BF3 Beta [update]

image: 307tawy

On the 29th September the Battlefield 3 Open Beta went live, giving you the chance to play before the games release on the 28th October. If you're new to the Battlefield series then it can be summarised as another modern First Person Shooter which features plenty of vehicular game-play. It's cutting edge graphics and physics are provided by the brand new Frostbite 2 engine - but don't expect to run this game on your machine that can barely churn out 125fps in Enemy Territory. The developers revealed that two top of the range graphic cards in SLI will just about be enough to make the most of the engines potential, and for anyone else who wishes to see Battlefield at its best then an upgrade will be in order.

Access to the Beta is straightforward. First you'll need to set up an EA Origin account which can be done here, then download the Origin client. (Origin is a new online store, similar to Steam, which has been surrounded in heavy controversy since announcing it's Terms & Conditions - which I give my full opinion on here.) Once that's complete you can proceed to download the game from the Free Games section of the Origin's store. If your PC is struggling to run the game then both nVidia and ATI have released updated graphics drivers specifically designed to increase performance in Battlefield 3 and the links to those can be found below.

Levin has posted a forum topic to localise the Battlefield 3 Beta players from Crossfire. There you'll find an existing player list and a link to the 'Crossfire Platoon'.

Battlefield 3 Beta Impressions

QuoteFirst off, the whole origin business - completely redundant if you take the web UI into account. It only seems to add some simple verification, there's no reason at all for them to think they can compete with steam. The separate friend list is just cumbersome. The server browser isn't as responsive as you'd like and without a queue option it's quite annoying to have to join a server manually - and the quick match feature seems to want me to play in France instead of Holland or Germany.

Gameplay reminds me of a crossover between Battlefield Bad Company 2 and the latest MoH. Worst part is that you have CoD-style health which sucks because you're dead rather quickly. In your average game there are so many people in vehicles shooting at you that you don't survive out of cover very long, it'd be nice to be able to take a few more hits. Hit detection is fine. Yet another developer hating on the M16 :(

I have mixed feelings on the whole unlock system as I'm not really in favour of that but there's plenty to unlock so plenty of stuff you'll never touch - there's simply no point putting 7x scopes on assault rifles. All of that said, it's relatively easy to do well in this beta once you know when to push and when to camp.

QuoteImpressions - pretty hard to say because it's still a beta without planes and choppers and vehicles and other stuff, what I do like is that it reminds me of BF2 (the game I nerded for ages back in 2k5), the weapon costumisation is something new and nice, the more you play the easier you can get frags due to some scopes and other tweaks, new weapons while leveling up. The graphics are way better than BF:BC2 or any other game, I'm playing on like 1280x1024 on low-med gfx with like 50 fps, still it's nice, especially last stage of "operation metro" when stuff blows up!. Tweaking/changing gfx doesn't help, literally it doesn't. Some new stuff like seeing snipers from a huge distance only because they're scope is blinking due to sun hitting it, is really something amazing :D

I won't go into bugs because I think we all already know the most obvious stuff going on, looking forward to the full game, hopefully I can manage 100fps with my PC when they tweak up, hopefully it will not take ages to do a patch (like EA like to do that).

QuoteWhoever designed the menu system in this game should be thrown off a tall building. It's like they took everything that was wrong with Bad Company 2 and then made it worse.

The actual gameplay is great though.

United Kingdom
QuoteHaving not really played the BF series before I wasn't sure what to expect. The game provides a stunning visual experience, even on the medium settings. Good fun/class choices/weapon choices but as you can imagine it's somewhat buggy, especially the Origin side of things. Despite that I'll likely buy the game on release.

United Kingdom
QuoteI was looking forward to BF3 because like many the visuals and pre launch hype was too good to ignore. Unfortunately great marketing can't cover up the most awful user experience in the history of gaming and there's no defence to it because its nothing to do with the game itself. Who the hell created Origin? I actually cannot believe such a product exists in this form, it's the worst UX ever. I remember the days when once you'd installed a game there was a servers tab and you could just a join a game by clicking on the server...with Origin and BF3 you have to download a browser plugin, update your nvidia drivers (to a driver release that isn't out) then update the origin plugin, then hope that when you select join server it actually connects because it'll only actually connect about 10% of the time, if you go through the server tab and see a server with spaces that's no assurance that the server isn't magically full. There's a good 10+ clicks involved to actually get into the game.

On the few times when you actually do get into the game, there are some massive problems - its very hard to know where you're being shot from, the sound seems off and the weapon damage appears to have no variance. The word random comes to mind. I actually don't care about that because that's Battlefield, and I like Battlefield for driving around in tanks and aeroplanes etc - its never been a 'shooter' in the most literal sense. The beta has certainly made sure in a month when there are many games coming out, I will avoid purchasing this. Maybe in a few months I'll dive back in, but no time soon. Also a warning, make sure you turn off Origin when you stop playing BF, it'll massacre your connection in other games.
I know, but it needed some front page love.
I feel you bro, got the same from time to time :)
ye you said no to sticky fgt
The game actually wouldn't start unless I installed the latest beta drivers from NVIDIA.

The beta is OK thus far, but Rush on Operation Metro was a pretty poor choice by the developers in my opinion. The Rush gameplay mechanics and the layout of the map invite heavy camping by the defenders. It would've been more interesting if we could play Conquest on the same map.
Decent public game.

OS: Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) 32-Bit
Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core (Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHZ or Althon X2 2.7 GHz)
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Drive: 20 GB
Graphics Card (AMD): DirectX 10.1 compatible with 512 MB RAM (ATI RADEON 3000, 4000, 5000 OR 6000 series, with ATI RADEON 3870 or higher performance)
Graphics Card (NVIDIA): DirectX 10.0 compatible with 512 MB RAM (NVIDIA GEFORCE 8, 9, 200, 300, 400 OR 500 series with NVIDIA GEFORCE 8800 GT or higher performance)
Sound card : DirectX compatible
Keyboard and Mouse


OS: Windows 7 64-Bit
Processor: Quad-Core CPU
Memory: 4 GB
Hard Drive: 20 GB
Graphics Card: DirectX 11 compatible with 1024 MB RAM (NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 560 or ATI RADEON 6950)
Sound Card: DirectX compatible
Keyboard and Mouse
ET > bf3
it feels awesome, apart from the bugs (sliding corpses?!)
sliding corpses, screen flashing, some light problems, models stand in a weird way while reviving some1

typical beta bugs LOl
typical shitgame bugs
first stage on metro has some weird places where you seem to sink into the terrain.
also if the round ends while you are typing in chat the keyboard is completely dead on next map, all sorts of things like that.
as you said typical beta bugs
The map is not so Battlefieldish, BF maps should have transporters, tanks, choopers... The gamplay is very similar to Bad Company 2, whichisnot so good... The battlelog option is sick, what a stupid shit... The game will not be competetive imo.
BF2 had infantry maps as well and if you look at some of the Caspian Border gameplay you'll know why they didn't put in any vehicles.
aren't u tired of explaining to everyone that its a beta and its inf. only :D

so funny to read comments from all the retards saying its a fail

tho i dont like origin and battlelog at all
ye, bugs right? I expected some BF2 experience gameplay, not Bad Company 2
why would you expect the developers to take steps backwards?
because the two series of games have their own branch of game play. Bad company is a more compact battlefield, Battlefield is a massive battlefield
lets not forget that there was BF2142 in between which is more similar to bc2 than to bf2.
also 32v32 is back so i dont really see this game being "smaller scal" than bf2. quite the opposite i may add cause bf2 maps were smaller than caspian border.
i think they have very carefully decided how to develop their game in the future. they took many that worked great in bc2 and made it so popular, they reintroduced stuff (prone but with a nice pause of fire when changing stance to prevent bf2's dolphin diving, mobile spawnpoint like 2142). they made the game be a lot more aim centered, remade and rebalanced the classes (4 class system is a lot better than the million classes from bf2 cause you were so freaking limited in what you were able to do).
i have played every single BF game and I think they imrpoved the game each time.
all the noobs that are whining about it not being bf2 should play bf2 or bf play4free (which is a remake). Also when compared to the changes from bf2->2142 and 2142->bc2 they have gone somewhat oldschool again which is quite a big deal cause bc2 was hugely successful.
ive enjoyed all the bf games too, it relies heavily on team play + its realistic ;)
i am still absolutely amazed by how good the weapons feel this time around. every single weapon has its unique feel, the muzzleclimb and horizontal spray is well balanced with the damage, each weapon has its specific use but is never hopefully underpowered (in bc2 you didnt stand a chance with a UMP against a scope, now you do if you control it correctly) and all the weapons can be adapted to the situation (lol tac light always OP).
i absolutely love it and played to lvl42 out of 45 in 16,5 hours.
The tactical light doesn't feel right as in that you're blinded completely even though they're not aiming right at your face. Apart from that I don't fully agree about the weapons, because the two starting weapons for Assault suck ass and some of the SMGs seem too accurate over longer distances (BC2 had that problem too).
MGs are for bipod campers.
I _only_ play PDW for that exact reason: they are beasty, even on range.
That however makes the game feel fast paced and thats exactly what I want. I want to be able to outrun bipod MGs, I want to see the glint from scopes and I want the short weapons to be the best. Cba with all the campy shit games that have been released in recent years, this feels awesome.
That's funny, because like I said Rush combined with this map is chokepoint camper's heaven. The average CoD game has more overpowered SMGs and less campers than this one.
you should maybe reconsider your routes cause i have never had any problems with a camper that could not be flanked.
I'm not saying I can't run around them, but it just invites people to camp heavily (plus it actually rewards them for it).
i dont mind them proning somewhere ima just rush around the corner blind them with my taclight and be done with them.
the balance is there i think (note the absence of flashbangs cause close quarter combat is already on my/the rushers side)
Bcuz BF2 gameplay is much exctitng and enjoyable than bc2
bf2 was nice but bc2 is simply better.
even 2142 was better imo. improving a game is good, keeping it simple and doing nothing with it is boring. but hey what can one expect from a community playing a game which is as old as the average age of its players.
I wanted BF2+ just as much as anyone else, but you can't expect them to make games like that again.
thats too bad ...
they disabled vehicles for beta they will be avi in the full version.
Sounds nice, if I find the time tomorrow I'll download the game and have a look at it :)
i'd like to try it but my OS is too primitive seems
ill try this shit.
BF3 > ET

I simply won't buy it because of the retarded form of DRM, especially if the final game won't include a proper main menu where you can tweak your settings without actually joining a server and whatnot.

(By DRM I mean the whole fucking process of first having to run the game through Origin, after which you will be taken to the Battlelog site [also fgsfds, having to run a game as heavy on your computer as this while having a fucking browser open], through which you'll finally get to launch the game if you're fortunate enough not to have some shitty error messages.)
just played and tbh its pretty nice. though i cant see any changes from bc2 and i still dislike the rush mode
i like the rush mode from bc2 and if there is no change to it then i will like this mode in bf3 too. it's nice to play i think it would be a good competition gamemode.
Every developer just wants a piece of that MW formulated cash-money pie.
can i run this game ? if i can run ET on high settings and 1280x1024 resoltuion with 125 fps ?
Are you fucking serious? xDDD
Anyone wanna play on XBOX?
Quote(Origin is a new online store, similar to Steam, which has been surrounded in heavy controversy since announcing it's Terms & Conditions - which I will be giving my full opinion on tomorrow

Been playing for a while and I can't complain (from a "Sunday player" point of view). Yeah, there are some bizarre bugs (especially when it comes to attachment drawing and being in limbo, plus crawling while being half underground and stuff like that) and just ... well ... wrong game setup system, but all in all - fun game which I'm pretty sure I'll buy. Not in EU, of course.
I know why sound system is so bad, by default stereo is disabled, guess they forgot to change it when compiled xbox version for PC.
You do realise that they actually ported it from PC onto the consoles and actually developed it on the PC?

(Not trying to glorify them in any way, seeing as they're fucking us up with the whole Origin/Battlelog bullshit, but credit where credit is due, you don't see developers building anything on PC these days.)
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