ET Cast - Nationscup Special

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This is the second edition of ET Cast, covering all news since the last update. With a slight change in how and when we cover items, we will release an episode of ET Cast after a major event or announcement on hopefully at least a monthly basis.

ET Cast Covers the following in this update:
  • Scene News
  • Team News
  • Competition Updates
  • ET Cast Top10 March
  • Fragmovie of the Month March

This episode covers as much as we could since the last update, including the Clanbase Nationscup XIV, 3on3 Nationscup as well as major team news and high skilled competitions.

PhoenixTV presents ET-Cast
ET Cast February, s01 e02

Clanbase Nationscup XIV - Moments (Available in 720p)

Thanks to United Kingdom galla for his research for the ET Cast Top 10. If you feel you can contribute in any way at all, be it watching games regularly and want to give input for any future moments of the month or creative or imaging skills you may have, feel free to contact myself.

[center]Youtube Channel ::: Top10 March[/center]
great job
u r the greatest! gj
dont like those cams
gj :)

shouldve taken uNDEAd his +- 12headshot action on adler though
was it in the last 2mins? didnt notice it :(
was on attack :p he killed like 4 guys with 3 headshots each and then we got docs.
which match? and do you know the exact minutes or something close to iT?
belgium germany loserbracket final adlernest, exact time dnno .. around 2-3 mins or smth, we set a time of 4.
what for ?
for telling me exact match and time so i wouldnt have to watch the whole match for just a few seconds of shooting, AKA for sparing me time :D
no I mean why do you want to see it ? :P just out of personal intrest or are u a moviemaker or smth.

have u seen it yet ?
no i was just curious because you said "4 kills 3 hs each" i was like "wtf thats insane i gotta see this" (it was 2 ppl with 3 hs and 2 ppl with 2hs btw :D)
haha oh well still 10 headshots :P
ye wtf only mAus makes those kills :P you seen mAus' 5 man kill on east radar with team west? that is one of my favourite killspree ever. he's protecting east alone and 5 man spawn cp he just goes into garage and waits for them to come and kills them all got insta-orgasm at that part :D
just watched it, nice except for the alienware cup part :D
nice cast, i shot myself with the panzer :*(
awesome casts by owzo great job !
I still think you should base top10 on skill rather than on activity
what should I base skill on? :p

it's also based on performance not activity, in whatever the highest played competition is in the current month - Aprils results should be good :) and more to most peoples liking.
just take only OC prem/EC teams in consideration :x if I make team, rape 10 low clans in CB ladder I'll be #1 cuz I has most wins? come on
these were the only teams that played 4+ 5on5 games in March :) and yes 'if' you did that you would probably be considered when there is no EC or any other competition actually happening. But it wouldnt likely get you into the top 10, as everyone in the top 10 played at least 3-4 EC Qualifier / invite teams.
you wont you would get raped by lows
nice again!
owzo such a good shoutcaster :D
don't really understand how you do the team rankings tbh

When there isnt any real top competitions going on it is pretty difficult to do it for sure - but its down to teams to play games - If I based it on anything else it wouldnt represent anything other than my opinion & would likely be quite similair month after month.
well not that I really care but you showed our team in top4 of these cups twice in this episode and still we didn't make top10 ?:D
the top10 was March, when these cups were played was April, that top10 I hope will be out within the next week. :)
just a small point. Dignitas cup you had 2nd Nordic and 3rd Nordic/overload. Think you meant 2nd Nordic.

Great work again! :)
always one mess up ;)
Nice work though, loved the top 3 moments!
2nd were nevo afaik and 1st were TLR, not dignitas.
yup noticed :( I added annotations in youtube no idea how good they are or how long they take to actually come on :)
well done
nice work!
i dont understand rly much in the first video awesome accent, NOT
It's talked quite clear tbh
wow, fragmovie of month D: ty
that moments movie rocks
wp flop krest reaz :d

and keep up the great work merlinator!
Good Job Merl!
good NC moments
wow @ top 3 moments :))))
truly loved this one! Well done!
ENSAM so crazy :p
great job merli!
Good one :p

Hope my pc will get fixed soon D:
Nice, thanks for mentioning 3o3NC :)
rly nice :)
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