BC: Dignitas and Team ET in Group stage

image: championshipteaser

European Qualifier

The first teams to qualify successfully for the group stages of the ESL BRINK Championship. The list of teams includes big names for the Enemy Territory community like Team Dignitas and the Dutchies from Team ET including saKen, siL, NoHead, Jo0f, L4mpje, SQuid and YJZZ. In the lower bracket it's H2K and Epsilon who are in the best position to reach the third and last remaining slot for the group stage on Sunday.
  • Upper Bracket:
    Europe Team Dignitas vs. Team ET Netherlands
  • Lower Bracket:
    Europe intensive noobs vs. LEGO Europe
    Italy O-Zon3rs eSport vs. Cursed Europe
    Europe Raw Messiah vs. Born Elite Humans Brink Europe
    Croatia Guru Gaming vs. Aero Team Europe
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British Qualifier

The UK qualifier is also about to have its first qualifier: The winner bracket final will be Veritas facing Rasta. A team we had much faith in as soon as Terminals comeback to the map pool was announced is g5. They were unable to reach the high reputation we attributed to them. They lost a controversional match in the lower bracket and have missed their chance to qualify for the next stage.

gZilla on the other hand still has a chance in tonight's Lower Bracket match versus Decerto. The team including Phoenix project leader MerlinatoR, LevelUP's TF2 legend nVc and crumbs has to win all of their 5 remaining matches to get the second slot distributed to the UK. Decerto is the second team full with names from the ET community including the crossfire award winning R0SS and the one and only potty. Only one of these will be able to pass through the lower bracket.
  • Upper Bracket:
    United Kingdom Veritas vs. Rasta. United Kingdom
  • Lower Bracket:
    United Kingdom Feel The Luck vs. Um Bongo United Kingdom
    United Kingdom limp vs. SilentChaos United Kingdom
    Europe gZilla vs. Decerto United Kingdom
    Europe sGs Gaming vs. HeadStompers Europe
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Spanish Qualifier

Winghaven, the one and only player to be called panzerfaust god seems to be missing his weapon as his team celeritas is already down in the lower bracket. The spanish qualifier offers 1 slot for the teams to qualify and that leaves his team to win the 4 remaining matches to make it through. The winner bracket final will consist of 2fAce and Insane Team and will be played tonight at 20:00 CEST.
  • Upper Bracket:
    Spain 2face vs. Insane Team Spain
  • Lower Bracket:
    Spain celeritas vs. Mister Spain
    Spain knock0ut vs. The Fight Club Spain
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German Qualifier

The German qualifier had the most sign ups overall. With 44 teams participating, the qualifier offers 4 slots. A decision is still pending in tonight's matches so no ticket is safe yet. The release cup winner Hardware4u will face Team-siLence in the first major game. In the other half of the bracket ESL admin rYn with his Team unit is about to face Insert Coin. Team unit was seeded on the second place and did receive the most critiques for their spot with only one ladder win as the lower half of the bracket was definitely and easy way through for them. Tonight's match might be their ticket for to the group stage if nothing goes wrong.

Including dutch TF2 star ViQun and former CoD player kNALLER the team of Power Gaming was sent to the lower bracket in the first round as ViQun as their latest addition was three minutes too late in the ESL team. Still they did come second in the German release cup and will now face Team Reunion to get another chance against Enro Griffins if both win. S.M.A.R.T. will be the opponent of those. causeWeCan including many former ETQW names like j4b and pSy will face n!faculty in tonight's lower bracket show down.
  • Upper Bracket:
    Germany Hardware4u vs. Team-siLence Germany
    Germany Insert Coin vs. Team unit Germany
  • Lower Bracket:
    Germany They Kick Ass vs. Extra schlimm Germany
    Germany n!faculty vs. causeWeCan Germany
    Germany Enro Griffins vs. S.M.A.R.T. Germany
    Germany Team Reunion vs. Power Gaming Europe
    Germany notag vs. KD.QPAD Germany
    Germany fenneks vs. SNACK Austria
    Germany Heaven-Thunder-Storm vs. Teamoxid Germany
    Austria 24 Karat vs. Recycle Germany
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Finish Qualifier

It's again Finland to dominate the Nordic scene: 3 Finish teams can still make it to the overall final including the former Team Fortress 2 Nations cup team called 6-1. They will face wOoHoOdY to save their spot in the European final already.
  • Upper Bracket:
    Finland 6-1 vs. wOoHoOdY Europe
  • Lower Bracket:
    Finland Brink-Joukkue vs. M*A*S*Heads Sweden
    Sweden DEFCON vs. vintage Finland
  • View bracket

Remaining Qualifiers

Three left: Russia, Frans and Poland are still very far behind in schedule. The Russian qualifier will have Casus Belli face Yes! in the upper bracket final. The winner of the match will be in best shape to grab the slot for the next stage and the lower bracket is far behind with many empty slots.
The French and the Polish qualifiers both just reached round 2 of the upper bracket. On a side note the next round of the Polish qualifier will be played tomorrow (Friday!) at 21.00 CEST with three 1stcav divisions trying their best to get through.
Lapje :D dignitas going down !!
gl! pak ze tijger! :D
ja we pakken ze, ouwe buffer.
awesome! I guess it does have an advantage if you played ET before this :)
If u r on reddit, go upvote: http://goo.gl/Z2VuL <3
the match between us and 2face is just a bad joke. they got a defaultwin for a serverconfig malefunction. i just hope that the revaluation of the admins in this case comes to a fairer conclusion.

congratz to dignitas and et though, well deserved :)
What do you think about the game as a DoDs'er?
its quite fun, we still have to figure out some stuff though.
were just hoping for a potential promod to tighten the cof a bit and then its all fine with us.
GL brink ET and wOoHoOdY
Brinkin' it big time!
Quotebig names for the Enemy Territory community


?? :D
destroying all the fun :(
Gogo Decerto :)
Quote[22:47] <@anexis-R0SS> amazing, now i have to put up with g5 bullshit
The one and only potty!

MerlinatoR gunna feel the PAINNNNNN!
kinda disapointing that we were unable to actually play with 5 players. Dark's internet is normally fine but today it just wasn't co-operting :<
was it his inet then not ESL wire? we have had big issues with ESL wire played a couple of games with 4 - our last win in WB we had 4 for ages and got rolled then held top of ramp for 16 minutes :D
His internet completely. We just couldn't push out and set up with 4 guys. Shame the didn't enable a pause feature.
ahahahaha levin m8 <33333

I was playing so many matches its insane
hhahah not even time to smoke fucking nerd. u sniffed some I know it :D!
u on cookies
team ET powners ^^
collectively we have less playtime than pretty much every other team in the competition i think, but i guess we're doing ok.
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
Nice coverage!
Quote Quote big names for the Enemy Territory community

decent quoting skills
CU in final
guru gaming o/
gl l4mp :{D
gl nederlanders!
great stuff chosen!
I honestly don't think ESL have a clue with what they are doing. I've never seen a cup ran by them, without controversy or complaints in any game.

Now I know I'm involved with g5 etc, but what they did last night is completely stupid and unprofessional. You don't change a set of rules half way through a game etc. That's something you see in some stupid 1 Day ET Cup.


GL to the rest though!
what rule did they change halfway through a game? the thing with a decider was announced pretty clearly
Just a heads up, but the rules weren't changed mate, i guess you guys just mis-understood them.

But theres always the extra quals they've added, you could still get into the grp stages etc.

Good Luck
i own ET

ET owns Brink

I would destroy Brink
Gl brinketteam & dignitas !
How come there is no video stream coverage yet? H2kTV, KaoSTV and BrinkTV announced to cover Brink matches. Also why is QuadV not involved?
You only have 3rd person spectator view...
congratz to nSt for qualifying :)
Good luck L4mpje!!
step 1: get more percentage on terminal in 20minutes and draw
step 2: play decider map on terminal for 10minutes, have one of your players get disconnected, and get less percent and lose

sounds more like BO1 fault?
nah its the current state of the game all-round, as much as it's fun a lot of the time there are small annoying things (like revive times, bomb diffuse times, npc dies in 1sec etc :D) im sure some of these will be fixed with a promod though - its like 30mins on oasis compared to ET now I guess. :)
What is wrong with OASIS!!?!? :c
I'l agree if you have a noticable lead then why not give it a win, but there will be so much bitching on other maps were its not as clear cut, so until a mod is released that tracks how far you are the current way ESL are doing it is generally on of the fairest they can opt for across all maps.
Nah, it has to be about finishing a map or objective or not. Not a single percentage for opening a safe or hacking should matter but only the whole objective. :(
No rave about Rasta dominating Veritas?? :'(
Hardly dominated like, got us on a weak map =)

But well played nevertheless and Good Luck in the Group stages etc
I was only joking, was a good game. thanks for waiting on millen too by the way!
Hehe yeh its ok mate, plus you's deserved the win anyway. Yeh np on the wait, no one likes a rule fuck.
I was rather unsure if its the owzo or just sum owzo tbh :c
what's Estonia Dignitas lineup in Brink ?
Anderson Björn Drago Rulah Jackaz(?) as far i know
QuoteFinish qualifier

Got beat by Veritas. They rock. :<
am I the only one who noticed the swedish teams in the Finnish qualifiers?
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