Team Blackpoint ODC #1

image: blackpointodcchanged

I'm happy to announce the first Team Blackpoint OneDayCup(ODC). The format for our first ODC will be six versus six. After a major community uproar in the Enemy Territory scene, we decided to support the cause with this tournament in 6on6 format. Team Blackpoint is also giving away €60 to the first place!

Now for the info and rules for this cup:
Overall info:

- 21st August 2011
- Signups close 20.00CET
- Team Checkin 20.30CET
- Brackets online 20.45CET
- First match 21.00CET

- All servers must have the TZAC server addon
- Server must have Global Config 6on6 NO-PB
- Team Captains must idle #blackpoint
- Only official teams are allowed!(provide CB/ESL link)
- All players must use TZAC client
- CB/ESL banned players are not allowed to enter

- First Round: sw_goldrush_te + frost
- Second Round: radar+ bremen
- Final: Teams both pick map from mappool:
> Supply
> sw_goldrush_te
> radar
> bremen_b3
> frostbite
> adlernest

Submitting scores:
Referee's will be in matchservers and tell RMY the result.

Netherlands bp\RMY
Netherlands bp\Hayzee referee
Belgium Kevin] referee
Belgium Goku referee

The prize is sponsored kindly by Team Blackpoint so please idle #blackpoint and join their Steamgroup at

Current signups
United Kingdom Dignitas
United Kingdom
Denmark NORDIC eSport
Germany teamoxid
Belgium Team WinFakt!
Poland toMakeoddseven
Finland Fintastic6
Finland Turbo Apinat
Germany FearGaming
United States of America Grenades Galore
Estonia Squad.EE
France CbZ
Netherlands Saiko
Netherlands Bangbros
Europe Gaming2Perfection
United Kingdom SupSki

Usefull links:


Team Blackpoint
Rémy "RMY" Cabresin
General Manager and Founder
[email protected]

ps: After private meeting with the players competing in the cup, we decided to change to mappool. Mainly because we agree with Lazio's comment about having to get used to 6on6 format again abit before adding new/reintroduce maps. Future cups might involve new maps or reintroduces of maps such s battery, will be discussed.
Quote by Rules- Team Captains must idle #blackpoint

and #saiko aswell :)

HF and GL
if saiko needs a player for this ODC i might come and pwn with panzerfaust or mortar.
That channel alive now?!?!
busy on a rebuild :)
Im there to support!
where the fuck u stayin then? D:
was going down to defuse, but some high skilled engis was before me. sqzz like
that was one weird reply :D
haha oh yea, didnt think of irc when i read ur reply xD
Awesome, best of luck guys!
and now is everybody supposed to recruit another player?

this 6o6 hype is so lame
6on6(is already a fail) but with erdenberg ?
AVI for this cup ;)
> missile_b3
> erdenberg_b2

WHAT? Why the fuck do u admins put up these shit fucking maps that noone wants to play?
we spoke with a wide range of people about the maps. This is what it was, maybe next cup we will have another pool depending on feedback and other variables
i know noone that enjoys these maps
Still, having a number of 5 maps in the mappool is kind of retarded..
Every mappool has an even number of maps(like 4, 6, 8, 10). This is because if a draw happens, the winner of the cointoss will actually be able to pick the last map, the deciding map. In this case, the loser of the cointoss will be able to do that.

e: I see now that they've added a 6th map. Good for them! :)
bad example. if cointoss determines who starts eliminating maps first then it is like that, doesnt matter who picks last. 5 and 7 maps pools have been used and theres no problems with that. never seen anyone call that retarded either...
I'd like to know which players of those topteams actually agreed to those maps. (except bF)
you need to play maps 5 years before you can play them??
you need to play a map twice before realising its shit ?
there is no such thing as a shit, just bad players who dont know how to play : )))
or bad players that dont understand teh game ;)
to test them obviously
test them for what?
we (bF) enjoys those maps. + In all the column journals shit they were talking about new maps, well lets try these? they are rdy to be played alrdy ^^. & like urtier said in one of his comments, they always used to play new maps in those odc in the first round, so why not. You can spec our replays if you need some tax/tricks about those maps.
yea and we used the base 3 maps in sup grush radar to satisfy the Fins atleast abit!
We have alredy healthy mappool with +5 maps, what for we need new maps
why we need 6on6 back? if we have a healthy competitive scene. We just support the 'revolution' about 6on6 and we spoke with the people behind this uproar and we decided maps together, dont be mad at me. Next time we might do a different mappool with adler frost etc.
Cause we want to play 6on6, i didnt say a word about healthy competition scene.

Who are these "ppl"?
Why are you still whining about this miNd mate...? For now, these are the maps, at the next ODC, if it is an ET cup, we will ask the attendants of this ODC to ask for feedbank about maps and or rules.

I hope you can bring up the decensy to give it a rest for now ;)
Hardly whining.

I just dont see why should these maps be tried again. Also mind answering me who are these ppl that suggest/wanted these maps to be played?
et.6on6 admins, Kevin](hes doing a much larger 6on6 project), winfakt guys, dignitas agreed on this pool, team blackpoint ET team, and others. More variables than just people saying what they want.

Your right it's probably not real whining :P but im just asking to just deal with this mappool for now ;)
We don't like this mappool at all (radar,bremen,supply,goldrush,adler,frost) is a much better option but your cup, your rules
Maybe misinterpreted, I said dignitas agreed to this pool (you didnt cry/whine about it to me is more what i meant ;))
Just use the mappool anderson said, really. It will be more fun for everyone playing and competition based on 6on6 not to who knows the "new" maps best or who has played them most
So basicly Kevin, bf & the admins of this cup agreed to it.
Why should we try maps that are tried alredy that noone really enjoys and thus they havent been played after they have been tried? ( ok bF might like them but get real now ).. We have healty mappool alredy with good COMPETITION maps that players enjoy playing.

Im sure its fun to spec some fucking erdenburger something cause its nothing but a panic from start to end without any real playing cause the map is like that. Spectator view shouldnt be included to any decision making.
Erdenberg has never been tried afaik & missile was only played in OC fall 2009, xylos never played any of those maps last night. so lets try it :P
Im pretty sure erdenburger whatever has been tried, even couple times
i bet you've never played a cup with missile/erdenberg in the mappool. Just too lazy to learn it :_D
QuoteJust too lazy to learn it :_D

troo, but then again ive played this game so many years that i really dont even want to spend time learning new maps
And that my friend, doesn't count as an excuse, neither does the inability of "oldschoolers" to learn new maps.
let me fix it

too lazy to learn SHIT maps
missile is the greatest map et ever had, so how dare you talk bullshit?
but I agree with erderberg and 6on6. its a fucking 3on3 map srsly
avi for this cup pm
learn to use cup section :)
I do have to learn that because i made one in cup section first but it fucked up the entire layout...

Also we have prizemoney so news fits better as Cup section mainly holds random 1 day cups
60 euro doesn't seem like huge enough prize, should stick to cup section

gl though, nice to see the effort
True its not a huge prize. But its more than any other online OneDayCup in the last year or so. Ofcourse NEVO HeatWave but that died with a bang.

Still its a prize and ET community should be happy with all prizes :P
juhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu welcome back my lovely 6on6-format
now I will play et again
avi, skilled, every class
signed up, nice cup gl!
avi for some team!
QuoteAfter a major community uproar in the Enemy Territory scene, we decided to support the cause with this tournament in 6on6 format.

image: main-thumb-t-8762-50-d36ZPC8Swu98s1bFP2J7q01mBVCBPFtr
need some anexis

nice cup
We spoke to ANEXIS but they aren't able/willing to play and they decided to mix up abit with Queens i think(dont know exact story but anexis wont play ;P)
Dunno if this is necessary, but here's a 6v6 config I made a year or two back, when the first 5v5 config changes were introduced, which uses the original 6v6 mapscripts and LUAs to avoid issues. Is also certified.
we tried the global 6on6 nopb config and it works fine, thanks for telling us tho!
kevin good job :)
actually kevin is just helping out with admin when cup goes live :P

Im the one behind the entire cup (i want efame aswell!:<)
rmy awesome job :))))))))))))
comment below (:
tbh, I told him it would be a good idea to host a 6o6 cup, and he completely flamed me for it.

After the huge interest in 6on6(and cups for the format) he pm'd me, saying that it might be a good idea to host a 6o6 cup.

So its actually my idea.
i told you that ET wasnt something to put effort into, but right after that the 6on6 uprise started which changed my mind. Obviously you are my future seeing manager and i should have trusted you :$

One way or another, im the one doing all the work whiles you are sitting on ur lazy bum taking credit:<
Ye chat about that on msn or so.. lol
Im just the smart one of the two of us, you're the work horse :D
probably, but that would mean that your a nobody without me. That gives me a superb feeling of satisfaction =)
I'd just be a smart person. Without me you're just a workhorse, which there are plenty of :)
Good job.

Avi, any class, skilled + experienced. /q Mayni
Never thought I'd see missile in competition again :')

Feels good..
gl with it guys!
Why are you on crossfire at 10PM while you should be partying in Cologne?
at first your like great someone finally does a cup 6v6 and then...

> missile_b3
> erdenberg_b2

another clueless cup admin joins the club
You've been whining about everything on crossfire nonstop the last couple of years, stop being such a douchebag.

Anyway, check my comment below and call Domi clueless after that.
NICE MISSLE BACK!!!! 6on6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! O R G A S M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad that ur doing this cup, but I dont think it's a good idea to immediatly but these kind of unproven maps in the mappool.
Let people first get used to playing 6v6 again before doing such moves.
First point that's actually worth arguing about the maps. Your right about getting used to 6on6 and our first mappool did support this. Thing is we didn't know if using the same old stuff was better than trying semi-tested maps.

I might make a poll and let the community decide the final pool. If it's being responded to seriously.
missile was nice and "proven"

why did you remove it, 1 map "not played over 9000 times" was okay
Just my thought about maps ..

why not add 7 maps and let each team devote 1 map?
turbo apinat and not supski?
i pmd someone from supski on irc but got no response ;) not my fault
well talk to me ;) /q fumble
i spoke to you xD
how about u msg me :D
Very nice, gl and hf all!
available to play this, high teams only /q !
too bad you didn't pick any of the maps from the fail map contest.
i smell some sarcasm
actually it wasn't
I think, this is about having fun!
So don't cry when it comes to maps, you didnt played often/good...
This is gonna be entertaining for all i think!


few comments above is where anexis is ;)
die on aids with ur 6v6
butthurt because you are going to be totally useless in 6on6? :))))))
stfu lowskiller
cmon dont drop ur balls after first time someome critizes your map choices. that way u just keep on doing what other ppl want.

+1 for BO3 though
Well first it was comments about random CF user that i dont really care about as most of it is flame and trolls. But then the players of the cup itself messaged me and for the sake of 6on6 and the cup we decided to change to pool for now. Future cups will be with a fixed pirates_b2 or something.

BO3 was possible cause weve restricted to 8 teams
Why b2 when there is b4? :P
Show some guts, its your cup you dont have to please anyone! Getting some new maps in there would really be a refreshment to this old rusty community. Maps like missile and pirates (final) could work on paper. Dont just base your dicisons on opinions of top clans who are too lazy to get skillz on new maps.
The whole point of a cup is to entertain the community and thus please them.... If you would read ps on the post you could have read that we changed it for a reason not just because people wanted it changed.
I'll hold you to that when our onedaycups start.

Glad to hear that atleast some people agree though.
avi for this

pref rifle
we making team :)
take me xoxo
Nice, very nice job there RMY. I wish I could contribute as you guys do :P

Good luck with this ;)
add pirates and railgun
good maps now.
add et_beach
Medic/Fop avi for this, PM me here.
Better maps now x)

avi for a team needing engi or smth <3
CbZ in !
who the fuck wants supply and gr to be played? we just want play 6v6, who are these ppl who wants those maps????

e: radar on maplist wtf? we dont like this mappool
avi ;à
OMFG just freaking remove supply and grush and force the rusty "high"skillors to learn some new maps.

None of the new maps got tested properly, they only got used for maybe 2 one day cups when the maps where still new and nobody knew the maps. So still nobody will ever learn the maps and see it's true potential of those maps.

And if fintards and dignitards dont want to play these maps let other teams play in this ODC. And keep hosting cups with "new" maps so the other teams will have an advantage over the fin and dignitards who can't be arsed with learing new maps.

TBH i like the people in bp, but this proves the admins of this cup don't have balls at all :D
This was the comment i scrolled down to write myself!

It's ridiculous how ppl can whine over new maps, be happy someone is trying to make maps so we can enjoy ET even more instead of pushing it to the side :x

It's like judging kids in here
its not like I changed it because I'm a asswhipe who wants to keep topteams happy. I changed it because its better for the cup(in this state as 6on6 is only just reintroduced). When we started with planning we didnt have erden and missile in the mappool but this changed later so now we changed it back for the sake of the cup :P
add Gabon fapfantasy @ unsure please :)
wooo 10Euros each
why only 8teams? :`((((
At least 2 map per match so 16 teams would send final to next day :(
but I wanna play in this cup too :`(
were hosting bigger cups in the future(probably in 2 weeks) these will have a smaller prize but will be using 16/32 teams and start earlier.
there is some other cup
wtf 6on6 is so 00's imekää kullia pennut
try reactor, i heard it's good in 6on6
:D I always loved your sarcasm :D
fintastic6 will deliver for sure :) i
1. Queens
2. Dignitas
3. Fintastic 6
4. WinFakt
5. Nordic
6. tMoe
7. oxid
8 turbot
nah not rly :)
:D GG! IT rocks!
So its only 8 teams -_-
whats the whole point of this then?
new logo isnt that cool :C
Too bad you didn't press though on the maps-issue, I'll obviously still admin though.

It's a bummer that most teams don't have the balls to try new maps. Domi and me were of the opinion that the community just had to give a large variety of maps a chance. Even if you only find one good map out of thirteen it could still be worth it if the map gets played for a couple of seasons after that.

For the record : Neither Domi nor me thought that Erdenberg and Missile were perfect maps, but Goldrush and Supply aren't perfect neither, we just wanted to widen the spectrum of choices we could potentially use in the future, by testing.
We will support your projects if you still continue them aswell. Just let us know what could mean to it.
Next time - make teams able to devote maps.. which will lead into teams who DONT want to play specific maps, dont have to, and teams who dont mind can play the other maps.
thats to complicated. cause teams will always devote maps like erden if other team wants them and u still dont play new maps then :P resulting in the same old maps again

only way to get new maps is to strictly force them but this causes major upset within the scene cause the good old maps are fine etcetc its 50/50 who wants what
exactly - so the teams who dont want to play maps like Erdenberg wont play them. incase there are 2 teams who dont mind, it might get played :).
nice teams, it will be interesting for sure!
allow 16 teams to play :)
Why not 16 teams?
Because they want to do best of 3 & then it takes alot of time :P + there is another cup running with 16 teams!
unlucky perfom8

king of bremen in bed :(
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