YCN: WinFakt! vs. Wolf Crazy Killer!

image: et1Yesterday we were able to watch the cream of the crop on ETTv trying to get a good seed for the upcoming CB EC XIII or in some cases atleast a spot for one of the most anticipated online event this spring. Whether on Supply, Radar, Goldrush or Karsiah there were a lot of thrilling actions and by checking the recent journals you can see different points of view about fair play and how to act in a case of rule abuse. I will not take a position but I want to add that every single person should think about his actions and behavior - wouldn`t it be nice to have a good game with shake hands at the end?

So far, so good. Now let us come to the actual point of this news. Tonight is another big game starting right at 22.00 CET on Radar and Bremen. It is a clash between some of the real old school gamers and the newer generation for the first place in the YCN Spring Challenge group 3. The old schoolers I am talking about were playing separately in big teams such as Kreaturen, SoF, Team Delta, Impact or Idle.ee a few years ago and just some months passed since they have joint forces in Europe WinFakt!.
teKoa, Baggiez, dialer, wiaderko and perfo in one team means incredible power and a hell of experience.

Their counterpart Belgium Wolf Crazy Killer consist of talented players from the newer generation - except for xAv (I count him to the old schoolers as well), and just time will tell if the `youngsters´ can take the `oldies´ to the cleaners.
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image: s_news

Europe WinFakt!

United Kingdom Baggiez
Poland dialer
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands teKoa
Poland wiaderko

image: s_news

Belgium Wolf Crazy Killer

France Aniki
Belgium xAv
France quAke
France An7ho
France kartez

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Date: Tonight
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: Bremen_b3, Radar
League: image: etYCN Spring Challangeimage: game25314
image: s_foot

Here we go with some predictions:

QuoteLooking at the lineups this is a clear 4-0 win for Winfakt. Eventhough I have been told from reliable source that they do not perform at their expected best. So there surely is room to surprise (yet again) for WCK. Fight! - Germany eiM

QuoteThis will be a one-sided game in my opinion. I was quite surprised to see wck winning their 2nd qualy, but winfakt aint team-oxid. Players to watch: perfo & xav- Belgium Jere

QuoteEven though WCK did surprise many people last night by beating teamoxid, one must not forget that they did lose to JL.IDK a couple of days ago. Winfakt will most likely beat WCK just as JL did. - Israel LION

QuoteWinfakt has a very strong line-up, but I have no idea how they have been performing lately. WcK is very active and just suprised vs teamoxid in their EC qualifier and won it with 4-0, wich should give them a moral boost. I still doubt they'll be able to take a map, 0-4 to Winkfakt. Players to watch: Baggiez and xAv - Belgium Boss

Luckily, I have a day off so I can watch the game and if you don`t know what to do just head over to GamesTV.org, grab the ETTv-IP and enjoy the show.
gl frenchtards ;)
no simoon no win
I like your news', Spu, keep it going. ;)

WinFakt! is definitely going to take this with a 4-0; good luck to WCK tho.
tbh, yesterday was only our 2nd "well" day with this line up so far but it wasnt a surprise for us to beat team oxid ( we played against them a lot on irc with our old and new line up )

but tonight will be hard ( better oppos ) and with another rifle for us wich isnt rly active :p

we will go for the surprise :xD
you should that mention WcK sealed their EC quali yesterday, but nice new anyway ;)
Glad to see WcK doing well, they've been a clan for a longgg time. Still, 4-0 winfakt.. :D
Succes Jeroen :)
You have € 5 on be nonpro Cancel bet
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lol LION.. JB.idk ? JB like in jungle brothers? :D
GL both. Hop my teammate will surprise tonight.

Just a thing to add, we are not so newschooler. We are all playing for at least 5 years but we are just playing at a good level for some month.

Hope i'll get a better english in some month tho :D
C'est quoi un niveau google?
~4 years here

xAv, lol no comment

ps: not agree with ur "playing good lvl "shit :p
Do SoF proud Bagzworth
Quotebig teams such as Kreaturen, SoF, Team Delta, Impact or Idle.ee

Feels good man :D
SoF clearly the superior cdap department
Baggiez is a cunt
when will starzi be back???
remove xAv, add SIMOON and you get an EC team. :DDDDD
maybe he isn't avi sherlock!
xAv is better tbh
I know, I was just messing with SIMOON :D
no maxuh no win
maxuh isnt wck
were there no better games to write about ?
nah just think you guys have to take this with ease:p
mh well check the gtvschedule for tonight...it is the best match imo ;)
apologies then !
Haha copain je suis desolé mais Winfakt est un petit peu plus fort pour vous :$
mais alors qu'un tout petit peu ^^ :D
Mais de toute facon je te souhaite bonne chance ! ( c'est correct?:$ )
oui c'est parfait ;) merci l'ami belge <3
c'est une erreur de jeunesse ;p
c'est toi l'erreur de jeunesse :{D
c'est pas faux... :'(
Maybe if you sorted your damn game -.-
WCK's a pretty good team tbh, but with that name it sounds like some random jaymod clan :(
oh you, stop with that, u were talking same shit around 1 year ago @ gtv xD
I know, haha! It's just bugging me ^^ I'll mind my own business from now on ;)
hope xAv dominates, and baggiez makes himself look like an idiot whilst being shit

i.e. uk vs germany
QuoteEven though WCK did surprise many people last night by beating teamoxid, one must not forget that they did lose to JL.IDK a couple of days ago. Winfakt will most likely beat WCK just as JL did. - LION

No offense to oxid, they are really friendly and stuff but they are kind of overrated. I had really no doubt about wck winning this game.
why on main news :/ , yeh is TODAY´S best ettv match , cuz there is no other, but it is just a one sided game :)

wp tekoa
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