ESL Summer League Final!

image: 160071i The ESL 5v5 Summer League started with its first broadcasted game 3 months ago and since then the community were able to watch more than 120 intense Enemy Territory battles and tonight will bring us the grand final right on the screen with the crew of Netherlands Mouse Control fighting against the all-Polish side of Poland tMoe. Both teams have shown a great performance during the tournament and with beating clans like Bossid or RAAB they surely have deserved their final spot. According to the schedule fanatic and co are more active but I am sure that the likes of Ati_ and joshua will get back in shape faster than the warmup timer counts.

Check the Read more section for the lineups and some community predictions and head over to and save a slot for the last (?) exciting 5v5 battle this year!
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image: s_news

Netherlands Mouse Control

Netherlands saKen
Netherlands joshua
Netherlands SQuid
Netherlands NoHead
Netherlands Ati_

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Poland tMoe

Poland czaroo
Poland fanatic
Poland ska
Poland syriusZ
Poland voiler

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Date: Tonight
Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: TBA
League: image: etESL 5v5 Summer Leagueimage: game27991
image: s_foot

QuoteI believe tMoe will be able to take a map but Mouse control should be too experienced to let them get any further than that. 4-2 for Mouse control! - Belgium Lazio

QuoteI think Mouse control is gonna get the match 4-2, they've already won tMoe before and I think Mouse control are more used to play under pressure like a final could suposse for those players. - Spain Winghaven

QuoteWell the summer comes to an end and we see the Grand Final of ESL's Summer League take place. I think Mouse Control should walk away with a victory, although tMoe should not be underrated, I just think Mouse Control have turned the corner and become quite a solid lineup since their E-Series victory earlier this year. Final score will be 4:0 to Mouse Control, although tMoe could pull one back to make it 4:2 depending on the maps and how well the likes of fanatic and ska play. - United Kingdom MerlinatoR

QuoteAlthough I think that tMoe is the more active team what makes their chances to win even bigger, Mouse Control shouldnt be underrated. They had some pretty good results in the past and have shown us some decent matches.Yet the polish team might surprise, since I dont know their current performance. My prediction for this match is: 4-2 Mouse Control. - Germany s1LENT

QuoteMouseControl should be the favourites, I see them winning 4-2. - Belgium Jere

QuoteAlthough both teams have been playing together for a while, Mouse Control seem to have a better lineup and teamplay. As we can see from the previous results, Mouse Control won against to Make odds even before. The fact that tMoe has to win twice makes everything harder for their side and although the Dutch seems a bit inactive lately I think Mouse Control will win 4-2 (or maybe 4-0...). Good luck both teams! - Portugal ag0n

QuoteWell since Mouse Control allready won the first battle vs tMoe during the cup, I guess this time it will be more close. Why? because I follow the scene alot and Mouse Control didnt play that much lately. But on the other side we got the all changing tMoe lineup with new players every cup which normally should result in a decrease for their teamplay... In my oppinion this will end 4-2 to Mouse Control" - Russia humM3L
gl syriush :U
4-0 for mcon
last offi in ET for me I guess :)
Haven't played ET since brink shizzle ;d uni and rl taking over :)
Okey, GL with RL, hope you return some day :P
gl mate x:)
Finally! :)
wtf didnt the pros see me in the lu that they think mCon will win?
Nice Quotes :')

gl both, 4-2 mouse in my opinion
QuoteAlthough I think that tMoe is the more active team what makes their chances to win even bigger

[15:49:21] <syriusZ> 6o6 war
[15:49:25] <dnl> 6o6 ET
[15:49:29] <syriusZ> 6o6
[15:49:41] <+fanatic> 6o6 skilled
[15:49:48] <syriusZ> KAMZ

ET is dead man, we've already been looking for an opponent for tonight lolz
kamz is the most important part
biggest geek
Very nice news, SPU9! Thanks man!
poland brought bremen, but spho was really in the game and the enemy was not, no chance against spho in the game
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