Anexis win SAGE (Twice!)

It was quite the weekend for the Anexis Mulitgaming Organisation who claimed gold in both SAGE competitions. In both cases their side flew through the winner bracket into the finals and took all the money they could get their hands on!

Enemy Territory

Germany Anexis (2000 Euro)
Europe Dignitas (1000 Euro)
United Kingdom NEVO (500 Euro)

Full Bracket - SAGE Teams

Call of Duty

Hungary Anexis
Europe Winfakt
Czech Republic eSuba

Full Bracket

Congratulations to everyone on what appears to have been a very successful weekend! I'm sure everyone would like to thank Seanza, Merlinator and their team on what will have been a life changing experience for them.
that gtv bracket looks awesome :d grats to anyway :)
gtv, SO awesome! really nice guys there!
congrats !
i lol'd at some of your "ebay adverts" at the LAN, especially vs winfakt :D wp
Was kinda expected
Nice brackets indeed !
Cod4 prize?
the same as ET
How come ET Anexis has a german flag, if CoD Anexis has a hungarian one? There are zero germans in the team.

Also, SAGE significantly improved my opinion of two players - razz and Baggiez - for entirely different reasons. Baggiez was lanproven but I now consider him a really good player too; conversely, I already thought razz was a great player, and now he's lanproven. From the games I saw, they were among the best players in their respective teams (although the teams both underperformed).
So what you are saying is, you thought Baggiez was shit?
I subscribed to the general meme of thinking Baggiez not as good as his Winfakt teammates. I was wrong - at SAGE he was possibly the best player on the team, from what I saw.
So what you are saying is, is that he currently is performing better than Perfo. Interesting theory.
Their organization is German.
Actually, the flag should represent the origin of the multigaming clan.

If for example FC Barcelona has no Spanish players anymore, it would still be a Spanish team.
Same logic applied to e-teams.
Yeah, I realise that. But in that case, why does the CoD team have a Hungarian flag?
Gratulation eSuba!
Hungary Anexis is on a roll :p winning everything atm
obviously because of fobje and future haha ;D
fobje is not in anexis, dunno where you got that from
didn't he used to play with the team in the time in animus?
Gratz! We need mvp, biggest surprise, best rifle, medic etc. poll !
Yep!! We really need that!
shit coverage !!
I can't agree more that's the biggest let down i think
Evidently I'm awesome at coverage (somehow) but cursed as a manager. :D
I was surprised given how many ppl were there that nobody posted much.
Quotethere that there that

i see what you did there did there
the internet was non existent, it died on thursday night and we had to use a backup one which was limited - kaostv took priority as they needed pretty much all of it for the stream.

(think a couple of people tried uploading videos / pics and the wireless crashed out :D)

all the pics will be posted hopefully tomorrow once Ive had a decent nights sleep :)
congratulations :)
hope everybody had great time at lan!
Jere, wat is dit?
dit is SAGE
where is s16? :o
consolation tournament

which games are worth or rewatching? didn't check any ETTV matches at all :<
good question , would like to see the good matches too
final was epically well played by mAus
mAus super-beast in that, but night back on track!
final was epically well played by mAus and night!
nordic vs spot16
gratz future
any matches worth to watch?
More importantly WHO WON QUAKE?
got cancelled :(
Would've been nice to see you commentating the ET Tosspot, next time!
Congrats Anexis, especially Future!
Nice that some ET players still remember me, thanks guys.:)
Also it was nice to meet some of my old ET mates. Gz to Anexis.ET(xylos and co) !
what team do you play for? :)

is there any chance the cod scene is going to move to blackops any time soon or not a chance?

and no, i dont think so...:S
Congrats :)
Ah, your also the CoD future? :D
Didn't know that! Well played :p
n1 matches
No prize ceremony :( Get TosspoT back please.
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