OVERLOAd win E-Series!

It's been a long day for a lot of us, but not as long a day as it's been for United Kingdom Power Gaming and Netherlands OVERLOAd. After a lot of initially-worrying delays, we have pulled through at the first edition of ET E-Series by Kaos TV. Your champions, ladies and gentlemen, are Netherlands OVERLOAd - a team who had everybody talking about whether or not they would actually go once they had signed up. For those who doubted them, let this be a lesson.
image: s_head

image: s_news

United Kingdom Power Gaming

Belgium Jere
Belgium siL
Netherlands ins
Netherlands Jo0f
Netherlands vANQ

image: s_news

Netherlands OVERLOAd

Netherlands saKen
Netherlands SQuid
Netherlands Ati_
Netherlands NoHead
Netherlands ZaK-

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Date: 15th May 2010
Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: Frostbite, Goldrush, Supply
Event: image: et Kaos TV E-Seriesimage: game26012
image: s_foot

E-Series was an event that was created as a trial-run for a potential new Enemy Teritory LAN series seemed to create an unexpected hype parade with ET community dwellers wakening up to watch their beloved game on ETTV. However, those hopes were destroyed when it became apparent that ETTV could not connect to the local servers. At that point, the community's expectations still had to be met and players started their 2nd round games by playing on online servers just to give the community their ETTV fix. Soon after that, there seemed to be something or somebody affecting the upstream at the venue which caused everybody's ping to sky rocket. Back to local servers it was. We eventually managed to connect to the local network at Weesp thanks to Hamachi and the rest of the event was caught on ETTV.

Final standings
Netherlands OVERLOAd
United Kingdom Power Gamingimage: e-series_smaller
3rd/4th TAG / Belgian Fraternity
5th/6th FiF.red / Team - Zodiacx

Thanks to
Netherlands smuggy from Kaos TV for allowing the trial to take place
Belgium Jere for being the admin
Netherlands h3ll for his outstanding server support
United Kingdom Marcus for helping resolve the connection issues for ETTV
Europe The teams who attended

Will there be a next time? We've certainly learned a lot!
well done :p
What were the prizes? GRATZ OVR
150€ in hardware
omg overload making money with ET :Pppp
500 euros for all or for each player in the team
500€ for the team, €100 each I suppose ^_^!
spend on drinks :D
does it even cover the travel/sleep/food costs?
was only on sunday so there were no sleeping costs, didn't spend more than 20€ on food I guess and got my dad to drive me there!
k then I guess the fun was worth it
yep, guess most teams made "losses" though, though TAG and BF got Felix to pay their entrance >_<
how much was the fee?
200 entrance
WADAFAKAKFSKAFKADG and if you bring your PC etc?
PCs were provided.
How could you let badti_ win?
gj zak & co!
jesus ins, you suck!
would like to see another one :)
unexpected! gratz jongens :]
was expected actually
bF felt stronger in the groupstage and they lost to tag in the groupstage afaik. so really nice comeback.
i said before the lan that pwr or ovr would win this :))
gratz boys :))

anyone made pics?
we did but only of our i team i guess
make journal :D
will be posted on our homepage this evening i guess not sure depends if my brother comes online ;)
gratz Ati, Nohead, JALLAA and SQuid
Unexpected ;) Gratz NoHead SQuid saKen & Ati_
Thought bF would be in final!

Gz all.
unexpected :DD
WP Overload
6 team lan?
Netherlands sQuid pwned hard lyk i stated couple of days ago. unfortunately because of Anonymous motif and corrupted admins Belgium fostruM couldn't get into finals. conclusion? 50/50 lan ;D
Are you in Sweden already?
gefeliciteerd :)
pelle lanwinner :PPP
Thanks to everyone involved, especially Jere for adminning and h3ll on an awesome ETTV job
+1! And a big thanks to Seanza ofcourse!
you shouldve went side with obj on frostbite, no1 of axis couldve killed u!
i expected axis to push from cp to transmitter, so i could go cp way behind them. didn't want to get trapped between the transmitter and their re-spawn:)! But afterwards i agree it was better to go side!:)
teammates cannot into hold own spawn :D?
i didn't check their status! was just rly suprised no one saw me!
me neither but others did

ETTV: lol look at jalla
ETTV: jalla omg
GG saKen - to bad Jere and siL
Wp everyone! Was a nice lan, looking forward to the next :) Thanks to jere for being a AWESOME admin :o) also thanks to e-series! (>^-^)>

e: No sarcasm on the admin jere part :) he done great! <3
what does Ati_ prefer? Big lan(smaller chance of money, more people, more costs, more days) or small lan?
Doesn't matter really, both LAN's are fun and that's what it is all about :) Then again, 3 day LAN = 3 x more fun ? ;p
good job nohead;p all to the top
was a fun lan to me, too bad about some bad things (servers/format for example), but I guess we learned quite a lot, so hopefully we can fix those flaws next time!
what you talkin' bout willis
no head won a lan

cant be :D
rly proud of overload! well done guys!
"For those how doubted them, let this be a lesson."

:D gz though
I honestly didn't know this was going on. Needs some live main-page coverage, next time. :)
There's been news about signups for weeks, they were event stickied for a long time. There is also the poll at the right-hand side of the page as well! Not to mention all the journals yesterday and the news post I put up yesterday with the scores etc.

Open your eyes! :D
True, I guess it was right in front of me, but it would still be nice to have a live post on CF when events are happening (like the Crossfire LANs, I suppose). Though I understand that means more work for already harried admins.
gg zX<3 MOTiF did nice@LAN
Finally you can win lans without me jbird.

/me very proud!
wp and congratulations!
best overload team evah ;)
Ye finally won something, haha..
hé..... fuck u!!!

time for the true manager to make a comeback!
gg wp guys was fun :) aphesia :XD
wow unexpected
was there any prize for the winners? :o :)
If you had defended first, you would have won. When people set a time at an important event, especially a LAN final, when it comes to attack, you automatically try harder, and want to win more. Power Gaming suck, because they attacked first and lost. I hate you and I quit.


Ins Battiboy
Jere :D

Congrats ati, zak und fighter
nice cashy at lan! oh wait
the nicest thing was that some admin from there was messing with ATI's PC and lifting it etc and my PC rebooted ingame cuz of that :XD
:[ Power supply failed and got replaced with the shoutcaster PC after which had FPS issues >_< Had to get something done cause we had to play PG in a minute after, sorry :(
yeah but they couldve been a bit more careful or atleast warned me and asked me to pause the game or something, what if this was a very important game and lets say I was building controls on supply with 2 mins to go, or I was killin a doc carrier on radar etc etc :P
True, let's be happy that wasn't the case :P The computer cases were kinda retarded aswell >_< no airflow, overheating bitches D:
was very nice :) felt like I was at the bahamas.
then you just pause when you see ppl touching your pc!
LOL check die sQuid :D
didn't even know there was a lan
damn you missed the chance to signup :(
well played saknOOb !
allé manne :-(
one of the worst lan's ive ever been to :{D
srsly even if i won i wouldve said the same, srsly, weesp was a facking ghost town :D lan centre was an empty building that was for sale? :) the only thing to eat was a retarded guy making tosti's? :) well cant blame you since you haven't seen any other normal lan and we had to play online on lan to fix ettv? :PPPPPPPPP
i be watchin' dem lanz!
yeah the building looked kinda crappy but the PCs were good, lan area was fine for me except that we could hear exactly what you guys said (and vice versa I suppose) when we had to play you. Weesp wasn't very busy but the supermarket & cafetaria wasn't far away, few minutes drive. Didn't bother getting food inside the "lan center". Yeah coverage was badly arranged but got fixed before our last group game so the "important" games atleast got shown.
AEF was a lot nicer , trust me :p.

when we arrived at the building we thought we got trolled by seanza:S until some dutch guy who kept speaking english to me (eventhough I spoke dutch to him for 5 mins already ) told us we were at the right place:))))
My understanding is that every team apart from TAG were ok with playing online for the sake of ETTV. If you had a problem with it there and then, you should have said something to Jere.

As for the venue, what difference does it make if the building is empty or for sale? There were PCs there for you to use. As for Weesp being a ghost town, why does THAT matter when you're in a building playing games anyway? Were you planning on going to a club or something after? Amsterdam is like 15/20 mins away if you wanna do that.

As for a "retarded guy" making toasties, give some feedback about what food you'd like to see there for future events (should there be any). At least there were some sort of facilities there for people who wanted to use them.

This event was a trial run for ET at E-Series, give proper feedback rather than flaming and being disrespectful to people that try and help this community (ie. Kaos) otherwise you can consider yourself disallowed from any events that they (and I) run in future.
well the room were we was in, was very small i saw the pics on the Hompage of them and this location was very very very very far away :D if u know what i mean..
+ The chairs are shit ..
They tried out the auditorium hall for this event. It usually does take place in the gamecentre part of it.
ah ok nice to know
+ i tried to tell everyone where the supermarket was (500m away) it was open from 12-17. Snackbar till 22:00 open next to the supermarket even. Asking if you don't know area to other ppl might be scary, tho it would have helped you a lot it seems :)
Gratz Overload
gratz ati and saken
Who cares

Quote1989 views
nice lan, nice oppo to bad some ppl keep whining about the online games ... you've said it , admins know is so stop whining about it.

gg all see ya next time
ps: well played jallaaaaaaaaa
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