zZz goes NORDIC

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After recent announcement of releasing Enemy Territory squad except Poland Robaciek, that has become the manager of ET section, Denmark NORDIC eSport were left with an open spot in TLR eSport Challenge lan. Recent experience could build a bad point of view about ET scene. However, they were able to quickly catch a second wind after receiving an application that took the shine out of the previous one. Several meetings brought a conclusion that Denmark NORDIC eSport will be represented by Denmark SleeperZ. Hats off for the brand new lineup consisting of:
  • Belgium Lazio
  • United Kingdom griim
  • Norway Eirik
  • Belgium Sup3r
  • Belgium uNDEAd

  • Poland Homer manager

Going back to the roots, the team's main goals is to finally fighting their consecutive way into Clanbase EuroCup podium, after finishing the tournament on 4th place twice. What is more, successful performance on TLR eSport Challenge is more than welcome.

Quote by AckerOnce again NORDIC-eSport is back with a Enemy Territory squad, this time in form of Sleeperz. I'm very happy to welcome the team in the NORDIC-eSport family. The team will attend the TLR eSports Challenge in July thanks to all our great sponsors RAPTOR-GAMING, Customdata, PENTIA A/S, Super Avisen, Excellent Servers, Speedgaming, and finally MeeBox - and stop by at our Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/NORDIC-eSport/165463176812266

Quote by HomerWe are more than happy to join NORDIC-eSport. Our main goal was to make a successful appearance on a lan event, thanks to them, we will attend to TLR eSport Challenge. We hope for a long and productive co-operation. At last but not least, big thanks to the sponsors in NORDIC-eSport: RAPTOR-GAMING, Customdata, PENTIA A/S, Super Avisen, Excellent Servers, Speedgaming, Phoinx.net and finally MeeBox. Wish us good luck and see you in Enschede !:)

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gl guys! :p
See you there :)
GL griim and Belgians
gl men

and dave
jonas strikes again :D
get it??

dave FEMALE! :d.d::D:D.D.d.D:D:DDDD!
good luck :)
now nerds can stop spamin me!
What happened with Rage?
They randomly decided to cut back on teams. We were one of em.
nice deleting your comments
No problem at all my sweetest friend !
gl Robaciek !
gl guys <3<3<3
cu at Enschede :)
Gl people ;)
nice, hf Lazio and co ;)
gl griim!
:( rage-dave was so fitting
Nice lineup. To bad it didn't work out with Rage.
sup3r without al1? gl
weird huh ?:)
we do not approve this!
What will roba do if Homer is team manager?
read news properly :x
Quotethat has become the manager of ET section

Robaciek - manager of ET section of Nordic
Homer - manager of ET team of Nordic

basically like it yeah, I do same shit as usual, just sharing responsibilities with Homer

Teams don't even need a manager (imo), so long as they have at least one competent player that can organise games. Finding an MGC is probably the most taxing task and that is already done so I have no idea what you and Homer will find to do :/
we just sit around looking ugly, pro manager working

Homer also dances salsa around
You can annoy other teams in EC games
actually I can't cuz I'm EC ref :(
but u just did it yesterday with wck
pro managers like me get to play
Like I'm going to share anything with you :D!
you're inferior now bitch! DO MY LAUNDRY
I can do one of your female colleagues.
me and female colleagues ":D" I see what you did there ya cheeky bastard!
nice team gl guys!
omg Homer omg
gg fryzer frozz bf etc :p
Good choice Nordic, a team worth the name! GL guys and see you there :)

:h got kicked for unstable squad, like this is stable squad

These players have histories in 2 of the most stable squads ever.
why lie man


2007 --> 2011 , still playing together .. umad?
be Sup3r Sunday, 11th November 2007 17:09
gl Sup3r you da man !
cheaters allway wins XDDD
lost yesterday!
haha u jelly
They didn't get kicked for that btw. They were kicked for being immature and not representing their MGC the way NORIC wanted them to.
whats up with every ET team having atleast 2 netcoders costumers these days?
kruip terug in je hol
new level of gaming
looks promising. gl
best of luck nice lu :)
undead & super @ AEF? :>
undead and sup3r played very bad at AEF ! THEY SO DODGY! Sup3r also very low at cc6 (shoutout impact)
where frizer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Went inactive, lack of time to play competitive gaming.
what happend to fryzer frozz, crook chizz6l and al1?

but gl :)
crook chizzel and ali are getting 2 guys to play with them in EC groupstage afaik
thx to RAPTOR-GAMING, Customdata, PENTIA A/S, Super Avisen, Excellent Servers, Speedgaming, and finally MeeBox we have this great team. i hope that the team of RAPTOR-GAMING, Customdata, PENTIA A/S, Super Avisen, Excellent Servers, Speedgaming, and finally MeeBox will do as good as they have done before already. RAPTOR-GAMING, Customdata, PENTIA A/S, Super Avisen, Excellent Servers, Speedgaming, and finally MeeBox made everything possible.
eirik is boss.
old sleepezr :D
awesum <3
sup bro, im kinda gone
stopped avtive playing again X)
far from old x)
what about :h ?
good luck guys :)
good luck Homi
gl lazio cuz ur a faggot
Gl Dave eirik and belgiums
gl & cu at lan
Good luck guys.
thank you merlinator for deleting my comment, i don't have nothing against sup3r , but i made that comment for fun just to make really big discussion out of it ;-D
gl boys, well deserved!
top 5 on Lan , GL guys ! :-)
where is frozz? :))
I asked frozz to remain as backup
kk,.. gl anyway buddies ;)
gl Eirik :)
gl guys <33333
Way better lineup than those polak motherfuckers
good luck ! :)
The only thing this scene now needs is to suVi to join up with Sample Ensam and co.
6v6 back & we can have the old phan lolzz!
:D guess what our tag is !
lekker nice
good luck & have fun dudes! aleks eirik rainbowdave<3
GF left allready? :)
nah, but she took me playing ET pretty cool so it didn't bother her so much :P as long as I didn't play WoW she was happy :D
sounds like the right girl to me:)

well done!:)
maybe i should tell her about ur wow history !
gl mates :)
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