Team Blackpoint

image: blackpoint

Hereby I am very pleased to announce the official start of Team Blackpoint! We are a brand new gaming team and we hope to become one of the best gaming teams out there. Without further ado, I would to present our teams:

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Netherlands Koen "Kri" Captain
Netherlands Bas "L4mpje"
Netherlands Mark "mArk"
Netherlands Mitchell "MiTCH"
Netherlands Wouter "Testi"

Most people might know these guys under their old clanname, draakjes, and have shown that in quite a short time they have become a strong team with loads of potential.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Finland Jesse "GAS" Captain
Finland Santeri "Enkku"
Finland Niko "reflexy"
Finland Kristian "Keimoj"
Finland Valtteri "vktN"

This Finnish team has been together for quite some time now and they've grown alot since they started. Attending the upcoming Finnish lan ESPC, and several others, we are confident we will leave our mark in the eSports scene.

Without leadership, a team is nowhere, so I'd like to present our crew:

Netherlands Rémy "RMY" Owner and Head-Manager
Netherlands Tom "ironic" Co-Manager
Netherlands Sercan "hayzee" Co-Manager
Netherlands Freek "aMeno" PR-Manager

Ofcourse we wouldn't be able to do all this without the help of our sponsor and partners!


Also, I would like to announce that we will soon be hosting a Logo Design Contest, more info will be announced soon so keep your eyes open!

#blackpoint :: Team Blackpoint
Sup with you?
börja lira et igen? :_P
jag är för kass
mm jätte kass! '':D''

Lamp gonnnnn ROLL
testi XD

impressive logo btw
QuoteAlso, I would like to announce that we will soon be hosting a Logo Design Contest, more info will be announced soon so keep your eyes open

I made two, but they werent awesome so :p
image: blackpoint
image: bpoint
2nd is pretty nice imo
Thanks, Ill tell RMY :D
2nd one with a coloured font
any ideas for the colour maybe?
rather keep the font black and make the ball dark purple. And replace the triangle inside the ball with something cooler :D
Oké, Ill try smtn out. Thanks for the feedback :)
keep the ball black, as its your clanname. i could imagine some blue with an effect
also made this one

image: bpoint3

what do you think? used the purple, like u said :p
zei toch die 2de -.-
Die tweede is wel vet hoor
first one is so 1999 but second one is really nice :>
also made this one

image: bpoint3

what do you think?
I'm in for the logo contest :>

gl noobies!

3lack from ETQW !?!?1
gl nice guys
other news would be enough for this tbh :d
Its not like there havent been 500 similar projects already before..

still GL and may your project not die withing a month
Well i posted as other news and didnt ask for main but its still nice haha:D

And we, mainly I, have been working on this project since end of March to get people interested and work on sponsorship deals etcetera.

Thanks for the GL
oh thats at least something :)
Still, what your company needs to stay alive is winnings.
I actually doubt that you re about to be present in many news with a medskilled et team and Cod4 team which has once won a 1daycup :d
they are above med, thats one thing I know for sure :) And we also could've gone for some other team that claims to be acadamy(just like 90% of the other teams) but that didnt had a stable team for some weeks already. This team has been playing together for about 5months already, so that means alot tbh :)

Thanks for the GL!
yea, true points in ur post :>
Well establishing a new gaming company is pretty hard nowadays.
Still i stay at my point that even if theyre above med, they will never play anything close to div1 and hence will never be in a newspost with more than a few readers..
In my eyes the only way creating a name in esports for now is putting a whole lot of money in.
You will never get big with small halfskilled teams which do dream of being at the top level.
The only thing, i see is making it attractive for topteams in a certain game to join your company and the more it gets close to professional gaming, the more money you have to put into that.

I would be interested in your goals with that MGC?
Yeh, it is pretty hard to get a good multigaming. But RMY has already found 3 sponsors, which is a good basis to begin with :) So far, its looking pretty good and lets hope we just keep on growing :)
I would still like to have my question answered :P
I cant disagree, but neither can i agree with you. Our teams are above the average skill, but you are right they are not in the same row as dignitas, anexis, nevo etc. However, average teams can become great teams, just look at nevo, whoms players started at lower division improving their game with almost always the same base lineup (al1 gifted sup3r undead, and then they switched sometimes xperia lunatic jere and others).

You are correct on the winnings part. To fund your teams and lansupport you need to win/collect money into your organisation. On the other hand I believe that motivation and dedication are just as important ;) and I think sponsors also see this.
you will never really be able to get money into your organisation by sponsors. if it goes well, they offer you a service which is funded by advertising but thats not what an organisation needs.
And thats why i am asking what your goals as an mgc are.
Just interested if you really plan on becoming a big mgc heading to something where real money is involved or if it is just another small gaming clan uniting some friends but more like a "just 4 fun" project. Because if its the second option, then i m a bit confused about it being a newspost :d
We want to become a major gaming team(as the likes of dignitas, h2k, anexis etc). We have someone interested to support 1 team to lan, ofcourse they have demands for this.

At the moment we want a stable base and work our way up from there. Our CoD4 team is already signed up and paid for the ESPC lan in Finland so. And ofcourse we hope to see a nice final standing there.

It's definatly not about uniting friends. Yes the crew is based on friends, but this is because we trust eachother, and we all have skills that are needed for managing a team like this.

In the end, yes we want to become a major gaming team.
thats what i wanted to hear :)
Solid plan is the most important thing :>

how did anexis become "big"?
e: their new HP isnt even workin :P
man, only decent player in that lineup is lampje even your better than most of them :p
Nah man, just believe me :) And sup with the "even you're better" huh Pigeon? Want me to demolish ur face at lan?
:D haha ok! you guna go to the lan in swansea then? might have to start hitting the gym harder to get ready for you ;p
I might, if I can get 2 days off from my internship ;)
ah cool hopefully see you there then :)
yeh mate, would be nice ;)
Good luck hayzee
Quotewe hope to become one of the best gaming teams out there

QuoteMiTCH, Kri, mArk

GL with that one! GL Testi mate <3 x
Better + more stable than any of the teams you have ever posted in the new section :D:D:D:D:D:D
That partnership with epsilon lasted FUCKING AGES! Well done you clever person :)
QuoteBetter + more stable than any of the teams you have ever posted in the new section

i'll let you do the thinking
So after this was posted... How stable was your team? Because according to gtv you played ZERO games.

So I am pretty sure you achieved NOTHING and you folded like a week after this... Therefore this team is already more stable than "epsilon" :D:D:D:D:D:D

btw, want me to link you to a picture of a potato as you could have a really interesting convo with that (in your eyes)
Epsilon was a multigaming, F5 was a team. F5 won every competition it played.

<original and funny joke about how stupid you are>
you mean a "Kartoffel"? since its wide spread word for everyone
Your argument seams to be invalid potty mate :(
u should even talk about teams, as u prob swiched between them over 9000 and none of them was stable.
Say what? Signum 2005-2007 THE CUBE 2008-2009 Almighty 2009-2010 :|

Main Teams :Z
and how many bilion teams in-between? dont wanna waste my time seeking for all those 2 weeks teams that failed..
Played for a few teams in between yes, but only because my main team might of been having a month hiatus.

Plus, who the fuck are you and why do you thin ky ou know more about my life then I do? Please stop stalking me you fucking freak :\
lmao, not hard to read cless topics each week with ur name including it, everyone whos able to read can do that.
hf lampe wampe
fucking insulter. :(
gl draakjes =)
lampje owner!

gl :)
you forgot to change that Wordpress favicon
Good team, gl
gl en tot vanavond <3
3x3 lines get into main page

debateable et team gl management tho!
gl boys
lol gl
Forcegaming is baaak!

Main news? GL anyway
.. testi @ main news ^^,
no offense...

but since when medskillers (or +) get news on the mainpage?

gl tho
main news oO gl anyway!
One hell of a shit website...
sqyud y u no game tonit?????
whao sayd I wall nut?
Tom @ manager :D

gl boys! <3
raging handsome manager gets things done
good luck :-)
good luck guys :)

ffs lamp p00n u quake
haha tom lekker bezig
mainnews 4 sho
sick web banner :D<3
gl guys
Very cool to see new things that seem organised to a professional standard. I'm sure you can make it work.
Gl, good players. Owning next EC?
I don't get how did this make it to the Main News, hf
So this is news on crossfire nowadays? Who the hell are these guys?
what would be your next main news?
you can't predict news!
The more people read the news, the more income! ADVERTISEMENT! Therefor, my news would be about PORN AND NUDES
Ye lets have main news about all those pro known players who make a team every once a week, oh wait. Teams should be stable.
nice logo! -_-
GL with your startup, but maybe change the banner? i sure might halp!
Did u read last part of the post?
i did, thats why i said it ;D
When? I allready made something.
Expected something else than bunch of noobs :D
main news
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