Bloody Sunday!

image: etAs every Sunday the schedule is full of fast-paced Enemy Territory action and with 21 games to be played this evening I am more than sure that everybody will find his very own favorite game to watch. I will write a short summary about some of the more interesting games and you can find all necessary information plus some player predictions below this text. The first game I want to talk about is the clash between Germany Team Germany #1 and Estonia Team Estonia #1 in the lower bracket of the 3v3 NationsCup.

Exactly 1 month ago we had the same situation in the upper bracket whereat Raul, mant and freeze were able to beat the German side with 4:2 but tonight the boys around gr0ss can take revenge and eliminate their opponent out of the cup. Some hours later you can switch from 3v3 to an interesting 5v5 match between Europe The Queens and Czech Republic iR. After a superb performance against oxid the Queens are the team to bet on nevertheless you should have an eye on Loo and his crew - maybe they can surprise by taking home a win on Frostbite. Right at the same time but on another ETTv-Server we got Germany teamoxid vs. United States of America Justice League. pumu and his friends have to performe really well because by loosing there is nearly no chance to proceed to the YCN Spring Challange playoffs due to their recent loss against rage.

The previously mentioned team Denmark Rage-Gaming will play their second groupgame against Estonia glitz and for glitz counts the same as for oxid. They have to win to qualify for the playoffs but it will be no walk in the park against known names such as Lazio, Eirik or griim.

One of the more predictable games (atleast on paper) should be the game between Germany Team Rockit and Europe iNmotion. After a weak EC qualifier performance against Power Gaming the rockit team has to improve and all but a 4:0 win would disappoint them.

Last but not least we got the only EC qualifier for tonight - Netherlands OVERLOAd against Europe Eurotrash. Both teams got great individual players and with the likes of joshua and Ati_ fighting against Kevin and Sheep an exciting battle is preassigned.
image: s_head

image: s_news

Germany Germany #1

Germany s1LENT
Germany gr0ss
Germany Mouratidis

image: s_news

Estonia Estonia #1

Estonia Raul
Estonia mant
Estonia freezer

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 19:30 CET
Maps: sw_Goldrush_te, Special Delivery TE
League: image: et3v3 NationsCupimage: game25211
image: s_foot

image: s_head

image: s_news

Europe The Queens

Iceland phyZiC
United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom razz
Finland miNd
Malta toxiccc

image: s_news

Czech Republic inteRaction

Czech Republic jalo
Czech Republic Loo
Czech Republic milhAus
Czech Republic Green_Clon
Czech Republic denton

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: sw_Goldrush_te, Frostbite
League: image: etYCN Spring Challangeimage: game25165
image: s_foot

image: s_head

image: s_news

Germany Teamoxid

Germany Bl4d3
Germany pumu
Germany stRay
Germany Kevji
Moldova eujen

image: s_news

United States of America Justice League

Latvia Clown
Estonia frEeze
Netherlands aphesia
Netherlands zak
United Kingdom crmbs

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: sw_Goldrush_te, Frostbite
League: image: etYCN Spring Challangeimage: game25188
image: s_foot

image: s_head

image: s_news

Denmark Rage-Gaming

Croatia frozz
Denmark fryzer
Belgium Lazio
United Kingdom griim
Norway Eirik

image: s_news

Estonia glitz

Estonia Ajit
Estonia x3NJa
Estonia Edgar
Estonia p4t
Estonia doppler

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 21:45 CET
Maps: sw_Goldrush_te, Frostbite
League: image: etYCN Spring Challangeimage: game25137
image: s_foot

image: s_head

image: s_news

Germany Team Rockit

Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany s1LENT
Germany sTOWNAGE
Germany Mouratidis
Germany gr0ss

image: s_news

Europe iNmotion

Iceland rNz
Finland rouska
Estonia infi_
Netherlands Xo`
United Kingdom theeZakjii

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: sw_Goldrush_te, Frostbite
League: image: etYCN Spring Challangeimage: game25192
image: s_foot

image: s_head

image: s_news

Netherlands OVERLOAd

Netherlands saKen
Netherlands joshua
Netherlands Ati_
United Kingdom Kamz
Croatia suVi

image: s_news


Poland Cursed
Belgium Kevin
United Kingdom Sheep
Finland Stuka
Germany Oxy

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: sw_Goldrush_te, Frostbite
League: image: etCB EC XXIIIimage: game25161
image: s_foot

And again: to round this newspost off I gathered some predictions from known gamers -
QuoteGermany vs. Estonia will be a very close game but I am confident that we are able to take this by 4:2.
Queens vs. iR: Although iR recently have improved the Queens will not give the win away. 4:0 for Queens.
oxid vs. JL: JL will win due to the awesome ingame leader Clown and his experience (maybe oxid can surprise by taking one map).
Rage vs. glitz: This will be one of the closer games tonight. Rage had some bad moments in the past and glitz is playing very well so I will go for a 4:2 for glitz!
rockit vs. iNmotion: We should not underestimate our opponent but nevertheless if all things will work out 4:0 for rockit.
ovr vs. Euro: OVERLOAd have developed a good teamplay and Eurotrash is kinda new so I think Ati_ and his rifle will take it. 4:0 for ovr. - Germany Mouratidis

QuoteTeam Germany #1 vs Team Estonia #1: Both great teams with great players, they have faced each other in the past ending up with 4-2 for Estonia. I guess the story will repeat itself, mainly because Estonian guys have higher experience. 4-2 for Estonia
Queens vs inteRaction: iR have a stable lineup, being playing together for a while provides them some extra team play, but at the other side Queens have better player aimwise with higher experience. 4-0 for Queens, aimers will delivery
teamoxid vs Justice League: I'm not sure how teamoxid is performing, mainly because it's a "new" team, but they surely have good players, especially Bl4d3. Justice League have been playing together for a while. I guess Justice league 4-0 teamoxid.
Rage-Gaming vs glitz: I have no idea who glitz are or how they are playing. I guess it's a easybash for Rage, 4-0
rockit vs iNmotion: rockit and inmotion players are sticking together for a while/ played together before, they seem stable, although I think rockit guys are definitely more experienced / stronger. Either 4-0 or 4-2 for rockit
OVERLOAd vs EUROTRASH: Thought match...strong teams, eventhough eurotrash still seems like a recent mix to me, but let's not underrate their power... 4-2 for Overload; Player to watch: Joshua - Portugal ag0n

QuoteQueens vs. iR: 4-0 for Queens. iR are bad.
oxid vs. Justice League: We have played vs. Clowns team a few times. They were very bad. But oxid are worse. 4-0 to clown.
rage vs. glitz: Rage are awful. Glitz are worse. 4-0 to Rage.
rockit vs. inmotion: Rockit lineup is bad. Inmotion is worse. 4-0 to rockit.
ovr vs. eurotrash: A team with kamz and ati will fail. Not tonight though, because eurotrash are awful. 4-0 to badverload Poland wiaderko

QuoteTeam Germany #1 vs Team Estonia #1: EE are playing together since a long time and are pretty good - same goes for gr0ss, s1lent and the new addition of Mouratidis, but EE will take it 4:2.
Queens vs iR: iR have a good teamplay with super medic aka damage whore aka jalo, but the Queens are a good mix of skilled and experienced players, 4:0 for Queens.
oxid vs JL: With oxid`s recent addition of pumu and Bl4d3 the team seems stronger but it will be not enough against the experienced guys around Clown. JL will take it easily 4:0
rage vs glitz: Rage will win easily with their nice aimers (namely griim and Eirik) because I can`t see glitz winning with their two new guys.
Rockit vs iNmotion: Rockit should take it easily if iNmotion wont try to troll :P , 4:0 for Rockit
ovr vs eurotrash: This game will be tight... eurotrash are still improving their teamplay but I think they are not ready for the five smart OVERLOAd guys. 4/2 for ovr - France kartez

QuoteTeam Germany #1 vs Team Estonia #1: I believe the match will end 4:2, win Germany. They have had some good matches, and I believe they want revenge for the 4:2 loss they had vs this Estonian team last time.
Queens vs iR: I cant see anything else coming out of this match other than a solid win for Queens. They have a strong lineup, and I cant see how inteRaction can be even near a mapwin vs Queens.
4:0 win for Queens
oxid vs Justice League: I think this will be pretty even, but the best Clown of all clowns will take this home for Justice League! 0:4
Rage vs glitz: I know Eirik recently got his dick dipped (and more than once), so im quite sure he has had other things to think about than ET. Even tho, I dont think glitz can show anything near the skill of griim, Eirik and the rest of Rage. 4:0 win Rage
Rockit vs iNmotion: Rockit full of skilled people and iNmotion is another story. They might be good, but my 3 year absence from ET has made me not so familiar with those new faces, I doubt they have what it takes. Easy win for Rockit: 4:0
Overload vs Eurotrash: Here`s a tough one imo. This is a match I believe will go to a decider map. After two entertaining maps which will end in a draw, overload will take home the last map and win with 4:2. - Norway Snuble
4:2 EE/DE
4:0 Queens
4:0 JL
4:0 Rage
4:0 Ri
4:2 ovr
i like the way how u underrate every german team :)
must be the first newspost ever with that title
well - Ger vs. EE, Queens vs. iR, oxid vs. JL, rockit vs. iNmotion and OVERLOAd vs. EUROTRASH was kinda long... ;D

and I am/was too tired to find a more/better fitting title, gimme a good proposition and I ll change!
Nerdy Sunday
Sunday Clash!
Incredible Sunday!
Enjoying Sunday!
Shining Sunday!
Merci, toi aussi.
Quote4-0 for Queens with miNd after 2 bears, 4-2 after 4 bears.

haha n1 :D
Sheep still playing?
he's playing LoL pretty much aaaaaaaaaaaalll the time, whenever his girlfriend lets loose of the leash for his daily 30minutes of free time.
not seen him play ET in a while
u didnt fold yet? strange
How they can fold before playing EC qualis you fucking idiot?
Who the fuck are you?
ask ur mom, she knows me really well, even tho she always see my face from below
wadafuck no statements?! what happened SPU
erm check the bottom of the post
OK all fine :p
GER 2 - 4 EE
Queens 4 - 0 iR
Oxid 2-4 JL
RAGE 4-0 glitz
Rockit 4-0 iNm (4-2 if adler is being played)
Overload 4 -2 Eurotrash
Nice having confidence, you bastard! are you playing tonight? Cuz then we will rape face! :)
I want to play, but I'm not the one deciding who plays
i have a feeling you'll paly!
would like to stream but eujen is going to nerd with oxid :D
gl pumu!
fanboy ihn nich zu hard er muss noch viel lernen der kleine padawan
gl gambit
Nice but EE1 - DE1 -is not a Clanbase hosted cup, but hosted by myself & Nickje.
deleted the clanbase ;) god job and thanks for fixing!
give us a news post on our own then!
hf mant and raul
This title has never been used.
that banner is amazing :O

e: to kartez: Mouratidis = Kresti :>
spu edited a lot of things

exemple: [00:20:58] [kartez] 3v3 ger vs ee: team ee are warping togethers since a long time and are pretty good, but same goes for gross and silent with the add of kresti a nice

he also turned the sens a bit (oxid vs jl: i only said 2 new players for oxid (pumu) and blade as a strong aimer

too much changes, its useless to ask guys on irc to write comments about that if he changes much, cheers
i was not sble to understand your sentence with pumu und blade... and kresti asked me to change his nick to mouratidis because thats his new i have done that... cant see any big/bad changes besides the wiaderko logs but that was not me...still trying to find the guy who have done that
[00:27:27] [kartez] oxid vs jl: oxid recruited pumu and the strong blade whois pushing his team to the victory but their teamplay decreased from their old line up i think, jl will take it easily 4/0 with their experienced players

maybe you will understand better :p
well u changed a lot of words as i can see and sometimes its change a bit the sens, just try to changes less next time please :p
what about TLR? :o
too one sided ;)
altough it would be interesting to see some statements about "mystic's comeback". In the case it would be true because some screenshots tell another story.
anyway, will get a nice sunday evening to watch =)
Vital gaming will crush them.
In that picture... Is the engi trying to repair the fops' bum ole?
Im not a freezer.
You are actually.
f*cking superstar :OO
oi kes on välja ilmunud :D
ye, you are Poland Freze
is our game not interesting enough ? :P

GER 4 - 0 EE
OXID 2 - 4 JL
who is mouratdis??
n1 giving glitz a chance :D
stupid new nicks... bs
idd shit nick imo :P
idd a nick with "nerd" in it is much better:P
thats only my cg nick :P

ingame i dont use it so, yes its better 8)
iNm is Obviously gonna rape rockit.... Silly people underrating us!
they forgot that both maps have obj. runs in them, now prove them wrong! :D
lol, prediction from a guy who hasn't played for a couple of years? :D
yeah.. imagine how stupid it would be if someone asked Cantona or Pelè to give predictions about world cup games.

I agree with you saKen! :p

Good luck vs eurotrash.
not really relevant as they're probably still watching most of the "big" games - just doubt you have been following the scene while you were gone and since you haven't been back for that long I wonder if you're anywhere close to up to date :) either way wasn't meant as personal attack or whatever, just thought it was a little odd he'd ask you for predictions.
cheers for the gl!
I totaly understand what you mean saKen, so my reply was just with a bit of a smile:)

I havent been back long, only a few months, and I was gone for 3 years so you are very right.. My predictions are mostly based upon the players i know from earlier, and i also tried to check out abit on how earlier matches had gone to get a little feeling:)

Its anyway fun to be asked as one of the "known"gamers.. i honestly dont feel im very "known" anymore:)
You aint. You are random dtekt player
hehe, dtekt..:) was fun to play for them during SHGopen-Lan in Copenhagen 2007, but else from that i wouldnt call me dtekt player no.

other than that.. ur pretty much right..
I was trolling more or less :D
Even I am more oldschool nowadays than newschool.

Everything is fucked up .:D
btw, not THAT bad from an oldie:)

the scores wasnt exactly my predictions, but i only had one match with wrong winner:)

congrats on ur win! well done!
TLR not important enough
Wiadro ego prick.
WTF happened to my predictions!
Baggiez had his hands in! He's mad!
hey, i just came back from work...havent changed anything..will try to find out who it was
wiadro more backstab
Trying to sound like Baggiez isnt a good think.
baggiez is a dick
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