NORDIC-eSport with crucial changes

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After a couple of weeks, it appeared that having 3 Belgians in the lineup was not enough for the latest additions of Denmark NORDIC-eSport. Belgium Sup3r and Belgium uNDEAd foisted their plan of playing with team-be mates in life, leaving their former team with a huge gap. Many were wondering what two faces will Denmark NORDIC-eSport welcome. It was mostly rumoured that Europe mvp members will boost the lineup. After only a couple of days the team has found a decent replacements for underhand members. Hats off to the refreshed Denmark NORDIC-eSport lineup:

  • Belgium Lazio
  • United Kingdom griim
  • Norway Eirik
  • Germany kReSti
  • Germany sTOWNAGE

  • Poland Homer Manager

Quote by Homer, Team Manager
We are very pleased to recruit two great players with who we can continue to work on our main goals. I believe this lineup has even greater potential and thanks to having all 5 fully motivated players, we will end up high in upcoming and current competitions. Of course, we need to practice in order to improve our teamplay and communication but with such experienced players it shouldn't be a time-consuming task.
I consider both German players as top-notch material and I hope we are free of lineup issues as I would like to remind rockit's roster problems in the latest days which was a key factor of some decisions. See you in the battlefield !

Quote by Robaciek, Manager of ET Section of NORDIC-eSport
After recent lineup issues caused by two Belgians that left us, we faced quite a problem, with only 1,5 month left till LAN, EC and YCN competitions still going on. We had to replace them in just few days and finding replacements on such short notice is never an easy task. Luckily thanks to Homer's determination we managed to get two Germans and everything looks great for NE.PENTIA again, already performing well against such team as Anexis and win against k1ck.
Our top priority now is to finish online competitions as high as possible and prepare for lan to make our organisation proud. We would like to thank our management for being so supportive.

Quote by Acker, manager of NORDIC-eSport
First of all, I would like to say thank you to both SuP3R and uNDEAD and good luck to them in Nevo. Second of all I would like to welcome our two new German superstars: kReSti & sTOWNAGE. On behalf of the whole NORDIC-eSport I would like to wish our team and the two new NE.PENTIA-players good luck at the upcomming TLR eSports Challenge.

Big thanks to the sponsors in NORDIC-eSport: PENTIA A/S, RAPTOR-GAMING,, Super Avisen, Immortal-Servers, Speedgaming, Blue Elph and finally MeeBox. You are invited to follow NE.PENTIA at Facebook:

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1st, looks nice.. now get some results!
yeaaaaaaa son
fresh news
nice news :)
Could well be an improvement if they're both as motivated as you guys are :)

best of luck.
haha u backstabbed and acting like Co0L GuY 8]
he wanted to play with his closest m8s , nothing against that tho :p, like i left speedlink to play with stownage and flopjehz again same situation x(
just trolling with him :p

too much players changed team this "season" :\
And also the fact that I can play medic again :p comms would be dutch again and I wouldn't have to pay for LAN, like I said it was nothing personal since I really enjoyed my time @ Nordic.
Just to avoid any misunderstandings:

We aren't ready to go 100% into the ET scene, therefore we aren't supporting our team 100% financial wise, like Nevo is doing it e.g. That is what Sup3R means by: "I wouldn't have to pay for LAN". We are of course giving our team some financial support, but not in the same way as Nevo apparently :-)
Well now Nevo only has to pay entree and hotel so :p thats not much to pay is it ?
Get your facts straight before speaking
me niet slecht verstaan Rick :( niet slecht bedoeld :( zal je wel een wijntje geven op sage
Best of luck mate :-) You helped me a lot during your short spell in NE.

Best of luck in Nevo
Thanks :) !

And on topic : 3rd times the charm, hope this lineup is a stable one :) !
I hope and think so too :-)
gl griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim
NORDIC-esPorts, what a drama ;D

gl Poland Homer tho ^.^
gl guys :)
gl stownage!
Should've let me comment on the belgians - would've caused more drama :( :D
gud lack
Good luck guys
Looks promising, nice and gl
always pleasure to see retards replaced by top players. gl to u lazio and the rest!
thanks walle :)
too bad for rock it :-(
say thank you to the guys who backstabbed you, that acker guy is a true genius

Im saying "thank you" for the service they did during their spell in NE. I'm not the kind of guy who throws dirt at other players.

And thanks for the "kind words" sir.
i hope the 93 stands for your birth date :XD
click his profile :-)
It does stand for my birth year?
Quotegerman superstars
Quoteold news and badly written
gl laggy dave, eirik, lazio!

and when is NE getting rid of Robaciek, the clown of the ET community?
lan support? cause eirik cant afford to go!
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