PHX: Called Off

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Sign ups are now closed, we have had a total of 10 sign ups but unfortunately some teams have decided to drop out due to lack of interest as well as some other reasons. After contacting some of the teams in the remaining 6, it was made clear the the event itself would not be possible and has therefore been called off.

- - original news - -

It's do or die time for another ET LAN as the sign ups for PHX draw to a close. The current signups stand at seven with a furthur two teams that have since decided to drop out of the sign ups. Although this is enough for the event to take place a few of the teams in the list would be unlikely to attend with this amount of interest, namely Dignitas and NORDIC. Signing up is more simple now, and you can easily PM me here on crossfire to do so with the following details:
  • Conctact Email:
  • Contact Player:
  • Team name:
  • Team roster:

So, with two days remaining to sign up the ET scene has a short amount of time to determine if PHX will take place or not as it is in your hands. After many calls for more LAN events the response has been poor to what would be the third event this year. Sign up now, as once we reach the deadline I have to contact the LAN centre regarding a deposit - if we dont have enough teams interested I have to cancel the booking.

PHX-1 Updates
11/05/2011: Initial Announcement
11/06/2011: Latest Update
11/07/2011: Signups open
20/07/2011: Location Information & Pictures
02/08/2011: Signups Closing Soon
11/08/2011: Signups Close
18/08/2011: Payment Deadline
10 & 11/09/2011: PHX-1 Takes place

Event Details
Location: Crossfire LAN centre, Swansea, Wales
Date: 10th-11th September 2011
Format: 5on5, Groups and Double Elimination Bracket
Sign up per team: €300
Tournament Size: 6[/b]]Minimum games per team: 6
Prize pool: €1,050 (1st only)
Consolation Tournament: Yes
/ 8[/b]]Minimum games per team: 5
Prize pool: €1,350 (1st & 2nd - 1100/250)
Consolation Tournament: Yes
/ 10[/b]]Minimum games per team: 5
Prize pool: €1750 (1st & 2nd - 1300/450)
Consolation Tournament: Yes
/ 12[/b]]Minimum games per team: 5
Prize pool: €2250 (1st, 2nd & 3rd - 1500/500/250)
Consolation Tournament: If time permits - not included in current minimum games

BYOC: No (this is a TUP event, PC's are already there)

Organisers: United Kingdom Ethr & United Kingdom MerlinatoR
PHX Info: Link
wbere to see signups?
info link, bottom of the post.
wont happen since the place is fucking retarded
The LAN centre? was pretty nice actually for a LAN centre :) surrounding area is a big bonus too with 10+ hotels within 5-10minute walking distance and lots of shops, restaurants and couple of value supermarkets nearby.

It's perhaps not what ET LAN goers are use to, as Enschede is in the middle of nowhere with nothing around and has a bar in the middle of the lan centre - but this is not the norm ;)
Well tbh i want to attend but i cant because its in UK if it wouldve been in somewhere inside euro it was np for me. That travel over sea fukes it.
you saying the UK is not in the EU?
If you won't even bother to travel to Swansea, don't even bother going to a LAN except for NL
Quotesomewhere inside euro it was np for me. That travel over sea fukes it.

If it would be in france germany belgium i couldve come, all im sayin.
that still means you think the UK doesn't belong to the EU (which it does)....
It's not cause there is water between countries , that they aren't in the zone
Nope doesnt mean anything related to the uk not being EU. Also they should not be part of the EU since they dont pay Membership.

I was takling about if it was a good place and then u came out of a corner saying i dont know its EU.
"Well tbh i want to attend but i cant because its in UK if it wouldve been in somewhere inside euro it was np for me."

you said you'd go to every LAN in the EU, but not to UK

implying UK isn't EU
he probrably meant "central europe"
Read ur own line makes no sense :S
nevermind... you're hopeless
You shouldn't care about such details. We all know what he means, don't we?
studying for exams.. so details are important
in exams, yes. when talking to other people on crossfire in a language that is not their own, no.
if you can't put the things you're studying into practice, you're not studying right
you should study on when to put them into practice.
He probably meant the euro as in the currency, not the European Union.
Haha, you deleted my comment because I said that the location for a LAN is shit. :D:D

Every LAN in the UK will be shit for ET, because only some from nl will come and others are UK only, which means 20 players max. So dont get mad on me, bro.
I deleted your comment because it was baseless. Ive seen the location and the surrounding area and having actually attended multiple LANs in multiple locations it is pretty good, for a single game event it is pretty perfect.

And we shall see about the UK location thing, unless SAGE is doing another LAN I dont think ET will have another major event in NL for a couple of years.
I didnt mean the surrounding area, the location as in UK itself
Why exactly is the location shit?
When you dont have full sponsorship then it's too expensive for Eastern Europeans + germans and frenchies and dutch ppl wont attend and with polish community they practically make ET player-base.

And yeah, Germany, Netherlands and France keep saying that they are so rich, but when it comes to LANs they whine about the costs a lot. just like when some1 wanted to make LAN @ Croatia.
Its cheaper than Enschede.. what are you basing all these comments on? € to £ is really good atm to hold a UK LAN for europeans.
Travelling to UK is more expensive than to NL :D

Wtf you on about that pound to euro is atm cheap. There's still a month to go and with these riots everything can change.

And when you travel to UK nobody gives a shit about the pound, you still pay according the local airport system and ticket prices :D
Travelling to UK is way cheaper than travelling to NL, you can fly to London from basically everywhere with Ryanair. Should do some research next time before spraying total bs.
i didnt mean .ee.

I meant polish, french, german and dutch ppl who travel to LAN by car. and most ppl traveled to ET LANs by car.

And flying is more expensive compared to that.
Flying with ryanair is a lot cheaper than driving.
French people can take a train, it's pretty fast as well or can also fly:
Marseille-London-Marseille 48.98 EUR
Eindhoven-London-Eindhoven 29.99 EUR
Düsseldorf-London-Düsseldorf 18.00 EUR
Bremen-London-Bremen 41.98 EUR
Berlin-London-Berlin 45.98 EUR
Krakow-London-Krakow around 88 EUR
Katowice-London-Katowice around 75 EUR
4 PPl driving to LAN in Europe is max 40 euros per face. So no, travelling by plane + taxies + busses isnt cheaper for them.
some weeks ago the whole travel cost me 89.21 € to go there and come back

( plane, bus, underground )

ye u need to pay long time before the event, ye its better with our own car ( im in south of france atm, around 1500km to go there :p
and with 4 ppl it's not really a big problem.
Look here, just because you still get breastfed and have no means of making any money doesnt mean it is expensive to get to PHX Lan. I have done the research based on Anexis and its cheap as fuck compared to UK players travelling to NL/BE. Plus, as vaiko said, Ryanair flies to London from basically anywhere and considering its a 2 day event rather than a 3 day even like at crossfire or SAGE, accommodation costs are cheaper.

Unfortunately the UK community are the ones letting the lan down. I can sympathise with most of them as the school period has just started back up and its a shame.

Anyway, I dont understand why you sit on here talking shit 24/7. You talk like you have achieved something in ET, like you have actually went to a Lan. From what i remember, you were some random faggot that made it to like oc 2nd division and had no ability to make it far in the game. You will probably reply like hohoho, i could if i want i just quit the game. Fact is you sit on crossfire 24/7 trolling and talking utter crap. Looks like you couldnt achieve anything in ET and it translated into RL. While you are at it, you should apply to join G5.

Say what you want about me being arrogant, ego, fat cunt. Fact is im sick of retards like you putting a negative effect on something that someone/some ppl have worked so hard on. The fact that you arent even contemplating going and even if you did you would probably get lost without your mum holding your hand means you should fuck off and try to do something useful with your life.

Best Regards,

when I played, i mostly won agaisnt you. I played 3o3 mostly. When I played, you were shit as fuck.

And what about POL/GER ppl? Still expensive for us.

Ps. I work and study and get money from parents. So for me it isnt a big deal.
when u played u were fucking horrible, stfu alredy :l
nop, I wasnt.
And get off your high horse.
You're talking shit about ET achievements, sir. A person's opinion has nothing do with his/her achievements in a game and achieving something in ET doesn't make your opinion about general subjects more valuable.
If you would read my comment, it has nothing to do with achievements. He is giving opinions as if he has researched it or has even been to a lan. He has done neither. Learn to comment where needed. I wouldnt expect someone like you or infect to understand shit about competing/travelling to lans.
Oh misterimthebestigotolansiknowhowtheworldworks, I've read your comment.
Quote by R0SSYou talk like you have achieved something in ET

Quote by R0SSyou would probably get lost without your mum holding your hand
Quote by R0SSjust because you still get breastfed
Quote by R0SSLooks like you couldnt achieve anything in ET and it translated into RL.

You're talking shit about people you don't know. The arrogance and prejudice is dripping of you're comments and you're telling others to grow up.

People are entitled to their opinion. If you don't agree and want to convince someone of your opinion, come with arguments not with the shit above.
You still dont get it. There is a difference between expressing an opinion - "Hey guys im not going to this lan cos the location sucks" and talking utter shit like urself by saying "it costs too much". I dont like the guy hence my flame, never have an never will. Im sick of trolls that post utter shit without facts and dont even contribute anything to the game or the website. If you are another one of those retards than you can piss off too.

When you learn the difference between an opinionated debate and a retard dribbling false facts then reply back to me. Until then take ur retarded comments which you try and construct into something clever (off not of). I have no interest in ppl that sprout shit and contribute nothing.
Again you come up with baseless insults. Haven't I held up the mirror long enough?
not that i agree with infect but your flame was totally retarded, as if u knew something about his life...
Wtf with false facts?

Driving with car for germans/dutch/bel/french people to NL location is way cheaper than to fly out to London and get a train/bus to that sweanza.

So gtfo with your idiotic comments already.
comment of the year
Pff, such a shame that you fell down to his league. Not on gaming, mentally.

Hint: Let the stupid ones alone, they won't learn a thing by getting insulted anyway.

And by the way, 80% of this community plays this game for fun only since there isn't any real reason to get to the top in this game, the money which is involved is small and even if you win some LAN event the money you get back won't cover a shit you had used during the tournament. I hope you are not really playing this game just to be on professional league and winning cups in hope of some money and e-fame.. if you are, you are playing wrong game. DX: (your seriousness makes you look like this kind of a guy, im deeply sorry if this statement was totally off the rails)

Fuck ET anyway, why waste time on some game which started dying on late 2005 and got it's the real finishing blow on 2009 when CB and ESL decided to be gods and make ET 5v5?
For fuck sake, this game won't get revived, splashDamage don't give a shit about this community so there won't be any new ET or RTCW, Wolfenstein was decent but it died before this community gave any real chances (I blame the leaked beta version mostly and stupid people who are waiting for another game which works by q3 engine). We saw it once again, Brink came out and it wasn't new ET so 'fuck brink its dead game already anyway + i can't strafe + i can't fucking do some things what i can do in ET'.

Anyway this community is pretty rubish and the 'love for ET and its community' sucks as well. That's not what keeps this game alive. This game really isn't alive, people here just don't know when to stop trying to heal/revive/get it to shine again.

I lost my point somewhere, I just started to type :( Well hopefully you enjoyed reading it, if you ever bothered to.

EDIT: 1v1 games (fighting games not quake) are real fun and pretty demanding games. I would recommend Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition or the soon coming Street Fighter 3rd Strike (remake to new consoles, avaible on PS3 netstore or xbox360's live game market place). BlazBlue Continuum Shift is pretty promising, I liked the BB calamity trigger also! But keep your hands far away from Tekken 6 thanks.
Sometimes you have to drop down to the retards levels because of the useless shit that they sprout which people actually believe. If you look at the majority of teams based on the Swansea lan i guarantee you it would be about 50% more expensive for some teams and 50% cheaper for others. Its a pretty even split.

With regards to playing ET for money - hell no. I play the game because i enjoy it, but im a competitive person. Id rather play at the top and win tournaments whether money be involved or not and enjoy it with an awesome team like Anexis than play mixes every night.
Thats what I wanted to hear pretty much, thanks! As a good thing I mean
You're completely taking out all the extra taxes and small payments that need to be made. It isn't just the 40,00 for the flight. You would also have to count in bus/train/taxi costs in order to make a clear image. Traveling with your own car is a lot cheaper from most countries within a driving range of 800km or so.
Getting train from London to Swansea is actually more expensive than the airplane to London itself, so it would be pretty expensive when you add all numbers up together. Unless you have a superawesome guy called Potty who picks you up at London Airport and you can drive to Swansea with him for 10 eu.
if anything the riots would make the pound weaker not stronger - do you understand how economics and currency conversion rates work?

and there arent local area prices in the UK, its national - again seem to be just ranting about something you dont have a clue about :D
I am studying economics dude :D

Flight tickets are not involved with the pound dude :D
Don't know what kind of retarded economy study you do, but most of the cheaper airlines to the UK are FROM the UK, meaning that if the pound gets weaker, so do their prices as they, being UK companies and all, base them on their own currency, which is oops.. the pound.

Like it's been said before, you have never travelled far for any LAN and perhaps never even been to one but somehow you think it's a lot cheaper for people to go to a LAN in NL, BE, DE or FR then it is to the UK. Utter bullshit. Going to the UK is cheaper. (and yes, if you've been to one of the lans in NL before you'd know that most of the players actually travel by plane)
He's making perfect sense. You're just over defensive because you take the criticism directed to you.

It's not directed to you. We all appreciate what you do, just be realistic.
I think you have missed the point :( he is not making sense at all

Euro has got stronger for the last year or so at least, its nearly exactly the same with the pound. This is why a lot of europeans are ordering things online from UK as the conversion is so nice for them (I think I saw urtier mentioning this about either components or games themselves)

The recent riots will, if anything, weaken to pound so only make it better for europeans.

And on his last comment, like has been mentioned - a 33cl coke bottle at enschede is €2 mainly because there are no local shops, you have to walk for 30+ minutes to get a proper bottle of drink from a super market on the university campus, here there are supermarkets (3 of them) within 5-10mins of the LAN centre as well as a high street with coffee shops (not the NL kind :D) and fast food spots.

So, like I said, his comments are based on nothing just spouting random infos that has come from nowhere which... makes no sense at all :)
I've only had economics on high school so I can't deliberate on the strength of the pound and the Euro. I do know that traveling to the UK by car is from a country within about 800km range to the port is cheaper than flying.

My point is that the criticism is not directed towards you so you should not put the negative weight on people's information and opinions just because your's say otherwise.

You didnt read my comments at all, did you?

The flight isnt involved with the pound and I never said anything about the LAN center itself. I could be better than enschede but it still is more expensive for majority of this community than the NL LAN. You but 2 € coke and then you buy supermarket coke @ UK for like 1 €.

How many will you drink ? Let's say you drink 5 cokes, it's only 5 euro difference :D And again, people with cars would have no problem going to the supermarket, when they came with their own car.

Fuck you really wanted to be smart, but all you did were invalid arguments about the LAN center not about the UK location etc.
everything would have been cheaper in Swansea compared to Enschede.

Hotels, Food, Beer, Drinks of any kind - everything. Does this compute?

your 'car' argument is kind of poor because only a low number of people went to SAGE by car and half of them are from the UK.
Like 15 people went to SAGE from UK :D Half my ass.

And with the drinks and hotels, nl would be cheaper than UK. And i dont only mean wzzrd center.
nope was not unfortunately :( €40/night in Swansea for a 3 bedroom, the nearest to the LAN centre in NL was €80/night for 2 bedroom. :(

There was nowhere local to go in Enschede to get things cheap :( where as Swansea there is :)

I think you are talking about London, which is very different to Swansea and very different to pretty much the rest of the UK - in that things, if you do not know where to buy them are more expensive, but in general you can get things for sometimes cheaper then the rest of the country due to Supermarkets having cheap prices due to the amount of stock they purchase.

Just out of interest though, have you been to one of the LAN events in Enschede?
Plz, I am not a nerd who visits LANs :D
There you go again, sprouting random dribbling shit when you dont have a clue. You have never been to a Lan in Enschede, if you had/did you would realise how fucking expensive it is for a weekend with food and drinks. Its in the middle of nowhere, meaning you have to drink/eat at the bar and its like 5euros for a pint and 3 euros for 1 ham and cheese roll. At least with the Swansea lan there is numerous supermarkets cheap hotels etc that make it a much better location than Enschede. Plus you are paying a night less for accommodation with it only being a 2day event.

Stop talking like you know what you are going on about u dribble.
Seems like you have only traveled to LAN :d

I must be so poor that I have never been out of my own little town and I wouldnt know anything about eating and managing on your own.

Oh wait...
I have probably travelled to more countries than you have had girlfriends. The fact that you have travelled to other places does not mean you know the costs of an event, especially at a specific event/place. The accommodation and food/drink costs in Enschede are twice that of Swansea. Maybe in other places in NL its cheaper (i have been to Amsterdam numerous times and its even more expensive) but when it comes to comparing the costs of NL to UK in terms of the 2 specific events we are talking about, its cheaper to attend PHX. You wouldnt know that and i still cant believe you are sprouting dribble like you have a clue. Just stop, you are making yourself look like a bigger retard.
Been everywhere in Europe except finland/sweden/norway + UK, Ireland, Serbia, Bosnia.

so dont talk shit.
Location is actually 10 times better than the one in Enchsede.
United Kingdom

says enough
How does it say enough? Give me 10 valid reasons why this location is NOT better than wzzrd cafe...
not central europe
riot ":D"
pound?? money
le cup of tea
lan place ( outside, looks like ugly )
not a lof of team ( max size i think, not talking about sign up )
lan place named crossfire lOl
low inch screen
expensive ( £ > € )

ps: of course location of the lan is 10 times better if its in your own country.
not central europe - But cheaper to get to than Enschede for the most part of europe...
riot ":D" - Few kids throwing a hissy fit and will die down way before LAN.
pound?? money - Yes we use pounds, is that a problem?
le cup of tea - More on offer than just tea.
travel - Easier and cheaper as I have once said for the most part of europeans.
lan place ( outside, looks like ugly ) - sure it looks shit outside but inside is nice (good PCs aswell)
not a lof of team - Because people are unable to expand their minds from what they know.
lan place named crossfire - I don't think this is an issue.
low inch screen - wzzrd had shit screens as well.
expensive ( £ > € ) Conversion rate is good for euro's at the moment and has been for a few months. In holland you pay 5euros for a beer which works out to be around £4.60 and beer over here is abour £2.50-£3.10 so yet again is cheaper to drink.

Other things you might be forgetting. wzzrd is in the middle of no where. There are only a handful of hotels which cost twice as much as what you have to pay in swansea + a longer walk too. wzzrd has fuck all near by, no pubs, supermarkets, clubs and well everything else you would find useful or fun.

Overall the location is cheaper, easier to get to and has more around it. So please tell me why this location is bad?
no coffee shops!
never wrote that the location is bad, but you wanted me to write 10 reasons :d

played only french lans so :P

but ye i wanna play a Europe lan on the highest level possible before to stop the game :(
not central europe - But cheaper to get to than Enschede for the most part of europe...
travel - Easier and cheaper as I have once said for the most part of europeans.

you are so wrong
You haven't been to Encshede so you wouldn't know. There is far more to it than a plane ticket... and yes, after looking into it flying the UK is far cheaper for many countries. Not to mention the price of travel once you are there (train taxi's whatever)

So YOU are wrong.
Train + flight for ger/fr/nl/pol people is more expensive than coming by own car.

so man, you are wrong.
not central europe - But cheaper to get to than Enschede for the most part of europe...
travel - Easier and cheaper as I have once said for the most part of europeans.

in case you didn't notice what I had put I have made a few words bold to outline my point... again.
Central europe is the main player-base you know
when did the welsh people start rioting, wtf.
dunno, just wrote it ;d
Clearly you took the time to come over and do a site survey before making that judgement.
Those are the guys who love their community ;-)
The cube are unlikely to be going now. Rahul has a wedding to go to, owzo has lost the urge to play and I have just bought a house and have fuck all money!

Haven't even spoken to unblind or razbo since I moved so don't know if they are going still.

Sorry :<
I am thinking about making an #ET-Cup with the new maps (mappingcontest...) and the winner will recive a sponsoring for the lanevent... not sure if there is any interest...

if not/or in case you are a topteam and in need of some financial help - qry me...maybe we can find a solution ;)

good job merlin!
Nice offer, wouldn't surprise me if someone takes you up on that!
nobody contacted me;( sad panda ;D
Any IP of where we can still "test" the maps from the mapping contest?
Parent and
Cheers man :)
Please do! I don't have time to run a cup for these maps and that's what it needs.
if you will need help with some admin things, pmme.
Not so many ppl interested :(
People complain about such lack of LAN events then there's not much of an effort to get to this one. True, the timing sucks a bit and a lot of us head back to school/college/uni around this date so a bit awkward but I'm just surprised by the lack of UK players signing up to this, get more teams going already *_*
The location is shit.
not for uk players, dipshit.
alright, for 10 players it's good. !
them uk'ers over there are fighting the police ya know :P no time for lans... sirious businesszsieis going on over there !! 10000 kidzz jobless etc... FUCK LANS, SAVE THE WORLD
was actually thinking the exact same thing :dd

great minds think alike Ali

*insert fuck yea picture*
who the fuck complains about the lack of lan events?
Try reading some comments on here when they have such stupid discussions, or at least had been brought up in the past...
I'm attending, cant wait. Hope to have a showmatch for a new map i'm working hard on but Merlinator you're the hardest person to contact on IRC
there is a lot of extra time with an 8 team tourney - so can have fun competitions in quake or a showmatch here and there perhaps. contacting me here on crossfire is best ;)
hmmm, interesting
havent seen new good map since enderberg (shame it only works well in 3v3) so im looking forward, just do couple of showmatches or sth
Put Anexis in the signup list. We will go if 6 teams will attend!
Was waiting for this, lets see how new digi vs anexis goes
need team, full support
Me kipz and koop need 2 more skilled playersss
need team, full support
need team, full support
need team, full support
dont need team :) cos i aint going, boem g5'd. no lan regulars going => et is finally...

wait for it...

not dead :D ! et is alive and i hope this lan continues but lets face it... people dont want to go because im not going ^^

wait for it..

!!! :D !
I'm still waiting.. 5 hours now..
location = do mycia
avi pmme
Merl u did a great job!!
I tried :)

hopefully see you at CiC8
so no lan?
6 teams remaining only 2 want to go ;) will not cover even the booking :D
I'm so sorry, its ofc not your fault, but hard for every team atm, cause nothing else like ec or whatever is announced!
need team, full support
thats sad :(
Dignitas won again? nice. when is the next LAN? feels like theres one in every month nowdays. <3 5v5
This comment is full of win.
sad but expected :(
Too bad, this would have been great. Unfortunate and sad with the lack of UK sign ups. Cheers for trying though!
Can't say I didn't see this coming guys :/
Belgium/holland next time? :O
no one saw this coming
Yet again, great job Merlin too bad that there weren't enough interested teams.
Stupid faggots whining for LAN's, when there is one, they don't go. No wonder ET dies, idiots.

You did good, Merl ;)
time to get rtcw back on lans!
Sorry to hear. Good effort, appreciated.
Bad timing, should have done in spring.
CiC8 is around that time next year, the only option was around the time it was or the same sort of time next year as I guess AEF will be summer time again and perhaps another SAGE who knows. Bad feedback on original post meant we kept those dates, as people seemed quite motivated.
Sad news for rizla and c1ever, heard they bought their plane tickets

better luck next time Merlin, you still rock
i bought my passport for nothing now -.-
you can't visit other EU countries with just ID?
DE is a shit country anyways but PL isnt even better
it's still usefull, there are still a couple of nice countrys to visit else :D
give me money i will visit
u can .. just read the official german site :P im in the uk now and had no problems just with id
well 3 different travel Agency told me that i need a passport for it :(
np :) its usefull if u go to more unusual countrys.


What about 6on6?!!
Sad to hear but you have to face the fact that et players are not millionaires and they cannot affort LANs so often, not mentioning date. GJ Merlin anyway
Sad to hear ::( Nice effort thou! Keep it up
keep it up
Thanks for trying merl and ethr, suppose the timing was just a bit off.

Guess the uk scene isnt as active as some people want to believe it is.
Nice effort Ethr and Merlin, just to bad that the community screams for LAN-events while they don't do anything with them.....such a shame.
maybe someday someone will get it that its not LAN-events what the real community is after.
Maybe someday someone will stand up and says. Back to 6on6 with €10.000 prize purse and out of sudden everyone plays in a shithole called Swansea.
There would never be any LAN events if ET was 6on6, not that most of the people wanting it back would care (they dont go to LAN) but memories are short and 6on6 ET was dead in the water. :)
Yeah was not a serious reply as the Finns are whining about 6on6 anyways :-)

By the way what happend with your irc tried to catch you up numerous times.
busy atm with work and looking for houses :p hopefully moving within the next 1/2 months :)
Alright. Had some things to discuss but whenever you got time let me know
I would put up a 6on6 anytime if I won in the Lottery.
6on6 back? seems that this 5 lans per year doesnt work very well
Unfortunate timing, no EC running and holiday time so ET is quite quiet. The effort is really appreciated and the place did look good too.
Eindhoven would of been a better place, guess the timing is a bit off aswell :x

Thanks for the effort tho, too bad it didnt happen :[
Gilze city misschien?
Tilburg dan?
Tilburg te veel criminaliteit
got tickets to London and back WTF IM GONNA DO THER NOW?

wanted to come spec this lan!! :/
izi, go watch football!
You should visit London it s a nice City, and maybe meet the other ET people who could not cancel their ticket neither.
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