Pro Gamers to play for free on Steam?

image: 5d04llAn interesting idea has passed through the lips of Valve's top dog Gabe Newell suggesting that popular gamers (he obviously was referring to Krosan) should be allowed onto games on the Steam platform for free. He states that current payment methods such as purchase, pay per play and in game micro transactions are inherently flawed!

"The industry has this broken model, which is one price for everyone. That's actually a bug, and it's something that we want to solve." Going on to suggest that people who attract players to a game should be allowed to play without paying however for 'jerks' (Insert ET Player name here) - he states "A real jerk that annoys everyone, they can still play," suggests Newell. "But a game is full price and they have to pay an extra hundred dollars if they want voice."

Source: The Register
aha good to know ... so when will this profile pic / config thing get fixed here ?
nice idea.

HF BelgiummAus for having all free games from now on.
QuotePro Gamers

QuoteGoing on to suggest that people who attract players to a game should be allowed to play without paying
news title makes me think something else to what he actually means - pro gamers and popular gamers who attract people to a game are quite different things. :P

most popular skilled players will get games for free though I would imagine through their orgs.
just "PRO" on ET and Popular Players from CS SC2. ET jerks = randoms
name the amount of people who know mAus outside of ET

hint, it's not 1
dude can you stop replyin me? because you are not making any sense in any of your comments.

here is a question

How many people play more than 1 game at high level so that they are known to be highskilled in many games?

hint, it's not 1

Lol'd at Krosan reference :D. It's a good idea to improve playerbase for some games though.
krosan is an amazing gamer indeed.
Who decides what players are jerks? I can't see this idea happening with some kind of player-rating-system..
popular players, in other words, the community decides
I know why you are starting to write news again... you are most likely feeling guilty for traveling to the Maldives without taking any of those 'jerks' with you, in rerefrence this most likely was ment to be krosan!


:) nice write up, wondering who decides on who's pro enough for such a concept though
the future is expensive for waki!
UK's finest gonna be rocking the NES from now on, he dont have to pay to play there
Don't get it.
Newell is a Retard
Very funny Mr.Tosspot, calling all et players jerks xD

And the idea is retarded by itself, v.i.p's? lol...everyone should pay the same..welcome to real life.
QuoteAnd the idea is retarded by itself, v.i.p's? lol...everyone should pay the same..welcome to real life.

In exactly what part of life do V.I.P.'s get the same treatment as "normal" people? Exactly, none. VIP's always get things cheaper if not free, in football, financial industries, entertainment i.e. singers a/o moviestars, so why not gamers? :)
but he have right
everyone registered on this website is a pro gamer lets all support this idea!
because I am black I have to pay 200% more..
most interesting news ever
It's an interesting slant you've put on it but I don't think what's implied is that of pro gamers, he talks on 'popular' gamers - the likes of Charlie Brooker or other famous geeks.
brb making news for brink and getting free game on steam \o/
So most of the better players will have to pay more? since the pub noobs will leave if they have to play against "cheaters"? :D
Read this assumed joking. While I see the logic in giving a game to a well known player for free (why wouldn't they, that person makes them more money than they've lost for sure), I don't see it working the other way.
so i can play now some games free @steam?
reason of all this: Make popular gamers say positive things about so brainless sheeps can follow.
if the gamers are so 'pro', shouldn't they have enough money (from lans, etc..) to pay for a game themselves? :)
Yes. Even more ridicilous is that actually rich and famous people get things for free in real life. That's just stupid.
Nice to know, I always wanted to play css :)
Aslong as it's proven that "pro" gamers help promoting games they should show to the rest the facts why the "pro's" earn it and the rest of the public not (yet). Tho i don't think Steam is the one who decides about this. The company which created the game should. Just to prevent abuse obviously.
I'm pro gamer @ RIFT, good enough?
Same should apply to modders.
basically find the biggest nerd on here. Job taken.
Pretty late april fools!
pro gamers have money to buy games on steam ffs 8<
sounds like a referal system...
i.e. get 5 friends to buy Portal 2 and you get a steam voucher to get your next game

i dont see how you can judge who is a jerk and who is a nice guy in games, surely thats down to server administrators and relying on a post-match statistic system that allows you to rate your opponents which is open to abuse and slightly bias towards punishing rather than rewarding players.

sorry bad idea.
image: 227_1191346434

Gabe just styling
k ..
the players they have in their mind (sc2 cs pros) have enough money from tourneys to spare to buy 1 or 2 games
shit idea.
I'd prefer free hardware thnx.
Worst idea ever.
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