PHX: Location Information & Pictures

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We made a visit to the LAN Center for the upcoming PHX-1 event, to get some pictures of inside and outside and an idea of the surrounding shops and so on for people hoping to attend. We also managed to get some details on anything in particular you may need for the PC's as well as what monitors they have there.

PHX-1 Updates
11/05/2011: Initial Announcement
11/06/2011: Latest Update
11/07/2011: Signups open
20/07/2011: Location Information & Pictures
11/08/2011: Signups Close*
18/08/2011: Payment Deadline*
10 & 11/09/2011: PHX-1 Takes place

First up a small announcement on the tournament scaling, this means depending on how many teams make a payment for the event depends on how the tournament will work. There are currently 4 different options, it is all down to the Enemy Territory scene on which one is the one used - the options are a 6, 8, 10, and 12 team tournament details of which can be found below. There may be a very small chance of a 16 team tournament option but would need a drastic improvement on sign ups for that to be considered.

Location: Crossfire LAN centre, Swansea, Wales
Date: 10th-11th September 2011
Format: 5on5, Groups and Double Elimination Bracket
Sign up per team: €300
Tournament Size: 6[/b]]Minimum games per team: 6
Prize pool: €800 (1st only)
Consolation Tournament: Yes
/ 8[/b]]Minimum games per team: 5
Prize pool: €1150 (1st & 2nd - 900/250)
Consolation Tournament: Yes
/ 10[/b]]Minimum games per team: 5
Prize pool: €1500 (1st & 2nd - 1100/400)
Consolation Tournament: Yes
/ 12[/b]]Minimum games per team: 5
Prize pool: €2000 (1st, 2nd & 3rd - 1250/500/250)
Consolation Tournament: If time permits - not included in current minimum games

BYOC: No (this is a TUP event, PC's are already there)

And now for some pictures of the LAN Centre. Below are just a few pictures, if you wish to see more please follow the link at the bottom of the page and have a look there.

Crossfire LAN Centre, Swansea
image: IMG_1488

First view as you enter, we get to use some of this area, mainly the back right
image: IMG_1486

We get full use of the upstairs area, which includes a toilet and a tuck shop with energy drinks and snacks
image: IMG_1470

Each player gets set space, unlike what ET LAN events are normally use to
image: IMG_1441

Also all the chairs at the event seemed very nice, bonus!
image: IMG_1468

Some details players will need to take note of, access to the PS2 port is not easily done so every player who has not got a USB keyboard will need to bring a PS2/USB converter with them. Each PC has easy to access USB hub with 4 ports which should, in theory, make setup times a little quicker. As for the monitors for the event, they are Hyundai 17" B71A which can reach 75hz on native which is 1280x1024 (5:4) this means of course they are not wide screen monitors.

Sign ups are still open for PHX of course and if you and your team wish to attend please follow the details in the sign up post HERE and you will be added to the sign up shortlist.

Organisers: United Kingdom Ethr & United Kingdom MerlinatoR
All PHX Information: LINK
those pictures need some sheeps
Made me laugh :D
Looks good, see you there :)
looks better inside than from the outside :D and seem to be comfortable chairs :)
Does it only seem like only few space for spectators? Looks still nice:>
There is more space behind each set of players in the upstairs area then at WZZRD, at least twice as much - but it is stand only, which will allow more people to watch, if they want to.
yea, meant more like for the not-speccing spectators, like some bar, lounge, etc for those not playing :)
looks great!
Surrounding are has a nice wide range of shops and places to eat - from your bottom of the pile McDonalds to Starbucks, Marks & Spencer, some pub lunches and Pizza Express all within a 5minute walk of the LAN centre. A little further are TGI Fridays & Chiquitos if anyone wants those too ;) as well as the normal wide range of take aways (chinese / pizza / indian) and the LAN guys are fine with ordering directly to the LAN centre for you.

There is also a Cinema and a Bowling Alley (:D) if anyone feels the need quite close to Crossfire also.
Chiquitos... I need to go to this LAN. Really struggling to get the time off work :(
Let me know if you're goin bruv! BTW: Did you already bought a new cable for ur phone?
will there be keyboards there to use freely like at enschede ??
If I was there I would go for the 1st floor!
Quote1280x1024 (4:3)

should be
Quote1280x1024 (5:4)

so long as you can go to an actual 4:3 resolution (via drivers or w/e) then it doesnt matter if it's a widescreen monitor a 5:4 monitor
you coming to this?
if ollie goes and we split fuel then probably (and if this happens can probably take you and bagz), otherwise unlikely unless i get a team/start playing again

fuck going by train
i'm going with razbo/owzo etc. so i may be travelling with raz, i dunno...

trains are <£40 return atm so i need to figure out what's cheaper
i'll be on holiday. can't make it!

hoped to see u there :(
possibly the luton one if that ever happens :)

who u going with??
the venue looks 10x better than any other lan cf ever hosted.

every single cf lan failed at providing proper chairs
pathetic little nerd :(
well the chairs at wzzrd sucked.
tbh everything looks great, I'm just worried about the lack of teams. Doubt we'd be interested in going for a 6-team-tournament.

atm i believe the only teams that are realistic of actually coming are, dignitas nevo nordic cube.
indeed, hopefully the scene picks itself up a bit - Ive heard things about at least 2 or 3 other teams being quite possible (higher skilled teams).

Atm it is in the communities hands, I have done pretty much all that can be done :)
2 LANs are like maximum amount for ET. Around 4 LANs a year = Only sponsored teams will attend.
tbh i believe location is a bigger problem than anything else. With netherlands or belgium u had easy transport towards the location (especially from germany - netherlands & belgium where there is a quite big community). and some polaks would make the trip over.

To get to the uk u have to go through more expensive transportation.
+ the uk community is failing atm with getting enough teams going, and normally the host country has the most players attending.
LAN at Finland??? Welcome fight polar bears!
transport to Swansea is just as good if not better than to Enschede - Can travel from all the major cities to the Train Station which is literally a 5minute walk from the LAN centre - the cost of the journey is cheaper from every major city in England by train then Amsterdam Schipol to Enschede too.

Accommodation is cheaper in Swansea as well and seemingly many more closer options then Enschede has.

I think some people are just not bothering, for whatever reason, and the UK scene is yet to really show themselves.
you missed the point that already the travel to the UK is alot more expensive than any destination within the mainland of europe. There are various options such as buses (poland and east mostly imo), better trains and especially cars to anything near enschede or similar. Whereas most people have to fly to London or Cardiff (was it?) which is already alot more expensive + still have to get to Swansea then.

e.g. in my case I could have flied to London for only 70€ (both ways) but already the train travel would have been as much as that.

Just pointing out that for most european people that attended previous ET lans its a big difference to travel to Netherlands or to United Kingdom :)
Train travel London to Swansea is only 30-40euros max :p

of course it will be a bit more expensive to travel for people who live quite close to Enschede I am not arguing that :) but imo it is quite reasonable still - 200-230 euros will cover entry, accommodation and travel.
every uk player attending lan has had to pay alot of money :p why cant you europeans ? :p
No prob at all, especially since the UK community has been asking for an Uk located lan for a while now. It's just up to them to prove they deserve it since tbh if they cant put atleast 4 uk teams together it would be an dissapointment.
>host uk lan
>put it on weekend when many uk unis start

it's not that much of an issue for me (except I'm supposed to be working that weekend but I can always cancel it if I go to this lan) but i can see why it might be for others
looks nice but somewhat cramped(minimum of 130cm for gear), and the screens, meh accidentally canceled my ticket anyway
More place than the previous LANs.
dreamhack assembly: 172x60 for a gaming spot, but ofc you have to fit the pc, and misc like drinks and personal stuff on that also

130x70, my bad
Are they fine with me walking around/drinking beer in there???
lol @ the speakers/headphones etc, seems like an alright venue but +1 what slajdan with space etc.

Have nP directing people to local interests/clubs and what not to partyhard, just hope you get more sign ups...
QuoteAre they fine with me walking around/drinking beer in there???

Was srs too =[ couldn't find any info and they only sell pop behind the counter l0L, could bring a hipflask otherwise to stop me shaking :Ppp
i dont reckon they'll mind :D or do they? dont actually have a clue how they deal with alcohol in these kind of places in uk
How many cries for a UK based event and now only one UK team interested...
+1 Hope the uk guys get some more teams going than this :P
If you hold a lan at a time where school kids are just starting back again and uni students are starting to go back aswell your cutting out quite a lot of the people who might want to attend.

Also Swansea is full of welsh pikeys.
The fact that Swansea is in Wales gives away that they are going to be welsh.
Thanks for clearing that one up. If you go to birmingham in the England you might get chavs but they could be pakis, or anything else. Its a lot easier for people to move around the globe in this modern age.
CPC1 was on the same weekend some years ago
And the community was something like 5 years younger...
Only 8 teams :)
Ah i see i wouldnt know not part of the community back in the day! But now if had a choice between spending more money on alcohol in freshers or going to lan i know im guna choose the first option ;)
Be aware that not all PS2 equipment will work when you use a simple ps2/usb converter. The ps2 equipment in question has to be usb capable.

Also note that USB hubs can (most likely will) have problems with 500+hz

My advice to the organisation is to install a couple PC's prior to the event (like, weeks before) and make a checklist of problems you run into and how to solve them. Different type of pc's? Do it for all different types. Silly little problems as the sound issues at wzzrd which took hours to fix should be avoided at all cost.

Anyway, location looks ok. Maybe not too spectator friendly and too bad the monitors suck, but heck.. Any CF lan had sucky monitors as well.
Why are you not going?! =(
numerous reasons
first i thought this was bs. from the outside it looked bs. but now.. really nice :))))))
Dodged these photos like a pro! :D
see you there!
I heard pandas are going to take over this.
I'm going for at least 1 day, if anyone needs possibly the greatest player who ever played the game on their team ask Night, if not ask me!

*EDIT* I'm actually away that weekend, bugger :(
what a shame :((
need a team
QuoteEach player gets set space, unlike what ET LAN events are normally use to


And does the venue provide keyboards? cba to take my own :x
yes, the ones pictured will be available free of charge.
awesome! I really hope I can get 2days off from my inter-ship :x Really want to go!
No bar? No barman named Henk?

I smell fail
You goin Jasem8?
Yeah, got time booked off work already : )
Looks a bit shitty though : (
Dnno, looks small but the chairs look comfy and you only have to set up once. Dont think Im able to attend tho
Looks way to small, not alot of room for spectators and there is normally a fair amount of them. No idea where the closest pub, club or off licence is. The chairs do look comfy and there is alot more room for players on the upside : ) WHY U NO COME TOMM8 : <
just started my intern ship at that time, so Ill prolly have a hard time getting 2 extra days off
Ahhh man, that sucks : ( You gunna be a doctor? : D
haha no mayne. Its at vacansoleil, at the marketing-section. I thought intern-ship was the right word for it tho? :x Or is it only used at medical studys?
Ahhh, sounds interesting man, good luck with it :) I honestly have no idea, it's probably used in other studys, i've only heard it used in medical studys though so the first thing that came to my mind was Dr. Tom ; D
Lol, that would be stupid idea, giving me a pass to legaly cut people :D I WOULD FUCKING CUT THE FACE OF THAT NERD THAT ALMOST PUKED ON US!
Ahaha, it would be awsome, you'd make a great doctor, cutting random people for no reason and whatnot, what could go wrong? : D Oh god, please do, that was fucking awful man. I'm gunna head to bed. Night man, love you! <3
Haha, sleep tight and sweet dream mate <3 Lots of love
1 big question, where's the nearest off licence to get some beer :P
Lollipops *_*
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