An interview with urtier

During our (Team Dignitas) trip to SAGE, our Enemy Territory team was joined by an old friend and also former teammate, Tore 'urtier' Trimpop. After the event urtier has shown interest in making a comeback to Enemy Territory as he has been inactive for several years now.

He has now made plans to begin playing the game competitively once again which is why we decided to have a chat with him and bring you the full report.

Here is a small preview:

After SAGE LAN you said watching ET made you feel like playing the game again. Are you considering a comeback, and if so, who would you like to play with again?

Urtier: Yes, after a relatively long time of inactivity watching the games at the SAGE LAN made me feel like playing it again. If you have played a game for such a long time and you suddenly just quit or stop, there are times when you think about the good times you had in the game and everything that comes along with it, such as big tournaments, clan rivalries, the LAN events and especially the people you have played with. I have never been totally out of touch with the guys, stopped by in the IRC channels from time to time, but playing the game is a whole different experience again.

So I actually do consider playing a bit again, or even make a comeback, if you like to call it that way. I got most stuff for university sorted out and during the weeks I find myself quite bored from time to time. However at the moment I’m almost done with my exams for the summer term and will try to enjoy as much of the summer as possible, or what is left from it. So I will keep it nice and slow in the first weeks and see what is going on. You might find me on a public, if you are lucky.

Of course it would be nice to play with the old idle guys again, but I would not mind playing with other guys as long as they are capable of playing this game at a high level, have some fun and do not run around like headless chickens looking for the next frag to polish their stats. Now that the team has taken in ZaK and Karnaj again it will be even harder to fight for a spot there.

How are you handling your comeback, playing a lot of mixes or taking your time to get back to your old level?

Urtier: As I said, I will rather take it relaxed the next weeks and enjoy my life rather than sitting in front of the PC. The summer is pretty cold this year though and if it is raining and nothing else is going on, I will surely see if there is some ET to play (or also other games with friends). Would like to play a few mixes here and then with the old guys from office or weekendmix and see how far that will take me.

I’m currently not in any shape close to competing on a higher level than OC fifths division I guess, but it will come back with some practice. The hardest part however will be getting used to the 5on5 gameplay. The last time I was playing the game actively the gamemode was still 6on6 and it seems to have quite an impact on the general playing style of players and the teams. That will take a lot of patience, practice and dedication not to fall back into old habits and doing things that are only working in 6on6.

For the full interview I'd like to refer to the original source:
first and ET is dead, there, I said it.
respect, really
Sounds like a nice guy, gut read!
Cool, have a lot of respect for you, so it's good to see you're back. Sounds like your approach to playing the game is the right way to go, have fun this summer and see you on a public some time soon
put it to interview section, useless as news item
Good to see you back! :)
fucking attentionwhore :p

e: if you come back, bring your brother ;)
I'd rather see con (conan) back again ;P
one4one. con or hx^conan?
Why dont you put it into the Interview section, as it is an Interview?
nice read, grats for your diet!
Best fops ever
As sui said: "crossfire is not the source of this interview"
image: fat_comp
Respekt an dich man
im fucking impressed tbh!
And still you cant say it in English on an English site.
Nice one. :)
everyone can change, but not everyone do it, nice :)
wow , nice diet
Nice one ;)
really nice!:D
nice job man
Damn, great job. That's pretty impressive...
u really lost a lot of weight !!
congratz, I'm impressed
just filling your inbox, cuz I have absolutely no idea why people give you respect for posting that pic
you got mail
congratz urtier
his forehead is abnorm anyways
obviously quiting et wasnt a bad idea for him..
if he starts et again he will become like 2008? i hope not
he was pregnant, thats all
thats seriously impressive, well done fella!
nice read
respect dude :)

you are one of the greatest!
not anymore ":D"
I don't get it :P

I wasn't talking about his gaming skills.
I can't believe I have to explain this, but, having lost weight, he's not one of the greatest anymore, literally.
wp at the weight loss urtier!!

have fun playing some ET again :]
respect man!! :)
very cool but there is an interview section :P
Which has always been for cf exclusive interviews, not for content from other websites - and that's why the news is the right place.
I don't know about that. I can't find any other content in the news sections where 99% of the content is an interview, offsite or not.
more comebacks like this !
gratz on breaking 100kg! nice read =)
nice read!

and congratz on that weight fight,seams like you did a fullhold on it :)
how did u manage if i may ask :)
Nice, really good interview, gonna check out your blog to see what you ate
why everyone gives a fuck about your weight srsly ?

you havnt changed at all (characterwise). Some month ago everyone was flaming you because of that and now everyone is like "wtf respect"

Im not reading many interviews, because i think that its just attentionwhoring by most of the people, but since i know that this wont be the case with your interview, i will give it a try. im excited ;)
why do you hate him so much ? i've talked a few times w/ him and seems like a nice guy
where did i say that i hate him?

He helped me a lot at Universityquestions tbh. I dont hate him at all...
Hmm, I have missed all the urtier-flame and I have browsed this site for 4 years. If something, he is generally respected oldschool-player.

I guess you are meaning some single fat-jokes which fat people often tend to receive. ;-)

E: I just have to add that your comment made no sense at all. It almost like you wanted to type some random bullshit to seem more aware and intelligent than average crossie.
but the truth is that jalous people always find a way to flame someone at his weak point - they cant be as good player for example as urtier is so they flamed him for his body - just to show they are better than him in this point -- and now everybody is oooh your are so brave urtier

nice to see you back urtier !!! hf
+ fuckin one on your last edit, laughed my ass of here
nice how many kg did you lose btw ?
In the interview I think he says he lost ~77 kg.
fuck yeah!
Great interview, and great answers.
honestly one of my favourites in ET :)!
we have an interview section
go back inactive ET suxx only
nice read, (wb) :)
only exactly one month left urtier >;D
I went a little over the top yesterday with my "last exam" celebrations :-(
btw KSC season wasnt easy to handle either :D
harhar 'm coming closer!
zerender comeback???????????????????????????????
One of only a few top tier players who doesn't ego! Good luck mate :P
The few mixes I played with him back in the days were pretty cool since he really isn't ego at all compared to France Le Karnaj (suce boules).

Welcome back sir :)
wb boy :)
Getting ET on Steam is a great idea, I've tried a lot of random games on Steam just because they're free. Although I don't know how you'd go about doing it, I guess Steam would have to be paid for it. :(
I think the only reason it is no already on Steam (like the old Wolfenstein titles) is because it is a free game.

Not sure if anything has changed more recently but it would be difficult from what I can tell.
Interview... 2 questions... r you fucking kidding me ??

ps: Wasting your only summertime / month with an inetgame.... fking geek xD
are you an idiot?
rethorical question
Like i didnt see that the full interview was on your geekn nolife site....
They call that : (find this word and ill maybe admit your not an idiot...) (hint its a kind of humor)
comming from someone who doesnt have anything better to do in his life than browsing the comments of other people in the hope to find something to make his day cuz his life is a total fail,l and replying, i don't take this as an insult at all x)))
stopped reading after 'comming' but hey, keep up the awesome posts!
Silenced by Night himself
I've no problem to be silenced on the inet by geeks and nolifers that are only able to see pussys and tits in retarded journals...
u failed so hard. Leave our community you faggot yank.
I lready left your community. I like to come back just to be sure the level of smartness is still as low as it used to be. And you just prooved me that it's even more than before..

It was not a joke, you failed hard nigger. Now leave
:D I'm not even going to bother myself with replys to a retard. And you should prbably start doing something with your life.
pointless to argue with such a dipshit :P
Hey wich one of your gaylords on your profile are you going to marry ? Cuz i see you love a bunch... fucking Looser :DD
every last one of them
where the fuck is my love
slow down casanova you didnt even add me to buddies
I dont want things to get serious, Im just looking for some casual love
Nice read :)
OMG urtier coming back :O
one of the greatest by personality and skill et ever had is returning!!! looking forward
informative interview & nice guy in general =b

doubt it would take much time/work to compete in ET nowadays. just get comfortable with your aim and use basic nades and fragging positions = 5on5 top level.
he will 5 man arty those nerds :Pp
Urtier is a great guy, but why the fuck is an interview in the main news... admins get yiyr act straight
MAIN NEWS - Fuck Yeah!

stop discussing his weightloss already, we're not a Fatfighter community and it's getting boring. Apart from that a nice read as already said.
cool iview bro
Nice read, attending PHX then urtier? :P
welcome back, awesome job with the weight loss!
urtier, go fuck some chick...and get real life
Nice read and congratulations to your great progress in an healthy life style!
respekt urtier! Vlt. schaue ich sogar mal wieder ETTV wenn du dabei bist.
nice interview!
don't agree with the airstrike part, don't see that working out well on maps like goldrush.
when i came up with the steam idea, i actually wanted to spam steam and sd forums with "reasonable" arguments, how it would help them luring people into buying brink :D
did not find the time yet though to come up with a decent text, stressful times.

edit: gl with the comeback! :)
lol...still alive? :D
seems like you still are, so why wouldn't i konstibr0 :D
once a year i check xfire :D
nice interview sui and nice, open responses from urtier too.
The first few Q&As are just a glorified cless post, the rest is boring.
wow, must not fap!
best FO ever !
nice read!
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