PHX LAN - Latest Update

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Just a quick update from us on PHX, to let you all know it is still happening! The main reason we have not been so spammy with news is with the SAGE event less than 3 weeks away we want to hog as little limelight as possible from that event - this post is merely to get an idea of what already established teams are interested in attending and let people know our aims in terms of signup opening and closing etc.

Event Details[/u]
Location: Crossfire LAN centre, Swansea, Wales
Date: 10th-11th September 2011
Format: 12 team 5on5 Enemy Territory competition (maximum)
Minimum games per team: 5
Signup: £250 per team
Prize pool: £1500 minimum (For 12 Teams)

As you may have seen in our original news post, United Kingdom owzo will be on hand to shoutcast at the event itself and United Kingdom Msh100 will also hopefully be there to ensure ETTV support.

11/05/2011: Initial Announcement
11/06/2011: Latest Update
11/07/2011: Signups open
18/07/2011: Payments Requested from teams
11/08/2011: Signups Initial Close
10 & 11/09/2011: PHX-1 Takes place

As you can see from the dates above, the signups will be open for one month. This is because if Enemy Territory does not get the full 12 signups we will open the competition to a second game (most likely a 1v1 game) which will probably have no restrictions on who can play, more information on this (if it is to happen) at a later date.

A Forum post has been made, and this is where you can find up to date information on the event as well as a list of teams interested etc. This will be more regularly updated once the SAGE LAN event is completed.

Organisers: United Kingdom Ethr & United Kingdom MerlinatoR
Forum post: LINK
fuck yeahhhh
Would be damn awesome to attend this!
nice gl nerds
any current stable teams thinking of attending please message me, would be nice to get a little feel on the interest from current teams. :) thanks
I'm gonna be making a team for this for sure :)))
you love the 11th I see :D
And you love the 5th i see!
not anymore tbh, as it's pocal-year!
just seemed simple :p and the first post was on the without trying 11th so seemed to be fate :)
gg merl ;D
Format: 12 team 5on5 Enemy Territory competition (maximum)
Minimum games per team: 5
Signup: £250 per team
Prize pool: £1500 minimum (For 12 Teams)

According to this, if one team shows up, they will get a default net win of £1250.
I suspect you meant to say £1500 maximum, but you said minimum instead because it sounds more impressive.
hmm no.

The maximum amount of teams that can attend is 12x 5 player teams(due to location)

The minimum prize pot for 12 teams is £1500, which is hopefully set to rise.

This is what is written in the event details (and what you quoted) means :)
Alright. What's the size of the prizepool if 2 teams attend?
I doubt the event would go ahead if only 2 teams signed up.
honestly haven't worked that out, but most likely would be cancelled as it wouldn't cover the location booking.

So far we have only worked it out for 12 teams attending.
If you confirm that you meant to say "the minimum prizepool for exactly 12 teams is 1500£", I will stop nitpicking
Prize pool: £1500 minimum (For 12 Teams)

already said it :)
"Prize pool" is the total amount of money, which would be only 125 per team.
If 12 teams sign up and attend, there will be a minimum prize pot of £1,500. This means it can only be increased.

However, if 12 teams don't sign up and attend, then it's unlikely to have a £1,500 prize pot.
as if you have any interest in this ^_^
inb4 PHX LAN will not happen...
why is that? :d
Just joking, hope it'll be the best lan event ever xoxo
Available, can prac 4 nights per week from today
rebuild snb?! only perfo missing right? :P
sight/rk won't be interested, meez may be though... no idea about joop
mm =3 gl finding a team anyway
Sight told me that if it has a chance at top 3 hes interested, so if I was you id give him a ring!:P

Would love to see snb back, one of the most exiting to watch teams evur(yes im fanboi hihi)
Don't think we have that chance without a full lineup though! A lot of us have lost skill over time and others have gotten better
wanna play? i'm bored on vent

moved home this morning, already had a nap out of boredom

I'm back now, just moved back. Hit a nigger up for some games. Inbox is a tune btw!
the whole album is amazing, get it asap
come play with us again still seaching for a 5th :D
Might be avi for a team /q
Might be avi for a team /q
R0SS has just deleted a comment you made here.
Reason: Dont post then, last warning

So it seems i cant express my opinion when I dont use foul language nor I dont flame. But n1 ross. you really are one of the worst persons in CF and in the ET scene.
atleast he means something to the community
Not really :D
rolled by maus !:|
He got rolled by me idd :)
Calling a lan a disgrace for ET with no facts/statements as to why is a joke. You also said shit event without any reason. Therefore if you are going to be negative about the post without making constructive criticism then dont post.
That's called opinion. And last I checked I can post my opinion even if it clashed with yours.
Well in this case i say you cant, and my word goes. nanananana
Guess I can.
To any reader you seem to not have a point. The event hasn't even taken place yet so you can't have a negative personal experience, so nobody has a reason to take you seriously. Maybe you'd do better if you insulted the hosts instead, and then make a conclusion that an event hosted by them is likely to suck?
you'll see in september. I dont need arguments.
When you see a stupid comment, you should reply to it and explain why it is stupid. If you just delete it, nobody will learn anything
hi pokerpro
kotkis > fintards
kotkis = fintard
Generally its a good idea. However, this post was just pure hatred and negative for no reason.
nice opinion! Keep good work up :)
gl merlin
CU THERE :)))))
cu there on 2 conditions.... 1) if i pass my driving practical and 2) if my missus lets me :(
rofl, 'if my missus lets me'

nice fail at wearing trousers bro
she has the tits she has the power lmao ill see what i can do ;D
this is either the worst landodge excuse in history or some people on crossfire are incredibly whipped
fully agree, a gf who actually says no to their bf going away for a weekend to a gaming event is probably not worth being with in the first place. Although Suiy just comes up with shit sometimes cause he likes the *LAN dodge cheater lololol* attention.
Dno about you, but I would never say to my gf that I will go away for a LAN, which costs a lot of money, only to play games :D

I still have some respect for myself.
I think if you have to lie to your gf about where you are going it's sad too. If you have a hobby and she can't accept that, then what is she doing with you? If she can't accept you for who you are she ain't much of a gf (:
Really you get that attitude ?

What man are you when you play video games when you are over 20?
Enjoying video games isn't a crime.. If someone over 20 enjoys them then who are you to judge?
They call me infect and I judge.
Ok, Judge Infect.
And the fact is that 90 % girls will look down on you if you nolife a video game. And going to a LAN definitely qualifies for nolifing.

And the fact is that I rather dont play a video game like a nerd, but socialize and go out and do stuff which isnt related to computers.
Then go do that and stop replying to me :)))
Then dont act like nerding is a hobby :)
In ur face 6on6 hopers!!!!!
nice, bit expensive to get for me :D
gogogo, good work merlin and ethr
good luck :)
Good luck and keep up the great work
avi for lan but can only prac from 1st - 8th of september
Can I sleep in your bed if I go?
This infect guy sounds really smart.
it all became clear to me:) Infect is stupid!

Everybody have fun and goodluck @ lan, mayb ill visit:)
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