E-Series is ready!
9 May 2011, 00:52
In just under a week’s time, six teams will make their way to Weesp in The Netherlands to take part in the first ever KTV E-Series for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. For those of you who are still not sure what this event is or what it’s about then allow me to recap the basics for you; E-Series is a LAN event run every few (or so) months by the Dutch online broadcasting company Kaos TV. Their most successful LAN events have been 1 day Call of Duty 4 events and this series continues. The guys at Kaos TV happily agreed to trial run an Enemy Territory tournament on the 15th of May, and should everything go to pLAN and the community show their hunger for me, then this will become a regular occurrence!
Aside from the obvious involvement from Kaos TV and myself, the most notable efforts you be passed over to Jere and, of course, Felix. Jere has been working really hard to make teams sign up and pay, and has also corresponded with captains from each paid team in order to determine the map list for the event. Felix has played an extremely crucial part in the event actually going ahead after he, very kindly, paid for 2 teams to the event out of his own pocket! With those thank-yous said and done, I would now like to present to you the final information regarding the event!
Date: Sunday 15th May 2011
Location: Kaos Gaming Centre, Weesp, The Netherlands.
Teams attending: Power Gaming, OVERLOAd, Belgian Fraternity, TAG, Team Zodiacx and FiF.red by #g2p
Format: 5v5, round-robin group, top 4 proceed to single elimination playoff (all rounds bo3)
Prizes: 1st - €500, 2nd - €150 hardware
Admin: Jere
Maps: Adlernest, Bremen (b3), Frostbite (standard version), Goldrush, Radar, Supply
Kaos TV website
Aside from the obvious involvement from Kaos TV and myself, the most notable efforts you be passed over to Jere and, of course, Felix. Jere has been working really hard to make teams sign up and pay, and has also corresponded with captains from each paid team in order to determine the map list for the event. Felix has played an extremely crucial part in the event actually going ahead after he, very kindly, paid for 2 teams to the event out of his own pocket! With those thank-yous said and done, I would now like to present to you the final information regarding the event!
Date: Sunday 15th May 2011
Location: Kaos Gaming Centre, Weesp, The Netherlands.
Teams attending: Power Gaming, OVERLOAd, Belgian Fraternity, TAG, Team Zodiacx and FiF.red by #g2p
Format: 5v5, round-robin group, top 4 proceed to single elimination playoff (all rounds bo3)
Prizes: 1st - €500, 2nd - €150 hardware
Admin: Jere
Maps: Adlernest, Bremen (b3), Frostbite (standard version), Goldrush, Radar, Supply
Kaos TV website
2/3 TAG/ovr
4. bF
5/6 FiF.red/zodiacx
give me a P give me an O give me a W give me an E give me an R,
P O W E R -----> POWER !!
if POWER-GAMING can't do it, no one can !!
from L to R :
appeltje eitje die lan
tbh its hard to say which one is the best because they are all playing on similar level. anyway one of the four will win.
uNDEAd got benched cuz he bad :S
2. PG
3. ovr
4. ZodiacX !
5. FiF.red.<3 lova ya bros :*
6. TAG
ps. TAG TO WIN BBQ STYLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Epic Owzo shoutcasting will be epic!
4. Team Zodiacx
5. FiF.red by #g2p
6. bF
gl bF xD low on lan xDDDDDDDDD bF fail on all lan xD still attending xDxDXD
But Jere will do this!
ausserdem was will man schon in münster.... fahrräder klauen oder studieren so wie ohzor4 der spast, aber sonst kannst doch da nix machen.
ich süchtle in ennigerloh hinter warendorf rum. :D
Köln war vorhe bestimmt auch in deinem 200km radius also gtfo!
welche annehmlichkeiten? ...... muss ich dich auch noch auf meine liste setzten wen ich in ms umfahre, also pass auf wenn du mitm fahrrad unterwegs bist. passiert mir in dem behindertern dorf so gut wie jedesmal das mir son arsch an fahrrad fahrer fast ins auto fährt oder ich einen umfahr jenachdem.
hmhmhm wenn man nich auto fahren kann^^ aber in MS fahr ich auch ungern auto, drum rad :p
na ja das sagst auch nur als student :D
bzw bisher hab ich da bzw im bullenkopp immer bis ~ 5uhr gemacht, kann ich also nicht bestätigen. und natürlich sag ich das nur als student :D Als alteingesessener fänd ichs scheiße
3/4. ovr/tag
5. yermans
6. fifred
already talked with seanza about that, no need to talk again with this :p
FiF.red needs 5th , psy is not coming :(
edit we've got new 5th Fostrum
Good luck.
who the fuck eats at that time dinner? that's called snack time...
2/3. Power /Overload
Good luck, hope you manage to fulfill that LAN-organising dream! :)