, played or gave feedback on the changes over the past week.

Signup: HERE
New Frostbite Script, thanks to eiM: HERE
IRC: #FrostbiteSunday
I heard meez is avi
He's gonna try the ladder this time.
even if he tried the ladder vs dignitas, he would have got shot even easier
I talked with matias about it and tried it myself with mates
ur still wrong, u go up the ladder, hide behind that block, do 1 single strafe and ur already in.
both snipers would have shot him at the same time on the end of the ladder, believe me, dignitas didn't choose that tactic and the summercup configs didn't disable using 2 snipers without a reason
ok mongol whatever
and take drago's panzer in the face :P
Quotepeople who cannot trick jump

that's an easy jump lol

anyway gl to all, sounds cool!
we played it!
Quoteincluding the 25/30 spawn times.


ffs way too hard math !!!
was tested with 20/30, did not work :D

bind x "timerset 25"
Steven Seagal's birthday :) cool date

but in rtcw we could press the button to open the gate ....
true dat - perhaps they should make the button for Axis Only ?
they did the button for axis only ....
In RTCW you can't open the doors via a button, you can only jump over the wall / blow up the wall
did rtcw have mines and rifle nades?
luckily not
it was rhetorical
karsiah is cool
maybe do smth like if Backdoor is destroyed, flag isn't recappable anymore :p?
why? being able to recapture the flag is the main reason for its implementation
atleast now I know the reason why were asking for a pic of frostbite on #crossfire yesterday ":D"
all rush side, plant, boom and caps flag, would make it even more uneven for axis since a covert cant even blow cp anymore
Europe epic might be avi if you can't find other "highskilled" teams ;)
nice one MerlinatoR!

i suppose u just disabled button action for allies, or did u remove the button for both teams? lol
currently both, could be possible to add axis only (unsure) as I know some people wondered 5 people through little door (although there is boxes to jump over too) this is only a test though and I don't doubt something will need to be changed afterward. :)
Yeah thats what i thought, quite messy to get out of that door when ure in a hurry lol :D what about the ladders? wouldnt it be more exciting if allies could get up there(cp) by two ways. I think Axis would be really busy! :P
simple changes first! :P
yea!!! just an idea for future changes mate :D well i hope these recent changes work, good luck!
maybe add ramp or something at the left side... jumping boxes is always so slow when more than 1 player does it.. with ramp it would be izi to just run there :P
It's gonna be really fucked up when Allies get the objective and axis are going to defend the transmitter. One rifle at the door, 5 man kill and the last stage is out.
This stuff @ back button is shit.
Imagine 5 axis going to the radio have to use a small door? hello landmines / nade / rifle
definately possible m8 just get ure mapper to do

axis, cvops

on the entity
ye and lets play with 3/4 fops

no seriously, go play rtcw if you wants that, or just play ET..
eim in action again, ruining good maps since 2007.

"Axis, who would normally always be on the back foot when defending, have a chance to give themselves a break if they can push forward and cap the flag destroy the cp"
eiM only implemented the changes he was asked to, he's not responsible for the choice behind the changes.
im not sure if this reply is 100% true, me is watching you!
its the truth :< I do not even like playing Frostbite :D
then who said "not simply have one guy jump and press the button for people who cannot trick jump." ?:D
I do not know where you are going with this reply :D I didn't
well i hate changes in a map because people are too lazy to check side and count 5 ppl....
same in 3on3, no side allowed is just for people who want to sit on one spot aim on one spot and only press mouse1. "not simply have one guy jump and press the button for people who cannot trick jump." same guy who said this is prolly saying in 3on3 "no side" aswell. If you try something new ok, np but don't give such reasons to change it...
I agree with that. Though as far as I understand it, these changes are supposed to make the map harder for allies and make it last longer in general. I do not think the removal of the button and thus removing the point of trickjumping the back was done because someone dislikes trickjumping or using side BUT to make it harder for allies to rush the backway and easier to defend for axis. One may say that it is not really hard to hold the back on frostbite either way but still it makes it a little bit easier.
well imo 1st stage was good, obj part is i think the part where axis have hardtime defending, except if a team has good a placed rifle. But i don't think the map lacks anything it's more about announcements and how to react on it. Might have some ideas to test last part( changing some walls there) pm tommorow if interested:)
well approach Merlinator with that please as I really do not have anything to do with the changes except giving my opinion when I do them ;)
fuck u et killer
fuck u et killer
eiM is shit
eiM, killing ET since 2007.
idd fuck you eim, he ruined my ET, my esl matches, my life, hes such a bad boy on ts, irl, lets burn/gas this nazi



haha hes like you, german, like to use gas :P 8)
hihihi, greetings to all jews
cheers from the chamber of the secret 8D
low cup for a low game
if you don't like the game then why do you browse the ET community website
noting more mr
1. play Battlefield Bad Company 2
2. call ET a "low game"
3. ???
4. profit
Swedenvktr :-)))))))))
watch out for Tupolevs flying low
nice, my fav map <3
newsflash ding ding ding ding the only thing that might save ET is 6on6.
even more torture now with the flag
who changed the map? CP was easy anyway, since covert can destroy it if he watches spawntimes, i don't see why a flag now....... allied will be now more defending flag :) and not being able to open axis backgate is the biggest joke ever, once allied steal obj : 5 axis through 1 door make it more easy please...........
only need allied panzer easy win
now every rambo can capture it instead of a smart covie 8(
Agree on 5 axis and one door. Will be lotto headshot.
lotto? just aim at the door & nobody will get through. :)
Nice work eiM
the back way thing doesnt sound very good

as soon allies take the obj its game over !
Tbh, a recap-able flag and stimes of 25/30 don't work imo @ frostbite. Now allies need to stand back 10/15 secs for pushing axis and incoming nades. Also the axis spawn and allies spawn are not far away from each other, so if u push for obj with 5, and 1 of axis just sneaks through its gg alrdy :(
sounds nice :)
dont like changes at all , wont play it , will fail.
no point changing a map after soo much time imo :, the map is ok as it is..
thats why u so low
sounds pretty interesting :)
hf to all other teams
frost and adler are perfect already :( don't touch them :(
nice banner and nice to see people still trying to help/improve things (can`t judge atm if the changes are good/bad...but the fact that guys are testing something new is positive)
so you took rtcw version of this map back ? nice.
avi for this cup
welcome in rtcw
I just dont understand already why karsiah is chosen above frostbite. Now with this changes it will be only worse
it's not in YCN cup ;) HAIL ME!
Buildable repairable back-gate perhaps? Dyna-destroy-only, not satchel.

And can you fix the first-spawn-bug, now it spawns always up when the round starts.
this was one of the things someone mentioned, I think it was done like this (as its not like this in any other map) to stop a fop easily spawning low to throw a strike over. can still be done if he is quick though.
You can still easily make that strike, even have to wait a little bit. Now you just dont have time to protect the back way otherwise than spam the gate from the other side.
finally baggiez can win something
not sure if serious
due to popular demand, the button for backdoor on frost is axis-only, allowing you to open it to get to transmitter but not allowing allies to hop one over and have a mass attack on back within seconds.

The initial decision was made as I personally did not realise it could be done, so that is my fault. Thanks to eiM again for changing this and to the nicer comments about it probably not working. :)

download the new frostbite script, version 2.0, if you wish to test it out.
that's cool ! :)
nice!!!! would love to see the tests :p pmme if needed !
you are aware that the "tests" are a public cup which will have ETTV? ;)
i meant the ideas and stuff :p
who cares that you cant tj? sore loser edit -.-
Good job Merlin!
thats just great
imo. flag should be un-cap-able for axis after destroing service doors by alies.
I tought about it with friends today, that's a really great idea.
the flag cap is just stupid will be fucking hard for allies now :D
No it won't, it means the rifle / panzer / random nade isn't going to take away the fact the allies have completed (imo) the hardest stage for them on the map... Also for the axis to take it back they have to time it correctly and be quick, they can't do that stupid satchel throw from underneath.....
harder sure, it was far too easy before really :p
so actually it is not new but more like a step back? (RtCW version ":D")
stepping back up if anything. since frostbite was such a popular map in rtcw and one of the least popular ones in et obviously it was the et version that failed at some point.
rifle failed
sad but true.
Quotenot simply have one guy jump and press the button for people who cannot trick jump

encouraging people to start trickjumping?
encouraging people to plant the door if they wish to go through it
ATM the average map time is like 2-5 mins, the changes aim at allowing the axis to hold for longer. The cup itself is to test the changes to see if it does play any better, if its still bad, it wont be used afaik. Adding the flag imo gives a better option, like pushing the whole team out first on goldrush bank defnce, if you send two to get flag when docs stuggles, they completely cut off the main docs running route, but if they have to do this with a covert, if they slightly mis time it its all over, but with two meds they still can do something.

My opinion is people axis won't adapt well to the new style, and will lose flag straight away, then moan. Followed by the allies attacking once all dying and losing flag, with perhaps further moaning

I personally suggested village as a good map to test out, but i guess that is too much change.
good changes but should fix the spawntimes too next
what is there to fix? 20/30 was far too easy for allies in the first tests :) Rather ALL et maps should be switched to spawntimes along 25/30 20/25 so the outcome of a map or match is not dependant on spawntime-luck
Can't say I agree with these changes, just seems to make an irritating map more irritating. I imagine it'll result in shorter times being set too but I guess we'll see. :)
lol @ community

no wonder that ppl call ET dead game when they are against all new things, while we are talking only about flag instead of CP now (like it changes a lot game, rotfl). also i do not know how you played frostbite, destroying side wall allowed axis for faster rush to transmitter. button was only useful (in allies) while u were at side and wanted to delay their rush to transmitter.

fuck off and go play WoW

+ RTCW was 8 min time, wasnt it?
skilled teams


where is turbot ?!
reload, am disappoint
i think it's gonna be more like et_ice, nerds always recapping and then the map takes forever :/
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