Crossfire Leaves Heaven Media has today left the Heaven Media group and will now operate as an independent entity.

Despite the best efforts of both parties, we have come to the realisation that we are unable to assist Crossfire in reaching its full potential, and as such we cannot in good conscience continue along the road we are on. The right, and sensible, action for Heaven Media to take is to hand back ownership of Crossfire, to give the community what they need.

Mark Reed, Chairman of Heaven Media, said: "Whilst we have made efforts to engage and grow Crossfire it hasn't resulted in the success we had hoped for. Having reached a fork in the road as to where next to go, we decided in the interests of the Crossfire community to release the site from the Heaven Media group."

Stuart Saw stated: "The Heaven Media opportunity was one that was too good to turn down. Unfortunately, the operational realities of the deal proved that eventually both parties were losing out from the relationship. We've taken the decision to part ways out of a joint feeling of responsibility to Crossfire and the gamers within it. I'd like to thank Heaven Media for their selfless behaviour in this move and look forward to maintaining a good relationship with them going forward."

Crossfire and Heaven Media will continue an on-going strategic relationship. Crossfire will be looking for ways to best support the ET community going forward whilst Heaven Media will continue to support their gaming community that includes, and
YAY, can we get the old banner back?
u happy bro?
why would I be?
don't think so.
smile bro!
YEAHA! fancy a multi tonight?

->off to nightshift
What was the advantage of the partnership anyway ?
better and bigger adverts all over the page
I would much prefer pictures of your child with various objects on it's head than those adverts.

Would be a fantastic improvement and would make me laugh whenever I logged on.
thats a start
full on pot-head :D
haa actually didn't occur to me, i'll have a word
did you or did you not see that guy actually called it YOUR child.
Something you want to tell me unblind?
I thought we agreed on an abortion.,...
ah cmon plz stop it :DD
made my stoned night mate...
You know i love it m8 :D
What difference does this make to crossfire?
We have a number of things in the pipeline to aid the community, we'll be announcing those things in due time.
Okey :) Yea that's a well known rumour!!
Before or after the current CB season?
Could as well be during the season.
remove ads, add donate button
ads arent that big a deal tbh, if it helps keep this site around why not - not as if ET will bring any money

I never did feel this site received the same attention from HM as TEK 9 and Cadred did.
what attention has TEK-9 recieved, exactly?
TEK 9 has staff members who are rewarded on their content and are sent to events to cover them by HM. We don't have that at Crossfire, I think it happened once.
that's it?
You think that's nothing? ET had limited coverage for SAGE, TEK 9 had numerous articles and updates. CIC7 had the same issue for ET whereas Cadred and TEK 9 were full of coverage.

Coverage is a major factor when it comes to competitive gaming, I know you know this as well as I do. Wouldn't you find it annoying if you worked for a site which was part of a larger company which included 2 similar sites with staff being rewarded/paid for their work when you're getting nothing?

Don't get me wrong, this isn't about me wanting a pay cheque, because everybody knows this is just a huge hobby for me. However, when you're forking out money to 2 sites and not to your 3rd site, you need to ask yourself questions.
You are absolutely right, but the problem wasn't that we didn't want to invest in Crossfire the same way we did with other sites, just that we didn't really know how. As you may know, when we first purchased this site we also hired Stu, and part of (though definitely not all of) the reason for this was that he knew this community like the back of his hand, and he would make sure we were able to grow it.

Unfortunately that didn't work out and he ended up leaving soon after, and since then it's beeen tough for us. When time gets thin and budgets stretched, we weren't able to pay as much attention to Crossfire as it would have needed, and ultimately that same reason is why we are now pulling out, and handing it back to Stuart.
I completely understand, I think this site is a little bit too niche at times. All-in-all, I like HM because when they truly support something, they support it well (ESH is an amazing example of this).

I think this decision is definitely a benefit to both parties. Remember to edit the HM promo video!
I'm not saying it's nothing, I was just expecting a lot more.

That was over 2 years ago. There has been ZERO development on the site, and a lot less community activities (cups, drafts, etc.) then before TEK 9 was purchased.

Coverage and a forum has been the only thing keeping it alive.
I hear what you're saying, I use TEK 9 just as much as I use Crossfire. I know the downside of it being part of HM.

However, Crossfire's development has all been done pretty much internally by people of the community. This leads me to believe there's nothing stopping TEK 9 from being the same. But that's neither here nor there when it comes to the point I make about the staff benefits.
for AEF coverage it was a guy who got to the event
For the AEF HM paid the hotel and iirc some of the food, which was quite okay considering I had a great time covering the event.
get off cf zino :DDD <3
soz bozz :<
So we can finally get rid of the ugly black bar and the game reviews? FUCK YEAH

And i gotta love this awesome speech of you guys, 20 lines to say exactly the same in a loop.
what did they do for cf? never really seen admins from HM self
They took the (nonexistent) profits.
6on6 killing et?
lovely :)
My first thought when reading this thread: There are people who don't use adblock?
Ditto, what adds? :)
Danje you're hardly in a position to comment on anybodies grammar or spelling.
Actually, Baz and I were posting in a journal the other day about common grammatical errors. The comment wasn't aimed at you. Plus, this is a little gaming community consisting of random YERNALS and comments. Why should my punctuation and spelling be correct? Most of the time I'm using a mobile browser to do so anyway.
Baz is a wise one, don't mess with him ;)
and this concerns us how?
becuase if crossfire went down ET would die within months
I wouldnt go that far, the brits had jolt forums long before crossfire was the norm and i'm sure something like that would come along if crossfire closed its doors
ok, If someone was going to do this who would organize all this, create the website make sure everything is running smoothly as far as I can see you don't have many canidates and how long after it's created will these admins actually get bored.
sorry who are you? your points are invalid.
first question is irrelevant. It's not my ponit's are invalid you seem to have some kind of vision that you think ET would survive with out crossfire I may but wrong but ET is about half the size it was back when JOLT and ETNATION was about now you have, less compition, less teams, less players and less motvation.

Who Would actually Admin and set up this website?

How many people do you think would Register?

How Active do you think the website will be?

Do you think some small ET community website will intrest sponsors and Organizations more than crossfire?

ET will last longer with crossfire, Without crossfire ET will not last very long at all yes you may be able to make another forum but it wont last as long and will be pretty much useless dead and boring. Lets be honest half the people on crossfire don't even play ET and most of it is some random forum topic or journal about how they had spaghetti numbers for tea.
The Fact of the matter ET will be much smaller and less apealing.
U can just simply transfer hosting rights to someone who wants to be responsible
crossfire responsible
what h20 said, couldn't care less
was good while it lasted!!! thanks for the cups !!! cu !!!
great, now announce some nice stuff Stuart
who's stewart?

now make some real improvements!

- add colors to the different forums on the forum section

- Please fix that column without a picture it really makes the site look untidy, in fact just delete the column

- Add a webchat irc somewhere on the main page for #crossfire

- Improve the voting system on movies.

-Fix the Gtv feed

- Make journals bold when they get over 50 comments.
CF4 right there.
and » Your search term is too short. Please use at least 4 characters.
Not wishing to ignore your comment as its quite constructive but these are CF4 items, one quite cool idea you have there that we don't have is:

- Make journals bold when they get over 50 comments.

Might well look into this :)

Hopefully it wont be long until this list and the much larger list of upgrades needed are resolved.
Good good, but the column still looks untidy ;)
It will be gone in CF4 :) (gone in its current presentation format)
Fumble learnin you good
Hmmm, yet stuck still on the shitty IIS server they gave you? :(

E-Sport companies are all about the moneys
All about to change luckily :)
why would an iis webserver be shitty
i made the mistake of clicking the (+) but dear god i hope you don't do anything with computers as a career
typical m$ hater?
not really considering i run windows server 2008 on my desktop pc, but the power of something like mysql+nginx for example even on this platform makes far more sense than running IIS
don't hate, appreciate
thats the gayest shit i ever heard
what does mysql has to do with nginx?
What gambit said.

and I really hope that you don't do anything with computers as a career, at least not on an enterprise level, if you are biased and narrowminded like that. The choice of platform and/or software on that platform is not always yours to make.
crossfire is far from "enterprise level", i'm perfectly aware that sometimes you don't have the choice, which is the whole reason i've been running windows server for so long (for work i needed features it has)

you're talking about the general case, i'm talking about crossfire.

a site like this would be far more efficient on something other than IIS, even apache might offer better performance
Not wishing to look too bias on such a statement but CF going offline causes quite a stir due to the recurring daily use of the site. As such, it does need a near enterprise level of support - not that it is enterprise level by microsoft definition.
QuoteCF going offline causes quite a stir due to the recurring daily use of the site

Yeah, and I've seen the IIS error page in place of much more frequently than before the HM switch. Sure it _can_ work but there's a reason linux/apache are still boss for webservers.
Thats where we're headed anyway :)
far more efficient? please elaborate. and why would apache offer better performance for "a site like this"
it wouldn't i suspect
of course it will not. he's quite clueless.
atleast he told us that windows sucks.
disagree actually, see below
i made a valid comment pertinent to the tech behind crossfire, you guys chose to see it as some kind of microsoft hate
Show me the valid comments you made, because in my opinion there were none.
fusen illustrated my point more clearly than i did, so

Quotedoes only run on PHP+mysql. At the time, IIS really wasn't an improvement and just hindered the transition of the old non IIS server to the new one.
And you obviously can't interpret what he said, plus that it has nothing to do with the points you were trying to make. All Fusen is saying in that comment is that the relocation to a different server was hindered because the old one was apache and the new one IIS. There is nothing more than that in there. And he's right about that. I'd hate to move an existing site on apache to IIS as well. Nowhere does he state that running it on apache instead of IIS is "more efficient for a site like this". Because that's simply not the case. Not unless you specify exactly what will be more efficient.
As someone who does have a career in IT thats an embarrassing statement
i'm good enough at what i do that i don't need to work for people who force me into using the wrong solution for the job
If by that comment you are referring to Heaven media stating they need to use IIS for crossfire, well then i cannot comment as i do not know the requirements for this site however that does not mean that IIS is in any way shitty, it just supports different environments and code.
fair enough, if your requirements dictate it then use IIS

crossfire does not require IIS, it only hampers it (how many times have you been greeted by the IIS error page instead of
This is true, he also sucks a lot of dick.
We will be moving off HM hosting soon.
sorry for appearing to bale on this thread but I don't really check the site itself only the RSS feeds. You seem to have been given quite a bit of stick about your comment which tbh was more than valid.

CF did, guessing still does only run on PHP+mysql. At the time, IIS really wasn't an improvement and just hindered the transition of the old non IIS server to the new one.
Given Windows servers have a license fee, I'm not sure how using it is about saving money ;)

Personally I can't stand IIS, and we have changed slightly over the past year, I think four or five of our servers are now on linux with a mixture of mysql, postgres, nginx and apache. But we will still be using at least some Windows servers for quite a while - but hey, you no longer have to care about them.
hah, sorry my two comments were completely separated, tried to add enough line breaks to show it.

The all about the monies comment was more to do with picking CF up thinking they could get ad revenue and then dumping it after realising it isn't what they thought it was and can't plunder it.
Just for the record, if all we cared about was making a quick buck of advert impressions, we would still be the owners now. Financially it would have made much more sense to keep going as we were, but when we bought Crossfire two years ago it was entirely with the intention of giving it our full attention, and since we haven't been able to do that, we felt it wasn't fair on the community to keep letting the site down.

Criticise us for everything we failed to do, but don't say we don't care about our communities :)
I don't play ET any more and don't pay attention to the community/this site apart from browsing through the RSS feeds so I can't comment about how HM succeeded or failed at but it would make no sense for any company, especially an e-sports one where money is already hard to come by to get rid of a site unless there was some sort of financial incentive too.
good imo
Thank God for that.

Heaven Media were a real let down and the comment/statement from Corin should just read that we did not actually care about crossfire or the ET community.

Other promises such as the full tilt poker challenge was played in every other game/community bar ET/crossfire.

Looking forward to your announcements and being free of HM!
The Full Tilt Poker thing is actually completely unrelated, mid-way through our campaign wiith them they had some legal issues and are currently suspended from all activities.

The specific reason why the ET tournament is the only one not to have taken place is that it was the last announced - we never planned to have it, and we decided to provide the prize fund for it ourselves, while still branding it as sponsored by Full Tilt, just because we were aware that we hadn't been treating ET as well as we should have been.

Once we know where we stand with them we will finish the campaign, including the ET tournament, I'm just not sure when that will be.

On the more general note, I would like to say that while it may have sometimes appeared that we didn't care, the truth is that we did care but just weren't able to show it. We do understand the issues we had, and that is entirely why we have decided to pull out.
Can't you just run a HM-sponsored tournament for ET given that you were ready to fund it yourselves anyway? It would be fantastic!
Full tilt has been down a long time now, not their fault tbh, full tillt probs never gonna go back online :< and i has lost my moneyz on it :<
what fumble said

IMPROVE this site now! ;)
Hopefully this allows the CF crew a bit more breathing room, I look forward to seeing what you guys do now. :)
oh, you so polish !
This could be heaven for everyone.
this world could be fed, this world can be fun
good hm is shit partner anyway. they dident do nothing for this site and comunity.
Lol where the hell have you been?
Crossfire will be looking for ways to best support the ET community

lol et comunity... GOOD LUCK!
GREAT news now where toss enjoys daily journals!

Good for you, Stuart - and good for the community.

GL :)
nothing will change, so i dont care
best news on cf since the announcement about joining HM
what a day what a night cor enemy territoty
The Future's Bright.
So basicly it says HM didnt want to invest anything into CF and thats the reason for parting ways.
Looking forward to what Tosspot may have in store for crossfire then :)
well, i wouldn't call the partnership "all bad" and "nothing ever happened". They did give out some prizes for contributing to crossfire and Corin has been around manny times, especially when there have been problems.
True. Was gutted after the denial of the search approval due to the close-minded Microsoft-tech guys over at HM though. I understand the commercial goals of the company and how CF wasn't really profitable to justify investments, yet blocking free improvements to the site due to technical incompetence of a certain tech guy really grinds my gears.
wanna edit again?
:D I let users think that admins are not proof reading their comments, now see what you did! xD
At first I added "chosen you're a douche", but then I edited it out cuz flaming admins ain't allowed!
so you did proof read it! damn, I see new times have appeared :c
proof-reading is my middle name bro
nope, that's 'belgium guy'
So who owns crossfire now?
So he purchased it back having sold it in the first place?

Sounds like a good bit of business :) GL Stu hopefully you can breathe some life back into the community... somehow...
like heaven media restricted him in doing anything in the first place? pretty lame excuse from him if he says that to be the case..
they own it = they call the show. How is it a lame excuse?
And who's fault was that? surely by selling the site to another entity, the person in question, is fully aware of what the consequences will be, and now there seems to be an element of surprise, like something else was expected from the deal? What, you thought Heaven Media were going to love up CF and host cups and tournaments for ET? Come on..
Kamz, Kamz, Kamz...

HM couldn't give the attention they initially wanted.
Let's be honest, it was just a pay day for Mr Stuart Saw.

Do I blame him? No.. Is it fucking lame to act like it was anything else? Yes.
"the community"?
Well its not like we noticed anything from HMG besides some banners
what a nice example of empty talk :)
Do not care.
Damn, they gave me a free Razer Deathadder a few years ago! :D
Time for you to come back
Too busy :( Working hard, need money!
journal pls
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