CB EC Third Match Week

image: 161cld2

EuroCup XXIII has reached its third and final group stage match-week, this week will determine which teams will reach the playoffs and which teams will be left behind to contemplate on what went wrong and how they could improve next season.

Tonight, Sunday the first of May, will hold host to six EuroCup XXIII games while tomorrow, Monday the second of May, will hold host to four more games.

Group A
Group A hasn't been extremely startling as Queens and NE both beat WcK and k1ck thus currently Queens and NE are equally topping the group with two victories and an equal amount of net secondary rounds (6).

Tonight WcK will face k1ck on supply and adlernest and Queens will face NE to determine who will lead the group into the playoffs.

Group B
Group B, unlike A, has been quite fortuitous as during the first match-week RAAB beat, against all odds, team nevo 4:0.

During that week Power Gaming beat bF 4:2. During the second match-week the same team which beat nevo lost 4:2 to PG and nevo beat bF 4:0.

The following scores have placed this group in an interesting situation and this week will all be down to the rounds as currently PG have 8-4, nevo have 4-4 and RAAB have 6-4.

Thus, for example; if RAAB beat bF 4:0 and nevo beat PG 4:0 then RAAB will be placed first and nevo will be second, yet if nevo beat PG 4:2 then RAAB will be placed first and PG will be placed second. There are, of course, many other possibilities and outcomes.

RAAB will face bF this Sunday, the first of May, at 21:00 while nevo will face PG this Monday, the second of May, at 22:00.

Group C
With three matches still remaining, as Winfakt used their wildcard last week, the two top places are still up for grabs.

During the first match-week ovr beat UVGaming 4:2 and WinFakt beat rockit 4:2. During the second match-week rockit beat ovr 4:2.

Tonight WinFakt will play two consecutive matches against ovr at 21:00 and against UVGaming at 22:30. Tomorrow UVGaming will face rockit at 22:00.

Group D
In similar fashion to group C only three matches have been played as Codelust used their wildcard during the second match-week.

During the first match-week tMoe beat cL 4:2 and TLR beat IDK 4:0. During the second match-week TLR beat tMoe 4:0.

Tonight the Finnish team Codelust will face TLR (now known as anexis) and try to recover from their loss to tMoe. Tomorrow IDK will play two consecutive games against cL at 21:00 and against tMoe at 22:15* (*subject to change).

image: s_head

bF can still make playoffs :P
was a nice rape on ec with our best and active line up ":xD"
bF gonna make playoffs xx
lol@group B, shoutout top5 predictions :D

Group C also cool drama, Rockit and WinFakt to playoffs <3
gl queens, uvgaming!
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