E-Series LAN

image: e-series_smallerThe time has now finally arrived for the first ever Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory E-Series LAN event to take place. After a few bumps along the road in preperation, we are finally ready to go live at the Kaos Gaming Centre in Weesp, The Netherlands. Unfortunately, there will be no stream for the event due to the cost of Owzo's flight rocketing up by the time the last team confirmed their attendance.

Through the wonders of Hamachi, we've managed to get around the port issues with the network and will be able to start bringing you ETTV, just in time for the last group match and the playoffs! Thanks to Marcus from YCN for suggesting the idea and to h3ll from GamesTV.org for setting it up.

Sadly there has been further issues with servers and the games will now continue to be played in offline mode meaning no ETTV for the moment.

As it was only one team complaining about having to play online, Jere has decided to take the majority vote and force all matches to be played online for the benefit of ETTV! The first match is about to go live!

Score updates

Round 1[/i]]
Netherlands OVERLOAd 4 - 0 Team Zodiacx Germany
Europe TAG 0 - 4 Belgian Fraternity Belgium
United Kingdom Power Gaming 4 - 0 FiF.red by #g2p Belgium

Round 2[/i]]
Belgium FiF.red by #g2p 3 vs. 1 Team – Zodiacx Germany (GamesTV.org)
Netherlands OVERLOAd 2 vs. 4 TAG Europe (GamesTV.org)
United Kingdom Power Gaming 2 vs. 4 Belgian Fraternity Belgium (GamesTV.org)

Round 3[/i]]
Netherlands OVERLOAd 4 vs. 0 FiF.red by #g2p Belgium (GamesTV.org)
Europe TAG 2 vs. 4 Power Gaming United Kingdom
Germany Team – Zodiacx 0 vs. 4 Belgian Fraternity Belgium

Round 4[/i]]
Belgium FiF.red by #g2p 0 vs. 4 Belgian Fraternity Belgium
United Kingdom Power Gaming 4 vs. 0 OVERLOAd Netherlands
Europe TAG 4 vs. 0 Team – Zodiacx Germany

Round 5[/i]]
Germany Team – Zodiacx 0 vs. 4 Power Gaming United Kingdom (forfeit by Team – Zodiacx as they had to leave)
Belgium FiF.red by #g2p 0 vs. 4 TAG Europe (forfeit by FiF.red as they had to leave)
Belgium Belgian Fraternity 4 vs. 0 OVERLOAd Netherlands (GamesTV.org)

Semi Finals[/i]]
Belgium Belgian Fraternity 0 vs. 3 OVERLOAd Netherlands (GamesTV.org) - bF left the server after the score was 3-0 to ovr
United Kingdom Power Gaming 4 vs. 2 TAG Europe (GamesTV.org)

United Kingdom Power Gaming __ vs. __ OVERLOAd Netherlands (GamesTV.org)

ez bF :))))))))
Good job btw !
QuoteThe first games are due to kick off at around 10:30AM

Haha! Good joke m8 :))
bF gonna rape faces :)
I could cast this evening for the semis & finals if needed
would be epic. finals are planned for 5am!
Hope you're kidding, this offer is limited to like 10PM GMT :P Work tomorrow
although i was kidding, with jere as admin its not too absurd!
By the looks of the current delay, it might just be 5 AM :[]
good gaming
<Gifted> Seanza that a lan without ettv or stream would suck :p
<@Seanza> you're right
<@Seanza> it does suck
<@Seanza> but not much we can do now unfortunately

Just play on the damn external servers.
Its not like you dont do this at home either :x
SQuid dont want to, cause then he wont be able to hit aphesia :))
a point playing at lan is to be completly lag free
your mom is lagfree
childish response
towards a child
aw now I can't see maurice fail :(
Could we at least, get score updates over here?
Quote I will also be updating this post with the scores as soon as I get them.

tag lost 4-0 to bF

sup3r raging
hahahaha no ettv ??? like on polish lans ??? LAN WITHOUT ETTV OMG FAKE LAN
omg polish cheater lan :P
I hope you can fix it :)
fake lan
no ettv, shitlan :]
What's the problem with external servers? You're all playing from the same place so there's no advantages/drawbacks for anyone.

Except for the viewer.
0 ping is what makes LAN's even more cooler imo :) imo it's just one of the nice lan factors
stop faking the scores, there is no lan
fck ja, hf gl overload!
ETTV on now -> starting soon with Round 2 games
The true story : admins gave me money so i can buy over 9000 brink copy.
thx for my key btw... installing right now :D
np i can sponsor you mumble/vent 2.1 servers too !

/q mamouth @ #mamouth
et Today 13:30 FiF.Red by #g2p be 25.79 vs. 1.04 be Belgian Fraternity 250 € on be BF Bet was cancelled
et Today 13:30 TAG eu 1.04 vs. 28.98 de Team - Zodiacx 250 € on eu TAG Bet was cancelled
et Today 12:30 FiF.Red by #g2p be 20.81 vs. 1.05 nl OVERLOAd 250 € on nl ovr Bet was cancelled
et Today 10:30 Power Gaming gb 1.05 vs. 21.75 be FiF.Red by #g2p 250 € on gb PG Bet was cancelled
et Today 10:30 OVERLOAd nl 1.03 vs. 30.92 de Team - Zodiacx 250 € on nl ovr Bet was cancelled
et Today 10:30 TAG eu 2.03 vs. 1.97 be Belgian Fraternity 250 € on eu TAG Bet was cancelled
et 12.05 21:30 Original Gaming fr 1.48 vs. 3.10 pl hEyo! 250 € on pl hEyo! Bet was cancelled

et Today 15:30 Team - Zodiacx de 62.13 vs. 1.02 gb Power Gaming 25 € on gb PG Bet was cancelled
et Today 15:30 FiF.Red by #g2p be 30.76 vs. 1.03 eu TAG 25 € on eu TAG Bet was cancelled
et Today 15:30 Belgian Fraternity be 3.57 vs. 1.39 nl OVERLOAd 25 € on nl ovr Bet was cancelled
et Today 14:30 FiF.Red by #g2p be 25.79 vs. 1.04 be Belgian Fraternity 25 € on be BF Bet was cancelled
et Today 14:30 Power Gaming gb 1.84 vs. 2.19 nl OVERLOAd 20 € on gb PG Bet was cancelled
et Today 14:30 TAG eu 1.04 vs. 28.98 de Team - Zodiacx 30 € on eu TAG Bet was cancelled
et Today 13:30 Team - Zodiacx de 33.29 vs. 1.03 be Belgian Fraternity 20 € on be BF Bet was cancelled
et Today 13:30 TAG eu 4.19 vs. 1.31 gb Power Gaming 50 € on gb PG Bet was cancelled
et Today 13:00 FiF.Red by #g2p be 1.22 vs. 5.55 de Team - Zodiacx 40 € on de zX.ET Lost
et Today 12:45 OVERLOAd nl 1.76 vs. 2.32 eu TAG 50 € on nl ovr Lost
et Today 11:30 TAG eu 2.03 vs. 1.97 be Belgian Fraternity 50 € on eu TAG Bet was cancelled

fuck off
et Today 16:00 TAG eu 2.91 vs. 1.52 gb Power Gaming 1,000 € on eu TAG Bet was cancelled
et Today 14:00 Power Gaming gb 2.09 vs. 1.92 be Belgian Fraternity 2,000 € on gb PG Lost
et Today 13:45 OVERLOAd nl 1.76 vs. 2.32 eu TAG 2,000 € on eu TAG Won 4,640€
et Today 12:30 TAG eu 2.03 vs. 1.97 be Belgian Fraternity 2,740 € on eu TAG Bet was cancelled

gbooky's #1 aproves this comment:

et Today 18:30 Belgian Fraternity be 3.57 vs. 1.39 nl OVERLOAd 2,000 € on nl ovr Bet was cancelled
et Today 17:30 FiF.Red by #g2p be 25.79 vs. 1.04 be Belgian Fraternity 5,000 € on be BF Bet was cancelled
et Today 17:30 TAG eu 1.04 vs. 28.98 de Team - Zodiacx 5,000 € on eu TAG Bet was cancelled
et Today 17:30 Power Gaming gb 1.84 vs. 2.19 nl OVERLOAd 3,000 € on gb PG Bet was cancelled
et Today 15:00 Team - Zodiacx de 99.28 vs. 1.01 be Belgian Fraternity 5,000 € on be BF Bet was cancelled
et Today 15:00 TAG eu 2.91 vs. 1.52 gb Power Gaming 2,000 € on gb PG Bet was cancelled
et Today 15:00 FiF.Red by #g2p be 20.46 vs. 1.05 nl OVERLOAd 5,000 € on nl ovr Won 5,250€
et Today 13:00 Power Gaming gb 2.09 vs. 1.92 be Belgian Fraternity 3,000 € on be BF Won 5,760€
et Today 12:45 OVERLOAd nl 1.76 vs. 2.32 eu TAG 2,000 € on nl ovr Lost
et Today 11:30 Power Gaming gb 1.05 vs. 21.75 be FiF.Red by #g2p 5,000 € on gb PG Bet was cancelled
et Today 11:30 OVERLOAd nl 1.03 vs. 30.92 de Team - Zodiacx 5,000 € on nl ovr Bet was cancelled
et Today 11:30 TAG eu 2.03 vs. 1.97 be Belgian Fraternity 3,000 € on be BF Bet was cancelled
No ETTV, no lan. Stop faking the scores :S
There is ettv -_-
You know what I am refering to, do you ?:P
No 'lan' ? :D:D
any lan pics or live stream yet?
We want pictures ! :)
I dont care! :)
gief livestream
players could just play at home maybe?
so glad et still has LAN-support!

great effort for the community, delaying for hours all the time just to play it offline then...
think the delay was for ins not being present :-)
fake lan
gl frauwe
Belgian Fraternity 0 vs. 3 OVERLOAd (GamesTV.org) - bF left the server after the score was 3-0 to ovr

they mad?
what's the point of playing a round of a game you lost on a lan that is heavily delayed?
Well you maybe got a point there but I still think they are mad bcoz 1h earlier they won 4:0
I doubt they're happy they lost, but I'm sure they did not leave the server because of that. Simply a delayed lan and ppl needing to get home in time.
they have to travel all the way back to BE while lan is already delayed. why waste time on 1 more round?
What's the point of winning a groupstage if you may be out after 1 game?
to play vs the "lowest" in bracket first. :p
not rly an advantage, if we would've ended 4th in groupstage, i doubt teams would've taken frostbite (or any other lotto map) vs us @ playoffs.
yup, thats why the format was abit weird, but i guess they realised that!
Win 5 games, lose one: go home :s
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