SAGE: Enemy Territoy Finals UPDATE !

image: sagessbanner
As we are progressing to the final stage of the SAGE LAN event, i wanted to take the opportunity to update you all regarding the Enemy Territory Grand Finals !

Granted, this is not my normal task, so forgive me for the content ;-).

Anyway, i had some important news :

We have decided to put the Enemy Territory Finals before the Call Of Duty Playoffs.

This means that the Grand Final for ET will be at 13:00 CET since several teams have earlier flights / trains to catch.

So again, the Grand Final for Enemy Territory won't be at 18:00 but at 13:00 CET instead !

I hope you all enjoy the final stage of the SAGE LAN and tune in at GamesTV.ORG.

The SAGE Crew
ìt will be delayed anyway, and the teams should have been prepared better with booking flights etc...
Just forfeit if somebody failed to book the proper plane.

And force the nevo match already please.... waiting for an half hour already...

But very nice we finaly got some coverage on cf! Too bad it's the final already.
again, its not really my job to be a news guy for Crossfire.
nevo match is delayed cuz owzo is going to cast and he overslept ... shit happens , nothing we can do about it :)
they could have started without Owzo... The stream is bad quality anyway.

And I know the coverage isnt your job at all, but it is just dissapointing that before the LAN the coverage on cf was BIG and now the LAN is finnaly there we see nothing of it here on cf.
i kno bro...
why you wna deny that the coverage is shit? xD
who said Im denying? Im just understanding why its shit cos i see how busy the admins are.
there shouldnt be an excuse for shit coverage, then appoint some guys, theres still enough people who were eagerly waiting to watch this LAN, follow the matches and hear the stories, as they enjoy the game and their players, and for the 2nd or 3rd lan in a row, CF completely screws up the coverage for it and hugely dissapoints its community with it.
u know CF has nothing to do with lan admins? Anaconda is updating gtv and Bcrbo is updating tek9, sean & merl are running the event as tournament admins. they are all working hard so just make the best of a bad situation
cf = the community behind the whole LAN, no esports without fanbase, and CF Lans are currently very bad at taking care of their fanbase. im not saying that the current admins at the LAN arent doing a good job, im just talking about pure coverage
this aint a CF event? its not tosspot running this lol
" cf = the community behind the whole LAN "

srsly for a big shot at such a giant gaming organisation you have quite the lack of understanding.........
"CF Lans are currently very bad at taking care of their fanbase."
o cmon you know what i mean, cf = the community how often do i need to tell you
tututut, quote is quote ;) but yeah it might not be decent coverage but its easy to whine at it from home without being there and seeing how it works
Doesnt make it less shit
i can tell ure gonna help them next time as the problem solver?
if they pay me a hotel room, transport costs and a course to learn proper english I will...
lets watch it together :)
im on server. go go boy =)
watching @ , less lagg then gamestv servers (hard 2 believe when it's livestream) :D
idd AND you get the amazing duel cast of mEEz & owzO!
keiner wunder, lancenter hat ne 2mbit leitung lulz
No stream any kind of?
go dignitas!
worst lan coverage ever :D
grats nevo!
This lan wasn't really spectator friendly like previous crossfire challenge's. No big screen to watch the finals or anything, that was pretty disappointing :( Had fun though!
Congratulations to Anexis for winning the event and especially to Nevo finishing 3rd. Atleast I was surprised by their performance!
5th at cic7
4th at AEF
3rd at SAGE

logic :P
face it

you suck !

I wanted to say the same @ GTV WB final but makes no sense since bF guys came 4th @ eseries :$
shared 3rd/4th place, E-series was a transition lan!
oh, that's cool then!

e: bF CiC9 winners?:zz
dignitas loosing a LAN, ET is dead
mm? they were losing LANs already many years ago :)
territoy ?
why it's so hard to make a decent lan?
go to one and you'll find out !
the main priority at a LAN event is to make it as comfortable as possible for the players and run it without delays

the online spectators haven't given any effort or paid for a better service/coverage so they should be grateful and satisfied with whatever they get :]
bullshit. if players were the main priority it would still be 6on6.
find out!
grats anexis!

any matches worth to watch? :o
the final was best tbh
Watch Nordic -Spot16, you should enjoy especially 1st map, radar.
1st map was very exciting. 2nd wasnt! :D
kato finaali. :Tane kusee hommat täydellisesti supplys ja d hävii.
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