Welcome to the EuroCup XXIII Playoffs

image: cbecxxiii_medium

After three weeks in which we saw 16 teams battle each other in over 20 matches, the group rankings are final and 8 teams will continue to the playoffs of EuroCup XXIII.

First Match-week Games:

image: 2myp8h0

Playoff Rules
  • 1. A playoff match is played at least on 2 maps. Both clans select a map from the map list before the start of the match and inform the cup admin at least 30 minutes before the match is set to start. The admin will not announce maps until both teams have confirmed their choices with him/her. In case both teams have chosen the same map, the second map will be selected with the conventional method of map elimination, preceded by a cointoss. The admin will choose which map is played first.
  • One SW round will be played on each map.
  • The admin will choose which map is played first. (The map which is played first is usually the first map to be announced by a team.)
  • Each team will decide on which side to start on the map chosen by their opponent.
  • Round wins are added to determine the score: the team that wins a SW round receives 2 points; if both teams fail to set a time in a SW round, both teams will get 1 point. So possible scores after the two first maps are: 4-0 3-1 2-2.
  • In case the game is tied, an extra SW round is played on one of the remaining maps from the maplist. Teams take turns eliminating maps. The winner of the coinflip eliminates the first map, followed by the other team until one map is left to be played. When a map is selected, the team which didn't have final pick chooses who attacks first
  • Clans are forbidden to chose the same map, previously selected in their two most recent playoff games.

ClanBase wishes the best of luck to all the participating teams!

Sweet. =)
:D Great.
Get Queens in groupstage - get TLR in playoffs :P too bad for ross that he'll be going to loser-brackets this soon.
you got better brackets then us though, look at your LB ;)
Sometimes we prefer the loser bracket. Like last season! :P. Im not online till Monday so will msg you then. cu alekzzz and gl! x
queens _____________queens
raab____________________________________________anexis :d ( beating queens again from lb)

codelust will win 100% sure

1. Anexis
2. Queens
3. Winfakt
4. NE
5/6. PG/Ri
7/8. RAAB/CL
You should never underrestimate power of Finland!
haha it's up to them to punish me!
fuck you :D
gl codelust!


Queen 4:0 PG
RAAB 4:2 Ri
Winfakt 4:0 cL
anexis 4:2 NE

Queens 4:0 RAAB
Winfakt 0:4 anexis

Queens 2:4 anexis

PG 4:2 Ri
cL 0:4 NE

Winfakt 4:2 PG

Winfakt 4:2 NE

Queens 2:4 Winfakt


anexis 4:2 Winfakt

1. anexis
2. Winfakt
3. Queens
4. NE
5./6. PG + RAAB
7./8. cL + Ri
ur LB fails, teams switch sides when they lose in 2nd round WB
so winfakt - pg, raab - ne?!

e: edited
look at rankings, this EC it is ;)
wow im surprised :p
gogo codelust!
how did Ri get into playoffs by losing every jame ?
bF = which team ?
Undead & Sup3r play for NE I think
can we have OC playoffs, please?
where NEVO ? ^^^^^^
1. Anexis
2. Queens
3. NE
4. WinFakt
really? Did i miss something here? I've been inactive for a while but last time i checked Anexis (impact/TLR) were probably the top team in this EC due to dignitas not being in it... what changed?
I'm not sure I get your comment ?
Sorry i read this as your winners for this round of matches not your prediction for the final standings of EC... my mistake
He has TLR as winning?
'Did i miss something here?', guess he missed that one:p
hmm i thought that was a list of his winners and he had NE further down as winning... or so i assumed
ok sorry i mist be having a slow day... this is his final results i guess, i thought he was giving predictions for this round of games and thus was confused by how he had NE going through... :)
haha xDDDDD
Ah finally I can fulfill my lifelong dream and say:

Didnt even know there was EC going on

I feel so cool now
actually I came to the same conclusion :)
no dignitas?
dignitas didnt play EC i think
Ye looks that way :/
dignitas too good for ec :P
hmmm i'm not so sure :p
no money, no dignitas
ah i see :D
retarded of them to play for money really, especially in et when its usually pretty low and u still gonna split it to 5
gl NE :)
where TLR?!??!?!?!?!?!
sup with OC ?
Codelust underrated gonna surprise
overall standings-

#1 Anexis/Queens
#3 WinFakt
#6 Rockit/CL/PG

these matches-

4:0 Queens
4:2 RAAB
4:0 WinFakt
4:0 Anexis
it's not 3on3 saKen :D
lowest ec ever
walle going for gold
Upper Brackets :

United Kingdom Queens 4:2 Benelux Power Gaming
Finland RAAB 4:0 Germany Rockit
Anonymous WinFakt 4:0 Finland CodeLust
Germany Anexis 4:0 Denmark Nordic e-Sport

United Kingdom Queens 4:0 Finland RAAB
Anonymous WinFakt 0:4 Germany Anexis

United Kingdom Queens 0:4 Germany Anexis

Loser Brackets :

Benelux Power Gaming 4:0 Germany Rockit
Finland CodeLust 0:4 Denmark Nordic e-Sport

Anonymous WinFakt 4:2 Benelux Power Gaming
Denmark Nordic e-Sport 2:4 Finland RAAB

Anonymous WinFakt 4:0 Finland RAAB

United Kingdom Queens 4:2 Anonymous WinFakt

Grand Final :

Germany Anexis 4:0 United Kingdom Queens
Go codelust!
goodluck nevo.....oh wait.
Fins gonna pown!
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