PB support discontinued for RTCW, ET and ETQW

Long stalwart of competitive gaming Punkbuster has today discontinued support for ID Softwares RTCW & ET Series of games today. Theres no official statement or reason to be found just yet but PB Bans has stated there will only be streaming left for the time being.

Quote by pbbans.com
EvenBalance has dropped support for RTCW, Enemy Territory and ET Quake Wars. The Enemy Territory section on the EB website has been removed.

Streaming support will continue for the time being.

Windows files
nice, tell all jaymod & NQ fags to join etpro if they want anticheat :3
and if they do - u all cry at them " fucking jaymod noob go back where u came from"
not rly, it's not like I would be playing vs them, why would I care about them being shit :P they'd have their own skill to compete against in wars + majority would probably just be pubnoobs.
yea that skill is called med these days
eehhehehhe. no.
there is tzac for non etpro :X
another anticheat replaced PB since some times already.
most of them didnt use pb for a long time.

obvious i am the first posting this here......
already posted in forums, couldnt care less here, we are using another anti cheat
maybe but i think this let die ET faster and stop newer players too eyjoy playing et
better if jaymoder come on etpro, same for others who play etpub, nq,

ETPro scene will be more active 8)
rly ? my servers allway more empty then full TZAC/ETPro (Pub) :(
didnt understand

but i prefer to see more guys searching war on irc than public serv full of players
dont want Play 24/7 Wars :)
i dont play 24/7 wars anymore :)

but better to see more players in competition ( matches, in cup, etc )
yes yes better then less players ^^
This game is dead man. :) You are only few players who still playing Wolf: ET, there is no reason to support it with pb and stuff. That the way it is!
thanks for ur info, you can now go back to your cave
That a kind of taunt but you know that I'm right.
im playing less also because im not addicted as before, ET is less active? me too, so i dont rly give a shit

but ye still better if this game become more active :)
so et will be totally dead in 1 year
thats the point i play BFBC2 ^^ or wait for Diablo 3
thats the point why we dont care about people like you ^^
and i dont care about people like u have no EUR for new Games ^^
erm.. do you speak english?
i mean i dont care about guys who have no money for new games ^^
playing ET only doesnt mean "no money" just we like ET. Problem OFFICER ?
you have mental deficiency
who cares ?
idiot :D let me guess you are just too talentless to become good at ET, so you switched to another game and now you just a prick, hate people like you :)
i care rly about ur words on internet only
and we rly care about ur words. nobody asked for ur oppinion.
say me that on rl not on internet

e. Member For: 4 months and 13 days

i lol'd rly hard
money is not the reason. shooters from nowadays are just plain stupid and are not so skill dependent like it is in ET.

Also ppl here tried to play newer games, but I saw many come back (as well for me), because no other game really can compete to ET.
yes u have right
get cancer
my comment has been deleted for saying that. Why not yours? fucking frop nazi
because casek is cool
perfect time for every pub or even mod to start using tzac :)
how can every mod start using tzac if chaplja has only made a server addon for etpro?
.... start thinking before asking dumb questions... obviously, as pb did, it would need some previous work and they need to show some interest, which might end up in chaplja coding something for them... or maybe not.. who knows...
or everyone just comes to etpro, everyone under one mod would keep et alive for long timez.
indeed, but unfortunately there is too much lowbobs playing other mods :f
95% of etpro players began as lowbobs
u got me wrong... i mean alot of people that do not care about skill or competition prefer to plays this other mods just for fun, because they have alot more weapons and useless stuff for us
back when i was playing @ pubmods and my clan had hundreds of members, when we found out about etpro and playing wars everyone was excited to leave the publics & play in cups :P obviously not everyone did continue to play it but just think about how many people in the et scene right now did come from 2.55 publics and shit ;P
am i the only person here that had his first contact to et in a 6v6 clanwar? :DDDDD i remember being engie at oasis, my friend telling the the keys (from his cfg) loool :D:D and i was building all mg's around muahaha
first time i played et was on a public, i kept saying to my younger brother "wtf, how can you play this shit, when you kill someone they come back 10sec later"

he said to try it and here i am after like 5 years of this game!
^^ i kinda "knew" how the game was.. 2 friends started playing it competitively before i had internet.. i remember watching their praccs for oc 1st back at 2004/2005
since 2002 i would watch my brother playing rtcw wars :D didn't understand shit though
When I started ET I was winning EC... :S
-.-? niggah plx
its not just that simple, a lot of people play jaymod/nq/random pub mod because they enjoy it more than ETPro, double jump, weapons and things like that make the game more fun than your standard ETPro pub for some and they're just as entitled to enjoy the game as you are
I know, I do miss those old adminlvl & miscweapons days too. people will still play those mods just without anticheat, I just hope those who play because they want to prove they're skilled would move to etpro. I had countless clanmates back then who didn't use all of those jaymod addons like poison gas n stuff, just interested in getting lots of headshots. there are definitely a lot of people who don't play etpro because they don't like it but the ones I 'introduced' etpro to seemed to love the idea of practicing with your clan and not just wearing a tag on a public. playing clanwars brings a certain level of excitement too, some don't enjoy it though as you've said, or just enjoy their game-mode more.
lol at retards above me forwarding tzac -> etpro to jaymod or etpub
So they lost the fight aganst cheaters? :D
old news is old.
So pub scene is now finally dead :(
First adawolfa, now punkbuster.. ET is dieing :S
finally some good news
like they ever fucking supported et anyway.... TZAC FTW!
Lol at people getting all happy..

Do you know what this means? This means the community becomes more reliant on TZAC now. This means the community now relies solely on chaplja and his anti-cheat that still to this date, did not detect I used some illegal software 4-5 months ago..
this explains why u so good @ rage :S
I'm sure people cheat on SLAC.. But i guess it's better than no AC in almost everyone's eyes!

Doesn't lag me either, which is a plus.
he's not talking about a bot or wh or anything injected into ET though, I really doubt anyone is using a hack like that.
I'd be surprised if nobody is cheating on SLAC.
I'd bet everything I own that nobody is botting or wallhacking on tzac. I've played against these guys like that finnish random people kept calling a cheater (pittysky?) and he was fucking horrific, just going for kills but failing like that. only your Domi's and VJTO's still think people are cheating. since tzac was released the only people I thought were cheating ended up on the banlist, and I used to play against a lot of people :P

(kamz was using a lagscript or something incase you're wondering, nothing to do with ET)
Some people don't care if they get banned, so cheat on TZAC. That's what I mean. As for regular cheaters, no idea.
yeah then that's of course true otherwise there would be no tzac bans :d but I would really be surprised if anyone is actually bypassing tzac.
I have it on pretty good authority that some people are still cheating, so I'll be happy to take everything you own. Thanks!
obviously anyone can cheat, but nobody is bypassing tzac.

e: "still cheating" - you seriously think some people are using undetected cheats? :D
this made me sad :/
buzz-killing, it's what i do
we are lucky because chaplja made slac/tzac, without that it would be total chaos in ET :P
atleast tzac saved some percent of ET
hmm, we were playing without PB before SLAC aswell? :o
thats true, but people who are playing etpub/nq/jaymod can now maybe use tzac addon somehow for anticheat system since evenbalance doesent support ET anymore
nc > pb proof bots > no profit :P
ahahaha :D
"maybe now those noob players from 2.55, 2.56, 2.60 + the shit mods will come to etpro 2.60b ? :D cuz they have no anticheat left"
bring back netCoders! heard pansemuckl and rainer are active again and delighted with this news
Don't die on me ET.
so 56,351 is the final pb ban amount, impressive.. well, at least cod4 has beaten that with 72k and growing, wonder if they gotta buy a game every time after they receive a ban D:
I've read something on nC a few year ago, was something with a 'package deal' which had like 1 cdkey PER DAY in it, that explains I guess :D
Punks,they killed ET. :/
It would be impossible to generate new et keys..tehhh fuckk :@
That's great,but what about the new players who will download ET and got no clue about that site?
that etkey generator could be integrated in the et installers out there
http://etkey.org maybe put up that site into the newspost... kinda helpful for newbs... there you can generate etkeys easily...
you can generate your own key removing "etkey" /etmain and then join ET.exe :P
you cant with no pb lol
good riddance
maybe now those noob players from 2.55, 2.56, 2.60 + the shit mods will come to etpro 2.60b ? :D cuz they have no anticheat left
They have never heard of 2.6b and average age is 13 so they have never ever heard of patches. Since there's no possibility to automatically update ET from 2.55 to 2.6b they will stay at 2.55 :(
there are so many jaymod/ no quarter servers now:x
Maybe someone is interessted in a little pk3 I made against the problem that new player don`t know about the issue.
image: 4381
There is also an installer for Punkbuster for ET hosted on etkey.org.
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