BRINK with update 3

image: brink_logo
Yesterday night Splash Damage released the third update on BRINK. As announced Friday last week the update delivers a rather small list of changes but includes the major sound bug that appeared on a few maps which is gone by now and the FPS/performance boost was adressed which was successfully confirmed by a few players already.
  • Fixed sound dropping out when playing networked games
  • Improved graphical performance, especially when using Ambient Occlusion
  • Fixed voice packs being reset to default when you delete another character
  • Removed ability to use certain cheat protected commands in challenges
  • Fixed memory leak/crash when alt-tabbed out
  • Full servers are no longer filtered out of the browser
  • Added support for entering a range of numbers (i.e. 10-12) in server filters
  • Reduced font size in the server browser
  • Exiting Head customization returns to the correct menu
  • Fixed being unable to bind KP_Enter in the UI
  • Increased font size of in-game text chat
  • 'Enter' now closes text chat prompt if empty
  • Fixed challenge in menu flashing even after completion

By looking at the changes expectations to receive the first major and big update might be disappointed as most of the competitive community will most likely not care much about things like the chat font size and a flashing challenge.

To get the game updated just log on to steam and the update will be downloaded immediately.

Also released yesterday is the new version of the dedicated server files for windows. Including a blame to the server admins for their configurations SD released the following change log:
  • Improved dedicated server CPU performance
  • Fixed NPC not spawning for escort objectives online on servers using unsupported cvars
Instead of clarifying the idtech4 and ETQW left overs, releasing a helpful list of officially supported cvars, finally releasing dedicated server files for linux or support Dignitas player drago to figure out a proper server config for competitive gaming a blame for issue on server admins can not be a solution.
While the ESL did delay the Championship Qualifier by one day due to yesterdays server update release today the tournament will start with more than 160 teams participating. Hopefully the majority of them is not going to be disappointed.

let this game die in peace
stop updating it ET-killers
NICE! :)
Keep up the good work!
yep steam already dl the update yesterday nice nice nice

And this link can be helpfull
This patch didnt fix the performance issues people have with ATi / AMD

game is still full of bugs
ATi drivers currently don't support OpenGL as good as they should do. Nvidia is without problems on this topic. Though, there's a 11.5a RC3 which is most likely about to solve those issues.
i'm using 11.5RC3 and it's still bad.

Maybe ATi will release a new driver soon <3
if they do, remind me of it!!!
could still be better tho..
ps im owning with obj wheel now:D
i've even noticed a slight fps drop instead of increase(althought im on nvidia), im rly hoping for sdk to be released soon, so hannes can get his hands on promod and simply unlock the console commands which would give at least 90-100% fps boost, just by unlocking commands such as r_skipxxx, this game doesnt rly need much to improve perfomance... badman and sd are trollllllliiiiiingggg super hard all brink players... queee
what does r_skipxxx do?
check in console, there are lots of various commands, it's basically what effect you want to remove, dunno how to explain it easier ; P
Actually i kinda like the game, but it's coded by MONKEYS. Even Wolfenstein was a lot better, and there is nothing wrong in ATi's drivers. They can't be perfect as OpenGl side, but if you do 20 fps with shadows disabled and 60 with shadows enabled, it means the game is shit. Actually nVidia users have a lot of problems too, their cards simply keeps disconnect, without a reason.
Quotebut if you do 20 fps with shadows disabled and 60 with shadows enabled,

What? You get more fps WITH shadows?
aA ohmygoat! HAI!
boosted my fps by ~ 20 :]
Didn't improve my FPS at all, Still getting random shutdowns in game. Sound bug has gone tho.

They are releasing new ATI drivers this week so hopefully that will help.
Nice to see they solved the issues that were disallowing a lot of people to even play the game......................... XD

There;s quite a few people that cant even connect to servers or get crashes to windows every couple of minutes and they're not even responding to questions about this anymore. Oh yea I feel kind of silly buying another game from SD :_))(
But its fun to connect to server then get kicked randomly for connection error. Or the even better connecting to a half full server from the browser to be told its now full - over and over :)

I get the crashes anytime I play with the autoexec. So I can either play laggy and low fps or crash - nice choice. But I do have base specs so probably doesn't help tbh.

Good game to play if you get a nice server though - very good fun
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