Spot16 Full at SAGE LAN

The latest spot for the SAGE LAN event has been filled, and it is with a built for LAN lineup consisting of some very skilled and familair names, presenting the 'Spot16' lineup:

Netherlands lightning
United Kingdom meez
Germany sNoOp
Malta toxic
Germany zerenderimage: sage_small

With the assitance of Next Evolution ESC. this team is able to attend the event and will hopefully be able to challenge for a top position in the playoffs. The team will first be taking part in the seeding group phase and will come up against WinFakt, NORDIC and epic over the course of the evening.

Quote by toxic"Just managing to build a team in time for the seeding games is a big success already. No idea how we will perform. On paper we should be able to compete with Winfakt, but we have not played any games so surely we will take any good results as they come along."

With regards to Queens - "After seeing gav go to Anexis for all the right reasons, I gave it a re-think myself. I happened to be available on these dates when I previously wasn't. Priority will be taken game by game, but a LAN is a LAN, a lot of money gets invested and it wouldn't be right to mis-use it."

image: nextevo

With only a month ahead for practice for the big event, motivation will no doubt be high in the team and with nothing to lose they will hope to cause problems with the teams who have already signed up. I caught up with some Next Evolution management members to get an idea on what they had to do with this team

Quote by nevo\Felix"Its a great pleasure for me to announce the last team for the SAGE-Lan. With the communitys recent struggle to fill the 16th spot and especially after toxics approach towards us we decided to step up and fill that spot with a team filled with good and experienced players. We hope that in the next three weeks the team will gain the needed teamplay and chemistry to perform well at the lan."

Quote by nevo\Rickk"We're happy to say that SAGE-LAN event will be full as of today. Lately toxic approached us with some questions regarding a LAN team he made. We're happy to contribute to the community by sponsoring this team to SAGE-LAN event. Good luck to every participant"

Quote by nevo\IMaG"I came back from work this afternoon, i sat down behind my computer and opended IRC, i so few spams which i had no idea what they are talking about but after few minutes of chit chat we have agreed to help another ET team to go lan this july, it will be great having another top team there participating so i wish all the teams good luck specialy nevo lads. Also dont miss out on our facebook event! only ten days left: LINK"
drop zerender and u might be able to do something
big thank you to nevo for making this possible

gl hf at lan boys
nevo saving ET!! and JERE!!

Ps. my mousepads.
lol get over it.. u will never get it :P
23:30 < nevo\Jere> if you come
23:30 < nevo\Jere> u get a mousepad from me

probably its just a piece of A4 paper
nah he will get a decent one if he comes :D
What are the odds!?
nice gl guys!

so nevo got 2 teams now?
Basicly one, but we just wanted to help toxic as well Jere
how much did you pay them?
Can't tell. I'm sorry
5 euros each player
good luck :)
I hope Felix didn't pay for this slot and put it under the n.evo name.

Good luck btw x
Whys that
probably because he's just pumping money into greedy bastards that cba paying their own costs?
byebye nevo.brink :D
gl toxic
gl guys!
Goodluck guys!
sick team, gl
cya tomorrow xx
got a lot of potential, one to look out for! GL guys x
ross, i was wondering if your team is in need of a manager or not? because its good to have someone to massage you before you start your map, im avi if you need just send me a message ;)
Haha. Nice pickup. Now that you have another top team i might reconsider travelling with you and getting massages. Maybe its your plot to get number 1 !!!!!
You only love people who are in touch with topteams now don't you Ross :P?
make sure you massage him hard enough to break his arm :>
Not too hard, he breaks his thumb from playing games
Dat is niet echt aardig
waarom niet? het was een grap jonge :(
that is the plan ;)
Group D just got fucked in the ass, strange that gifty isn't there though!
saKen, don't you think that Epic got really unlucky? We are in the worst group :'(((
not sure what your lineup is but yeah there's now 3 "top" contenders there I suppose
atleast you have 3 nice games vs skilled players!
Looking to the teams there are two NEVO line-ups, wtf?
this one & the belgians :p
fragmovie ;DDDD
The word "fragmovie" includes the fact that they would do few multikills against them dude.

And we are talking about Beck so, you should re-mind urself!
omfg, good lineup :D
nice, gl guys!
nice lineup, gl
Looks like Spot16 is going to give WinFakt! a run for their money.
gl tobi und zere ;]
gl tox and zerender
great lineup, good luck steve x
Literally came in this thread to post that...
its cool indeed
group of death!! :D
Good luck guys! See you there.

PS: I don't get why you used nevo to interview on this matter! :D
nevo = their sponsor, so why not ?:P
Oh, didn't read that bit.


image: w1ecd3
knock knock!
Brain it's you?

Oh gosh no! Slac doesn't work?
gl hairy malta man
gl zerender :)
Netherlands Abort missing anyway gl Zerender
gl zerender and toxic ;)
gl to razz meez snoop toxic lightning
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