Heatwave Challenge News

image: heatwave

Hi guys and girls, I have some bad news for you all. After all the attention surrounding Nextevolution, Imag informed me tody that he won't be sponsoring the Heatwave Challenge anymore. The reason behind this was the decision by the Nextevolution ET team to join WinFakt and as a direct result he´s lost the will to support Enemy Territory.
I am very sorry about this, but as you can understand its a decision I cannot change. Its now up to you, if you still want to play the cup or not. I want it to run and I want you all to have some fun games during the summer. If you dont want to play in the cup anymore, let me know via query @ IRc or pm at crossfire as soon as possible, i´ll let merli update the result of the matches here on crossfire.
If you have any questions or concerns join #Heatwave @ Quakenet and ask to speak to an Admin

Let the flame begin

Greetz Cherry
nice mgc, nice cup
where be Aero mousemats?!?!+!
Thought you were in touch with a possible sponsor to replace nevo/imag?
nice mgc, nice cup
Thought Imag was someone better than that, what a cunt
Well Imag is one fucking piece of shit
wasnt it smth like:
NEVO decided to sponsor spart1e and strenx for quakecon, made promises -> Imag somehow vanished for some time, nobody could reach him -> NEVO announced that they are going inactive, thus NEVO as org become dead -> their ET section left and joined WinFakt -> quakecon ended and Imag showed up with announcement that NEVO is not dead after all. And now he is announcing that he wont sponsor Heatwave because ET team left for WinFakt which was just a result of his actions. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is how I see it
This is exactly how I see it, too.

He lost his will to sponsor ET because his ET squad left the MGC that he himself killed by disappearing.

This is some high level insane troll logic here.
some1 make this comment main news intead of the bs lies
shall i forward you the details of the nearest shrink ?
you make so much sense.
Hoping you are failing to climb the language barrier here, else id just call you stupid.
forgot to take ur pills?
if u r mad go tell ur parents all about it.
I just fail to understand how you could have called that post "lies" and therefore thought you are just not able to understand it properly.
Last Visitors
Ohh seems like you are just stupid :) .
yeh i give my money away to ppl i dont know over the internet,
Wouldnt surprise me you do. You sound mentally challenged :) .
i saw a pic of u and felt like i should stop, cu fatty
what is your problem lol :D
You're such a brain cripple.

i've spent thousands on nevo with felix
I'm pretty sure Felix did not spend that amount of money
Quoteshall i forward you the details of the nearest shrink ?

QuoteHoping you are failing to climb the language barrier here

yeah i'm mad, because you're acting like an arrogant prick when you've absolutely no reason to
im an arrogant prick get over it
i got a genuine question after talking to somebody.. has imag ever put any money into anything?
i've spent thousands on nevo with felix
oh ok my bad ;)
good business bro
Thousands? :DDDD
I read it as Felix left therefore he didnt have the funds to pay for it...
must have been one of your not so brights moments :)
Is that not the reason you left? Because he wasn't around to pay the bills ect?
Thats only a small part of it. And i never intended to pay for it. Fyi i didnt invest anything since sage.
QuoteMaGChamp on 08/08/11, 00:06:09 PM | Report | Reply

i've spent thousands on nevo with felix

none of my thousands :O
thx for tl;dr version of what happened :D
you call that a tl;dr version? ^^
better than going through few journals :D
:P true that^^
oh man, how dare imag not invest money in a free game with a retarded community

BRINK is future right?
Free for cup(Y):D
Meh. Too bad, but welcome to online gaming. At least it's better that this came out now, instead of him never paying after the cup was over.
LOL i didnt disapear at all, i come back from scotland after two days and i see the et team has left and days later joined winfakt while they were supported at sage event, and thx to felix some of the payment was done by him, but i dont understand the point in spending money on a cup which wont be any good for me, i dont have a et team nor nevo is up, since week ago everything that should have been paid to nevo players were paid till the strenx from quakelive came along and we had a huge misunderstanding.

i was in dallas myself because me spartie and strenx were suppose to go there together but unfortunately strenx joined back in fnatic because he thought i disapeared when i texted the rest of the managers explaining about that i wont be able to come online, after 1 day i came online fianly and he told me that fnatic bought him a ticket so i made a 1300 pound lost on that.

thank you to felix and jaqueline for working with me these past few months, all was great but things would have been different if they delayed their news posts for 20 hours. but i guess what is done has be done now and nevo is currently down, but i did not disapear i am still here working on few projects.
conveniently right after quakecon finishes HMMMMMM?!?!?!?!
Yes, and you got taken by ufo's to dallas, you have been traveling with spart1e as a invisible person. Stop spreading this bullshit, you've letting them suffer enough by now.
cant blame the team leaving with was going on, & getting into winfakt was the perfect timing!
next time pick your staff better (ppl who dont shut down the orga if you're having orgies for few days)
seems pretty strange that you were in contact with the other managers by phone, yet they still had no idea about if you were going to come back online any time soon or not and had to shut down the organization

or atleast that's how I understood it..
Your IP is in the UK - how did you get back from Quakecon so fast?
A hovercraft.
Just like the Jim guy from Fatgames who was apparently online from a plane (private jet?!) to a special meeting in America, while his IP was still logged in Greece :-D

I'm still not sure who paid for all the stuff back then, but I guess the majority of it wasn't founded by him :)
Funniest thing. Imag had a accident couple of weeks ago, where he said he broke both his legs etc etc. www.fatgames.eu - strange....hmmmmmm....hmmmmm....Naaaa!
Was krosan and one other who got mugged for that one :(
seems like organisation and managing a mgc is not your thing anyways if so many crucial misunderstandings and fails come up within a week.
2 days? XD you were idle for 5 weeks

i found a picture from you and spart1e in dallas
image: spart1e
rofl..he had car accident :S
you sound legit, welcome back and cya next quakecon
Sounds plausible, we believe you.
Serious shit once again here
dont worry, there's nothing what could stop the turbot vs raab epic battle from happening
What a fuckin surprise
managers not keeping their promises (if you can call it that) = nothing new. 5 years ago ive seen situations like that and it kept on happening since then quite regularly so i really dont know why anyone could be suprised. I just really dont know why imag would bother to explain it. Just fuck it, noone's gonna believe you anyway, this scene is messed up :p

and actually shutting the cup is a reasonable thing to do
Cup rename is overdue
Blame Winfakt ET squad for this shit. gg-.-
YUP! they fucked EC also
Get the facts right, before you speak.
I flame u for not answering me on irc..I expect more support from admins in short questions..
hilarious how you can think, that building up a MGC is so easy :'D

i dont understand all that people who are investing so much money in esports without a clue of running a company. YES, Esports is a growing market, but a bit knowledge is needed to make some profit...

Yeaaah, tell them Razzah!
I will take over NEVO ":D"
"been there, done that" :DDDD
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