SAGE: QL Tournament Info

image: sage_smallA poll was created for the community to cast their votes choosing between one of the two games or selecting both. The victorious game was to be Quake Live after receiving more than twice as many votes as its “poll opponent”, StarCraft II. The tournament will strictly be open only to the players who were attending the LAN for one of the other 2 tournaments already or is a member of their respective community site. Each player will pay an entrance fee and, dependant on the number of signups, this will determine the prize pot for the tournament.

Since this is set to be a community event, I’ve opted for the chance to run an ET vs. COD rivalry which will eventually see the best Quake Live-playing ET community member go against the best Call of Duty 4-playing community member. So how am I going to do this? Simple… there will be 2 separate Quake Live tournaments at the event. Players will play through a bracket which will be exclusively for their community. Eventually, when we have a winner of each bracket, those 2 players will then go head-to-head. The victorious player will win the tournament for their community, thus becoming the Quake Live community champion of SAGE!

I’m initially targeting 8 players per bracket, so 16 players in total. However, this can of course be extended should there be a demand for it. It’s important to clarify who actually qualifies to attend the event as a community member, and which bracket they fit under. So let’s clear that up first of all;

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory bracket [/b]]• Active members
• Any player playing in the SAGE ET tournament
• Any person managing a team in the SAGE ET tournament
• Any member of a coverage team who are covering the SAGE ET tournament

Call of Duty 4 bracket[/b]]• Active TEK-9 members
• Any player playing in the SAGE COD4 tournament
• Any person managing a team in the SAGE COD4 tournament
• Any member of a coverage team who are covering the SAGE COD4 tournament

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory tournament [/b]]• Scheduled to start at around 11:00 (CEST) on Saturday 2nd July
• Entry is €10 per player
• The format will be a best of 3 single elimination tournament
• Probably better off to bring your own keyboard, mouse, headset and config
• Prizes dependant on number of signups (majority of entry fee will go to prize pot, small percentage will go to event costs)
• The maps will be announced soon

Call of Duty 4 tournament [/b]]• Scheduled to start at around 18:00 (CEST) on Saturday 2nd July
• Entry is €10 per player
• The format will be a best of 3 single elimination tournament
• Probably better off to bring your own keyboard, mouse, headset and config
• Prizes dependant on number of signups (majority of entry fee will go to prize pot, small percentage will go to event costs)
• The maps will be announced soon

The grand final will be played on Sunday 3rd July around 13:00 (CEST)

In order to participate in this tournament, players should sign up by sending €10 by PayPal to seanza[at] You MUST include the following information when sending your money;

• Quake Live nickname
• State which community you are from (ET/COD4)
• Provide a link to your profile on your respective community site
• State which team you are representing at the event in other tournaments (if any)
• Are you familiar with Quake Live premium account maps/have a Quake Live premium account?
• Rate yourself 1 – 10 (1 being bad, 10 being supermegaawesome)

Players signed up[/b]]Enemy Territory

Call of Duty 4

For any questions, please PM me here.
funny how you keep it up :D
Grand Final - Poland grzesiek vs Finland miNd
its a lan, you remember that?
it's actually online, haha.
too true :'(
u're lucky that im not there h3h3hh3 !
signed-up =)

bring it on owzo <3
maybe i will take part, dunno yet^^
Jere low
maybe signing just to bash jere
enjoyed playing you last time :P
beer makes me awesome, ssssht!
nerds gonna get rolled

by skilled
I am not playing, mate...
rooting for FinlandmiNd
Need ET Team so I can win the QL tournament
Could apply for Dignitas, they seem to be around your skill atm :-P
Owzo, Crumbs, jo0f, reload, mAus could all add up i guess.
very much doubt crumbs would :p owzo to run the gauntlet again?

cic7 he was well devastated though! :(
Shame i'm not attending this event. Would have a decent chance to win if i got a bit of luck !

Crumbs signed up ! Hopefully him and owzo will play each other . Would be a close one !
fro to turn up under fake name and dominate
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