15000 Euro up for grabs at ESL Brink

image: championshipteaser
The ESL have announced a mammoth tournament for BRINK culminating in a grand final at one of the ESLs Premier events at Gamescom. The tournament starts ASAP as the Gamescom clock is ticking (its in August) with signups already open for teams to get into the tournament. Qualifiers will start on May 23rd with the group stages getting underway in earnest on June 13th.

Here is a quote from the official ESL Press Release:

"We proudly announce that we will start a European Brink Championship, the day this new title will be released! €15.000 are waiting für Europe's best teams! The big final will take place in August 2011, at the Gamescom in Cologne. Prepare for the battle now and maybe you will be on the stage while about 4 million people are watching you, at the world's biggest fair for interactive games!

Brink is the brand new post apocalyptic tactic shooter by Bethesda! It will be released May 13th 2011. On the day of the release we will start several opening cups, release cups in different modes and of course the Brink Championship with €15.000 prize money. Celebrate BRINK with us in this firework of fun events and serious challenges!"

You're going to win it right ?
I don't even have the game.

But somehow this is tempting to atleast try it out :-P

I hope that some ET team/player will win this-
i wonder why ESL supports this game
They'll have a promotion deal with the publisher
okei but this game sucks right now!

need alot of fixing
they don't care about how perfect it plays, they care about money. Welcome to the real world :D
cant agree :o i actually enjoyed the mix i just played :o make sure u play on real dedicated servers :0
recoil fucked
Biggest event about games we case so far, since Wolfenstein $10k tournament.
Have You played the game? Or just random fagflame coming from you?
I'm still waiting for my ggl wolfenstein medal :(
hmm but this isnt "news" ? , some1 already posted this ESL thingy.
money that you will never receive
I'm still waiting for the software packet we won ( in 2008 !)
its just one version (pack) anyways..no idea why they do such stuff in an 6v6 game ^^
Awesome for the game, i wish they pushed back the qualifications another week so everyone could set up properly and potentially give time for a competition mod to be made. Will try and get an Anexis team together!
Next Evolution.ESC will be offering a good financial support to a suitable brink team, if you believe you can achieve a professional standard please contact me.
need new pc sponsored first xD

just kidding, gl!
new pc is overrated
give me the game i'll play for you ! :D sup btw
:D do you know how to open console? :)
For this go to your steam library and find brink. Right click and choose properties. The on the General tab select SET LAUNCH OPTIONS and add this.

+com_allowconsole 1

Start up brink and open the console with tilde
:O n1, message me on irc and get some cash
sounds like a plan :D
or you can just ctrl+alt+` and then it is sorted already :D
dont have the game sir :P i just googled :D
bellend :D
lies. my pc cannot run it. Sponsor me plox
You should /q me
Do you meet those requirements? You play with Wakizashiuk so, I guess not?
I dont play with wakisashi actually :\
Quite early to announce such a big tournament. Have played the game for 5h and yet I know only one map properly
onko se kova peli
ihan OK, ei mitää suurempaa valitettavaa!
expect people to have played the game every day for 10 hours from the release date. COUGH Canada anim COUGH
lol'd, doing anything else?!
Is there anywhere to see how brink will be played? what team-size? Stopwatch?
No, I haven't looked very much on brink so I don't know what options there is
i would say stopwatch, since its in there and the only fair way to play.. and then.. i guess 5v5. no idea about all the weapon settings and stuff
Avi for this!
im avi if i can get a new pc to get more then 5 fps :<
7 fps here :D
its incredible man they have to fix this
8 fps... man the game its to heavey... geforce 8400m GS i know its not good but its 3 years old... they will loose thousands of ppl at the beggining cs of this...
there some demos in brink? To record footage?
nope. not working
hm, record is working but replay isnt atm, or am i wrong? :o
no, thats right
shouldnt they wait till the game gets patched/mod/shiznit?
can you play this game?
they should spend the money to fix the buggs
lol -.- get the promod ready before this shit. No point in playing the vanilla competetively atm.
Obviously the guys who play all day and night will win this cup, bad timing imo.
Wish I could have enough money to buy the game :[
its £23 on amazon.. €26 + shipping not as bad as 50 on stream
Still too much for poor polak :[
I have 5zl i could send to your fund?
Thx, but no :D
better bring ET active to ESL, get prizemoney, profit?!
no, will hold atleast 5+years! there are sitll some 2.55 guys who even dont know 2.6b :P
and many other jaymodders on 60!
Any dutchies who wanna play and win? pmme on cf <3
drago started a topic on competition settings where did it go? D: (ESL Brink forum).

Anyways the competition configuration is not too bad. It is possible to restrict class and global abilities to a set amount whilst keeping Rank levels open.

This essentially allows for all body types to be available (ofc light seems to be most popular for speed etc) but not class buffs. So you can keep the basics such as heal/health buff but turn off all the other abilities like level 3 turrets etc.

seta g_abilitiesGlobal "1"
seta g_abilitiesSoldier "1"
seta g_abilitiesEngineer "1"
seta g_abilitiesMedic "1"
seta g_abilitiesOperative "1"
seta g_abilitiesmedic "life_buff1,metabolism1"

^^ Thanks to rX'neg for helping figure that out.
turrets much?
can be locked or made not available using similar settings as above.
brink in the money
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